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Step Three: Creative Presentation

In a maximum of seven minutes, you will creatively present your myth interpretation to
the class.

You have been assigned a myth on the basis of your ranking where possible. Your task
for this presentation is two-fold:
- INTERNALIZE & PERSONALIZE - this lesson was covered in class but here is another link

1. become very familiar with the basic outline of the myth you were assigned
2. adjust your myth as you need to – fill in details; eliminate details; change details –
in order to make if work better for you as the story-teller (consider strategies such
as repetition, onomatopoeia, alliteration, parallel structure, connotative language)
3. incorporate oral presentation skills – intonation, volume, gestures, pitch, pauses,
pacing – to make the story more enjoyable and memorable for the class
4. practice! – you will be making the presentation unassisted, so you really need to
know your story
5. props – don’t go overboard, but small suggestive additions are often useful –
music, mood lighting, limited costume, sound effects

The project is to be done individually, although you are welcome to get help if you need
another person for the presentation part (they won’t be evaluated).

Step Three of ISU – Creative Presentation

Criteria value 4 3 2 1 R
Literary details which enhance story-telling
- repetition, onomatopoeia, alliteration, parallel 20
structure, connotative language A
Oral Presentation Strategies – intonation, volume,
gestures, pitch, pauses, pacing C 20
Props or other dramatic strategies – effectively
contribute to story – do not distract or upstage A 5
Knowledge of myth K 10

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