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Submitted to the Faculty of Teachership and Education Science

University 45 Makassar in Partial – Fullfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Title : Teaching English by Using Music and

Movement to Improve Students’
Vocabulary at Aisyiyah Parang Layang
Kindergarten Makassar.
Name : Mardiana
Register Number : 4506101011
Faculty/Study Program : Faculty of Teachership and
Education Science/English Education
Department : English Education Department

Approved by

Supervisor I, Supervisor II,

(Hj. St. Haliah Batau, S.S, M.Hum) (Rampeng, S.Pd, M.Pd)

Known by

Head of Faculty of Teachership and Education Science

Thamrin Abduh, S.E, M.Si.

Nip. 1964091919930310


Alhamdulillah, the greatest praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who

has been guiding the writer. No words can describe her feeling to finished

this skripsi. Therefore, the writer would like to express her great gratitude

and appreciation, especially to :

1. The Dean of the Faculty of Teachership and Education Science,

Thamrin Abduh, SE.M.Si , all the lecturers and staffs at The Faculty of

Teachership and Education Science University 45 Makassar. Who have

given their great knowledge from the day she first entered the Faculty of

Teachership and Education Science University 45 Makassar.

2. Hj. St. Haliah Batau, S.S. M. Hum as her first supervisor

and Rampeng, S.Pd. M.Pd as her second supervisor for their invaluable

help, advice, comments on, and correcting her skripsi, as well as for their

encourangement toward the comlection of her study.

2. The headmaster of Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten Makassar,

Hj. Haslinda who has allowed the writer to do her research at her school.

All the teachers of the school who helped the writer in doing the


2. The writer also expressed her thanks to all her friends in English

Education Department Juherni, Fansury, Rahma, Citra, Marwah, Zet who

have given information, suggestion, attention, and motivation when

writing this skripsi.

As human being, the writer does realize that what she presents of

this skripsi is still far from the perfection. Therefore, criticisms and

suggestion will surely be appreciated.

Finally, the writer pray May the Almighty God bless all of them. Amin.

Makassar, February 2010

The write


Mardiana. Teaching English by Using Music and Movement to Improve

students’ Vocabulary at Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten Makassar.
(Dibimbing oleh Hj. St. Haliah Batau, S.S. M.Hum sebagai pembimbing
pertama dan Rampeng, S.Pd, M.Pd sebagai pembimbing kedua).
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan yang
signifikan pada prestasi siswa dalam menambah kosa kata bahasa Inggris
siswa yang diajar melalui metode gerak dan lagu dengan siswa yang di ajar
melalui metode umum di Taman Kanak-Kanak Aisyiyah Parang Layang
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk percobaan
sebenarnya. Percobaan ini meliputi dua kelompok yaitu ; kelompok
percobaan dan kelompok kontrol. Setiap kelas diberi pre-tes, perlakuan, dan
post-tes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini diambil dari dua kelompok kelas B 1 dan
B2 dari Taman Kanak-Kanak Aisyiyah Parang Layang Makassar. Sampel
berjumlah 40 siswa yang diperoleh secara random.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelas percobaan dan kelas kontrol,
menunjukkan nilai t-tes 8.02 dan nilai t-tabel 2.021. Hal itu berarti bahwa
hasil t-tes lebih besar dari pada t-tabel. Itu membuktikan bahwa ada
perbedaan yang signifikan pada siswa yang diajar melalui metode gerak dan
lagu dengan siswa yang diajar melalui metode umum di Taman Kanak-Kanak
Aisyiyah Parang Layang Makassar.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah metode gerak dan lagu lebih
efektif daripada menggunakan metode umum dan juga metode gerak dan
lagu dapat menambah kosa kata bahasa Inggris siswa.




LIST OF APPENDIX..................................................................


A. Background
B. Statements of the Problem
C. The Objective and Advantages of the


A. Review of Related Literature
1. The concept of Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary
b. Types of vocabulary
c. The Principle of Teaching and Learning
2. The Meaning of Music
3. The Meaning of Movement
4. How to Teach by Using Music and
B. Theoritical of the Framework

C. Hyphothesis


A. The Location of the Research
B. Variable and Design of the Research
C. The Definition of Operational Variables
D. The Population and Sample
E. Technique of the Data Collection
F. Procedure of the Collecting Data

G. Technique of the Data Analysis


A. Findings
1. The students’ rate percentage through the
2. The mean score and deviation SS of the
students’ pre-test…………………………………
3. The mean score and deviation SS of the
students’ post-test……………………………….
B. Discussion



A. Conclusions
B. Suggestions



Table 1 : The rate percentage of the score of the experimental

Table 2 : The rate percentage of the score of the control class

Table 3 : The mean score and deviation SS of the students’
Table 4 : The t-test of the students’ pretest…………………………….
Table 5 : The mean score and deviation SS of the students’
Table 6 : The t-test of the students’ post-test…………………



APPENDIX 1 : The list of songs

APPENDIX 2 : Students’ pre-test and post-test
APPENDIX 3 : Lesson plan
APPENDIX 4 : The name of sample
APPENDIX 5 : The row score of the experimental class
APPENDIX 6 : The row score of the control class
APPENDIX 7 : The row data of the scores of the pre-test of the
both classes

APPENDIX 8 : The row data of the scores of the post-test of the
both classes
APPENDIX 9 : Mean score and sums of squares of the students’
APPENDIX 10 : Mean score and sums of squares of the students’
APPENDIX 11 : The t-test of the standard pre-test
APPENDIX 12 : The t-test of the standard post-test
APPENDIX 13 : Standard deviation of the students’ pre-test and

APPENDIX 14 : Distribution t-table



A. Background

Due to the development of a country, English is very needed.

Therefore in Indonesia, learning English as an international language is

introduced to child at the early age. Considering that English is a foreign

language in Indonesia, an appropriate and effective approach is needed to

make learning English successful and joyful.

The most sensitive period of language in somebody life is zero until

eight years. All kinds of aspects in language must be introduced to

children before the end of this sensitive period. According to Tienje and

Iskandar (1999 : 55) that Study language when still child is easier than

after adult.

According to Montosori in Matondang (2008 : 1) that in this sensitive

priode is most important to introduce how to use a good and correct

language because this skill is very useful to communicate with our

environment. Based on the theory above it is precise if we start to

introduce English since a child. According to Soebijakto (1988 : 71) said :

“Almost all of knowledge we got it with a language (studying), we save

in a language shape (mind), we retrieved and used it in a language”.
Vocabulary is one of the English elements that plays important role in

mastering English and language skills. To make the process of teaching

and learning vocabulary successful, the English teachers need to look for

and discover the strategy of technique in teaching vocabulary. The

technique in teaching vocabulary should be interesting and attractive for

students. So they can obtain vocabulary easier than by using conventional

method. According to Harmer (1982 : 7) said :

“Children need frequent changes of activity : They need activities

which are exciting and stimulate their curiosity. They need to be
involved in something active (they will usually not sit and listen)”.

And According to Dhieni in Bromley (2006 : 1.20) said :

“Children can understand and remember an information if they get

chance to speak, write, draw, and manipulate it”.

English is a foreign language in Indonesia, so the learning process

must be done step by step. The selection of material that relevant with

the age of child. And the situation of learning that joyful must become

excellent attention in successful of learning process. According to

Hildayani (2005 : 9.38) said :

“Children will earlier remember and save it in a long time if they are in
interesting situation.”

The success of English learning process in childhood of course

influence by many factors, they are :

1. The quality of teacher, teacher that can make learning process active,

2. Sources and facility of learning that good,

3. A good curriculum, simple, and attractive.

The other hand we must know that childhood is the age of playing,

every child is unique person, singing and playing is their world and make

them enjoy. So a precise approach needs to be created by teacher to

make English learning process joyful without leaving grammar.

In English learning process many methods and techniques that we can

use like :

a. Story telling

b. Role play

c. Art and crafts

d. Games

e. Show and tell

f. Music and Movement

We must select the better method and technique based on the

achievement that we want to get. The profesionalisme of teacher

develops and uses method and technique needed to make learning

process successful.

To answer the problem above the writer decides to conduct a research

that relates to learn vocabulary easily. This research tries to appear a

method that can make the students to learn more active particularly in

processing sufficient vocabulary through teaching learning process in the

classroom. The main focus in this research is the application of “ music

and movement to improve students’ vocabulary at Aisyiyah Parang

Layang Kindergarten Makassar."

B. Statement of the Problems

Is there a significant difference of students’ achievement in

improving vocabulary between the students taught by using music and

movement method and the students taught by conventional method at

Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten Makassar?

C. The Objective and Advantages of the Research

1. The Objective of the Research

Whether or not there is a significant difference of students’

achievement in improving vocabulary between the students taught by

using music and movement method and the students taught by

conventional method at Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten


2. The Advantages of the Research

The main advantages of the research as follows :

1. Giving innovate in teaching English especially teaching vocabulary

in Kindergarten,

2. English teacher will know more how to teach vocabulary more

successful and joyful.



A. Review of Related Literature

1. The Concepts of Vocabulary

a. Definition of vocabulary

Vocabulary is a list of word with their meaning, elements that is

produced by someone to communicate each other. According to Telleng in

Gove (2004 : 7) said :

”Vocabulary as a list of words and sometimes, phrases, usually

arranged in alphabetical order and defined ; a dictionary, glossary,
or lexicon, all the words used by a particular person, although not
necessarily used by him.”

Hornby in Natsir (2001 : 7) states some definition of vocabulary :

1. Body of words know a person used in particular book subject.

2. A total number of words that make up language.

3. List of words with their meaning, especially one that accompanies a

textbook in foreign language.

b. Types of vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential component of language learning. Schail

in Natsir (2001 : 9) states that every person has three types of

vocabulary, as follows :

3. Active. These are words one customarily uses in speaking. His active

vocabulary runs from 5.000 to 10.000 words.

4. Reserve. These but rarely if ever use in ordinary speech. On uses them

in writing a letter. When he has a time to consider or when he is

searching for a synonym.

5. Passive. The words one recognize vaguely but are not sure of the

meanings. He never uses them in either wring or speech. He just

knows that he has seen them before.

And more specific of vocabulary division is pointed out in the

Encyclopedia of Education, which divided into four types :

1. Oral vocabulary consists of words actively use in speaking.

2. Writing vocabulary the words that come readily to ones fingers


3. Listening vocabulary is the words that which one responds with the

meaning and understanding in the writing of others.

4. Reading vocabulary is the words that which one responds with the

meaning and understanding in the speech of others.

c. The principle of teaching and learning vocabulary

Wallace in Natsir (2001 : 7) indicates main principles of

teaching and learning vocabulary as follows :

1. Aims : in teaching vocabulary the teacher must know the aims and

how many of vocabulary listed that learners are expected to be

able to know.

2. Quantity : it is decided on the number of new words that the

students can learn. The actual number will depend on a number of

factors varying from class and students.

3. Needs : to know or to select the words that will be taught to the

students, these based on frequency and usefulness on the various

meaning of a words, students’ background and language needs.

4. Frequent exposure and repetition : in teaching and learning

vocabulary there has to be a certain amount of repetition until

there is evidence that students learn the target words.

5. Meaning presentation : when introducing new words, the teachers

have to give clear explanation to students and deep


6. Situation : explaining and teaching vocabulary, the teachers must

know the students’ situation whether the students are ready to

accept the materials or not.

7. Presenting in context : one way o present new words or unfamiliar

word is by using reading text.

8. Learning vocabulary in mother tongue and target language in

teaching the words of target languages, the teachers can use

words of mother tongue as tool to compare similarities and

differentiate of the words.

2. The Meaning of Music

Music is an essential part of human. Weather they realized it or

not people listen to music through good times and even bad times in

their life. Most people depend their life on music. Music becomes

people’s exit baggage. When they are in trouble music seems to be

only cure that can case their pain and give a new spirit to move on.

Just like when they are having fun, music can really be a good friend

indeed. According to Aristotle (Accessed on Oct 2005) that music has

the ability to calm down the mournful hear has interning therapy, and

the ability to grow the spirit of patriotism.

“music is sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or

exciting to listen to”(Oxford,2005 : 1005).

Music is art of tone arranged or sound to arrange in continuity,

combination and temporal correlation to make composition that have

unity and continue (including rhythm). And the manner of tone or

sound that rhythmic called song. So music or song is unity that can’t

we separate and can we use to become medium in learning process.

Music can enrich emotion and give balance for child .With music

human can express idea, feeling, and control their emotion.

Properly song for children are :

a. Emotion language, which children’s song can express feeling,

happy, funny,

b. Tune language, because song can be listened, sung, and


c. Movement language, movement in song drawing regulation of tap

in rhythm and melody.

So song is joyful activity for children. In general the function of

song for children is playing activity than learning activity or send a

message. According to Dawson (1984 : 54) that songs often provide

good pronunciation practice and unconscious repetition of useful

words and phrases. Students often want to know the words of English

pop songs, and to study these in class can be highly motivating to sing

and produce a lot of laughter and enjoyment. So we should all

introduce songs in the classroom from time to time.

Sing can give satisfaction, happiness, enthusiasm for children,

and stimulate children to study hard (joyful learning). With song a

child is faster to study, understand, and practice a material that given

by a teacher. Trough activity, children can improve their ability in

listening, singing, activating.

The selection of song that presented in learning process must

be suitable for children and can support the theme of learning. A good

and suitable song like :

1. Song that can help children’s development and growth

(affective, cognitive, physcomotoric),

2. Song that based on children ability ;

a. The content of song is suitable with children’s world

b. Use simple language

c. The range of tone is equal with children power voice and


d. The theme of song is based on curriculum that used.

Many sources of children English song that can be taken from :

1. The Complete Daily Curriculum for early childhood Book

(Pam Schiller and Pat Phipps, 2002)

2. The complete Book of Rhimes, songs, poems, fingersplays,

and chants (Jackie Silberg and Pam Schiller)

3. The Grant Encyclopedia of circle time and group Activities

for children 3 to 6 (Kathy Chamer, 1996)

4. Where is Thumbkin ? (Pam Schiller and Thomas Moore,


5. Creative Resources for the early childhood classroom (Judy

Herr and Ivonne Libby, 1995), etc.

CD/VCD can also as source of song, examples :

1. 80 kidsongs (Together Again Video Production, Inc.

Kidsongs TIM and kidsongss kid, 2001)

2. Sing and learn, children favorite songs series, (Worldstar

Music Int’l Ltd, 1998)

3. Miss Patty Cake (Integrity Music just for kids, 1996)

4. The Donut Man’s (Integrity Music just for kids, 1996)

Although many source books that we can use, but the

important factor is teacher’s competence to select, use, and improve

that song, So it can present and understand by children without

forgetting grammar.

3. The Meaning of Movement.

Movement comes from word ‘move’ that has meaning place

transition (have activity).After stimulated present (inner or feeling).

Movement activity presents after somebody listening the song.

According to Oxford (2005 : 999) said :

“movement is an act of moving the body or part of the body”.

Movement is body language. Children express their feeling with

movement activities after listening song. Children have active

correlation to respon song with move and gymnastic that can draw

feeling and the music of song understand by children. Movement

activity itself needed by childhood to practice their hard motoric.

4. How to Teach by using Music and Movement.

Music and movement has important position in children growth

and development process. Using music and movement as a method in

English learning process and presenting in interesting ways can help

children more joyful, study hard and make children easy to understand

the material of teaching, because in learning process children do and

practice movement suitable with the meaning of the song that they

sing. So sing a song to children not only sing a song, but bring contents

and the meaning of song and also practice the song with movement

like free style or dancing.

Teaching English especially for childhood more emphasizes in

introducing basic instructions a knowledge about theme of things or

objects in their environment (vocabulary). The using of music and

movement in learning process can be done like these :

1. Opening

To get children attention before starting study and we invite

children to sit down with happiness (not compulsory). We do it by

inviting children to sing and shake their parts of body.

Example by singing a song “Sit Together “(Tune : Where is

Thumbkin?) taken from http//

Sit together, sit together,

Look at me, look at me,
I am good, I am good,
Look at me, look at me.

This song can be sung in sitting down position in circle shape

on the floor and sing with clap their thigh themselves. Teacher as a

model must be active in the class to make children pleasant with the

song and movement. By singing together with this song we hope

children can understand the meaning of the song that they sing.

2. As Opening (Praying and Greeting)

Each learning process we must introduce to the children to pray

and give greeting. With praying teacher introduces and teaches

children to always near God. Before and after doing activities we invite

children to sing pray’s song, example “Morning prayer ”before doing

activity :

Dear Lord,
Thank you for today,
Thank you for the school,
Thank you for the teacher and friends,
Help us to learn, help us to listen,
In Allah’ Name. We pray, Amin.

This song is better if the children are in praying position. The

teacher invite the children to say hello to each other. we can do it with

song like :


Hello, hello, hello and how are you?

I’m fine, I’m fine, I hope that you are too.

When this song we sing we invite children to raise their hand and shake it

each other as a greeting movement. Say greeting in English ,like : ”Good

Morning”.(Tune : Where is thumbkin?)

Good morning, good morning,

How are you? How are you?
Very well, I thank you.
Very well, I thank you.
How about you, how about you?
Good afternoon, good afternoon,
How are you? How are you?
Very well, I thank you.
Very well I thank you,
How about you,? How about You?

The song is better if the students sing in each learning process,

because repetition is very needed by childhood to study something


3. As Perception

As introduction in learning material, teacher can use song as

perception, example : when teaching about my face theme, teacher

can invite children to sing : ”Happy face”(Tune: Head and Shoulders)

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose, mouth and nose 2x
Show your happy face, smile…and laugh…,
Eyes, ears, mouth and nose, mouth and nose.

And also when we teach the other theme like transportation we

can also use song “The Train”. For animals theme we can use song

like “Three little monkeys”, ”Naughty pushy Cat”, and family theme

song “Happy Family”, etc.

The important things that we must be noticed is the election of

song must be suitable with material that we want to teach and the

level of mental development of the children.

4. In Quintessence of Learning

When learning process teacher can sing as a spelling or

memorizing the material of teaching, example : To teach the sound of

alphabets we can sing a song “Letters Sound”.

Ants on the apple, a, a, a, 3x

‘a’ is the sound of ‘A’,
Balls are bouncing b, b, b, 3x
‘b’ is a sound of ‘B’,….

When children sing this song teacher can show flash card that

we told. So children can understand alphabets shape in a visual and

spell the correct sound. Song as a material of learning not only is

sung, but also read and understood by children. So material of

learning must be suitable with children age. Song becomes something

that joyful not a task.

5. As a Closing of Learning

After finish learning we invite children to tidy all their things while

singing, example song “Clean Up Time”.

Clean up time! Clean up time!

Everything will look just fine,
We’ll pick up the things and put them all away,
We can use another day.

In this activity, children can practice to improve their responsible.

In closing learning process the song that we can use as a closing greeting,
example :

“Good Bye”
Good bye, good bye everybody,
Good bye, good bye everybody,

Good bye, good bye everybody,
See you next time again.

With interesting and variety learning process of course can

motivate children to study English and they like it.

B. Theoritical of the Framework.







This research is about teaching of vocabulary that use two method.

They are music and movement method and conventional method, but the

focus of research here is music and movement method to improve

students’ vocabulary at Aisyiyah Parang Layang kindergarten in Makassar.

After that we can know students achievement, so we can conclude which

method is better to teach vocabulary in kindergarten

C. Hyphothesis

Based on the statement of the problem in chapter I researcher

made hyphothesis that teaching English by using music and movement

can improve students’ vocabulary better than using conventional method

at Aisyiyah Parang Layang kindergarten Makassar.



A. The Location of Research

This research was located at Aisyiyah Parang Layang

kindergarten in Makassar subdistrit of Bontoala, Makassar city.

B. Variable and Design of Research

a. Variable

There are two variables that used in this research, independent

variable and dependent variable. Independent variable is music and

movement method and dependent variable is students’ achievement.

b. Design of The Research

This research employed true experiment design. It involved

two groups design. They were experimental and control group.

The design can be illustrated as follows :

Control group pre-test – post-test design

E O1 X1 O2

C O1 X2 O2

Where : O1 : pre-test
O2 : post-test
E : an experiment
C : a control
X1 : treatment (music and movement)
X2 : treatment (conventional method)
(Gay, 1981 : 232 )

C. The Definition of Operational Variables

To clarify this research direction, researcher gives definition namely

music and movement method is a method that uses song and moves our

parts of body to introduce vocabulary.

Student’s achievement is student ability to get how much of the

language thought during a period of time has been learned.

Conventional method is traditional way that is usually applied by a

teacher in teaching English. Explanation in teaching by translating the

words into Indonesia or into English characterizes this method.

D. The Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was taken from two classes of “B”

classes of Aisyiyah Parang Layang kindergarten Makassar.

2. Sample

The subject that was included in this sample was 40 students.

There were 20 students in B1 class and 20 students in B2 class. They

were randomly formed.

E. Technique of the Data Collection

The instrument of this research that used to collect the data was

vocabulary test. Test was be used to know student’s vocabulary

achievement between the students taught by using music and

movement method and the students taught by using conventional

method. The vocabulary test was applied in pre-test and post-test

segments. The pre-test was given to the students at the first meeting

or before time for treatment to the both classes. While the post-test

was given after time for treatment. Number of items in both tests were

20 items.

F. Procedure of the Collecting Data

Procedure of data collecting which writer used in this research

covered of two matters, they were :

a. Data collecting through library research, by reading and analysing

book or literature, magazine, thesis, and existing other erudite


b. Data collecting through field research, what writer obtained with

the exiting instrument like test. The chronological order

was bellow :

1. Pre-test

It was given before doing the treatment in both classes.

The test in the pre-test was same in the post-test.

2. Treatment

It was conducted four times and each class was thought

once a week.

3. Post-test

It was given after doing the treatment in both classes. The

test in the post-test was same in the pre-test.

G. Technique of the Data Analysis

The data were collected through the test, and it was analyzed

quantitatively. The steps were as follows :

1. Scoring the students’ test answer by using the following formula :

Student ' s Correct Answer

Score = x 10
Total Number of Test

2. Tabulating the students’ scores.

3. Classifying the students’ score of the test were classified into seven

levels as follows :

a. 9.60 to 100 is classified as excellent.

b. 8.60 to 9.50 is classified as very good.

c. 7.60 to 8.50 is classified as good.

d. 6.60 to 7.50 is classified as fairly good.

e. 5.60 to 6.50 is classified as fair.

f. 3.50 to 5.50 is classified as poor.

g. 0.00 to 3.50 is classified as very poor.

(Depdikbud, 1985 : 5)

4. Rate percentage of the students’ score

% = N x 100 %

In which :

F = frequency

N = Total number of students

(Hatch and Farhady in Nurbing, 2000 : 25)

5. Calculating the mean score of students’ test result and the

formula :


Notation: X = Mean score

X = Sum of score in the group

n = The number of pairs of subject in the study

(Gay, 1981)

After succeeding to manage the gathered data, the next step was

to analysis the data coming from research of test, as effort to get the

accurate conclusion by using the following method :

Finding out the significant difference between the pre-test and

post-test by using formula :

T- test for independent sample

X1 − X2
SS 1 + SS 2
√( n1 + n2 −2 )( 1
n 1 n2 )
Note :

t : test of significance
X 1 : Mean score of experimental class
X 2 : Mean score of control class
SS1 : The sum of squares of experimental class
SS2 : The sum of squares of control class
n1 : total of experimental class

n2 : total of control class
(Gay, 1981 : 331)



This chapter consists of two sections. They are research findings

and the discussions of the research findings. It entirely describes the result of

data collected and analyses through pre-test and post-test.


1. The Student’s Rate Percentage Through the Test.

In the previous chapter, it has been explained that after tabulating

and analyzing the students’ scores into seven levels then they were

classified into percentage.

a. Experimental class

Table 1
The rate percentage of the scores of the experimental class
Pre-test Post-test
No Classification
F % F %
1. Excellent - - 1 5
2. Very good - - 6 30
3. Good - - 6 30
4. Fairly good - - 5 25
5. Fair 1 5 2 10
6. Poor 10 50 - -
7. Very poor 9 45 - -
Total 20 100 20 100

Note :
 F is students’ score frequency

Table 1 shows us the result of students’ pre-test and post-test in

the experimental class. In the pre-test, there are 9 (45%) students who

got very poor classification, 10 (50%) students are in the poor

classification, and 1 (5%) students are in fair classification.

Meanwhile the result of the students’ post-test in the

experimental class that there are 2 (10%) students are in fair

classification, 5 (25%) students are in fairly good classification, 6 (30%)

students are in good classification, and 1 (5%) students are in excellent


b. Control class

Table 2

The rate percentage of the score of control class

Pre-test Post-test
No Classification
F % F %
1. Excellent - - - -
2. Very good - - - -
3. Good - - 1 5
4. Fairly good - - 3 15
5. Fair - - 7 35
6. Poor 10 50 9 45
7. Very poor 10 50 - -
Total 20 100 20 100

Note :
 F is students’ score frequency

Table 2 shows us that there are 7 classification of the students’

score. This table contains the result of the students pre-test and post-test

of the control class.

In the pre-test, there are 10 (50%) students are in very poor

classifications, and 10 (50%) students are in poor classification.

While the result of the students’ post-test in the control class

shows that there are 9 (45%) students are in poor classification, 7 (35%)

students are in fair classification, 3 (15%) students are in fairly good

classification, and only 1 (5%) students who get a good classification.

2. The Mean Score and Deviation SS of The Students’ Pre-test.

The mean score and deviation SS of the students’ pre-test of the

experimental class and control class are presented in the following table.

Tabel 3

The mean score and deviation SS of the students’ pre-test

Class X Deviation SS
Experimental 3.075 51.114
Control 3 47.5

The table 3 shows us that the mean score of the students’ pre-test in

the experimental class is 3.075 and it is deviation SS are 51.14. While

students in the control class have 3 for the mean score and 45.7 for the

deviation SS.

Tabel 4

The t-test of the students’ pre-test

Variable t - test t - table

Pre-test 0.15 2.021

The table 4 above points out that the result of pre-test of the

students t-test is 0.15 while t- table value is 2.021. Base on the data the

writer conclude that the result of deviation SS students’ t-test lower than

the t-table value.

3. The Mean Score and Deviation SS of the Students’ Post-test.

The table below shows us that the result of the students’ post-test

of the both experimental class and control class in the field of the mean

score and deviation SS.

Table 5

The mean score and deviation SS of the students’ post-test

Class X Deviation SS
Experimental 8.175 11.89
Control 5.93 17.14

The table 5 above reveals the result of the students’ post-test in both

class. The result above are about students’ mean score and deviation SS. The

mean score is 8.175. For the treatment class and its deviation SS is 11.89.

While students in the control class get 5.93 for the mean score and 17.14 for

the deviation SS.

Table 6

The t-test of the students’ post-test

Variable t - test t - table

Post-test 8.02 2.021

The table 6 above shows that the result of the students’ post-test of

the t- test and t- table value. The result of the t-test is 8.02 and the t- table

is 2.021. The data indicate that the t-test is higher than t-table value.


Before time for treatment, the experimental class shows us the

result of the students’ pre-test. It points out there are 9 (45%) in very

poor classification, 10 (50%) are in the poor classification, and 1 (5%)

are in fair classification. Based on data the researcher concluded that

the students’ pre-test result of the experimental class, most of them are

in poor classification.

While in control class, the result of students pre-test reveals

that there are 10 (50%) are in very poor classification and 10 (50%) are

in poor classification.

The result of data analysis also indicates that the pre-test mean

score of the pre-test of the treatment class is 3.075 and its deviation SS

is 51.14. while the students’ pre-test of the control class mean score is 3

and its deviation SS is 47.5.

Meanwhile the result of the t-test of the students in both

classes base on the pre-test is 0.15 on the t-table value is 2.021 with

p = 0.05 and df = 38. Base on this data the researcher conclude that

there is not a significant difference between the results of pre-test of the

both classes.

After time for treatment, the experimental class point out the

result of the students’ post-test. It shows us that there are 2 (10%) are

in fair classification, 5 (25%) are in fairly good classification, 6 (30%)

are in good classification, 6 (30%) are in very good classification, and

there are 1 (5%) are in excellent classification.

While in the control class, the data shows that there are 9

(45%) are in poor classification, 7 (35%) are in fair classification. 3

(15%) are in fairly good classification, and 1 (5%) are in good

classification. the data above indicate that most of the students in the

control class are in poor and fair classification.

The students post-test means score result of the experimental

class is 8.175 and its deviation SS is 11.89. while students who are in

the control class have 5.93 and its deviation SS is 17.14.

Mean while the result of the t-test in the both classes after

post-test is 8.02 and the t-table value is 2.021 with p = 0.05, and

df = 38. Base on the data the researcher concluded that there is a

significant difference between the result of the post-test of the both

classes. Because the result of the post-test t-test is higher than t-table




This chapter covers research conclusions and some suggestion for

the teacher who wants to apply a different variation in teaching English.

A. Conclusions

Base on research data analysis, the writer puts forward the

conclusions below :

1. There is a significant difference of students’ achievement in

improving vocabulary between the students taught by conventional

method at Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten Makassar.

2. Teaching English especially in Kindergarten by using music and

movement method is more effective than by using conventional


3. Music and movement method can improve students’ English


4. Teaching English by using music and movement can make students

happy and interested to study.

B. Suggestions

The following suggestions are the writer’s experiences during

doing this research in Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten Makassar.

They are as follows :

1. Teaching English to the students should use some strategies to

create a good atmosphere in the classroom.

2. One of the strategies is by using music and movement method.

3. Teacher should give the students some opportunities to practice their


4. In teaching English we must see the characteristic of the students

that we want to teach.


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You see with your eyes

Touch your eyes (tin din……din…….)

You hear with your ears

Touch your ears (tin din……..din……..)

You sneeze with your nose

Touch your nose (hatchi………..)

You kiss with your lips

Kiss me here (ummach………..)

“ Boys and Girls “

I’ m a boy and you are a girl 3x

Do you want to be my friend ?

I’ m a girl and you are a boy 3x

Yes, I want to be your friend


A. Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut !

1. Kata “ you ” artinya apa ?

2. You see with your eyes, kata “ see “ artinya apa ?

3. What in English “ mata “ ?

4. Touch your eyes, kata “ touch “ artinya apa ?

5. You hear with your ears, kata “ hear “ artinya apa ?

6. What in English “ telinga “ ?

7. You ‘sneeze with your nose, kata “sneeze” artinya apa ?

8. What in English “hidung” ?

9. You kiss with your lips, kata “kiss” artinya apa ?

10. What in English “bibir” ?

11. Kiss me here, kata “me” artinya apa ?

12. Kata “here” artinya apa ?

13. I’m a boy and you are a girl, kata “boy” artinya apa ?

14. Kata “girl” artinya apa ?

15. What is in English “teman” ?

16. Yes, I want to be your friend, kata yes artinya apa ?

B. Sebutkan 4 dan tunjukkan nama – nama anggota tubuh mu dalam bahasa

Inggris !



Tema : My body

Kelompok : B

Semester : I

I. Indikator

Mengenal dan mengetahui kosa kata mengenai anggota tubuh dalam

bahasa Inggris.

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat mengenal dan mengetahui kosa kata mengenai anggota

tubuh dalam bahasa Inggris.

III. Materi Pelajaran

Eyes, ears, nose, lips, hear, see, hear, sneeze, touch, you, kiss, here, me,

boy, friend, girl.

IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Methode : music and movement

2. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

 Guru memberi contoh menyanyikan lagu “Touch / Boys and Girls

sambil melakukan gerakan - gerakan untuk memperjelas kata –

kata yang dimaksud.

 Siswa mengikuti peragaan guru

V. Alat dan Sumber

1. Alat : lagu - lagu dalam Bahasa Inggris

2. Sumber Pembelajaran : Dari berbagai sumber

VI. Evaluasi

Penilaian dilakukan pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung.


The name of samples of the “B” class of Aisyiyah Parang Layang Kindergarten


No Experimental class No Control class

1. Muh. Haikal Al qadri 1. Aqilah Irsyadia
2. Muh. Dody Alfayed 2. Muh. Maulana Ma’arif
3. Mifthal Khair 3. Annisa Mutmainnah
4. St. Nabila Azzahrah 4. A. Muh. Reski Ridwan
5. A. Muh. Aqdin zizau 5. Yasmin Trisna Aulia
6. Muh. Dzaki Wiyanda Faiz 6. Muh. Rizan Daffah
7. Nuraisyah Muthia Raya 7. A. Muh. Nur Hilal
8. Adika Ananda Aulia 8. Meipa Ulang Dari
9. Nurhaliza Jamaluddin 9. Amanda Ika Aprilia
10. Annisa Maharani 10. Nurasyah
1. Azizah Gita Cahyani 1. Musdalipa Juniyanti
12. Rahmat Hidayatullah 12. M. Firmansyah
13. Fika Sahira 13. Muh. Rasul Arliansyah
14. Muh. Syawal Al fajri 14. Tasnin Tastabila
15. Jilan Mawaddah 15. St. Nurhalifa
16. Rindi Antika 16. St. Nurul Rahma
17. Dwi Putri Lestari 17. Nurul Ilmi Sahrani
18. A. Muh Jibran 18. Tri Adimas Patoni
19. Musyawir 19. Husnul Fadilah
20. Muh. Ridwan H. Ismail 20. Dappa Adrizoi


The row scores of the experimental class

Subject Pre-test Post-test
1 5.5 10
2 5 9.5
3 5 9.5
4 5 9
5 4.5 9
6 4.5 9
7 4 9
8 4 8.5
9 4 8.5
10 3.5 8.5
11 3.5 8
12 2.5 8
13 2 8
14 2 7.5
15 1.5 7.5
16 1.5 7.5
17 1 7
18 1 7
19 1 6.5
20 0.5 6


The row scores of the control class

Subject Pre-test Post-test

1 5 8
2 5 7.5
3 5 7
4 5 7
5 4.5 6.5
6 4.5 6.5
7 4 6.5
8 4 6
9 3.5 6

10 3.5 6
11 2.5 6
12 2 5.5
13 2 5.5
14 2 5.5
15 2 5.5
16 1.5 5
17 1.5 5
18 1 5
19 0.5 4.5
20 0.5 4.5


The row data of the scores of the pre-test of the both classes.

X1 X12 X2 X22
5.5 30.25 5 25
5 25 5 25
5 25 5 25
5 25 5 25
4.5 20.25 4.5 20.25
4.5 20.25 4.5 20.25
4 16 4 16
4 16 4 16
4 16 3.5 12.25
3.5 12.25 3.5 12.25
3.5 12.25 2.5 6.25
2.5 6.25 2.5 6.25
2 4 2 4
2 4 2 4
1.5 2.25 2 4

1.5 2.25 1.5 2.25
1 1 1.5 2.25
1 1 1 1
1 1 0.5 0.25
0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25
61.5 240.25 60 227.5


The row data of the scores of the post-test of the both classes.

X1 X12 X2 X22
10 90.25 8 64
9.5 90.25 7.5 56.25
9.5 90.25 7 49
9 81 7 49
9 81 6.5 42.25
9 81 6.5 42.5
9 81 6 36
8.5 72.25 6 36
8.5 72.25 6 36
8.5 72.25 6 36
8 64 6 36
8 64 5.5 30.25
8 64 5.5 30.25
7.5 56.25 5.5 30.25
7.5 56.25 5.5 30.25
7.5 56.25 5 25
7 49 5 25
7 49 5 25

6.5 42.25 4.5 20.25
6 36 4.5 20.25
163.5 1348.5 118.5 719.25


Mean score and sums of squares of the students’ pre-test

I. Mean score

X1 = ΣX1 = 61.5 = 3.075

n1 20

X2 = ΣX2 = 60 =3
n2 20

II. Deviation SS

SS1 = ΣX12 - (ΣX1)2

= 240.25 - (61.5)2
= 240.25 - 3782.25
= 240.25 – 189.11
= 51.14

SS2 = ΣX22 - (ΣX2)2

= 227.5 - (60)2

= 227.5 - 3600
= 227.5 – 180
= 47.5


Mean score and sums of squares of the students’ post-test.

I. Mean score

X1 = ΣX1 = 163.5 = 8.175

n1 20

X2 = ΣX2 = 118.5 = 5.93

n2 20

II. Deviation SS

SS1 = ΣX12 - (ΣX1)2

= 1348.5 - (163.5)2
= 1348.5 - 26732.25
= 1348.5 – 1336.61
= 11.89

SS2 = ΣX22 - (ΣX2)2

= 719.25 - (118.5)2

= 719.25 - 14042.25
= 719.25 – 702.11
= 17.14


The t-test of the standard pre-test

ΣX1 = 61.5 ΣX2 = 60

ΣX12 = 240.25 ΣX22 = 227.5
X1 = 3.075 X2 =3
SS1 = 51.14 SS2 = 47.5
n1 = 20 n2 = 20
t = X1 – X2
SS1 + SS2 1 + 1
n1 + n2 – 2 n 1 n2

SO1 t = 3.075 – 3
51.14 + 47.5 1 + 1
20 + 20 – 2 20 20

SO1 t = 0.075
98.64 2
38 20

= 0.075
2.59 0.1

= 0.075

= 0.075


= 0.15

And : df = 38 p = 0.05 t-table = 2.021


The t-test of the standard post-test

ΣX1 = 163.5 ΣX2 = 118.5

ΣX12 = 1348.5 ΣX22 = 719.25
X1 = 8.175 X2 = 5.93
SS1 = 11.89 SS2 = 17.14
n1 = 20 n2 = 20

t = X1 – X2
SS1 + SS2 1 + 1
n1 + n2 – 2 n 1 n2

SO1 t = 8.75 – 5.93

11.89 + 17.14 1 + 1
20 + 20 – 2 20 20

SO1 t = 2.245
29.03 2
38 20

= 2.245
0.76 0.1

= 2.245


= 2.245

= 8.02
And : df = 38 p = 0.05 t-table =2.021


Standard deviation of the students’ pre-test and post-test

I. Standard deviation of the students’ pre-test

a. Experimental class

where SS = 51.14
N = 20

So = SD = √ N

= √ 20
= √ 2.557
SD = 1.59

b. Control class

where SS = 47.5
N = 20

So = SD = √ N

= √ 20
= √ 2.375
SD = 1.54

II. Standard deviation of the students’ post-test

a. Experimental class

where SS = 11.89
N = 20

So = SD = √ N

= √ 20
= √ 0.59
SD = 0.77

b. Control class

where SS = 17.14
N = 20

So = SD = √ N

= √ 20
= √ 0.857
SD = 0.93


Distributions t- table

Untuk uji dua pihak (two tail test)

0.50 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01

Untuk uji satu pihak (one tail test)

dk 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005

1 1.000 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657

2 0.816 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925

3 0.765 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841

4 0.741 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604

5 0.727 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032

6 0.718 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707

7 0.711 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499

8 0.706 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355

9 0.703 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250

10 0.700 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169

11 0.697 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106

12 0.695 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055

13 0.692 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012

14 0.691 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977

To be continue . . .

Continuation . . .

15 0.690 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947

16 0.689 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921

17 0.688 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898

18 0.688 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878

19 0.687 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861

20 0.687 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845

21 0.686 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831

22 0.686 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819

23 0.685 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807

24 0.685 1.318 1.771 2.064 2.492 2.797

25 0.684 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787

26 0.684 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779

27 0.684 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771

28 0.683 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763

29 0.683 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756

30 0.683 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750

40 0.681 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704

60 0.679 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660

120 0.677 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617

∞ 0.674 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576


The writer Mardiana, was born on October 17th, 1984 in Parepare,

South Sulawesi. She is the first child in her family. Her father is H. Mustafa

and her beloved mother is Hj. Mashura.

She spent one year to study in Kartika Chandra Kirana Kindergarten. In

1997 She finished her study in SDN (State Elementary School ) 3 in Parepare.

In the same year she continued her education in SMPN (State Junior High

School ) 1 Parepare and finished in 2000. Also in 2000 she pursued her study

in SMA (Senior High School ) Kartika VII-1 Makassar and finished in 2003.

She worked in PT. Luxindo Raya in the middle of 2003 until 2004. In

the end of 2004 she joined in teacher of kindergarten school and has become

the real teacher in kindergarten since 2005 until now.

In 2005/2006 academic year, she studied at Open University and then

in the 2006/2007 academic year she transfered to “45” university to continue

her study in the English Education Department of Faculty of Teachership and

Education Science, S1 program. During her study she participated in some

campus organizations such as : committee of BEM FKIP since 2006/2007

periode until 2007/2008 periode, President of English Education Department

Students Association (HIMAPBING ) and secretary BEM FKIP in 2008/2009

periode. And as a member of Kakilima art Workshop.



Nomor : 002/PCA/D/TK/I/2010

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, kepala TK Aisyiyah Parang Layang

menerangkan bahwa :

NIM : 4506101011
Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas “45” Makassar
Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya mahasiswa tersebut di

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Using Music and Movement to Improve Students’ Vocabulary at Aisyiyah

Parang Layang Kindergarten Makassar” di sekolah kami.

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Makassar, 25 Januari 2010

Kepala TK Aisyiyah Parang Layang,

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Nip : 19661231198603207


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