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TITUS 2 MENTORING MINISTRY: A one-on-one relationship pairing older

and younger Christian women for the purpose of developing a supportive

friendship, encouraging one another in Christ and living according to God’s
Word. Pick up a Titus 2 brochure to learn more.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Throughout the year we enjoy various events such as

holiday teas and gatherings, retreats focused on the Word of God, and special
speakers. Watch the bulletin for upcoming events.

THURSDAY MORNINGS: A year long study which runs September through
May, ladies spend time in in-depth Bible studies, as well as come together to
discuss what the Lord has taught them. This small group discussion time
facilitates growth and friendship as the ladies get to know one another and the
Lord more intimately. Come join us each Thursday morning at 9:00 am in the

KINDRED HEARTS: Meets each Thursday evening at 7:00 pm at the home

of Nancy Matthews, 5041 Casa Oro Drive in Yorba Linda, 714-993-3138.
Spend time in this intimate setting, sitting at the feet of Jesus as we study the

WOMEN’S HOME STUDIES: Various studies meet throughout the week in

a comfortable home atmosphere close to your home. Contact the church office
to find out what studies are currently available.

For more information, please feel free to contact the church office.

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