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Euthanasia is the practice of medically-assisted death.

Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being

for his or her alleged benefit.

the act or practice of killing somebody who has an incurable illness or injury, or of
assisting that person to die. Euthanasia is illegal in most of the countries.
Every time when we hear about euthanasia,we also hear about so called “the right
to die”.Usually the Christians are those who don't agree with this act because they think
that death should be natural , not caused by someone or something, but the doctors think
that this is a normal act (in most of the cases) and a necessity too.
There are two kinds of euthanasia:active and passive euthanasia.Passive euthanasia
is the act of switching off the respiration or other life support.the passive euthanasia takes
place when are presripted or administrated drugs to someone who is not on life support
In my opinion I think that the act of euthanasia depends from case to case.My
opinion is divided because I think that the church is right but the doctors too.
The Bible says that no one has the right to take a life but I know that there are some
situations in which even that people are living physical, they are dead from the psychical
point of the view and they live like a “vegetable” , without sensations or perceptions .In
this case the life sustained by devices is worthless.

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