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Human’s CO2 vs Tree/Plant

Jurusan Teknik Sipil

Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Diponegoro
• Contoh 1:
1. Pohon maple tua menyerap = 0,0011 ton CO2/tahun
atau 1,1 kg CO2/tahun
2. Ditanya serapan CO2 sebesar 1 ton, maka:
Lama waktu serapan = 910 tahun
3. Diperkirakan umur hidup pohon maple tua = 25 tahun per
1 pohon maple tua, maka:
Jumlah pohon maple tua = 36 Pohon
4. Jika setiap orang rata-rata mengeluarkan CO2 = 26
ton/tahun, maka:
Jumlah pohon maple tua yang memiliki umur hidup 25
tahun-nan = 40 pohon/ton x 26 ton CO2/orang/tahun =
1.040 pohon/orang/tahun.
• Contoh 2:
1. Pohon pinus tua menyerap = 0,00682 ton CO2/tahun
atau 6,8 kg CO2/tahun
2. Ditanya serapan CO2 sebesar 1 ton, maka:
Lama waktu serapan = 146 tahun
3. Diperkirakan umur hidup pohon pinus tua = 25 tahun per
1 pohon pinus tua, maka:
Jumlah pohon pinus tua = 6 Pohon
4. Jika setiap orang rata-rata mengeluarkan CO2 = 26
ton/tahun, maka:
Jumlah pohon pinus tua yang memiliki umur hidup 25
tahun-nan = 6 pohon/ton x 26 ton CO2/orang/tahun =
156 pohon/orang/tahun.
• Average person produces 26 tonnes of CO2
per year
• 6 trees Twenty-Five year old pine trees absorb
1 tonne of CO2
• 36 trees Twenty-Five year old maple trees
absorb 1 tonne of CO2
Average Passenger Vehicle
• Passenger vehicle fleet is 63.4% cars and 36.6% light truck (includes
SUVs and minivans)
• Calculations are based on a weighted average of cars and light trucks.
• Average GHG emissions– CO2E: 12,100 lbs/year (5.5 metric tons
Average GHG emissions– CE: 3,300 lbs/year (1.5 metric tons/year)
Average CO2 emissions: 11,470 lbs/year (5.2 metric tons/year)
Average Carbon emissions: 3,100 lbs/year (1.4 metric tons/year)
Average fuel consumption: ~600 gallons/year
• Analisis: (dengan konsumsi bahan bakar ~ 600 gallon/tahun)
Emisi GHG = 5,5 MT/tahun
Emisi CO2 = 5,2 MT/tahun
Emisi GHG selain CO2 = 0,3 MT/tahun (NOx, HFCs, PFCs, SF6)

Source: U.S. EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle, 2004.
Average Household
• Averages per U.S. household (includes single-family and multi-unit
• Averages include emissions from electricity and other sources (natural
gas, petroleum, etc.)
• Average loss rate for electricity is 8 - 9 percent.
Average CO2 emissions: 22,880 lbs/year (10.4 metric tons/ year)
Average CO2 emissions from electricity only: 16,290 lbs/ year (7.4 metric
tons/ year)
Average Carbon emissions: 6,240 lbs/year (2.8 metric tons/year)
Average kWh: 10,660 kWh/ year (100 mmBtu/ year, delivered)
• Analisis: (dengan pemakaian kWh = 10.660 kWh/tahun)
Emisi GHG = 10,4 MT/tahun
Emisi CO2 dari electricity = 7,4 MT/tahun
Emisi CO2 selain dari electricity (natural gas, petroleum, etc.) = 3,0

Source: EPA E-Grid 2002; RECS, 2001; Buildings Energy Databook, 2004
Average Single-Family Home
• Average CO2 emissions: 24,900 lbs/year (11.3
metric tons/ year)
Average Carbon emissions: 6,800 lbs/year (3.1
metric tons/year)
Average kWh: 11,965 kWh/ year (124 mmBtu/
year, delivered)

Source: RECS, 2001

• The average single-family home adds more
than twice as much greenhouse gas (CE)
emissions to the atmosphere as the average
passenger vehicle.

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