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Search for ‘Creating Elements from an External File’ under help. You can download the
excel file ElementsFromExcel.xls’.

• Save the file ‘ElementsFromExcel.xls’

• This file can run the macro you wish, points, curve or surface.
• Change this file according to your needs, wing profile etc.
• Open up a CATIA file
• Create a geometrical set. You can do this by Start : Mechanical Design : Part Design
And insert a geometrical set from the top menu.
• Once the geometrical set is created, open the excel file and execute the following
command: Tools : Macro : Macros : Feuil1.Main : Run
• On the menu page which pops up:
Select 1 to create points only
Select 2 to create points and splines
Select 3 to create points, splines and loft
Note: In the example below, 3 curves are given and a ‘loft’ surface is created. While
running the macro if you only want to draw the curve but you select optşon 3, an erro
will occur. To draw a curve only, you need to exclude ‘start and end multisection
surface lines.

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