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¦‘ Emphasize the importance of pregnancy and
immunization. c.‘ ")&"  ± social and psychological
¦‘ Yearn the concept of parenting. adaptation to role; learning expectations.
¦‘ ^ncome adjustment 2.‘   ± assumption of role at birth;
¦‘ Ôe-adjustment behaviors guided by others in social
¦‘ Yinkage with extended family system/network.
¦‘ Ôole shift 3.‘ ^  ± mother develops own ways of
‘ Ê% &" #' "# " ( 4.‘ #  ± Joy of motherhood; harmony,
 "  " confidence and competence in
¦‘ jinancial preparation for the existence of maternal role.
additional member in the family (child).
¦‘ ?repare a safe environment for the upcoming ¦‘ +(*#  
child. ¦‘ Vaternal responsibility includes:
¦‘ Vanaging a residence or home. X‘ murturing
¦‘ Establishing a more intimate bond with X‘ ?rotecting
spouse. X‘ Care-taking
¦‘ àeparation from parents. X‘ Vanaging the affairs of the
household (defining attribute
Yatin word = ë  of maternal role)
Caretaker of the offspring in their species

Humans ± mother or father figure of a child or

offspring. ")"# " " "  
¦‘ ›chievement of independence and decision- X‘ ?regnancy
making. X‘ Birth experience
¦‘ ›ttend seminars or counseling for parenting X‘ Vaternal identity
lessons. X‘ illingness to assume the role
¦‘ Yearn to live with a partner and with an X‘ Child bonding
upcoming baby. ¦‘ ()*#  $
¦‘ Have a stable job with a stable salary. ¦‘ pbjective:
¦‘ Establishing goals for upcoming children. X‘ Determine the current state of
knowledge of nursing interventions
‘   "   """ that foster the process of becoming a
¦‘ )*#   mother.
º‘ Ô    
 X‘ Vaternal behavior in the process of
º‘ jormulated to serve as becoming a mother during pregnancy
framework for nurses or during the first 4 months following
›.‘ To provide appropriate health care intervention birth or both.
for nontraditional mothers.

B. To assist nontraditional mothers to attain a strong ()*#  $

maternal identity. ^nstruction for infant care giving building
¦‘   )&" )*#  $ awareness of and responsiveness to capabilities.
- Developmental and interactional ]‘ ?romoting maternal-infant attachment.
process occur over a period of time wherein there is ]‘ Vaternal/social role preparation
bonding between mother and infant. ^nteractive therapeutic nurse-client -
›cquire the ff: relationships.
-Competence in caretaking task
-Enjoys and expresses joy
-?leasure in the role

Developed theory of: Vaternal ^dentity and

‘   "   """ experience-the woman¶s efforts aimed at becoming a
6‘ +(*#   mother.
6‘ Ôeva Ôubin
]‘  ) ")" 
]‘ That occurs within the dyad of mother and -›ffects people emotionally, physically, and
child can have a significant impact on the financially.
entire family system and its subsystems.
¦‘ Ôubin¶s Theory
¦‘ jocus on ³traditional´ mothers.
¦‘ Dealt with maternal role attainment from the
point of acceptance of the pregnancy to one
month postpartum.

¦‘ " "" ± culmination or end

point of maternal role attainment.
Characterize by the woman¶s comfort
in her role.

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6‘ àeeking safe passage.
6‘ Ensuring the acceptance of the child by
6‘ Bonding with fetus.
6‘ Yearning to give one¶s self.

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##+&"  "  
6‘ àingle parenthood
6‘ Birth of handicapped child
6‘ ›dopting a child
6‘ àeparation/divorce
6‘ Hospitalization/death of spouse
6‘ orking mother/absentee of parent(s)

‘ )" ## 

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-Brings the couple stronger and closer
-Can always lead a happy life if they want to
- ›void putting the blame on your partner.
-›ccept the fact that you won¶t have an offspring,
facing the truth is the only way to go.
-Blaming your spouse will just lead to more guilty
feeling and depression.
-^nvolve yourself with children of the family
-Cherish, love, and deepen the bonds that tie you

‘ "%
-Definitely a painful experience

-Be the end of their marriage

-Cause grievous pain, shame (the blaming game

begins on whose fault it is that the marriage is

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