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(based on the Devil Loves Cinnamon)

* Girl A : Nanda Kurnia
* Girl B : Nurfita Sari
* Satan A : Anderson J Fransis
* Satan B : Yandika Timothius
* Boy : Yandika Timothius

Girl A was broken heart because her boyfriend broke her up for her room mate, Girl B.
One day she found a book that can grant the request. Girl A was thought to reclaim her

Cewek A patah hati karena cowoknya memutuskannya dan malah beralih ke teman satu
kosnya, Cewek B. Suatu hari ia menemukan buku yang bisa mengabulkan permintaan. A
pun berpikir untuk merebut kembali sang pacar.

Girl A makes a circle of spell on the paper on the floor of her room.

Adegan I:
Cewek A sedang membuat lingkaran mantra di kertas di lantai kamarnya.

Girl A:
Circle of spell already finished, but it looks like a certain strange circle..? (confused)
mm.. too late for stop.. anyway.. do it! (started to mumble not clear as shaman) Why did
nothing happen? (look around, hoping to see a creature on the call) is just a lie! It was
just a joke! It could grant the request by calling the circle of spells. that on the call do not
come! (throws the book)
Lingkaran mantranya udah jadi, tapi kok mirip lingkaran apa gitu ya? (bingung) Udah
ah.. laksanakan saja! (mulai  komat-kamit gak jelas kayak dukun) Kok gak terjadi apa-
apa? (melihat ke sekitar, berharap melihat makhluk yang di panggil) BOONG AJA
DATENG-DATENG! (melempar buku)

Satan C: 
(coming from the door and hit the throw the book) Hey! if you walk, use your eyes!

(datang dari pintu dan kena lemparan buku) OI!!! JALAN TUH PAKE MATA!!!
Satan D:
Books do not have eyes, Bro .. (took my book that fall)

Buku gak punya mata, coy.. (ngambil buku yang jatuh)

Girl A:
Who are you? (shocked)

Siapa kalian? (kaget)

Satan C:
I'm the Satan .. (with confident tidy clothes)
gue setan.. (dengan pede ngerapiin baju)

Girl A:
Satan? Satan really can feel the pain? Instead of Satan .. spirits huh? (raised eyebrows)

Setan? Setan kok bisa ngerasain sakit? Bukannya setan.. makhluk halus ya? (menaikkan

Satan C:
Yes ... but it's because I just appear ..
Ya... tapi itu karna kebetulan aku baru muncul..

Girl A:
Not logical reason…

alasan yang gak logis

Satan D:
We are also not logical. We're not real!

Kita juga gak logis. Kita kan gak nyata

Girl A:
Well hell yeah .. but the satan suddenly appeared? Not need to through the door all.

Iya juga sih.. tapi kan setan itu nongol tiba-tiba. gak perlu lewat pintu segala

Satan D:
Our affection .. (mock) Bro, I go back. You are called by her
Suka-suka kita.. (mengejek) Coy, gue pulang dulu ya. Kan elo yang di panggil ama dia.

Satan C:
Well ... You really cruel…! Hm… okay, never mind. go home.
Yah... Kejem amat lo. Ya, udah deh. Sana pulang.

Satan D:

Girl A:
(view Satan C which still stands in front of her) So you still doing here?

(natep setan C yang masih berdiri di depannya) Terus ngapain lo masih di sini?

Satan C:
You ask again .. Yes I came because you called

Pake nanya lagi.. Ya gue dateng karna lo panggillah..

Girl A:
Oh, so yeah .. But how the satan can speak local language?
Oh, gitu ya.. Tapi kok setan bisa bahasa sini?

Satan C:
I local satan

Gue setan lokal.

Girl A:

Satan C:
Mention your request! But only one!
Sebutin permintaan lo! Tapi cuma satu!

Girl A:
Request? My request, make my boyfriend back to me ..
Permintaan? Permintaan gue, bikin cowok gue balik ke gue dong..
Satan C:
Your boy?

cowok lo?

Girl A:

Satan C:
Indeed, where is your boy?
Emang cowok lo kemana?

Girl A:
Decide me.. and dating with my friend

Mutusin gue.. terus jalan ama temen gue

Satan C:
No wonder..


Girl A:

Kok pantes?

Satan C:
Yes.. because you are so ugly

Ya iyalah.. Elonya jelek gini

Girl A:
Damn you .. Satan just put on
Sialan lo.. Setan aja belagu

Satan C:
Stop! So you wanna your boyfriend back to you?

Stop! Jadi lo pengen cowok lo berpaling ke elo?

Girl A:

Satan C:

Girl B:
(break down the door)
(mendobrak pintu)

Girl A:
(suprise with the satan)
(kaget bareng setan)

Girl B:
(looks around) Why had you shout? Talk with who?
(melihat ke sekeliling) Lo tadi teriak-teriak kenapa? Ngobrol sama siapa lo?

Girl A:
(glancing at the satan that is in front)
(melirik setan yang ada di depannya)

Girl B:
Hey! Answer it.. why even say anything?

Heh! Di jawab kek.. Diem aja..

Girl A:
Nope .. I'm still looking the goods .. (trying to hide that in her circle picture)
Gak.. gue lagi nyari barang.. (berusaha ngumpetin gambar lingkaran yang di buatnya)

Girl B:
What are you hiding? (trying to see)
Nyembunyiin apa lo? (mencoba melihat)

Girl A:
No .. It's just a poster for an exhibition at the school
Enggak.. Ini cuma poster buat pameran di sekolah..

Girl B:
Oh .. Yes, already .. please shut up .. (phone rings) Ah .. from my boy! (smiles brightly)
shut up yeah .. I want to chat with my boy... (laughs slyly, closing the door)

Oh.. Ya, udah.. lo jangan berisik.. (hapenya bunyi) Ah.. dari cowok gue!! (senyum riang)
Jangan berisik ya.. Gue mau telpon-telponan sama cowok gue.. (tertawa licik, menutup

Girl A:
(furious threw objects at the door) He's that! who took my boy!
(geram ngelempar barang ke arah pintu) Itu tuh! yang ngerebut cowok gue!

Satan C:
Wonder .. pretty lost .. (folded hands nodded)

Pantes.. kalah cantik.. (melipat tangan manggut-manggut)

Girl A:
You're actually supporting me or not anyway?!

Lo sebenernya dukung gue apa enggak sih?!

Girl B:
Hey! I say do not be noisy! (bang-bang on the door)

Hey! Gue bilang jangan berisik! (gedor-gedor pintu)

Girl A:
I'm not noisy! (cranky)
Gue kagak berisik! (bete)
The next day the satan and girl A went to school to carry out actions to win back her

Besoknya si setan dan cewek A pergi ke sekolah untuk melaksanakan aksinya untuk
merebut cowoknya kembali.

Hi, Girl..

Hai, cewek..

Girl A:
H-Hi… (shocked)

H-hai.. (kaget)

Why surprised?

Kok kaget?

Girl A:
(glancing to the satan inside)

(ngelirik ke setan yang ada di samping)

glance at who? (turned)

Ngelirik siapa? (noleh)

Satan C:
Take it easy ... I ever said that beside you, other people can see me ..

Tenang... Kan udah kita bilangin. Selain lo orang lain gak bakal bisa liat kita kok..

Girl A:


What’s wrong with you? So weird .. (looked weird)

Lo kenapa sih? Aneh gini.. (memandang aneh)

Girl B:
(come and direct the boy’s hand) Hi .. How come you are still missing .. I've been
looking for you know .. We’ll go shopping .. Anyway, why are you with ex-ye? She
seduced you?

(dateng dan langsung menggandeng tangan si cowok) Hai.. Kok kamu ngilang sih..
Daritadi aku nyariin lho.. Kita kan mau jalan.. Lagian kamu kenapa sama mantan kamu
ini? Dia ngerayu kamu?

Not really .. Just calm .. I only just said hello .. Let's go .. (passed away)

Nggak kok.. Tenang aja.. Aku cuma nyapa doang kok.. Yuk kita jalan.. (berlalu pergi)

Girl B:
Hold on.. (go to girl A) watch out, if you seducing my boy again .. ugly! (laughing

Eh.. tunggu-tunggu.. (datengin cewek A) awas lo ya kalo ngerayu cowok gue lagi..
Jelek... (ketawa senang)

Satan C:
Is he the guy who dumped you?

Yang tadi cowok yang mutusin lo?

Girl A:

Satan C:

Girl A:
Why you laughing? You should have done what I asked ..

Ngapain kalian ketawa. Mestinya kalian ngelakuin apa yang gue minta dong..

Satan C:
Okay .. It's easy case (snapping fingers)

Oke.. itu perkara gampang (menjentikkan jari)

(immediately remove Vita’s hand)

langsung melepas gandengan Vita..

Girl B:
Hey! Where are you going, honey? We’ll go shopping yeah? (jog pursue boy)

Eh! Mau kemana, Yang? Kita kan mau jalan.. (lari-lari kecil ngejer Yandika)

We've broken up..

Kita udah putus..

Girl B:
How so?! (angry)

Kok gitu?! (marah)

I'm aware. Which I love it, Girl A ..

Gue sadar. Yang gue sayang itu, Nanda..

Girl A:
(happy smiling)

Girl B:
How so? You're my boyfriend me! (angry)

Kok gitu? Kamu kan pacar aku! (marah-marah)

Girlfriend? No. .. Times when I was going out with you.

Pacar? Nggak ah.. Jaman kapan aku pacaran sama kamu.

Girl B:
(angry and slapped boy)

(marah dan menampar si cowok)

Hey, how dare you are slap me. You know, my parents have never slap me. You must
feel the pain response because've dared to slap me in public (to block Girl B’ hand)

Eh, berani banget lo nampar gue. Gini-gini ortu gue belum pernah nampar gue tau. Lo
musti ngerasain balasan yang sakit karena udah berani nampar gue di depan umum
(mencekal tangan cewek B)

Girl B:
Let me go! What do you want! Let me go!

Lepasin!! Mau apa lo!! Lepasin...

Follow me!

Girl A:
(come and let to grasp the boy)

(datang dan melepaskan cekalan si cowok)

Hey..? How you even defend her still .. She's already slap me know .. You ought to
defend me!

Lho.. Kok kamu malah ngebela dia sih.. Dia udah nampar aku tau.. Mestinya kamu
ngebela aku!

Girl A:
(punched belly boy) Sorry! I'm more concerned about my friend than you, rude boy! (left
Boy, bringing Girl B elsewhere)

(ninju perut si cowok) Sori! Gue lebih mentingin temen gue daripada lo, cowok kasar!!
(meninggalkan si cowok, membawa cewek B ke tempat lain)

Girl B:
I'm sorry, A .. I grab his from you ..

Maaf ya, A.. Dulu aku ngerebut dia dari kamu..

Girl A:
not all right. After all, it turns out he's a guy rough. Not good for us.

Gak apa kok. Toh ternyata dia cowok kasar. Gak pantes buat kita.
Girl B:
But how the boy can suddenly turn to you ..?

Tapi kok si Yandika bisa tiba-tiba berbalik ke elo..?

Girl A:
That satan’s work

Itu kerjaan setan..

Satan C:
Why me?! (suddenly appears)

Kok gue?! (tiba-tiba muncul)

Girl A:
It’s your work..

Ya emang kerjaan elo kan..

Satan C:
I only really follow your request ..

Gue cuma nurutin permintaan lo kok..

Girl B:
(patting shoulders Girl A) you're talking to whom?

(nepuk bahu si cewek) Lo ngomong sama siapa?

Girl A:
Eh, I talk with ...

Eh, gue ngomong sama...

Satan D:
(appear) with satan..

(muncul) Sama setan..

Girl B:
(surprised to find satan D in front her)

(kaget mendapati setan D di depannya)

Girl A:
How do you appear?

Kok lo muncul?

Satan D:
Anyway I think there is a calling. (glancing to the circle and a book lying on the corner
of the room)

Iseng.. Lagian kayaknya ada yang manggil gue. (ngelirik ke lingkaran dan buku yang
tergeletak di sudut ruangan)

Girl B:
Who is he? (fear) Who is he too? (pointing satan C)

Dia siapa? (takut) Itu juga siapa? (nunjuk Achun)

Girl A:

Girl B:

Satan D:
Yeah, we both are satan on called your friends. We are called your friends for granted the
request ..

Iya, kita berdua setan yang di panggil temen lo. Kita di panggil buat ngabulin
permintaan temen lo..

Girl B:


Girl B:
If so, I want a boy .. He's cute, rich, clever like Justin Bieber .. Keep-hold (stuck to Satan
D) I also want pretty rich too .. hehehe

Kalo gitu, gue mau cowok dong.. Yang cakep, kaya, pinter kayak Justin Bieber gitu deh..
Terus-terus (nempel ke setan D) Gue juga pengen cantik juga kaya dong.. hehehe
Satan C:
(patting Satan D’s shoulders)

(menepuk bahu setan D)

Satan D:


Satan C:
It’s your job, friend.. I’m go home.. (Satan C and Girl A go)

Ini tugas lo teman.. Gue cabut dulu ya.. (Setan C dan Cewek A berlalu)

And so, finally .. Satan D's turn to grant the Girl B request ..

Dan begitulah, akhirnya.. giliran Setan Yandika yang harus mengabulkan permintaan

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