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Asi Se Dice 1B—Chapter 6 Scavenger Hunt

1. What does “el bienestar” mean?

2. Answer in Spanish: ¿Como es tu familia?
3. Which two adjectives are often shortened when placed before a
masculine noun?
4. T/F Estar expresses an inherent trait or characteristic that
does not change.
5. Where is the monument of Lazarillo de Tormes located?
6. Answer the following question in a complete Spanish sentence:
¿En que clase estas después del almuerzo?
7. Conjugate the verb “ser” and write one sentence using a form of
the verb correctly.
8. Ser/ Estar expresses both temporary and permanent location.
(circle or write the verb that makes the statement correct)
9. List two ways to refer to a patient in Spanish.
10. Make a list of 5 opposites using adjectives from this chapter.
11. What is the third objective for this chapter?
12. Translate: El medico me examina en la consulta cuando tengo
dolor de garganta.
13. What is the difference between traditional and modern
pharmacies in Spain?
14. In Spanish, where are object pronouns normally placed?
15. ¿De quien es El Periquillo Sarniento?
16. List 15 cognates from the vocabulary list on page 223.(please
number them)
17. T/F Me, te, and nos can be used as direct,indirect,and
reflexive object pronouns.
18. Why would le and les have to be used with another phrase to
clarify to whom they refer?
19. ¿Como se llama “Un Alumno de Colombia” ?
20. Write in Spanish: I am very sick, but I do not have a fever.

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