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Are you MAD?!

Start at the number of the month of your birthday and do each activity with a
different person. Don’t be shy! But make sure to do each activity properly and get
a witness to initial your page to make sure you don’t cheat! You only have 10 mins!

1. Stand at the front of the room and sing one verse of your favourite song loud
enough for Miss Hands to hear you at the back of the room.
2. Sit down with someone and discuss the weather.
3. Ask someone to do a somersault in the middle of the room.
4. Pat someone on the back and say “you’re a jolly good fellow” in your best
English accent.
5. Collect eight different autographs. They must all include a first, middle and
last name.
6. Pluck a hair 6cms or longer from someone’s head. Nicely...
7. Play a game of leap frog with a partner for an entire lap of the room.
8. Ask a different guy to do 5 full push ups and sign his name here. ......................
9. Unlace someone’s school shoe completely (not your own). Then lace it and
tie it up again.
10. Run around the room crying “I’m a Bird, I’m a Plane, I’m Superman”.
11. Play “Ring around the Rosey” with at least 2 people who you do not know.
12. Run on the spot for a whole minute with someone looking on and cheering
“Go man, Go!”.

Autographs Go Here:

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