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(A Classroom Action Research on Second Grade Students in SMP Alfa Centauri Bandung)

A Research Proposal

Alifa Binta S





1. Introduction
Language and human beings can not be separated. Human uses language to survive since it is
used to express ideas, to form thoughts and feelings, will and activity. Achieving the
communicative function, it is needed to have knowledge about language itself. There are many
lists of the areas of knowledge which every first language and second learners must acquire. The
knowledge of language for first language is automatically available and is somehow usually
acquired with no conscious effort. It is comparable for second language, even though much time
and effort on learning, the knowledge is seldom achieved.
There is several language components involved in language learning; they are vocabulary,
grammar and pronunciation. Keith Folse states in his article, The Underestimated Importance of
Vocabulary in Foreign Language Classroom many argue that vocabulary is one of the most
important-if not the most important components in learning a foreign language, and foreign
language curricula must reflect this.
Vocabulary has a significant role in language. Basically, learning language is a matter of
learning vocabulary of that language. Research has shown that vocabulary knowledge plays a
critical role in students’ literacy development (Scott, Jamieson-Noel, & Asselin, 2003). Wilkins
(1972) states that without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can
be conveyed. Thus, it can be concluded that learning vocabulary is important as the basic need to
encounter a new language.
Vocabulary is taught in many different ways. Based on study conducted by Rosmayanti
(2008), in most Indonesian traditional English language class, most teachers use conventional
method in teaching vocabulary in which teacher only give the students a non-stop drilling
memorization practice. This type of learning can sometimes make learners frustrated when they
have to remember or to memorize a list of new words at once. Thus, working this way, after a
short period of time, many learners may find out that learning vocabulary in lists does not satisfy
themselves, and they think the cause for it is just their bad memorization, Gnoinska (1998:12).
Therefore, the “look and remember” way of vocabulary learning seems to be not very effective
for learners of the English language.
Cited in Iin Nurhasanah’s paper (2006), studies conducted by Beck, Mc Keown and Kucan
(2002) show that provided dictionary definitions and asked brief questions about the words
indicated: 63% of students’ sentences were judged to be “odd” (Miller & Gildea, 1985), 60% of
students’ responses were unacceptable (Mc Keown, 1993), and students frequently interpreted
one or two words from s definition as the entire meaning (Scott & Nagy, 1989).
In the first case study in Indonesia, that type of vocabulary learning makes the students
bored, less motivated and caused lack of vocabularies and fluency. Lewis & Hill (1990) states
that students are unlikely to be very successful at learning unless they enjoy the process. In the
second case, memorization may feel burdened when they cannot remember the list of words
given. Therefore, teacher needs strategy to avoid this kind of problem by creating activities
which is interesting and worth doing, especially in this case is vocabulary learning lesson to
encourage the students. Since, students’ feeling toward the lesson will influence the learning
success outcome.
One of the activities of teaching and learning vocabulary which is believed to be the best
way of teaching and learning vocabulary is through game. Ersoz (2000) holds that games are
highly appreciated thanks to their amusement and interest. Nguyen Thi Huyen and Khuat Thi
Thu Nga (2003) say that:
Games have been shown to have advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways. First,
games bring in relaxation and fun for students, thus help them learn and retain new words more easily. Second,
games usually involve friendly competition and they keep learners interested. These create the motivation for
learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. Third, vocabulary games
bring real world context into the classroom, and enhance students’ use of English in a flexible, communicative
Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and
meaningful. The students want to take part and in order to do so they must understand what the
others are saying or written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of
view or give information.
Jung (2006) considers that the usage of games can be a powerful language learning tool.
There are so many games that can be applied by teacher concerning to how to improve the
students’ vocabulary mastery, such as the alphabet game, hangman, word search, puzzle and so
One of the most famous games in the rest of twentieth century named crossword now has
been beneficially used in teaching learning process. Jones (2007 in Building Vocabulary Skill)
cites that crossword solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary, reasoning,
spelling and word attack skills. To solve any crossword puzzle, a person must be able to identify
and understand the terms which are being used. This often involves acquiring new vocabulary or
terminology. Paul (2003:99) says that crossword puzzle can be used at any level, and is
wonderful way to bring together vocabulary from many different lessons.
Having the explanations above; the writer which is also a teacher with the same vocabulary
learning problems grasps that crossword puzzle game might be solvable. The researcher will
conduct Classroom Action Research as a learning therapy. Dunkin & Biddle; Hopkins (1993)
explains that Classroom Action Research is a kind of research on instructional activity, aimed to
discuss all kinds of problem that appear during teaching and learning process and to find
solutions to the problems faced by the teacher in the class.
In this research, the writer will implement crossword puzzle game in vocabulary learning to
know whether crossword improve students’ vocabulary mastery or not. And the writer tries to
investigate how the students perceive or respond toward the implementation of this game.
2. Research Questions
The research is conducted under 2 major questions. They are as follow:
1. Does the use of “Crossword” puzzle significantly improve students’ vocabulary mastery?
2. What are the students’ responses toward the use of “crossword” puzzle in improving their
3. The Aims of the Research
Derived directly from the mentioned research questions above, the aims of this research are:
1. to find out whether the use of “crossword” puzzle can significantly improve students’
vocabulary mastery or not;
2. to find out the students’ responses toward the use of “crossword” puzzle in improving
their vocabulary mastery.
4. Research Methods
4.1 Research Design
Regarding to the main aims of the study, classroom action research is used to find out
the answers of the mentioned research questions. Classroom action research is research
that is done by a person (teacher) which aims to improve teaching learning process in
his/her classroom (Kemmis&McTaggart, 1988:6, as cited in Nunan, 1992). Action
research consists of cycle. According to Kemmis&McTaggart, there are four basic steps
in the action research. They are planning, acting, observing and reflecting.
This research will also employ descriptive qualitative research method. Verma &Beard
(1981:57) states that descriptive method of research is primarily concerned with
portraying the present, while according to Mc Milan& Schumacher descriptive design
simply describes an existing phenomenon by using numbers to characterize individuals
or a group (1989:33). Qualitative research is the research method aimed to observe
people and their environment, interact with them and attempt to understand their
language and point of view about their surrounding (Nasution, 2003:5).
4.2 Subject of Research
The subject of research are 2nd grade students of SMP Alfa Centauri Bandung. The
subjects are chosen since they experienced vocabulary learning problems. The
participant of the class consists of 20 students.
4.3 Data Collection
The data will be gathered by using some instruments such as follow:
a. Observation is used to gain a description of how well the game work in vocabulary
learning process and to the students’ responses toward the use of “crossword” game
in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
b. Interview is used to gain students’ perception toward the use of crossword puzzle in
improving their vocabulary mastery.
c. Field notes are used to know the instructional activities in the class during the
implementation of crossword puzzle in vocabulary learning obviously in written
d. Test is used to measure students’ improvement of vocabulary learning.
4.4 Data Analysis
The qualitative data will be obtained from the result of observation, interview and field
notes. The gathered data will be analyzed descriptively. The analysis of is to find out how
the crossword puzzle is used in the class to improve students’ vocabulary mastery and the
students’ responses toward the use of crossword puzzle. To support the descriptive data, the
result of test will be used to measure the students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery.
5. Significance of Study
The results of this study are expected to give alternative activity to teacher to use crossword
puzzle as one of worth doing activity to improve students’ vocabulary.
The most significant contribution of this study is to provide a description of crossword puzzle
and vocabulary learning, which will show the implementations of crossword puzzle in
improving vocabulary learning.
The findings from this study can be used both of teacher and school board as a consideration
to improve the quality of teaching learning especially in vocabulary teaching.
6. Clarification of Terms
Here are some terms clarified in order to avoid misunderstanding:
a. Vocabulary
According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary New Edition, 2004, the definitions of
vocabulary are: “1) all the words that a person knows or uses; 2) all the words in a language.
Vocabulary can be defined as a list words, usually in alphabetical order and with
explanations of their meanings, less complete than a dictionary (Paul P, 1978: p.1229).
Meanwhile, a word has three aspects; form, meaning, and distribution.
b. “Crossword” puzzle game
A crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or rectangular
grid of white and shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming
words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers. In languages which are written
left-to-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from
top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases. Squares in
which answers begin are usually numbered. The clues are then referred to by these numbers
and a direction, for example, "4-Across" or "20-Down".
c. Classroom Action Research
A research which is used to overcome problems occurs in the process of teaching
learning. It consists of 4 actions in a cycle. They are planning, acting, observing and
reflecting (Hopkins, 1992).
7. Organization of Paper
Chapter I: Introduction
This chapter will attempt to provide the background of the study, the statements of the
problems, the aims of research, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, the
research methodology, clarification of terms and Organization of paper. This chapter also
provides a brief explanation of the issues and various aspects which is related to the
realization of the paper.
Chapter II: Theoretical Foundation
This chapter will explain related theories and literature. It describes some theories which are
related to vocabulary teaching and a brief explanation of crossword puzzle in vocabulary
teaching. This chapter is a basic for gaining the aims of study.
Chapter III: Research Methodology
This chapter will cover the research methodology that is used in this study. It includes
research design, data collection and data analysis.
Chapter IV: Findings and Discussions
This chapter will discuss some findings of the study based on the data collected. Those
findings are analyzed and presented in a systematic way.
Chapter V: Conclusions and Suggestions
This chapter will be divided into 2 sections. They are Conclusions and Suggestions.
Conclusions will draw the important points of the research findings. While, suggestion
section researcher will give some suggestion that will open an opportunity to conduct a
further research on the same issue.
References end the paper.
Folse, S.K., (2004) The Underestimated Importance of Vocabulary in The Foreign Langauge
Classroom. Taken from: CLEARNews Fall 2004. [27 Agustus 2010]
Gairns, R and Redman, S. (1986) Working with Words. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, Kerry (2007) Building Vocabulary Skill. Retrieved from:
[28Agustus 2010]
Moras, S., (2001) Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students: A Lexical Approach. Retrieved
from [27 Agustus 2010]
NN. Crossword-Wikipedia, the Free Enclycopedia. Taken from: [24 July 2010]
Nurhasanah, Iin. (2006) The Implementation of The Clarifying Routine Technique in Improving
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery. A Research Paper in FPBS UPI Bandung: unpublished.
Susilowati. (2007) A Descriptive Study on the Vocabulary Mastery of The Eleventh Year
Students of SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta Academic Year 2007/2008. Retrieved from:
vocabulary-mastery-eleventh-year-students-sma-negeri-2-surakarta-ac [24Juli 2010]
Ur, Penny. (1991) A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wright, A., Betteridge, D., and Buckby, M., (1983) Games for Language Learning.
Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

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