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Paris & Modern Visual Culture

*Gustave Caillebotte, A Balcony, Boulevard Haussmann, ca. 1880

*Constantin Guys, The Champs-Elysées, 1855

Edouard Manet

*Concert in the Tuileries, 1862

*Olympia, 1863, Salon of 1865

*The Balcony, 1868-69

*Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 1882


Pierre August Renoir

*Bal du Moulin de la Galette, 1876

Edgar Degas

*The Dance School, 1873

*Portraits at the Stock Exchange, 1879

*Berthe Morisot, Laundresses Hanging Out the Wash, 1875

*Mary Cassatt, Five O’Clock Tea, 1880

Impressionism & Gender

*Edouard Manet, Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 1882

*Mary Cassatt, At the Opera, 1880

*Morisot, Laundresses Hanging Out the Wash, 1875

*Morisot, The Psyché, 1876

*Mary Cassatt, Five O’Clock Tea, 1880

*Cassatt, The Bath, 1892

*Cassatt, The Boating Party, 1893-94

After Impressionism

George Seurat

*The Echo, 1883

*A Bathing Place, Asnières, 1883-84

*Paul Signac, The Dining Room, Breakfast, 1886-87

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

*Au Cirque Fernando: Equestrienne, 1887-88

*Ambassadeurs: Aristide Bruant, 1892

Vincent Van Gogh

*Portrait of Père Tanguy, 1887-88

*Yellow House at Arles, 1888

Paul Gauguin

*Christ in the Garden of Olives, 1889

*Manao Tupapau (Spirit of the Dead Watching), 1892

*Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?, 1897

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