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My Zodiac Card: Name:_______________________________________

Aquarius (water bearer): January 21-February 19

1) Good things: Friendly, honest, loyal (誠実な), original, independent(独立の), smart(頭がいい)

2) Bad things: unemotional(感情的でない), detached(冷たい), rebellious(反抗的), stubborn(頑固な)、

3) Best matches: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo

Best Matches: Students names



My Zodiac Card: Name:_______________________________________

Pisces (fish): February 20-March 20

1) Good things: Imaginative (想像力豊かな)、kind, selfless (無私), artistic, sensitive (せんさいな)

2) Bad things: secretive (秘密主義), vague (漠然とした), can’t make decisions(決断力のない), greedy (貪欲な)

3) Best matches: Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

Best Matches:


My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Aries (ram): March 21-April 20

1) Good things: adventurous, energetic(活発な), brave(勇敢な), confident (自信があ る), clever(賢い)

2) Bad things: selfish(利己的な), quick-tempered (短気な), impatient(我慢できない), impulsive (衝動的な)

3) Best matches: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra, Aries

Best Matches:



My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Taurus (Bull): April 21-May 21

1) Good things: Patient(我慢強い), reliable (信頼できる), loving(愛情に満ちた), nice,

determined (決然とした)
2) Bad things: Jealous( し っ と 深 い ), possessive( 独 占 欲 の 強 い ), lazy( 怠 惰 な ),
boring(退屈な), unoriginal
3) Best matches: Leo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces
Matches: 1)_________________________________2)_____________________________________

My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Gemini (Twins): May 22-June 21

1) Good things: versatile (多芸な), communicative, witty (機知のある), smart(頭がいい), lively(活発な)

2) Bad things: nervous(神経質), stressed, superficial(表面的な), cunning (狡猾な)

3) Best matches: Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries

Best Matches: Students Names



My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Cancer (crab): June 22-July 22

1) Good things: emotional, loving, imaginative (想像的な), shrewd (賢い)

2) Bad things: Moody (不機嫌な), too emotional, hold grudges (恨みをいだく)

3) Best matches: Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio

Best Matches: Students Names


My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Leo (lion): July 23-August 22

1) Good things: generous(寛大な), creative(創造な), enthusiastic(熱心な), loving,

2) Bad things: Pompous(尊大な), patronizing(偉そうな), intolerant (狭量な)

3) Best matches: Gemini, Cancer, Aries, Libra, Capricorn

Best Matches: Students Names



My Zodiac Card: Name:_______________________________________

Virgo (virgin): August 23-September 23

1) Good things: modest( 謙虚な), shy, reliable( 信頼できる ), practical ( 実際的な ),

2) Bad things: worry too much(心配症), overcritical(酷評), perfectionist (完全主義者),
3) Best matches: Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn

Best Matches: Students Names



My Zodiac Card: Name:_______________________________________

Libra (scales): September 24-October 23
1) Good things: Romantic, charming(魅力がある), easygoing(穏やかな),
Idealistic (理想主義的な)
2) Bad things: Can’t make decisions, gullible(だまされやすい), self-indulgent(放縦

3) Best matches: Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus

Best Matches: Students Names



My Zodiac Card: Name:_______________________________________

Scorpio (scorpion): October 24-November 22

1) Good things: emotional, intuitive( 直 覚 的 な ), powerful, passionate( 熱 烈 な ),

2) Bad things: jealous( 嫉 妬 深 い ), keep many secrets, devious( ひ ね く れ た ),

3) Best matches: Pisces, Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Leo

Best Matches: Students Names



My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Sagittarius (archer): November 23-December 21
1) Good things: optimistic (楽観的な), freedom-loving, honest, smart, funny
2) Bad things: careless(不注意な), irresponsible(無責任な), superficial(表面的な)

3) Best matches: Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius

Best Matches: Students Names



My Zodiac Card Name:_______________________________________

Capricorn (goat): December 22-January 20

1) Good things: practical(実際的な), ambitious(大望ある), patient(我慢強い), funny

2) Bad things: pessimistic(悲観的な), cold, rigid/strict (厳しい),
conventional (伝統的な)
3) Best matches: Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius

Best Matches: Students Names



Communication Task
Using your horoscope guide, find classmates who are your best matches.

Your horoscope:___________________

Now, using ONLY the “good things” and “bad things” from the horoscope
guide, try to find classmates who are your best matches.

A. When is your birthday?

B. It’s ________________. When is yours?
A. Mine is on ______________.

A. What is your zodiac sign?

B. I’m __________________. What is yours?
A. I’m _________________.

A. What is a good thing about you?

B. I’m ___________________. (explain in Japanese) How about you?
A. I’m ________________. (explain in Japanese)
A. What is a bad thing about you?
B. I’m ______________. How about you?
A. I’m ______________ (explain in Japanese)

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