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Kadang kadang mechanics

Please review for possible anomalies

1. The game will be a relay type of race.

2. Ten (10) people will represent each team.
3. The game will begin once the facilitators have given the command to do so.
4. The players will have to race back and forth by means of the coconut shell stilts.
5. The player should tap the hand of the next player in line to indicate his/her completion of
his/her part.
6. The current player will hand the coconut shell stilts for the next player to use.
7. In case the coconut shell stilts break, a replacement will be provided (depending on availability)
and the current player has to restart his/her leg of the race.
8. In case the facilitators run out of coconut shell stilts, the team could still finish the race,
provided that they will be using the finishers’ (or the first team to finish) coconut shell stilts to
finish the remainder of the relay.
9. Questions will only be entertained before the start of the relay.
10. The facilitators’ decision is final.

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