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1.) What You Need To Know About Stiff Knee Causes

Stiff knee causes can vary from rheumatoid arthritis to a torn ligament in the knee. There are
many conditions that cause a stiff knee. A doctor will be able to evaluate your knee to see the
reason why you are experiencing a stiff knee.

2.) The Most Common Stiff Knee Causes Include:

A.) Degenerative knee disease or osteoarthritis

B.) Damaged cartilage
C.) Rheumatoid arthritis

Other causes of stiff joints can be viral, although they will usually present accompanied by a
fever. Any time you have stiff joints that include a fever, you should talk with your doctor .

In most cases, however, the stiff knee causes are not an emergency situation nor are they a life
threatening situation. The causes listed above are all manageable and should not be fatal,
although they can lead to acute distress brought on by impaired movement and joint deformity if
not addressed.

3.) Treating Arthritis or Osteoarthritis

Both arthritis and osteoarthritis are conditions that affect the joints and present with swelling,
pain and stiffness. Contrary to popular belief, this is not just a condition that affects only older
people - younger people have been known to come down with these conditions. - A great deal of
people who develop arthritis or osteoarthritis of the knee are either athletes or former athletes.

Conservative treatment in medicine is nearly always desired prior to going ahead with surgery,
although rebuilding the knee is an option when it comes to treating arthritis or osteoarthritis of
the knee. Most doctors will advise anti-inflammatory medications as well as a knee brace as a
form of treatment. - Keeping the knee active will also help keep it from becoming deformed
(speak with your physician about your activity levels.)

4.) Damaged Cartilage or Knee Damage

In some cases, the stiff knee causes are due to a damaged knee joint. This can be the result of
some type of injury that will be revealed in an x-ray or MRI. If this is the case, the doctor will
usually tell you to rest the knee at least for a while. You may be asked to take pain killers if the
pain is acute as is often the case with knee damage. You may also be advised to wear a knee
brace when you need to walk to help provide you with support and pain reduction.

Healing from a damaged cartilage can take weeks or months, depending on the extent of the
damage and the age of the injured party. Knee surgery can be performed if the patient is an
athlete or a younger person, in which the outcome is expected to be successful.

5.) Rheumatoid Arthritis

If the stiff knee causes are related to rheumatoid arthritis, anti-inflammatory medication may be
prescribed. Your doctor may also advise you to wear a knee brace to help alleviate discomfort.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive auto-immune disease and the knee will not always benefit
from any type of surgery if this condition is related to the stiff knee causes.

Stiff knee causes can have many underlying factors. The treatment for the condition varies with
the cause as well as the individual. In most cases, a conservative approach using medication,
knee braces and even exercises such as swimming can keep the pain and stiffness in check.

The Knee Brace Store - If you would like to take your knee stability to the next level (affordably)
then visit us online today at Dr. Brace Co. is an education based site,
created by true brace specialists, that can provide helpful information and meaningful support for
your knee. If you have questions come to our site and let us know, or call toll free 1-888-564-
4888. We will respond.

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