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Sekip, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. 560300 Fax. 581876 E-mail:fku

Nomor : UGM/ KU/5767/M/05/04 Yogyakarta, 23 september 2010

Lamp. : 1 berkas
Hal : Pengumuman Pemenang PHKI-C
FK UGM TA 2010

Kepada Yth.
(daftar nama terlampir)

Dengan hormat,

Menindaklanjuti hasil review oleh Tim Reviewer PHKI FK UGM 2010, dengan ini
diberitahukan daftar pemenang Program Hibah Kompetisi Berbasis Institusi
(PHKI-C) FK UGM TA 2010 untuk masing-masing kategori (terlampir). Daftar
pemenang juga dapat dilihat di website

Penentuan pemenang PHKI-C FK UGM tahun 2009 berdasarkan pada keputusan

Tim Reviewer (expert judgement) dengan menggunakan kriteria penilaian yang
jelas dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan mengedepankan
kesinambungan penelitian dan kemanfaatan secara luas bagi FK UGM.
Keputusan Tim Reviewer bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Pemenang dua hibah yaitu penghargaan kolaborasi internasional dan hibah

inovasi karyawan belum dapat diputuskan karena masih menunggu penilaian

Kami menyampaikan terima kasih kepada semua peserta yang telah aktif
berpartisipasi dalam hibah tahun ini. Bagi para pemenang, kami sampaikan
ucapan selamat, dan bagi para peserta yang belum berhasil mendapatkan hibah
tahun ini kami sampaikan penghargaan dan semoga berhasil pada kesempatan
yang lain.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami menyampaikan banyak terima kasih.

Wakil Dekan Bidang Penelitian,

Pascasarjana dan Kerjasama

dr. Abu Tholib Aman, MSc, PhD, SpMK(K)

NIP. 196110201988111001
Sekip, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. 560300 Fax. 581876 E-mail:fku

Pemenang Hibah/Insentif PHKI-C FK UGM 2010

I. Insentif Penelitian Potensial Publikasi Int’ (5@Rp10juta*):

1. Epstein Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein-1 (LMP-1) Expression and Angiogenesis in
Indonesian Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC): LMP-1 is not correlated with Microvessels
Density (MVD), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Interleukin-8 (IL-8) -
Mardiah Suci Hardianti (Johan Kurnianda, Harijadi)
2. On admission serum MMP-9 level is a predictor of in-hospital cardiac event among acute
coronary syndrome - Dyah Wulan Anggrahini (Basuki Rahmat, Irsad Andarso, Budi Yuli)
3. The different outcome of pregnancy depend on its time course at the exposure to the disaster
situation - Elsi Dwi Hapsari (Sri Hartini, Rukmono, Sunarti)
4. Effects of partial substitution of pre-clinical skills training by attachments to primary care
helath centers. An experimental study - Widyandana (Gerard Majoor, Albert Scherpbier)
5. ica-expression and gentamicin susceptibility of S.epidermidis biofilm on orthopedic implant
biomaterials - Titik Nuryastuti (Bastian Krom, Abt T. Aman, Henk J. Busscher)

II. Insentif Publikasi Internasional (6 paket@Rp5 juta*)

1. The incremental cost-effectiveness of engaging private practitioners to refer tuberculosis
suspects to DOTS services in Jogjakarta, Indonesia - the American Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene 82(6), 2010, pp.1131-1139 (Yodi Mahendradhata, Riris Andono, Adi
2. Growth-inhibitory antibodies are not necessary for protective immunity to malaria infection
- Journal of Infection and Immunity, Feb 2010 p.680-687 (Elsa Herdiana, Lina Wang,
3. Additive in vitro antiplasmodial effect of N-Alkyl and N-Benzyl-1, 10-Phenanthroline
derivatives and Cysteine protease inhibitor E64 - Journal of Malaria Research and Treatment
, 2010 Article ID 540786
4. Maintaining balance and harmony: Javanese perceptions of health and cardiovascular
disease - Global Health Action 2010, 3:4660 (Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, Ann Ohman, Lars
5. Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) spectrum: clinical manifestations
and SCN1A mutations in Indonesian patients - Epilepsy Research (2010) 90, 132-139 (E.
Herini, Gunadi, Sutaryo)
6. Undernutrition during the gestation and suckling periods does not cause any loss of
pyramidal neurons in the CA2-CA3 region of the rat hippocampus - Nutritional
Neuroscience, June 2010 volume 13 (3) (Ginus Partadiredja, Kuldip S Bedi)

III. Insentif Penelitian Kolaborasi Internasional (2@Rp53 juta*)

1. Investment case for financing equitable progress towards MDG's 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific
Region - School of population Health, the Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane Australia
(Laksono Trisnantoro, Ova Emilia, Mei Neni)
2. Role of nurses to heal Bantul communities in post disaster - Kobe University Graduate
School of Health Sciences (Elsi Dwi Hapsari, Ema Madyaningrum, Lely Lusmilasari,
Satoshi Takada)
Sekip, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. 560300 Fax. 581876 E-mail:fku

IV. Penghargaan Penelitian Berkeunggulan Lokal (2@Rp12 juta*)

1. Efek hepatoprotektif yoghurt tempe (tempeghurt) thd hepatotoksik parasetamol dosis toksik:
kajian fungsi hati pada tikus galur wistar - Indwiani Astuti (Nuraini Wahyu, Rifka Kumala
2. Kebijakan surveilans-respons dan sistem informasi kesehatan di pusat dan daerah - Laksono
Trisnantoro (Hari Kusnanto, Nandyan Nurlaksana Wilastonegoro)
3. Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa) mencegah kenaikan tekanan darah dan tekanan nadi dg
menigkatkan akdar status antioksidan total (SAT) dan menurunkan malondialdehida (MDA)
- Denny Agustiningsih (Setyo Purwono, Budi Siswanto)

V. Insentif Penggunaan ICT (2 paket @Rp40 juta*)

1. E-Learning in hospital management: application of GaMel for postgraduate study in hospital
management at Faculty of Medicine, UGM - Adi Utarini
2. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Manajemen Bencana di Sektor Kesehatan -
Hendro Wartatmo (Bella Donna, Azis Bustari, Hendra Karisma)

VI. Insentif Penelitian Potensial HAKI (3 paket @Rp50 juta*)

1. Sediaan fitofarmaka ekstrak air akar pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia, jack) terstandar
untuk mengatasi gangguan seksual pada pria - Setyo Purwono (Eti Nurwening, I Dewa Putu
Pramantara, Mustofa)
2. Sleeved cryoloop vitrification, a novel device to preserve human embrio viability - Ita
Fauzia Hanoum (Djaswadi Dasuki, Mulyoto Pangestu)
3. Desain alat bantu makan anak cerebral palsy untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi ekstremitas atas,
kualitas hidup dan kebersihan makan anak di Yogyakarta - Sri Hartini (Elsi Dwi Hapsari,
Widyawati, Khudazi, Sunartini)

VII. Hibah Presentasi Internasional Mahasiswa (4 @Rp6 juta*)

1. Experimental comparison of post-thawing sperm motility recovery: cryopreservation with
and without crypretectant agents – presentasi poster: 13th Congress on Controversies in
Obstetries, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI) Berlin Germany (Ita Fauzia Hanoum)
2. The effect of banana flour as an isotonic drink to maintain hydration status – presentasi oral:
Int' Conference on Food Research 2010 KL Malaysia (Mirza Hapsari)
3. Effect of decline in nutritional status to length of stay and discharge status of petients at
Sardjito General Hospital – presentasi oral: The 5th Asian Congress of Dietetics 2010
Bangkok Thai (Susetyowati)
4. Stability of salt double fortification with iodine and iron in different storage condition -
presentasi oral: Int' Conference on Food Research 2010 KL Malaysia (Siti Helmiyati)

DANA RKAT FK 2010 @Rp4 juta*:

Immunomodulatory effect of heat-killed indigenous potential probiotic in HB4C5 cell-line
and Balb/c Mice – presentasi oral: 2nd Int' Symposium on Probiotic and Prebiotic as
Functional Foods for Human Health Promotion 2010 JKT (Lily Arsanti Lestari) --- dg
dana tambahan RKAT FK 2010

(* belum dipotong pajak)

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