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Life is much better today than it was in the past.

It is amazing how much the world has changed over the last century. New scientific
discoveries and technological advancement have made our life much easier than it used to be in
the past. However, the changes have taken place not only in the technology or science but also
within a society.

First of all, today equality and freedom are the most basic human rights, while in the past
those who were wealthy had control and power over the poor. In the past, especially at the times
of feudalism, society fell into estates and people at the lowest level of the social ladder, namely
peasants, have actually no rights. They were treated as a property of their lord. Today, despite the
differences in financial status, all people have the same rights.

Another important change concerns the situation of women. In the past they were treated
by men as "a second class" citizens. They were expected to be housewives-give birth to children,
raise them and take care of their household and their family. They were completely dependent on
their husbands then. However, women finally won their long battle for suffrage. Nowadays,
women are independent and many of them are successful businesswomen running their own
companies. A modern woman can compromise pursuing her professional careers and having

Besides, it seems that the past was very turbulent. Many nations fought fierce wars and it
was very common that cities and villages were ravaged by invaders. People felt insecure about
their lives and about their future. What is more, lack of proper education was a main cause of
superstitions which often led to dramatic situations. Other than that, due to very bad hygienic
conditions in which people lived, epidemics of various diseases killed thousands of people.

All things considering, it seems obvious that now life is much better than it was in the
past. However, it cannot be denied that in the past life was not that hectic and stressful as it has
become nowadays. Today people are preoccupied with making money and career so much that
they often do not have time for their families. In fact, modern people usually live not with each
other but next to each other. The conditions of life are definitely much better now but it can be
questioned whether the quality of life is really better.

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