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Army Family Team Building Level II

How Time Conscious Are You?

Scoring Sheet
Scoring: To total your score, give yourself 1 point for each “A” response, 2 points for
each “B” response, and 3 points for each “C”.

# of A__________ X 1 =________

# of B__________ X 2 =________

# of C__________ X 3 =________

A score of 12 – 19 points: You are time-carefree. You don’t pay enough attention to
the limits that time imposes on your life. You probably frustrate others by your lax
attitude and low sense of time urgency. Strive to make and keep deadlines for
completing tasks.

A score of 20 – 29 points: You have a sensible attitude about time and a realistic
sense of urgency about getting things done when you should.

A score of 30 – 36 points: You are on your way to becoming a compulsive clock-

watcher. Train yourself to put things into perspective and tackle important tasks first.
Relax and get used to feeling comfortable with the idea that some things can be put off
until tomorrow without consequences.

Keep in mind that neither extreme time consciousness is particularly beneficial when it
comes to respecting your scheduling constraints. If you are too easygoing, you may miss
the chance to accomplish worthwhile goals. If you are too driven to “honor” time, then
you’ve made a potentially valuable personality trait into a liability.

2006/7 2.2 Handout 1-2

Army Family Team Building Level II

Personal Time Management

How Time Conscious Are You?

Rarely or Sometimes or Often or
very little moderately very much
1. It bothers me when I am late for an

2. I am disoriented when I forget to wear my


3. It is hard for me to let time go by and do

absolutely nothing.

4. It irritates me to be kept waiting.

5. It is upsetting for me to put off finishing a


6. I make lists of things to do.

7. I am on time for appointments and meet

deadlines and obligations that involve
8. I enjoy doing many things within a short
period of time.

9. When I have a few hours on my hands, I

think of how to best use the time.

10. If I expect a long wait, I bring work or

something to read.

11. I like to allocate blocks of time to specific


12. I carry a pad on which to jot down to do


2006/7 2.2 Handout 1-1

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