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Alabama’s Governor: My Way or No Way

By Elton Camp

In office only for the second day,

Governor says do religion his way
The deacon in the Baptist Church
Wants us not to be left in the lurch

He says, “I want to be your brother,”

But it requires his belief and no other
And Jesus as savior you have to accept
Or into the deep abyss you’ll be swept

If you want to be my brother or my sister

Then listen to me, Ma’am, Ms. or Mister
If Jew, Shinto, Buddhist, agnostic or Islam
Then the wrong way I say that you’ve come

People thought a governor they’d elected

A statewide pastor they had not expected
To his personal belief the man has a right
Speaking as governor, keep it out of sight

He apologized, but not for the thing he said

Will his tenets the man continue to spread?
If his “core beliefs” made anybody get mad,
As a “born-again Christian” it’s just too bad

It was a wrong way his governorship to begin

Alabama’s unsavory past had come to an end
But what does our brand new governor then do
Except hateful prejudice to promptly renew?

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