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J.Anjana. D c Jahnavi.

Btech 3/4, Chemical Engineering

University College of technology

Osmania University


The poster tries to present various aspects involved in green nanotechnology. As products made
with nanometer-scale materials and devices spread to more industries and markets, there is a
growing opportunity and responsibility to leverage nanotechnology to reduce pollution, conserve
resources and, ultimately, build a "clean" economy, A strong marriage between nanotechnology
and the principles and practices of green chemistry and green engineering "holds the key to
building a desirable environment.

Green nanotechnology is usually defined as a set of technologies that offer the possibility of
changing the manufacturing process in two ways: "Incorporating nanotechnology for efficient,
controlled manufacturing would drastically reduce waste products; and the use of nanomaterials
as catalysts for greater efficiency in current manufacturing processes by minimizing or
eliminating the use of toxic materials and the generation of undesirable by-products and

An interesting application -Diesel-burning engines are a major contributor to environmental

pollution. Wouldn't it be nice if we could render diesel soot harmless before it gets released into
the environment? Wouldn't it even be nicer if we could use this soot to manufacture something
useful? This field comes up not only with a unique technique for effectively collecting diesel
soot but also a method for using this soot as a precursor for the production of single-walled
carbon nanotubes. And this is a practical example for green nanotechnology there are many such
applications. The scope, feasibility and future aspects will be dealt

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