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Press Release

Public regrets from the Interim Managing Director just not good

County Councillor, Barrie Durkin is calling for the immediate resignation/removal of Mr

David Bowles, Anglesey County Councils interim Managing Director/Head of Paid
services, following his involvement along with the Leader of the Council, Cllr Clive
McGregor, in breaching the Data Protection Act, which in this particular case is also a
criminal matter.

This came to a head at Tuesday’s full council meeting when David Bowles told
members. “The leakage of information in my opinion was disgraceful, should not
have happened and I regret the leakage” Implying it was others who were
responsible! However, Cllr Durkin says the leakage of information was part of a planned
smear campaign by David Bowles to under mine his position having raised concerns
about dishonesty among some of his officers within the council.

Since coming to Anglesey County Council as its Interim Managing Director,

David Bowles has taken every opportunity to attack, threaten, bully, lie about and
publicly abuse a number of elected members, for no other reason than having an
opposing view, even to the extent of writing poisonous letters to them in his attempt to
assault and undermine their honesty and integrity.

David Bowles might think he can walk on water, but should remember. He is not an
elected member; he is a hired hand of the Council, employed in a political restricted
post, which he has breached far too often, loosing all sense of reasoning and
impartiality, making his position untenable.

County Councillor
Barrie Durkin.

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