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(and aligned
Conjugate 1. Review the difference between the stem of the verb and the ending of the verb
stem- 2. Emphasize that in some situations, we not only need to change our endings, we also need to
changing change the stem
verbs (2B3) 3. There are now 4 ½ steps to conjugate
a. Drop the ending
b. Identify the subject
i. If the subject is in the boot, change the stem
c. Identify the ending
d. Attach the ending to the stem
4. What is the boot???
Pronoun JUGAR Pronoun JUGAR
Yo Juego Nosotros Jugamos
Tú Juegas Vosotros Jugáis
Él, ella, usted juega Ellos, ellas ustedes Juegan

*** Don’t worry about students memorizing which verbs are stem-changers or what kind of stem
changer it is. Just introduce the verb as “querer (e-> ie)” so that the students know that it is a stem-
changing verb

*A helpful chart to have students take notes on which verbs are stem changers:
o  ue u  ue e  ie ei
Almorzar Jugar Entender Servir

Poder Empezar Pedir

Costar Pensar Repetir

Dormir Preferir


ID difference Step 1: Use a hook to engage students interest – List 5 things you know how to do / List 5 people you
between WISH you knew
Saber vs. Step 2: Explain that SABER is used for skills/ideas and that CONOCER is used for people/places.
Conocer to Provide 5 English examples and make students pick between them.
ask and Step 3: Create a conjugation chart for both verbs – SABER / CONOCER
answer ?’s Saber Conocer
about who
they know in sé sabemos conozco conocemos
their classes
(2B5) sabes conoces

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