Anda di halaman 1dari 42

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English in 20 minutes. a day

Audio Scripts

Stages 1-6

AII.diu ~'l:iJ~$: ·fhll1.Qth)l' ~jntlno;;k Andl'!'!W !!ira non

W06 C0lllngwaoo Dai/id loh'~ El'fl2K~r

LaJuiflire K~J1inedy I-iafuk<! Kl.!rml~,

J!,Ii'i!:! Maise:'!'

snfflon Matt~s ,o,l~!! M<;Cread~ l'Jooc!~ M~ddlm;lltdl CJ~reW1lle


'E4Iij!Ush 1[1;2:.1) M~nutu a: O.!I'f

wal> Pf'MI,.I~i;lICII TM· Relil(!.er':!; Dilj!12s! Iw Ald:r[dfil~ ~51O, l.oru::iOI:'!

~J:!It edititm C! ~.OO4 'I'he F.le.a{jer"s [)Ig~~

~I, fl~t5 ~E!!'i'lxL

No;pal'!! of ~!1i~ boo.k 1l'li1I:'!f be Rj;IrqDllO'.!'d, ~!DFIi:d: qn ~, retri!El'~1 !;1,st~,Qr tr;lMlI1,ltted

1111 ;lny ~[fl! "I ibr aiIY me!!lm~, ele~tltl~:I(:, 'el~:>Ur!tk mi!l!jD@tL.:- ti!!pe, mechanhtilll, p:bot~'!ing, I'li!tmit'iil or oth~jS'!!'" w~~t:!(l'lJt p~tTt1jS;lllQ!]' JPl wr:iti;mii, lrem t~.!:! publi::;h~flk


Mdrew 1Da~~

~ RUder's[li~. The!· ~~t. .a~d the i'ega~5 lOJ~ i.1't ~5t,ertd t~emacrl:!l of the

~B.(fers D~~",st .k5:WciMl<Jl1, klc. DiI PI!.:asamtylU!~, N'cW' 1'm1o:.: V&;io.,

J>,N!dJl:~r1i r!.lOi!~h E~I~ott

SOill_lI!d~~[[IJIl,cr~ Sii:nCi~ HU:l'I1!pihli~~

R'ccO'ITdl!4l: ~dJl:m Air.-lEdel. L.ondc.ffi



1\; (lorYW do you Q-O? nUl 'H i lal)' iRa lsbeck B~ .A.nd rl1ll [).3lvid K.ennemt. How do yoo do? 'f\w(),

;.,,~ Gccd mClmjn~_ LL".1y [lame's Yang


6, 1?~~5~i 00 ffile~ VQu Yilfllg ChQrlftl, Tlb~~~

A: Helle, I.'m Anna ~Q!sky.

6,: H()"!,'l do '';OU do? My l'Iam@:"s, Har,ald:

Brown :FO'Uif

A: ~U5~ me, a~'l'Ou· [l,r6:ru'!llfl.? Eli: Yes, ~ am,

A: ~'m Sna FOIJJ Wardi, N'k.e to meet ¥Qu, '!i'RAC!I::1:


A: H~110, da'f~~n_g_ How' 0Ii~r;t ¥'Ou? B; ~'m nne, MlJIm. How ere 'Iou? ~

A: ·GGOO af:l:~rnoon, Da""ld_ 'i7l0'U!' al:@


5: F1 n.e.~fla.'r"ks. Anod ~"'OIj? Three

A: H!, Shar,on_ How :;!iro;: you?

13<: Vf!1"j W€:IL ~h;3J[ljk YOLl, [l rBrown, Four

A: AnrHill Nlml te SEe ;.>01..11

Eio: Hello. Harry, Ni.oe, 'to see ~Oll.!, too, fl .. e

1\: HIl!I[o:

1lI~ ~8, that YOll, Oa~id? 11.: Yes" Hello, Hila!)"


1\, .1!:fClJse mit, a:re you i?rofe8S0r Polsky? ~, Yes, I am, How do ~o,u. do'J


C; Hello, SIi"I<lrolil I{gv;' ;;lIre ¥QuO? D; FiilE;: l h<ln k:.;, .. no '('OUt' 'fbJr~

,E: Mice to see :,'o;u, David! r: And )"tll!l!



TFL\i!o,CK4 I come frolilTl a small town in Minml'Sota. but 6 ~h\~ Lo Holl ......... ood 1l0\il.~I1.d in yery oii ffe re lilt. 11"1 my h.ome townpEOj_:)IE! i!I'r~ \Oilry fri,endi1. They wal~ down the street <lind th~t speak t.o yuu T"e~ :'d:1 'J·~I

Aud io Scripts


---- ------

~h~rer grid 'HOW. a re ~ou?' H~rt! it] Hollywood people ,doru't w;Oi~L Tiley drive ~r:.'.",.hoere..! ~he i n ~~iro t>ig how.e f;)1"! ~1'I~a Monica aJlild semett rnes I: do-n't :se€ afl~(lile B II Qi'll"'.

, STAG E 11: LE$$QIN ;3

~iK5 I cliO tlt~ 5<'ll'!'!e tlffi neS e"'ery cLay. 1 ""'aJ~e up at seven, bll~ I stillY in bed: u,ntill Sever! . fi fl~~n, ftuml g!lt LIP' ;Indh9~a. sho'i'lt!~_ Thatrea:lly W<l1re::; meUlp! i ie;t. dressed !lind then] have breakfas~ - S-'Dmeb:OS5t ~nd <l o::~p ott;.o·tt~~, 11e.;l~ tli~n.-OI;lS~ at eight ttl i my Sind WB.l~ to the bus S~(lPi, i il]iQ fO work 'b)1 bus, I ,start WCift. ~t .",oout

nine. and :1 fi~ls<h 'No.1i at th'e or ~i.:l:, If! Ihr:! ~!lln~. I i1.;l'!l(l d~InMr a!ld wmdl ~eI.~v;i5tiQtI 01" plar on the oomPUter,. Dam u:s;u.aliy In. b11!d lby 'I!~~~~nl


-- - -- .. ---

"fAA.CK 6 ~. H"'~ with my mother <lndi my r'a~r,er <1m! my two br-C<lhers_ "FIttlJ at@' e~mifd Owen <!ild D;l}li(!i, .c)~!l i$t;\'o'~fj~ ,",l'Idi h;~ a~ \,L[li~er.;jty, Di3J"'id ls $i~Jteen alld If;,e'~ <'It seheel, like me, I 11<l .... er .... o ~r~lldJmotl'!e!'S and one .g:randfather. My other Ii1ir§ndfuther is dead. i ha\'"e one l:I:nJt;l~ and ClI'lJ(;l ,aUlrli~. My8Ul'lt [ane,t ls tl)), mothers 5~$ter. 'They hal.!'~ lwo,ghimrs .. Rosa ls ten aad . Gei'P"IliI<Ii 15 ~I .• m~en, tiKe. me, 'li"hs~ a,re my eeuslns

------- -


TRACK 7 A~ I H ... e ii!'! O! ~ibt ~lth a 11 i,ce, sun rI'i biiillwny,

B, We Ir,.~ i I;1i ~,de~dJeDilloi.JS~ wltn ~ o,lg, g<lildetl_

'C. I H~ il'l Ol oUlr~g;ljo\Y HI.@ sea.

TRACKS [)A;Vli:l:: B.r.ian" Su:sa n! Hi there, 'NeljQome I H[Jw~r~ 'tOO?

BtU""''': We'f~ nnfl. 1)<I~ld_ (lu r Giir [s III the

dJio,ie, Is th'il!~ OK?"

O;o;lI!lO, Of enur!:1;!. COm€! 111. BR!lAN: 5urEl.

SUSANI: Thallh

0.'1'11 D: I'll S"!t ~lfIe drl:nki_ IBrltlrOK far you, Brian?

8!ill!I';N; GreRI~

SllSAl\l\i On Mi'lri~, tIK'SC flowers are lor you.

M"'.R!E: The,:/,r,e k)'1ely _. tha.nls, Susan 1-10'1{5 oob·~ li:o-sa?

SllS_ .... ;.l: She's tine A bit ~i:r~d M~IE' Yes. ,~! course. It.-s ". !ong .jolJme-:(

come 8,11(1 silt down,

SY~f\~: Th<lr.'l~~_ Ho.w aJf'@ tl1e chi:ld [€in"> MI'<R!E: Very wr:!11. The~':r(l:pnal'fll'lg In ii:n~ g3lrden._" oh nQ. ,I eanhearthem IlIOW. rh~ want to $e.e the b'ac'.\'!



H~LAlIfli: Helio. !)av.ld. NJice te seeyou ae~En, How are ~OUI?

[l"'VIID: I'm fine. th.HlJ~S_ .And yoUl? H~Utifl'!': Very well, tl'Lan.ks. D~ ... lddo YOil mow 'fanE: ChO!!iili? 'l'.".[18; diQo8:, tJ;.l~ is. David; K~lmeU .. He'S' our project qirecbDr i:iI!ViietFl~i'i1I-

DAVI D. Illlea_S-ed to mellt yOUJ, Y .. n~ CfrlOFlig. Y"JiiNG CIHOr.':oO: :How do YQU do. Mr IKenlllet:f'l


SHARON; E~.Oi.:i5oe me, Dr Brow", C;ftrL i Introduce you to i?rofes.wr Pol:>l\,) from Maeea{)nia? ArI na. Dr !i"li;lI'r,l~r:;I. Brf)wl'I_ H@ ~orks I,ll Rwanda,

Dill Il!mWN: l"i0'lll do you. do?

I'tl!:Q!',. PO(;SKY: rig.". do '!¢ydQ, IYr 8FOWI'!? 'FhJl'~~

HU..JUlY: H@~no, Stlial[OI'l ... How ::lire thing:;; witn :;<C'iJ"i'

SW\RO~: OK r:h~:nkl!:;, HlUar",l'.Oh.ttnls ~s Mia;n:il1, He's my ~iiOrl. MOIr!'in;, tlt~~ l$ !-U~ary', m~ fr~!'1:[Id from,

Ma.f'1tin~ l..y:i.

HIU~'ll Hello, Martin.

lFlloWK 10 Mn,e;nn,~; Mrs Ward; Miss: BlIrtoOllI;

M~ ~~i:~b~k Dr EliDWini f1rof~r Pols~,!


-- ----


I m(£l my iob be~li,I~e I ~alk to people wtI.IIe I: cut thei r h.ajr, I O!~II: tll';;!~n <lbcmt t1tEi'irholida~s alnd th.eidam~lie~ If!> hi,;m:l work 015 ~ h,mi! to sta I'Iid ~H da~


I Ilke stayi nil: i n bsdi n, lh!!! lI~ornUl~_

;;;.Qq r~~' people sa,!! I de n 't work hard be~u:~1!! th@~ ~hiln'k I'm, al""'<IJ~5 illl bed. But ... hen "t h,e·"I' ~If,e :i n bed I ,am 3~ work. I have to swdy and r~ad lots or books, !:lIeU: it's wh:M I 'I\,'a n t to do


I W{)~k fur ~I iOlHlfi' drm.3rlirlt: II t !>lun~. I ~(!H wamen's clothes end "!;noes lt S <I ~oocll inb b!l!~I,J~ I I i klIHh'~ at h er ll@o!}le who w<.'!rk here and the !lOYfS are 1il,000,d Qf course, I :hiJ'.'e 10 be pol i t,~ to, customers,

- - -- - - - --

E;lgll~h irl 211 mruun« ~ d~'" ~

------ - _ -


Audio Scripts


I tt~\le to 'be ~'el)' fit to. at;! tiilisloh I: tab?es, t""tlve h(lllJ.I]l, to fl~ to, 5iHg<ij:;{:ire Olnd t do thijrt twice 8J week. It's 01 ireat iobb€~use I S~ so mal'lY diflerent countries


V lil:e it 'because I don't have to .... 0 'I< lor <lFl'~bod:,', '! d~ld:e· where 1;0 .go ,0 nd wha ~ hou t$ il wo,rk_ I usua II'y dri .... e mll cab at .nl€ht, be(;ii!iJ~ the ~UeEts are qllicet ... nd I can $~Oll' arid. "8~ a cup ,or rof;fee and a .S<!lldr'wir;;h when a waflt

- --


- - -

'mAG"i(,12 iii; HeliolJ, Olo'balln!lu.r<!i'iI~5ervtoes,

,'\riM speaking. How C.<J!Il I help )lOll?

B~ HI there, n$. l'm goii'i( o.n hoUdlay ",,,d i. W<lrl~ to buy some lm;;Llfill:rtC€,

.1\: V:8S. madam_ Ca 1'1 I t<l~e some ,detai~s

and then I Cf;'!n I!l~~"€: you. fa. qU(;!t<!_

t1i: (h~eat.Wl'Iat do ·you. nEed to know? A: Is It iu~t for ~'olirsdf'

a:. Yes. I'm going to AU,$ualla for si,l( months,

!\: Wonde·r:fiJJl! NoW' ccoO!Jl.d I 1'1 ave YOUi'

rtit!!!! .. .is it. Mis$, Ms~ .~

Ii: eh, i:t:"s Mi$$_ M 15;5 [mi~y ~,a"lfusb

i!I: Ri'lilht then. 50' '!1)UIr riwstt lilaime is EmHy a,ooyo!.!.[ surname is P<lrrlsh. How do ~I;J. spell tha:t7

e,: rn, lfLi\·R,-R·i·SwIH, P<!rrlsn_ Al And 'iJh~l'S YCH.!r ·O!ddr'~ss?

1;1- ~'Iefl:teelli OI':;;i1ai'd Street. lPl!:wk:h. A: Nid. that's ~i1 wh,u eDU nty?

B: SuITo1k

1\; Of course. Suffolk. .Arld your post

code, please,

'E!, 'I-P-7, l·B··F!,

A: And te!~phon ~ number?' B: Lt's 0147:3 4'n-'l.21,

I'\; Do you h8~e ilnemaLI adgre:;.~? lB.: No, I don't,

A: Fiine_ N tl'oii' when do yo.u want the lnslilrafl()e· to start? .

I:l~ WelL ll~a~@ enthe Ilfreem:h of Ocli:ober,

A: So that'~ ti'l~ liJteenlh of {he tenth, tv..,.;. tho usend 01 rtfl three. And when d'D ·~'OIJ iet b<!ictl:.?

8: ILet me ge@. Tile mgnE ba::::k arnves 01'1 the mt~ of Ma:,', two thousand. and Four

;1\: Right -hen And 'jO ,n ~rnn.g to AI.!SUillla. Wi'lI:,'(ill be goini anywhere e!!ie-~

B: Su,re_ I liD vIa Nr<:'''' ir"ork <'Illd c'Ome

b¥ld via Hong Kong.

A: 11'1 ~h"t esse we can i'n8"wre yO'U fbr A.l!IstraU~ ~tld the rest 011 the w-orld Do )'O'U want BJlIY otrn!r t3'lJ)e of H'i51l1r·an.ce? We Qfh::: r· extra ,;;:o.ver tor @tremE sports 5!.Jtl1 as hang-glldi (1)~ -

B: NO" l'Io! 1 ust the bas Ie i nSl.lra nO!!' Js finoe.

A, OK, tiler! U [ust nead t.Q know 1/Qur ciacte of birth.

B: T€'ITtfI QI·june, f16Iileteei'l ei-l'lihty·iGu r, ,1\, i'ellith ,or th~ sllltlh, ei'iht'l-rC-U1L., COllld you just wal, a, minute and I'il give rOil an Id9 of what 'tlt-M· 'Ntli cometo ...



,'1~ Wllat do 'lD~ do?

B, :i"m a m.acl15 t~dler.

A: Have :'0·1.1 got a univeTsity d~IilJee"j,

13: Yes Pm oIl:ot a d.e!il;ree! 1.[1 m13ltl"1"5 an.o ~

!PGCE, -

1;.: A PGCE? Whaf'S that:

l1ilo: lrs a Pos.t Graduate CeIUllc8Ite ill EdUc.alilOlli i~ mUrlS I Gar! i;oe"I;;~~.

.1\.: So you te<iCJh .maths?

'8: Yes, ! tead~ maths [n .a. secondarv



1\: '\!/hat skills,M'FEl you ,gpt.?

S: Well. I ~)'I drl\olec I've sot a ~sv licence. A:. Wn~n th~t';>

B: It's a ?ublk SerYiQ! liceliO!_ It means [ .;:af} d[jve bi~'..e;hJci·es With F}-ilSSIil-Jlier~, 'fo~ ];~'Je to t:ake ca ~~8cia! t~!!"t to liie~ the ilcenee,

A: So wh<!! 9.0 ]'OU do for a IMn~? ·8: l'mOl bus


A: do ~\O"U do?

s,: l \IIQrll; in tl1e tourls; i nd:u8uy I' [lIi a. trav·e·1 rep re~!!'!'f'llti!lti ve

A: Do\f(lil need ~ilp.!!r t:lulilifi~"Biti(]nS for th<>it?

Ell No, bu~ it helps If ~'O1!l'\ speaka

toOrei~n 100iig,I.I . ./lige.

At Can you?

.i8t Yes, 1 can speak and U:illi:afl. II. And En.gll,sh!

[1,: Qf-r;nur::;c.


A_ W·hat"s )'Ollr job 1111 thls cOrJ1!.l'<iI'lY"} B, I'm 01 per9!lI1al secretary ! worl\. (or

:;Ir;1I(! or the direcroes

A; What do, Y>OI.I do?

B: 011, I answer '!h~ tel ephone Imale appoin£mel1its far my boss, write let~·1'$ and pr"ep;ire reports.

k. Can "~!!.I 'I;W':: a computer?

B: or coUltSe!! I' .... e al~o ~,o't an adllanoed

certiflcate iii offic.e mana~ent.


Jl.;: Wha skills, h a'i/e ~Q·u .got?

~: I can deSi!!!"! 1ll:!id . ak~ beautiful clothes. I'm ~ fashion de5i!;lrler.

;,. Do yoll need a":;, rquillmt(a~i~ris ror

t"1i.<!t? .

B: Well. I'~\e !!jot a diploma fmm the Lond.ofL (loilese 001 Fashion 811Jt e~!)e~ient'e ·i~ !reI)' important in tlie fash.IOIl busi~e~s. You Learn on. the iob really,


'i'F!lliOI< 14

I\;~ Wi1!WE: F:i1eUo i1!V@1)'00d~, hello. I

ilJ~T w.aJ'It ill say OJ f@W' word!> of welcome to ~'o'u t:odai'l before yOlJ S;~IT ~o. oEll'I.lo~' ~(llJrseh'es. A5 maii1/' of 'j'Oll know ~Jreadi)~, I am Alan White and I .am the difedOr of theC).i·(!l!rlWOOU ltilliiluage sel ool !'i@re lnBrililJt'il:on . .I'm happy to sse thal 1>0 ,Fr!i;H1Y ot YQ~ are here tod~jI' I t.lt0W iliii!t !Oiome of you h.a!l'e corne <I long way; ,1 b~J],~ve we n<l\!'e some new stlld:ttnts rrOJf1 Bmll ,me la5J~n .. WelGofp~ to you <II'!. l hope' YOlle[lioy your '8tay i rt I::n~laJnld and that )'o.u fLnQ tlhls beau~i fl.:Il seastde tQ\IJtl a good. pIOli'Ji! to lea rn En gil sh, I think it's a! good idea I r ~au bejjijl\ b.,. g@Hinlj to rD"low each Ot1"lCT: So -ro(l"'" I ha'o'e Ol. small tB:s:k f"tir' you, I. ·WOlnt you, to sDe\CIt; tc as mall,! people 11$ pOBsibl·€i; I.n the room and rlnd !Jout whe they [!Ie, ·'Nnere the'!' Wrl,e ~rom and tile, do. OK? 1.5 tnOit dl!?.ar? Off JOw, gao

""QS:H~KO: He~10, M~ name's '{g.$h~k.Q, ,Vid 'fcm1

fEU.1Il: NIce no meet you, y(,l<!>~-llio;Q· !'IT!

PerN. Peter Lie/b. 'iOI!D ar'e: (rom lapan, Il'hink.?

Y05,HIKO: Yes Than; .ellS\!, because' 'I loci; lapanese. Haw about 1fQ!.J.~ Me you fmm5!;i0lIn?

PETER; No. l'm from G€!rmafli~ 1 ecme troma strJa.H town ~Ltt,!d HY5\.1m irs in rhl'! nor.· Qr Germany. 'i'o-snikc. rrns i s m~ frlc nd C..aT~()~. He's ~["Qm S~ i n Callos. thts is Ym;!hiko

VOSHlIKO' How do yo!.! do. (;arlo5"? CAItLOS: HO'II do ~(.,I1.I oj(1?

Y'OSHIKO: Do Y"~u m.e it in Engl.,ln d, Carlos"

CJ<.Rc.c;s: Irs g~ea~, and! tltEi scheel 'Is ve·ry good.

p.0£~ Y051i11i:o - C,u~os, end I like ,goLng to the beach a.(it~r$ch=L DQ y<iu want to ,com!!'?

1(~l1!m.o: Tod~.Y'?'

CAKI..os: Why not'? WnOlt dl) you th.~nk.


PETEII:;Y'E!$, It's w.am1 enough OOd~, Wna.t do you Sii~', 'l'oshikQ?

YOS'HUItO= It's a bft djrfic~n for me. '('0 see my ~andlady, sl1~ says she waliits me heme at six o'doc.k tOil1g1ht.

CAIII.!OO: That's v-ery eal1y, Why don't you phone h:r!:r and say you can"t i-et liIom~ at that ~rme?

P~ER. Yes, jllst S<l~' )IOU are bus-y hera a U'Il!:school.

YtlaftIK.O; No, I. ca~·t dO' t'hat !ine's a veil'f ntee lady.

CIIR!J05: :If she is a r1~ce Lady then she l!I1)ii't mind.

''10S!'IlIKO: OK, 't!ft.e!'1. I MV€ my mobil!:! 'i'rl·tJh me .. , }I~llo, h~lIo Mrs I<i n~;7

MRS KII\':c:., Hello. Is that you:, Yoshiko! YOSH!,K,O, '(Il!cS, Mrs King, I am r;WL at the school, C<lin ~ com'!! home !lit eieh~ o'clock? Is OK?

MRS !KIN;;:;; . 00, Yg~"L'lko. I need you 'home by si:r....

YOSIillKO: On, I am $oTfll. Yes, f..{rs Kll!li-.

Yes.. of COIlI[":le, See "''01,1 at :!ilK. OQodbye·. Carlo.s, Peter. nl'l SNt"/. 'tOil see she .needs me at home,

C. ... 8W5: I see, Well she',.. n~;l"ta V~I'Y r.dee woman, I fM I nk. Come 511, 1?~1er, Ler:; jiO tel the beach,

pnE.:R: floor YOGh ik,c, ! tMllk yom !a,ndla;r:3y :1& a ",en' dlLfI'i'i:l.Il.t woman.

YOSHUCQ: I. derrt dunk so, YOll a,~·wrong.

She is a very FI,!;:!!!' lady. ~ltill ,I tim smlY I can't come w'ith YOIJ. MI!)'be tcornmrol,li,l"l'

PE;ttR: Yes. of course, dent worry, Pl!rtiaps. i.f 'i'~Ha~l to Mf.~ Kll:1l~ ...

l"CtSHIl'<O: Yes .. p~fli,i'lps. A:I'IY'A'a:l". goodbyE, now.

CA:i'l.l05: '~ye, YQ$n~k.o_ s~~ you in school tomorrow.

ii' ... UR: 'Bye,



ilAACK ~5 iN'iiE:R"'I~E[l_: Flow do YO'll do, Thomas?

IlIosb[ down

TH0Io1A5~ Tl:"lank:5

INlif:fl,V,I~F.:IR: ~lIst a few DIlSi;;; ~1!.Jii!!;ituO'fiS to start ofl wi th. YOLli fllJ:l ni,] rne i'5 ..

TIH.OMAS" Thomas G!q~ Wood.

Audio Scripts

JNiI1ElVlE'l1;'E1I:: rhoe, A"i'!.d I :!:I!;~ I have ~O"!Jf address ;!ind telephone 'number 'fOurf post code'?

TrHioo.iAS: [\I iE5 2 4EU_

II~RV1EW,ER; Tlialnk!;. And if there are no 'h.lll-ti me lobs s.Y'""ila'bl ii, e;;n YQU work P.3JTt ti,me until a "fllIU.tlme-job cernes ~p?

TliOMAS.: Yes, I thi nk 5Q,

INlTE:.m£\1jlER: Good, N o~ when are you available to, wO.rk.? As)'ou know. we ~t'e OP@:i'I SIW"eR day; iii week twel1t;rfour 1:1011[5, a da~'·.

THOMt\S: Any ,time;r'eOli Iy. I mean [ don·t m~nd ""o.mng nights

IN'])ER"JIE.WER.: OK. Tria,fro· I!lr,eat . .MId when can YQ!!! st<lrt?

1'HOM.o\S: F:rc;m thE! .flr~t Qf Ai,j)~ust. I'm 01'1

h~l,tdilJ'i in lii,L,!_ .

ImliR"VI~e;R: Aru:! are yc>'U, .5till~t $cliQo! or

THOf\\Mi; rm at scnool. I finh;1l ~hoo'l I r. [July and then r start 'iXlII@lge next year ~!l Octo'i;.@,[

INnm'i~,i,\1ER:1 see -e- YOQ,lf .~p Y~ll!r then. 1ltDMA.S: Yes, [nilt"5, rieht

1C\i1E:i:l.';f;IE\!i\I::~: ArLd <!J~ ),Q'U, alla,lla.ble foOr frill whole of YO!.lr .1i!<lP year?

fHOMA5= Yec.s, l vi9nt to m;:I~k: and save 'rnof'l~ I'm rollefjle,

tNT.E:ll:VlE,WER.: ~ .!lee, New, do ~(]U have any ·!.!fork experl,enc-e:

THoMAS:. 'fe::;. I T,iliotk. on S.;;rtmrla'{S ror my (athel[

IN'iE:RVlEWlER: Oh, yes, What does he do\! TiHO.MA5: He fS 't~,e mal'la~er of a boat hir~ «it'i'ipal:1i~'. I h.e-~p IcQkal'1:er tl'ie boats ~ cleao [hem and .,.0 an. ~ also look <!Jtt1;:f b'h!e ~lJ:M'(iime~· :som~tlmri!s, If m~ m~her ts b1l5Y,

!NTElI!VIE;WER~ .I see, How do ~r;M,i do tllat? TH!JMIi.!5: Wel~ someUme5 I ~hQW them tnC!: (lIrferent boats tbe)' (;",n f, i F~ - for !lay trips aad oolid3~'s IiInd 50' en,

~:Nnll'l{1~'IIEI!: "IIe1't lnteC"1:!stlng. AFt,a do

you ~nloy that? .

THOMA5': ''Ief'/ much, It's ~~ter than de-aoln·g the ooaits!

II'fliFJRVIEWER:: Yes, [ expect lt i~, i'>I[)W '''lh~' do yOll wa Flt to wm~ ~'or IF're!5hw?. , .




HI there, Da ... td, If:;; S~~\fl' here, C.IlIn we loi!ilk abc ut OUT plan:;; '[Qr t h@ lIteeke'nd? Hi'! in <;ill ~'/~ni[l~, &0 yo.l.I. ce n caUl me ..... herll ~'QU get horne 'Thanks.


0'1'1, hello SUl5al''~ me, Mum. What time do 'lOU want me to I;;(lm!! tlll'l~!lht~ I\nlfW<3J'l. SeE you. t'5r'1ighit. El'jfe, my lo~e,


TiIll:!> ill AlKly'"s Gil ~&~ 'f.fl th ~ me<5'!J.!!'Bi!: ~or ~b' 'yj'eU~. Yo U r ear i s reQ;d~ fOor yOU iI'IO'I,I,1'. Can yO.U (;OiLect. i,! before half past 1i'V"e? W~ dose at fi .... e thirty, TI'nOinks Ooodb~'e.


Hi Cl'lrl5. KAren here. lust 'oIl.nlt to know if yalll'~re fe~Hng ·bett~r. rm free tooay so l( you 'iI,l·a.i'rt fI'\~ to .g;el anythi ~ for 'J!'~, I,~r. me know, 5p~k 0 }leu later. Bye

POO de~i"'el\Y ~'!!!l",r~ here. We ~8ve ~ ~,ceJ for you but' 'I.'e can't ~nd your hO~5@. Can YOLI call [hie om~, pl~S€~ Irs 0147;: 2!106-9''j. '1i'h:al1lk "-o-u,,


rr,~·H~1. ms Fiona Woads SiP~a~lnf: II'm Bfrnldl ufi'tt mabe my ~aintfi'l.e!'llt w'ltln £J.r .Lewis tQd!3Jy 5oi1}'~

BR~KlrHROlJlGH::! - .

mACK 11 lli\E,,rK CLElRIK: Com:! mOlmllilG, 0 ii t help, you'?

Mil: IloRowf\I:: Y€:.s. tm gpi[]'i (On hQliJ;:lay [Q Seattle n;;\!(t ",eel. Seattle ln tille' States. I mean, ! need to bu.y same dol11ars.

~ANl{ CI.!ERIt:: 'Or ecurse, &I.r. r)(J. yQU want ca~i'I or traveller's cheQ!!.I~

Mil. B:ii'OWN: Bath_ I thlT'!k yes. I waHl <I tltousallild d:Dnarr.~ i rj traWii!nei"'s eheoues and He hundred dcllars tn 'Cash, please.

B"'io!K ~u:r,:.K R,i~h~. s~r. I, can. do the tr,aveller'~ chsques rieht now. No problem. I'm aFraid I'm .iii bit ~'ho:r~ [If dollars ,a,t tim liI1Iorr;~,t- COlin you come bad lor tI'~e cash later ,liIi!i afternoon,?

M!it 8ROWiN~ Not th Is OIfE'li!mOOIll : e'.Elm mllndl. I. can come hack tomorrow, tnou~!'J

5/.I'U: CI.ERK: Fine. I'm riot here tomD~(IW b ul, r!"l~' caUealirue ~n i:'1e![p 'i'OU then

MR [lP,:QWNI: tliel'i.

~"N'K[ Thank you ,'ery much, Mr 6rOlllo'~ Here· are 'i'Qu.r d.eq,Lle5,. Can !fOu 5i~O ssch orre in UU! oop I(!f,t-hand ,comer?

MK Br.:OWN: i'l!ign~ ~01J a[e

BNO~ CLLRK: Thank yO U V"-!f'j m uch, M r IBr'owl"I ... or should I '><:lY, 'Hilrv@ a n lee d.aVI'

- . - --

Ertt_]ll~h II' 20 n~,n<'ie~ il d~'I ~

--- -



I Audio Scripts

- -

SlAGE 1: lESSON 13


A: yO'u loCi& tirnd. C~!'II !'He]p 1f01.! with

your bacgs;1'

!B: That's W?f1!" il:inc Qfyuu. 'fwo

Ie Mmm. This l:!i de!1c.1ol,ls!

s! I"m 8ls;d :!IOU llke it H.'s -or-'il! {lr !m,! new recipes.


~: .Happ~' birUld!ay .. Mum. I-Ie·r@'syouw pr@:&'ent. ~ hOiJ~ ~rou Uke tt,

I:i: l.t's bea.utlFuL l'h~nk. you ~o much. d.nlin!l.


i., ', for "~~p,lflfl: me with my CV', Mr


B,; YOlrre welcome. F~

A,: 'itia.nk you fOf' Oil wonderful eyer'lln!;!.

W il" 'rea Ii':," 'en rayed it.

B: ih:a:nlqrou fo~ (loml'r1:g. We must do It ~,In sometime,


A: ',V'Quld yeLJ like to, ~o' to tI'!.e elnema this e'l'el'llne,'?'

IIi: -On. res. Th!lt'Ncmld 'be I O'Io'eh!'. There::; a new film, on at the RO:o:'i l:Olillght.


~TAGt: 1. LE0:jor'~ 1,

1'fIAOK HI it:. What does~olJ,r. boss ~ook ~i~.e, Olo-ria? 13: Well, i;oe",s ,got broWifl 'eyes ~1Jd. ~~y 1'I'!~r. f:{e's;i oi~ ma.1'I but Ile's not f .. ~. :He':~t:<!lIl4f than my brother .. 1 thlnk

he's q~ite ilio04·I.ooli n,~. fi!eny.

- -



What do I, lite abotlt :my job? We] I, i like the ~eopli! I work with, Th@y're gQod lun

_ .. and th;e l:\o!;IdJ;l,y:s l Yes, a. tot off tl.m~ off. This ),eOi'F 'I'· ... @ gaot itwo ~slcsat Clilr~~tm;as .md. three weeks ~n the summer, ~o [can go snowboardlnilin the wi[ltt,e[ and somewl1e~e hor in ~tJe !j,u.mnVH. ~1IIr1ta5,tic!


The m~t Import:!lint g'niliiij lorrne is m~' ,child ren, nn a. secreta f)' AnEl II cl'I·l.ay tha t but IIKI,. I don't'#CIfik fLJ11 time because I.

~ j'ke ~pii!l\-diln,g lime wirl'i ~llemThe':( e orll'~ htt'le. IHanlla~i'~, 'four a 1'11:1 ~ilrn ie's sb 'so the~' I'!eoo me_ Ar:i"j'-lig'f in: what I 'Naill

to do. 1 d-orm't want W'NQr'k. FuJI ttme 8Jt

tnemoment, 'if1.'1Jr-ee

i. don't Ii ke lI'Ii Ilf,l l1er'fl'. Tois is a !:i;;:;,rrible area - th~ streets arE' dI~rty ~t'id it's, qllit'e d.angemull, as ""'gll, i U> get a rtJit,g arid -~he to\I.I n ls lIot a g;r:lIJd place [or a dbs.~ It':;; ,OK I'm- 11 cat or a small animal, ibut dOg5 need 5Gn'lewl'l'e~~ to run 3·bcl1..1t, J thillk



iI'i'IA(ll< ~1

)'NirtER.,);~EIt; Well ',Jt's -ij,C()C to kn.o'Oll that '[00 ~hink QUir s.t:a,fr are Il<llPPY, Now .I see ';iQ!U howe somf! Id;:;:E1.~, aboiJ~ w11,at. t'o clb Uill ,cllii!l~i,Jlr sllwatlons.\!,,'hat do ~'QU do il a custom e'f 1:5 ru die to 'j'01,g?

Ti:I.OMi\S; 'Ike b~t <thil'lg is to be pome and rmtto i'et <lnil!r~- I ~a Ii to them end 11;;~L'in to what the)' Siiy. I think irs Import;;lI1t to l!it1di:'!rst<'llm~ 'Nil'll they ·lfIink the problem is.

INrERViiifWiER: coO>d .. (lood, b~t ·theiil what!'

'[HoMAS~ Then ! ~$~. them what thie-:f wa!rlt me to do- abQUll i.t. I thhnk if the~' can s~y what they w~n~ 1'I'iI@ to do and t h'e'" I do ltoo.well, then. tile problem. ts not tlnere EH"~ mere,

liNTER'Y'IE\!,!:EJl;;' I ~~;e, '(au ma,y 1)!! ~ I\lht but Irs not ah'i!l'Y5 t:<lIiiY, Is .itc Wil<!t If y.ou can't do what they Wal'lr

'[~: 'if1ell :1 fund SOm@One 'who QUi., Perhap:;th!:!!ler,

~m~v;JIi!\!I'ilR': 00[(" that's fil1e, L~t's mo ... e en, What do VOU do when ~Ol.! have a lob te do bet it's tlii'lt! to go ROomie? You 1m 0'iW die f,co Lakes III'! !lQf\l[ to finish and it i!'i impO'itall'lt to do It pf'operl1.

TH()M~: u t<i!lI. the :m~IlI;;Ii!er dmt l want to fini5h ~he lob and ROO' Lon!: I think i~ talres to d:"! It Thoen, i I he .agrees. I stay

~l'Id 1111~shit. -

INTER\I[~WE'llt: E1(c~ll$nit answer. Ti'lCHTlilS.

Ri!'::"ht ILJ~1: i!II fEfW more qll~ Ions ..



mr..COC 22 M;,o r~ther Is a, dootOF, He 'i'lOits ln a nOsllitOill rOi;:h~ldlr'lllfl in .Pari's;, H.t!. works 'oI!try hard but !le' k,l'lf!'S hLS tob, H~'s a

,;,~r" tlnd. persoll, I miss nim iI lot b-e~i;!u~lll~e In [nJ!Ua,,,d. but 'Hh.e[lJ ne come-s hgme n.@alway:. brmgs me someth i n.iif1,t;;;~.

I. love my ~ralldfi'iQtl1er ~'e[)' mud-h_ :::'he doesn't ~~t <tngliY "\!Yitlll me lito(: my pmenrts do so!netlrnes. and sh~ "hii'''~'!l

';, ~[) listen to whOlt I sa~ Sl1<e is: ~el;<@TIt.y·fo!.!r~·1!-2Irs old a nd live!:; wi t:h my <l1I1l~ alld 1I1lde Iii the slime WW·[l. ·0.5 moll· I see her +;:11@f1j weekei!"ld.

My brother is fmnyeaD'S )'00 ngef ttUIn m". but he aces to the same schoolas me 'Hi!l hJ!s b.kmid hair and is qUite smOiIi for his age. I h1!l'o'e a rlOtke on my door at home that .!;3YS PRIVATE. but he OOIilIilS

i n wlith-Out kiit>Ckl fII'il. "Sa anll¢lI'i ngj Br..J~ he I!: "'eFi fUl"lny sometimes" too

Uncle H a'ft'i is. <I" aceor, He's; elten on TV. tiE! lives ill lLo(Jncon but r.e Qftt;!n comes 10 ~ee Ii!JS. He's m~~ mothers brotmr, and he's. an ini:f!rl'!:sting peJson. I like tc tarlk to!lxmt !i1mii and TV p,ro-grammes, He's·.a wonderful ~tm'l"t:eller!'



''i!'~23 PETE,JR: HU!rf!( up, Ci!rlos- YOllJ can IJlion.~ later. 'llhen. \!i@'re on the beadl!.

D..IU.o5, ltiSlt a minute, P,e-tel I want to s~a~ ~Q my ~1 rUrihmd,

p~: YOlJr 'Q'lrlf~lend? I didn·t !know

.aOOl!lt 'tD'UF l!irnifl~lld, I:., she E:fi~nsh?

eMU.OS: NO, she's Spani5h"

PU~R: Lu,::i-q' ,guy.

CMLC!&: On de.:lr. she iSin't there ·at the ffLtim~nL

P~t!: VOLJ know, I: 1U:.e YosiTikQ,

CIIRlOO:. DoyoLl'? Whiy dOI1't 'Ne tl9' to her O!f)!Ui:!,\l!- and t;;!IJk '1-0 itffr lal1dlollld.:'{:' MII'i'oe thelil Wf!: can flO' t&l' th~' bBacll ~o£tftl1er. 1)-:, ;,;oumow wile e :sh!;"! lives?

IP,rnR; ~ tltint so. L.e.f~ ~Q

[A~1!I mhudes: !1lU'r_1

D.Jl:!:.OS: I!:: this the no!.!!':Cl"? PIIT~I!; 1"11'1 not sure,

CULOS: COfn'e- on. rhen, Knocl en the door.

p~; On. aU, rl,gi"bt. [Htl ~.II:1)'!;il:5, ~!Dii door !lp~rtn

MRS KIN(;: Hell(!J. Can J help ~(J'U? CARLOS;' hope so. Does Yoo hi l<io 'live' h@r,e? W,e' are from the Ja,I'lIi!l..!o!.g.~ scnool

M!l:$ I<hNG: Yes she dkle::;, blllt she 15 bu,JH at the moment.

IP~T~:: cart we spea k to tier, ple.il5e"? MR!> KII'llG.: NQ\!! is nota .g,ood !Imc l'm 50:r1t)l. You can see !'ier mot school tomOHOII.'.

rp~ir:E:R: Are. ~C:<t! MrS t;Jnf!?

,MI1.S KU'lei Ye~. I am Yc.)si1lro·~ la:ndladll PETE.R: Il'S nl~1!! lel meet 'fuLJ. ~;m; Kin.g I

"' m I\!l~r UeiO .a nd thiS d~ C,lrl.~l$ Sande.z. I'm fr<'1T! and h() i~; from Sr.-'lin.

Mfl.,L'E: VOICCI::; (~1l~ril'ig from ,11I~~d~ t~'f .lw1l.~~1 wl'lo 1~ lt~ H UrlY up!

MRS !(ING'. \\lell, it isn I,~ to meet't'!:;J\J, tOG. but ~ a,m \i'ery bus:,', 'lOll ~'@e I ~H'l¥e to make din:neir

C"'j(t.Q~~ 'We !#,d.,t"ttlJmL "I",~·""" 6Ould.

WI;,! l@1i ¥o8b1il~ We (lIre ail the ~,;.t:n If she \II,mts to eeme down I ~tI;!1'?

MillS, 'Kilrf(i: Of OOIJr!a~, Goodb'l'~. l~OO'" dV£t'.ll

P"T.ELt~ Carlos. I don't th ink I I~ke M fS t:;i"~ ~[)' mud:!. I thilik she is !o'er)! rude,

Gi.P..LOS; NO, "fO!;!. are wronA;, ~t~'[ Poernaps tt'5 her ~Ul2100 nd - 'lei til'!!! her to hurl',}" up like tnal "

p~gJi:; o.rl,os. k"ilk'! 600k !.lP at tho:!

w'tl:l1d'Owllt':; YO!lhlko. .

c,..(a.Os: Wnere'1 Ohyeg. (~OI!lil!~ Q~j). HI tM~, Yosnilol (~~ Pl1I~f.1 p~(!\l!e r;j1!1l~~1 Oil e,ieat, it;s .a.messaee [Wrl! t.t!ill"ia.

!'~E:~; c..,~I(is. Car1os! Wl!1ere ls Ywhi~D?, She's .gofl!e,

:CMLOS: J lJ;:>t <l. rn~nut£!. . \Vnat ts It, Pe~ef?

FE:'TIE&1:: It'S '(osh.l:ko. One Jill In ute she is at thE! 'Window and now." Noti:lJll'Ill.

CAi!:1:.OSi Of ¢DuroSe. i5he has ~ t'ia"'ol8' her d! ComE! 011<, Peter .. A.rE ~O'~ 11'1 lo-w,?

:FlirTER.: It's nGt Ul~t ~ !;~ 'r'osh~ko very mi.ld'l" but II ~ih.i.n~ 1f!.i'Iy,M she 11",5 81 problem wtt:l'l her blTtdlMy,

,~OO; ~ O:on"t" ~(l, Pet~r. It's [ust that you W~8J, to see her, {~!!i!glliii'1!1J

Mrs iK1n!il is 'o'er'! !ill«:. l don't thilfl'k she's eude, i I!Ist' [Hj~'" SI1~ W<lI1!16 to -&et tll1'!:l d~'HHH f$~.~y ~cr e~e'f}'bcd.y.

PE:!'~!Ii:;1 dQrn so, C~'FIDS. I am ' 'it.

C!tfU.O$: I..OC/t;:., r'{:ter. Len go t9 tthe bfae:1"I noW, T¢fl'iQ{I'J[I]W you ~r! ~",lk m Y~:h rko abcet ~t q ~I:n sure eYErythi:it!l: isO£(,

PE.T.E.'!I:; All rl,gl'it. CilIr!.1J5," ~r@t

C"'I!J .. OS: Now' let me tell '~ou aoout my .g~rlfi"iencL. 5tle ~s ",el"! proe~ly with loni'i. dark ht!ir

PE;jE~: !QC p~~u~ rm ymJ H·!~n ...

Audio Scripts. ,

- -----




,0\, !E;:(Cl;Ise me. W!hete'S the pest Gmc~'?' .~: oh. I't'::i In '~f>~~hE!p;pln~ ~'nH,,:.

I\:. Ah, thal1:!:: rOY \i@~ mach,


ilL: Carl I ~elll yo".!?

~: Yes. 'Pte<l5~ Where are the ~o ii1at&? /!': Oh, t;h'ey're u

Ik 'l'hallk yQi..i.


A: ~';:l,!S~ me. Doro\il k!'l¢lI!wilere ~ne


itl.: Yes. Pt's in the ~!!ritre af tQWi1. A: or., thaili~ YO'l;li,


.A.! Excllse miS.W:hBIe"s the t·ol,i rl~t InJorllll!ltioll offtc.(!?

B:: Ah. It's :iII the main sq_ua:re, 1"!;~1 ~a ~rne


A:. 'il'mIJnl:.5, FI:¥e

k. Ca.!'l ~ou tell me w~-er~ the cill,em~ i!O.,


EI,: 'fher~'s 0t"1~ in Castl'e :9~.reet Ai Oh. lha,nks 'ref!! FIi'InlCh.


A:E~1J5e me, :Do '(au know 1!'!i~re the P~IfI"'Qt cafe, h.?

B: Yes. i~\s in town, I'!@xtroth.·e·pg .. t offiQ$.

A:OIh, ~ see, Thanks far your helg. mAOK2


A: EXOJS>e rfii!:. Where':,; ~he PO!;~ ofi'ie€~

B:An, It's in tile sniJlPpin::;: cenere,

1\:. than ks.


;,,! Can j help you?

B<: Yes, plea"¥:. Wnere'.s 'rn~ !'!,e,\lr€st pnone 0[1:>::

A: I ~hin'k there's [me ait the end Qif t'hi 5


~: All. tl1Oit'!t you Tbrl!i@:

A: Where':;;, ~h~ ph.i!J'fm~cy')

~:. I~'s over th'(!r~, next to tli~ h-ank_ A: I see, TtJ<l~iik i{oJU


A: E~J«:Use FOir!. Do VOl! ~now \!"here tho:! !lied Rock ~ .. r'~i~?

B: Yes. It's 1 no t.h~ centre of t0wn. s: Grea t. TI'I~I'I~s.


fl.: E:.x<::lIse' FIie, 1$ there aJ bread shop near Ilere ....

I:!i: Yes, thoere's a bilM::r'~ t'I~)tt to the pn$~


r..: Ah y<:" •. '[l:ili!'l~. YOIJ,


10.:. 'Da .~O\! know whe rethe butcher's LS? 8: Yes. It"', in ~tlie main~~ar~.

A: o ill , th,m k:;:.


,~:E;;~c:u~eme. Can ,!,CHI tell me where lite' n,eW5a.g~nrs I'~?

tiS: Ye:;;, It'5 O'iB there, nei'i,t to' the ctnerna. 1\: ~ see, Thilil'liks.




,A: ~~o;;I!IIS~ me. Wile~:.Ire the lOLlet;-.;~

~; 011, the:lre ~r ~l'I~r'l!' onthie r.i·fl,hL k 1 see, 'fJ,<!nk Y0111.


Ai Ca:n. 'J'DLI tell, me wtlt:rt: rile cinema I~, p~e~:;;lI;!?

:B;. Yf;!~, it's ~ I"J, the 5~p,iO!r~. J !..IJS~ ~'O :SW!lillli:'llt all for about 200rnet~ and yo 1.1 , ll see It 1.1'1 [r·ont C<f '\I9U


A: El:iCUi>~ Flnf.<!, c.,.11. 'fl)l!I tell ~. where Ea-st Street i:;;?

i3~ Of. ccurse. lust tum leEl: .. t th~·l" se~

Qf tram.::: 1i'l!Iht~, 'lit!at's East srre~t.

A' On. thanh ~'Q~. F'O<

A: lE:O:cUi;C me, '\,V,her"",'!;;} tol.lri!>t lin f(mn~t;ioi1l Qlfi~?

B~ 1...~lt me S~. Ah, Y~~, ,gq s;~rlllighit on ..,~

the tmfh.;; ~ign~~. You C1!1l"t miss it.

A: 'Thanks. five

i\:E:J:c.u5~ me. W1he'r~~ tllf: near$$~ pLlbli G telEllPl:!on~?

~ Ali, Its i n the pOO[ dtnce, I t~ On l/"OU r

I,e-:fl as yuu .go in.

A; Ak. thl1l n ks, 5:~!I.

;'\: E;I;Ol$9 me. Do ~OtJ know wh.ere the 8.1 ue POlr~{)l -caM, i57

~,: Ye:'ifulrrl Ti!1ln~ <It the [· comer ~nd 'I'mi n see ~h€! slttn

1'1' G re,n -rh,lI1kt'

iAACM: ~ Tah'! ehe' fi!'!i,I 0[1 the left, then i.n •. <It th~ end or tile sttl:let llt'l ~O!,l·r I eft·

-- - - - -

~I'yll>h in )(1 rnir·,.Jt['!~ <.l d<l\,' 7

- -- -- - - -- ~~ _ _ -

- -

Audio Scripts

- -- - -

2: 1'a~ the ~eODfI(:I rieM. Go 5Cralght on ~lI1dir5 at the ,end ,o~ ,M 'Imad

3 ~ke nlie sernr.d on tne left 'Then in; onVOLIr rlin t 00 ~ne o~~er s;ide ,of ~ne


il 't.ake t:M Hr!5t I,e,fi:.. 'ilt~'r.ltat.e th~ tl:'iiro rl!g"ht~ GiJ :m<1~~ht <l1;l[~;;id and yoIJ''II see' ~~ in frof[~ of '\'I;}U,

5 co Mr<li!lllt <!I'rl~@di. Th,m rl.g,nt at t~1il; end ,or Um road. K~~p goili;jj !!:uaig!ht aJnd ~'o1j"11 s,€e It QIiJ the I~ft t"lil!od sidle·,

6 T~~ the firs,t mad o-n th'eri!J)ilt 'lI'n.@:r. tal!ie' ti'1~ fi.ffit lef~. Iit:sj IlIst ro~l'Id ttle oomer On1 tnt;! ri,ilhl, .

STAG!:: 2; L.ESSON 3

- -

''VRA<JK S l.;@E'S stop at thi-s i<lra<g~, We f)J~!!!d mo~petroi"

~ ~'m ,WHY si,r. YOLI can't take pIiQtc:gJ1l;pl\:<r In the m~S~lJ:m,

~ teek, \lie ~al\ goet ~~rtli!"tMI1JIiI: to eat Q~~ there

4 Exeu5:e rnl;:, thl~ is .iij. [I'D smobfl;!j otflfi~- You b a'!ll! ~o go outsIde' i.I.~o;[J want a C~!I':<lJetl>e.

.~;lih.! Get of! (~I!'~ .g:rass, ¥QIJ carl't !J,!';;Ilk,Oll it,

(\ l.el;"s, bli.l~ the [oo:;llI'lO'l'i', the 5ilQt;.1 wiH ~ dosed tOIl'101f;O\1l.

'] Coed - !It.!!:, 0r1ly <!1'iH)ther f:ort1,·eight fnlles to ~:ri:stot


y~ t:an'tp8ii! h~re. Ll'sagal rcg.t thelOlw. ;] YO!J !lWic!.!~elfi·t dHJp i.ttt!!r ln ~he street, '3. 'The toi ~~S ar~ ~tra.i,~,ht .. r.ead;

~ In some cOIJJltrles. 'roo TIUj5~!iI"t SI!'J(IM: in puDI.lC p l:il~~.

~, i"C@'w,a.rns to have lunch 11'1. that re,.t.lLJ:r<lnt .


A~ YOIll ~aiil"t use t!h is ro~d on M(:1li'1d,ll~ ..

It'S d05O;Q for rood \!!o«kl!:_ YOIJ COIl'! use ~Ii,;! A 14 jnst:eaod

B~ 01'1, tha!1ik~ far te-Ilil'le me. A~ 11110 p:r~blem.


A: Hello; is tn,~t Cllrl~t,o'S? 8:. y,es. Carl ito's Stolle' here,

A: When .. ~ 1'O1l open, please?

130: F'fOnii MfinOOV5 tc f1n'idaY!i we o<pe'n .'31 ~I~ht in t:hl'! rnomil'l'ii !j,[Li::3 close ~~ ~LX pm

k AN!. ~m.l ope:n .~~ weekend!>?

B: WeU, 01:1 Sawf.£!ays, we d01;1t! at. two Pin .and we' aife d·osed .;:ill dOl:,' nn Sund<!ll


A: Good mom~n~. E:a~tlJ:al,~ 5wimTtl~l'Ig Pool.

[;I; GoocI mQrn,irlg. <:ill;"! ¥O'UJ t!;lIlITll!' how much i~ is ~o swim!

k Cert8J~i"Ilv· Th 8 adOlt t~(let l!O live pCl:lm:ls ,a,nd <I ,Enild"5 tJc~~,is tW{l pc..1,i nds, Oln, and c'hi ld means lIfider si:l:.te~'ii

IB, Ulm1er st:n'een. OK. 'i!' y¢i.JI. .A: OK, (ioollbye,

- -



k WI:!a,t:-s the tume,. Aru:!)'? !'i~ It's. ni.l'le o'clock,

A.: r~a;n:ks.


A, Man .. , Wh!lH doe- ... thls sllop (;ifJ§e:'f

8:. A;t ::!!~:>! ~'dock

01\: a,h, ttJanb,


fl.; f,@rlfi:,', ."..ll~f:'I hi the I'!l~fliin!ll witl1 Bob? el, !t's tOlil1onow mornlng &t half past


"'; 'FI'H'ItJhLrty - tt"iaJnks ~eMI~'FlJu:r

A~Le[s meet a~ qualrt~r past fiW!_ 13: OK ~ Cj,IJBiFiter past l"ive It is. IF:i'l!le

~. Wha'l ~ime does t,",~ nlm staJrt:>

6; It ~taril:S at quarter 1D '5e"'~H so. don't. be' la~e.

ill:. au~,U!~ to S~f1. O'K.

, Ont;l

A: E:.~mr;e me. \\Illat tiTn~ ls the bus to


~6: The nel!;~ -OVl~ L~~e5 at !';Jiil'l.e o·dod.. A: ArtdwhE!f'l dces it g~[ there?

B: ~~ i3rti"'~~8t half pilst ten,

A .gre<lt - 'thank you,


ft.: Good morning, Can I h>elp. W!J~

!;I: YeS ple.age.When dQelO che tr<1~rI for Par~5 !$a,!f;e?

k H depa~ts from Ipl,~tr(]orm 6 1Iit h.~'lIf p~~t

'i;'I>f!lIel1l, .

~: Al'1d when does i1: ~rrlve'll

/!': row Q'dlock i III t r.o? .l!i'ternonl'l B: or - than:): '!i"Q!,I


A. E);cu!>o[! mJ:: W h;,1[ tlmc ii> ~b.c: neKI f1idtl vo Amst,e-rrJ<!Iln I'!

13,' 'l1le next one ~S:,;,~ 12. 3{1 ~fld lit .a,rrives if! ArnsteroOl,M8Jt q~OIIrtef to two,

A: T~~,t soundstl ne, ' k 'f'Ou.

.. - -


- -- -


i!J::CUISEl: me, I w(JJn(!if!F if y.o~ C~fi hel p :me: 1''Ile gat two haurs bO!rofll my tT<I~ilI I.e<l~~. 'Is tl1el'J!I, wrnc\II!herl1: I. can 1~\I\!l Tn,! S"Ulltcase? i w~!nt 'to +:0' 8h;opp~"'il:, yoIl. '5'eit ana i['~ ~1J5" to!;) h@~Y)' to ta,kIe Wilnm e. Q"'~r t:hllt~? ,on. I ~at'l see the sl1!in ['IOIW,

'l'kal'1~.5 a lot .


Ooukl YOI!! tel~ me what ti rn et h:'e ne~'n to HleO!~nrow I ~'Ie~. plea.$'I'l? Fin!:!', I~ that !rom pLatror:rn 6? The' <llrF.:lmt tral FlS .al~ seem to 'IiIO from p:1<lHmm 6, dmn lltev? lhaf1~·. No, l'~~ gQt a tkk~l :ilLr>eady . .I \l.'a;~ lust ched;.ln;g


Good !iIlominll, 5ir, Could I i,!,l$1. hOiye .. tooK a~~p1J.r, p~~se? TIilaJoli: you. ! see, "!''Ou h(l"\!'E)" a re~geif'i'£;!!1;iI S@8Jt. Thi;)lr~ ~n earri.aije 4_ lu st '~~lkdow~ tha pl.>ltfQrff\ to Gllfi;;lJf_l;e 4,. Look;; Hk~ you need a troJI~ l.Io'itn .aU ti'lat lu~~Fo:~. Hlere~otl are. :'iiI: tlo pr.ob~em,


Fie,lliO, there V'e~ •. 1! my I.aptop on ~he ~.riilin t:hi.~ morning. It wa~ the I'lLC'1€: o·,dod tr,;iifl rfom'- ();):J:::mt I ~n·t retlliemberwne,r:!: L 'H~s ~iWI'I~ eJ;a!l:t'ly bu. we ·Ca!i"!'i·~ til e:t iPJ!atfmm 14~ Any ch~h';;~ of fLndi n i it! It's· iJ1J ~ g~~ck(a:s;e,


As i ngle to C!l;~~terlha rn. plea'lle, Did '~Olll s.ay £2H!)i~ Ri€R!t. Can ~ pa~ by credit t:ard? Great can '{<Jill teU mt! wn.ich ~o!ltform It goe~ fr~111 PLalt:kirrm 14? Tha!'ll{!;~ ~I:'~ nil timeIs bt.1 Good!


C.m ~ ni!We' a CQP~' or Ti\ie D.:.!~r.y- Noi'H!~

P le8J5-e''? Olt, ,and I'd i~~ ;OJ [FjQ,g_a;;;.1 rle ron y~s, t his \1fe~k"~ copy Qr ALlI(!jP;;rt looks

i n t~1e;~tI n.g, HO\!l much is, th,~P Hn~. hert: you ,;iJri:?

:SlAG IE 2= lESSO N 5 ". '

Tt!,It-~ sixteen pOU nds Wty

2 1i:hll!'S two e~~O"l <Ina [wen ty !;'I;!-n t-. 3 Til,an; tl:mty-~WD pnll1l1ds Ii rt~'

4 rhars thr~ euros (11..:lIl1I'iI-ri~!~

Ii) Tn .. t's,!:! hundred dullar..

t; lh,.,r:-; n~:Flet~'-twu pe noe

• Ollie

1\: C~ nilomlng_ Can I help you?

!li;: Y'I;lS pl@a,~, I want ~ dory re~!Jrrl ~~cket to Elri.gllton.

1'1.: Ce:I1~.i r~I~, TI1~t wrll be t'Nell1ty·er!J;nt

pounds exactly,

81 He~e: l{OLJ are, TWen't~"e!~ht pounds, A~ fh<llnl ~(llJ, And ilerrs yom ticket 8~


A: Momirrg_ ]u'Ot O{Het!i>, c:~rls ~p~~li::ir.:g.

IHow ::a:n I tn~lp you?

B: :1 waQ'lt to fly from Sydne:r Ilo Perth temorrow. How much Is a one-way ~id(!t!

A:. Let me see, a o~e·wa,~ 'economy clsss Ueket [sa hundred and forw·fl\lO! aoUam;,

Ill: A i:tlll,!!'!!;;iretil ~,u::l f, dbll!'lr5? OK,

I'll think about u,

A: No problem ..

iEll Than k 'fOU Tkree

A; ~O:;~$!! me. II want to bl.i~ a eeseh to Pa rts.

!iJ: OK. Is that a retlllrn? A·: No -lust a silll,l:l.e,

Bt And are yo'!! <! ::i!t.yd~flt'?

A: Y:es - here'S my:!:;tu:ciem card

6: OK - tlhel1, tlhe is tlli rtf '~'D' euros lifly',

II: Thirt'NW"O IUty. Here :,..~u .ne,

e: Thilfl~ ~Qcl,J. HlEir'e's 'fOil F, !-I<t~t.H!l

Il,QOO trip.

A: fhan~ you, F'ou:r

fl.: S!'rpe,Uint:. inf'grrnaticlin selr.oj(;e, HQW can I i'I~lp'1

I:h Can ~!"I tI!l I me the fine trorn

~amlJt,=m to N~' York, IPlea~']

k L!;, thac 'ofil@ 'Ira'J or round trip·!' 15, rllst Ofl~ '',!lay.

A:'s eienty-fo'ur ck!llins.

EI: IHmm. el~ht'l·rDljn dol:l"r~ ts a lot, II [kink I'll iO by bus,

A~ OK - thBllk you for calling. B~ "13'1€

Iv. 'Goad rflOmin;g .. C8 n ~ h el p?-

B.: '~es please ~ w<!nt <J to Rome A: C,utalnly sir. What is yom name? EI; [c h n Cr'ee~', c,. r.l .• ~·E·N.

A.: OIK Mt Green., you want to fly?

6: 0 IU Mom;i":!,, I Y·i11<! I.hlt' ten t h

I Audio Scripts

A! D'O yml Willilt .. return tlcket? ~B: No, just one wall pl@i3I&@' .

s: All, OK iiOw. tlH'! prl.o~' ls one illJm;l,Q~d and t'WIf'rlty·fiVl:: pounde,

[I; one ~1I.mdred and twenty·fl~: Is th .. t

the best pn~?

A.: Yes, I'm aff<i lei .SO. B: OK, I'll take it

J\: Tlm:mk you, sir, L1;:l me lust rn<!;:d; the det<lll.s.

--- - I

STAGE 2: l~~Sm.9 ~ _

iRi\CI« '1:4 There's Sa-ram. She's makfn,~ a ption:~ call, I ~hunl she's phonin{l the hotel

::I I..:1JGY is li,$tefiilflg to her new CD Vo'hf!~ she:S wihn;g f01 her ~l!lM,

3, Tony is I;;haniliili1!i ~200 Into dollars, I'm w~!tI!I1.g, until we !l;e.t to' N~w Ymk,

~ 'I'r,echikllren are w<l!~tlng: for IJS.

Wiet Fe slttl,f1g on the l'LIiga~~ over there,


'ffii!!.CK.~5 Would all p.;!"5erL~r:;; ar1, f.lign~ LH:l'H:;l to Mumtictl please go to gat!! i;li where yOur p~a.n~ ls IIOW J'BilOY lfof bna,rd I ",g. 'I1l':;[lk YQiJJ,

2 will pass@llIgl!!.r Amlcy Thy-Io!', ,m'i .... lng from Mia"ltli, pl!t!21st!.~ tc the mee:!qn.g pdJn:t In the Arl"ha,I5 !-ia.Li'i'

3 An look We're tF.lw!l:ing 'from P~rl:IJ~a I 90 we can eo th r01JW! the bl u:e cu s:t:OI"i"~S o:u'1/U'Il'l e 1 Ollef ti1Ei!i'E.

4 J"m !OOr'ii1' sj.r, you cain use ;'OI.I;r cdl ph-one in t hls ''''~~. Y'o'w mlJst ewtrch i~ off"

5 "V~lcome to flmidi'!, Ollr Inr.l!.r Sun r.elJf!!SiI!'!In.tati~e is w<li tjn'l! fO"r }1(l'U I r'I the bus :5tati,nll. Clrld she wbll t<l;k~' ~\J'U. ~Q ,'our hote!. ]US,t follow the blue 5igJ;l,

6 Cood morllll'lg ew:!.rlon.e', We are ~QTr"p' rOF ,he de~all but 'ill'E <Ire now Fesd.1y to board fHiht CG 141 S to Vl@'l1f"1!1. Please €:o [0 :gate 10, and have yoLlr" passport OiDiid 'boa.r\llng P1l:.5'5 F'eady, 'I' ~'QU ..

liFiACK 16 Flight BA 2'602 to FI()re,n~ 1$ !"I 0 'A' re8{1l~ ki.f boa rd I ng at gate A 19

2 fli.Q.nt LI-I 3.301 to Fnmklurt i:; IiOW read~ lor bOOi,r1lt11g. paG~'fUlgers shoukl gD to ~Bte 16:25 imm~iait.c~::;,.

j Fligr.t OS 3117- IN~ res e to armOLJfKf: tr.<lt this ni~lilllO VIenna is rl1?l~ycd. Th,e new departu re t,u[U@ Is !t':J30

~ flig.nt!lF ',fiO~ to Paris is do:oh,{:, The la,s! remain i n ~ '!:,;ljs~€!n~ers sheu Id gu

to gate /'..37'.

5 Pa.s.~nt:ers 01'1 KL lQI4 te AmsterdaJ ~hl)uLd.goa to gate A:n wi'l~~ lin!! !!light is ready for boarclil'l~_

6 F'lightt QA,. 3031 to S'I'd ey hi315 a ~n.l!nl!~ <pF gate n u mb!!'r, ""e f1tlW departure eate for thls Hight is 611 'Thank ~'OU .



TIM: HII Iii!.ebec:ca,

Re:BKt::A: Hi 111m. Are ,!,O!.i gQ,lng'loAni~as party 0111 !F'I'lda~'?

'IiIM: Of 'course. AI.I. ~~e peQlJl~ fta·m work iUe 'floing,

R~iit:CCl\.; Orl;!!~t -I'm lloinll: too,

'[11M, Wha"l .. ,bout S<lt!l[diJ~? Do !fOotJ wan[ I.U pJa}' ben nils?

R""6ECCJ\.; No, SQrty, t'rn tabn..g the cat to the ",et in th.-emoHii'iftlI_ W:hat abO"U!t tr,e afternoonj

TdM: No ,_ I 'm go~I'I!iI to t'O'l/f1 to buy some

cJoth~. Sunida:l'?

REI!I[oCA: SIl.Fl,rlllY is fine

'fIM: (j rear ~5 three o'clock OK? R!E:fJE.CCA~ Three Is pt!<rf'ect.

TIM: OK I must g~ now. '6~'e,

10m gQ~IT1g (a' Ii mnCe'rt ne:(t week 'l11er'l'l'$ ~ wo~dE!rf!Ji ~an'lIi"1~ "",Ubi songs (rQliTI my f,;!,\!<Curnf' operas.

"2 We' are @~ilif! to Australia l'Ie:(t month.

Wrtc awe vi.s~ti.!'Iij illY SOI"l. H'~ l~ ... e~s ~fI 5~'d[lf1Y;

:I We aregoillll!to the ,e!1 €~ IIIMY [Iris morn.[I:\Q; and in the i!lftemooii we are 5nopp.lnil_

4 He is IPl..iyin,g in a tenn:is taumamen~ an d..ay Wmorow.

'5 The)' <Ire travell i fig to Ban!l:kok Of!

SUl'ldlsy. W~ are seeing them o'ff. Their fliiilM !~ ... es at six 'o'ck,1~k.



mAc1i'\.1'9 PE:J1ER; Hi there, Ca,rlos. 1-:10""" are yOUl? CARI..OS·: FIIlIE', thanks, Wh€"~e ls Yoshi~M !i'!;;'TER~ I don t kI'10'w, :!; he's not h.ere ~E:!t. CARLOS: Peril .. p-s sl'lii:fs stm <l5Ieep'?

PIcrI1:lR, "I'osh~ko is never l<ll"P, for eta 5&

She is· <II "'f;!IY g.ood student

C .... !lWs: Yes. but con t \!rurr}' IlU ..... , PeHn Look. th~ t~acheF is oomillig

M!l. MCCABE! Cood mOfflill!l i!:"'~r'!Ibod~'. I am Mr MI;C",.be and I am Eea~hini[ lIQ'IJ i"111.~ term, Ganci tU!>'b~ ~QU all Well'. I

-- . - -

, Em) ',I, <,j 20 i'l"rh,~e< ... dAY 9

- ~ - ----- -

Audio Scripts '

- -

don't know If ::N'11I krIow <li~~ad~ blJl~ t~is ~5 the ifl,t!::rmediaM: elass 1 hope ~'Ou ,~;re <!H r~~Ii!:l!ll fIJ11 of e'n.e'~ arid read\" to WQd:~

sruiDI)Nirn:;'ie~ of ooll:r'Se!

MCO(ElIl;. Wbll~ ~ w;;IfIJ 'fOld to dQ this O'lomin!ll i::; prac-!:ise a~Wltlg qllestioOl£ ,~t.ol]t eaclh otller, '{O!.ll carl dQ tihi's LIl or, ~r ~CIU prefer, ill 01, threa.Is tha.t dea!r? Good, ilJh! I see ,ill n.o~tler strudl:nt ls anMnll_ ~'t.'5 '(osh1ko,i'51il't it?

'(OSHiiKO; y~~, I'm ;sorry I'mlate', ! .. , MCC,r,a!f;; Don.'t worry. V-osiMiko, P[~se.sit dO\1lTI, we'<lre wrklt1lg I,n pliI~r~r.;Jf th~e~ tni5 m!Nn!I1£~ p.ral:t:lslng a5!1;.ifl~ quesU'clI'ls (l.ool!Jteach otile'F. OK then, e",e~~i. at! you go.

lCAiI.OS; yos,h:uko'l COlm,e O'l'Bf iilfi!~~. You

can wed, with us.

YQ!ili41KO: rn&fLk }'GI:J.

1P1S;11EL'.~ Al,e yo'; ailri£lit. Yosl1~~o 7 YOSHIIilO: Yes. I'm nile, I'm ~ b~t ~jTe-d,

than aU,

C"'RL~5: He'!'er mtad, lien go to tne beac:tli alt lanch time, It's <I. bf:l'JJu~ifu.1 day, DC' '1DU 1.1~.e $wimmil1:g'?

'{Q$R~K.o~ Yeo, 'I do" but I. think the sea I'~ ~oo coM :for 51I"~ffil11lj n.g ~T1 E;ngi.atnd. I like Wg,iITI water,

PiE.1l'Ei!l:: W.~H, we C;lin buy Som!!: lunch aM eat itQTL the be<l~h. What do ~C'U th~Ilk7'

,~S;.: Ore<lt l,dea,

Milt. McC.'\!l~,Rj~ht th~n. How >'!~ you Sr;!ttirJ!g (In ¢\!i~f there, Carl.os?

Doll!L06~ very w!1loL Mr Mccahe. We know that Ycshi]~Q I~Mi:;; swimm i n,g, bu~ not: in e:!1~lal"ld beUlY~ the w.jlj~e,r b;, too o;)ld..

PEITiEii: And we ~U hkoe stttlne onthl2 be31d:J w!i~n the w~tr.,~r is ~oocl

Mil MQCJo,JBE:: Ie?;;p~t you do! Ne~er

ml rid, OfIly rv,'Q h.01H'S u ntl I li"mcl'l [I me j.lerh!lps ~a,ll ,call ·rim:! out some more aboUlt the WYlitlr)' where :t01J r frie n~ comes from_.

i'kl'~f.~,t;: [~e ~.)

PIfIT~R: W>ell, thiS L$ heUeHI'I .. 1rI sitting: in a h'Ol {,:~<l.'$s room. I!;n.'t it?

'(QSlm:.q: Yes, bUit. L tl:III"1K Mt M.~Cabe is a I,;ooa l!!act'ier,

lCARL.OS, Y~-5, ,~nyw~~ he m"'Ke$ me ~allgh.! r,~ElIl: 'SO YQSh~ktl, h.c"", t~ YO'"u ~8jl:'ldl.ady

today? .

Y~!~IK{J, .I don't know, L{)o~. this ~'5, ,;;I lIIoM~ '[torn n~r

Pl!n"m, Let's h<i\'~ ~ look. l.rti,ul.ll!i ~ '[Je;l'f' 'l'Qsh~lklQ_ l ~ m :5011)' 'I <!1m not w!~~E;! lo iii<'i~ yc: U r bre;i;lk~OIsL Ple-Ol:oi!! h<ll,ole what

yOu want. 'Th~'r!l' is bread, ln the 'rupb~fd and IT\Lik alna e~.'Ij!. ~I'I thee rrLd~e, 5@o!'I'ol:l winight:. Bes,t WlSI1@S, J<!JIilIirt:

D.r.:L.Q6': j;;lnet?

YOSI¥lIt::O: That's; ~~rn.!lmp.; J~net Kil'l!i, Wh,at do;rol;l thin k, p.~~i!r?

PF.:l'ER: About t~I~~ note? I ¢illl1k it's ill nit mde, of iller !:lot ttl m.ate YO~f bredkra~t.

'iOSH!IK,Q: 1'010,1 d{Jii''l't m~nd oi:lbQUit that, !t'~ i U~!Jt thet ! d:Onl't kn.ow wbere she is .. ~r.os; NO, 'She d~5i1't ,s;;iy, doss sl:\~? PE:I'm.: P~rh;ap5 'fo\in'Si.l:d to ~en thiQ'

school, .

'':I'OOH~!!ig.; Whl~')

P£il:l!!;; Th:ey OOiJ~d 'fIrid you snm,ewi1eTe else to L~".e.

'¥~IK~ But I don't ""arlit to l~~e M[s' Kl[lg. Si:1e: ~s a I1ice W[,)I'!l!l:n, you kr!qw,

D:IU.oS: :Sneg,>£!s say '~'@ 'fOil to['Lhghtt·. dcasrrt she?

'ilOSIf,l~K(]O: 'rnars true.

C,l;,I!t~: Cmne 0111. Let's eet mil' s81Fld'O\l'~ches, WnOit tl me d'o~ afft,ennool'! schcel ~g~llI?

YOS!'lU(O' 'rWo cl"~Ig<;k. O'h ~ C,wl,QS:. What I~ ~~, Y05n~ko!'

YO$Hl.ttXl: 'Tbat WOIill<ln O'!.'f!rtlrlere_ 1 til; n k In Mrs K:1,ng,


'{OSHItlO; Over tihoer,e };i1 tile s~<t! a


P!ill:~: 'That's M1ll I<liFie? Y'etl, it i~, isn't it? CAliiLO::'l; Wl10 ls the m,U~1 with hr:r? YOSHI~KQ; I don't ,1iIT1QW.

'Q!o,[ii,i.OSI h" Lt Mr Ki:f1~

l'OSf'll&!:O: 'i'tner~ is nEl Mr Kll"LiiI~ I mean, M~ Kfi:I'I,g, IIve5 ~~L.ine_

:P~'iER: WhElX:; th~ matter" YO$nrlc.o'? y,osHiiKo:;!n I ust 5:trF,l,ng€. tbat'a <III. Wh.y ~s she on i:ltf1' t::::;;dl with that 1[Il!Cl,n? wo!lL i~'s nOll'l'Ing to do ~ll.~11 liI'Ie. -C~li1'Ie on, let's go back ['0 schccl U's nearb two o'dDd:..

- -



A; H~~e.l'l.c;a.~J 'tQu tell mol!! wile'!"!;: ~I'I~ Qt";'Ili'iige Tr(le ~$t~m.al1t is:! I'm me:.'E!tirn€i .PalJ~ tillo!!"@ oIlt seven o'clock

~, YE!!; ~ trs ~n E,i]stt Str'eet., A:f;. you w<d~

i:Q'Wi'lIi'dS, the ci n~Hla, ifs 0" ",our ri{l.h t

,Pc: Thai'l~S H~len

iii: 1-l!ilV@ .:!i good t:Fll'BA~ Tn"mks.


f',.: E.:K~$~ me. Do you 1rn0\!il wn~[@ the E'llu€ Pafl'9t C::!fe 15?

E!i; Yes. C!Qstmhght om ~!lIdl turn ~'i:rt ,~~ r.he POIl't QifI':!'~, Mer i 00 metres, tum !ell ov,l;lJin. lt1'S n~xt to tile bOQ!ts;n,op,

A' Oh, I. know, TnOilnks_


ll<: MarLa, whet! dothe shops close? I'm !¥i11'1!1i to- ~~lIY some new shoes a,rr.d a roOlt~

B: l tbin~ Irs six o'.:::lOI:k. No w.;ilt _ .• hey

close 1litfi "'~ th i tty,

p!; ,{;gS, yo'!.!' DE figtH nOlllk$, FOilr

A: E~,;;!,lS~ me, Wl"Ien is tngrtel:t {rai Ii to(] Ams.t.erda.m?

B~ Ohi. t~Li! n.ett OFl!i!'S a~qu;an'ef' ~o' twO li.: Qi!.18rt:er to twr.)? OK, can i. haJ'i-e a eneway tkket p~e&se?

I;!, A si'[1~le ~~dret - Q;rl;a'inly. He~ you are. That ..v·ill b!ltr,!le~ ... e 'i!:L1ros.

A.; 1'1>;~rlk. 'I0!.~,

-- -

SlAGlE 2~ lESSON 11

- - -- ~

'I"RAC!K 21 ~ :reaIL~ li~.~~n.I.m<lll5 ~nd 00 doss my ::iQP!. !arnie, ~ 'O\I'e'rli: €(ling W the' ruO tml'!ono'o'l

2 Ilik~ ,0 l'i.llcl a qu i08~ pIJi'l~'e with In~!!~, i)mi nQW!er.:;1,~'Q r m 'Iloi n,S' to the oor,anica.l g;a,rde'[1;5 tomorrow,

3 l'mgQin~ to the aft ~.lJery [om.orrO\!l, 1i'h~ ~e~.'~t; <! special e~nll:litiQr'I Of painti rl~S, !Jy P~~a$W

4; You must {io tQ thi~ mU51.!:!lJ1!ln· :It has some ilJrEM dunos.all.! r skeletorl~ .

" WIl' Fe BQ~I'!~ lu tr.e ,~at!h{:df~~ ~r.iS· ",fi(;!moof!. tleve old bu~ldlll.i5 se l .ilwa'f~' vistt mooquces and cat!hl;:~;h<lls wh>E!'fi I'm ilnl '" M',I,! ci~y

6 1'her-.;:'s Oli l'I'iIarke~ in tOWIl tClm~,m'<lW !"in .g,ojn El to IJtI~ ilf<:~F:[1i(::S to t;ak h;orn~ to my f~ie'nds and tarn i Iy_

li!f!,o!..C1( 2:2


,;10,: E.iKu~~ rni:l: Whe~'s tne science muS·1;!U:m'?

(I; 0'11. Ti'lI~e !h~ second !.umini on 't0Uf ~..:h a Fld it's a~boot 'tOI} metres ahl;:;;Id - om the d~t'·h'llld side of the 5tl"'<!~l

A: Thank fL'U


,~: When d$!:;!:> the mu!>'6urn open"> B.: We {lfNrI a,1 ten (rom Monday to

5litlJrd~y blJl o:n '5lJtIlC;;ty wr:: dtJ~n upe'll untill'olltJ o'd{.dl

1\.; 51] Irs l·en ,lfd .... ck tuda'i'~

13, ves, that's l"i!1:ht A, An. tha nk ~ou 'ID'hitee

~~ HQi,I;l m uch dceslt cost to ,!;Jet i ~h~


B!o Ol:i,it:s free, A~ Pi'ee?

B: ':fo8s, 'f01lJ don't h.a~ to iP<!Y to, ;get 11'1 A: GreaU Thanh.


A: E._ili~UJ5'e me', When do!!!'S th~ ca:nO€!fI: start?

1:1: The doors cpen a~ seve:!1 e'eleek V;ou must ~'ln\!'Ou, seal bJ ;,2;'5 tleC.?l1l5e the oo~ceA: starts at 1'.30.

Ar ah, thSint yuu. Flve

. I\:. (;<:11[1 'tou teU me 'h.ow'r;o ,get '1:;0 tlt~ <it"Jtl~IJI~~ markoitt?

13, Y~K It's, In tll~ eentre of w .... 1i1 Ta~' Oi l:li.!mb~1' 2.2 bu~ and .get the Town Hall.

A: OK, tllii!Jn&:' :!,O'lL 8bi;

A: HoI'{ mlllct"i ere t io~t!O !Qi' UUE ~Uf Cif tl'L~ castl:e1'

B: Th'e), are' klur pou nds for aoutls and two p¢und!~ ;for childsen under ro'Un>een,

A: A~d MIl' $1UOen~:s2'

12;;. St~deflt l~r,;~_~s ar'@ n.03JLr priGe; t.wo

pounds, .

1\; Thanks,


- ---- -

TMc~23 h- fl ~ C = I) ~I:i- F- G- H- I-,r - KL-M-M-C-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V -w- X-y-z:

mA_c,",,:24, il'[T[!t: I come I~ollrl Germ::lil'lr and my name ls P!lter Ll~b. ;rhilil·S j}" E·T·E- R L·I·E·I1,

CAl!l!~ fill (i1Ir.!os Sanch~ a,nd I [,:g,me from ~!;)a I 1"1. M~ name's spell C-li.-R-!.- 0-:5 :::h"'i"N·C·!-!-t;.2.

,{OS"HI~Q: I I.I~e 1111 !<liPilimli and I 'm a!1~ed Yiosi:lito" thait"i; Y·O'&H.i-K~O

TRACK. 2;5


C1~e C-R-E- T- E

'J. New 'l'aB:. ,N-IE;·W· Y·O-IR-K 6 Spai n S·P·""_' 1· r>l

(; Au"tr81 i,E! A-U-S - T~ R-A-L+A DI!:);,\!1Q

I FClilrr

Till:;; is am an n.uOnQ~fTHin~ for 'fl ~ght 231 to ChlqJ:go. tilis Ii'l'illirtis now 'OOOlrd:il1l!!l ,~t !l)3Ir;e 23, PleaJse proc~d to the d'e!]llfIIUJI1! ,g<lt~ .;lS qll Ickl Y as possible_


We ,ap-D~oll!l~$e for the tedmiea~ (II ffj~u l.ti'!i!~ we a,i'(;! C\i,fr~n~I'I ecxp€!,ri~ndl'ig. Will passengers for l'Ii~olt5 ,0' a I! ~g ~an de:otrngl~ions ~}I@as(> ~Q to check-in desks 12 to 24,

Audio. Scripts

2 iDkllO 1"-0- 'K~Y-O'

'3 l~ndkm l-O-N-D--O~N ~ iP<:IIris P-kR+S

7 Iitaly I· 'P.A-'l;- 'l'

1'fb!!ICIK 2:6 CMLOS~ VDsl1iko" now do you spel! Yr.)'ulr 'I'dmi,ly Mia tI~e"?

YQS}!IK·'O: 1~'5 ~p.i;!j~ M-j·Y-A-M·A.·f·S·U, Eas~. isn't i~?

C"'RLiJ~ I dDn't thinl50, But (;OIIru you !'.:p~lllhfr town 'NheH~ I Il'o'ef'

VbsH!I(iO'~ Of@urse. It\,s; C-H-0-N, CMl:lOS: That's ri ghit r ArId] ~ Ca n ~>pe;n r~~ rl(l,m~ (:If ~M tOW.FI 'ill" ere 'f-DIJ I lve, It's

rr;:·Y·CH·O. "

'(OSHIKO: Velrl dever.But tills h: :a h"rd ene. g~1'I 'i~1,I ~p~H the name o:f the capital of Swtl,andi?

CAI!:WS: '~tthink 50, It's E-D·I~N·:EHj·~·G· H. Isn't It?

Y05HiI~,O: Well done, l thiinkthsi!"5 really Mrd be~<llJs@ it'-s ,gat leW::r5 in it that 'l'mt dO!1'~ 5~"i-

(Alll,.Q:ii: V,~~. It has. Sa ~he thirlg '1o~ cut food wi~l1.

VD&lHtK,(k Oh, you mean ~ kDlife - K""H·r~,f;:- n~t'f! art: lorn or words \II'ith stlent.Jetters ill Er'I_!lldl. ~~[!!"t 't"'~/e? 'WhOl,t <lOO"-'l[ the mime of .he· fi:>i1 tI1O!!: '~!!.I ~i:l ¥.let ·In. S~.ot:hl'ld7'

(:;'~.1Joe<; .It'$ a haggls;,I:tiOlr~ H·l\_.dGiU ble 0·1 ... 5,

'l\'OSWI[(;O: Dan:t be siHy, Carlos_ A h&gll,is Isn't a Hs,hi, r mean e sOilmoWi-

S"A--L- M,,;Q·Nl

'1l~i< 21' is]8icld, silver; hQur, [[gilt, kl:ii:f~. fri~nd, 80m.@, stra.lillht, (lomb, ~ove, 8;ri'ii;l-~tO!fl, dlall<:. walk, castle, s.igl'l. mow

-- -- -


1 __ -


'1'11 ts i~ tiMe last cali for tllrght nu mber057 to Malaga_ Passe.fiiEN,i i[lOr fl i.sllt n umber ifI'~ I' to Mahg<l shQ.1J ld gil Imm~d iate-Iy too €ilIt~ nHm lJe~ j'5 as [he fUght I~ to Close,


H:e:rli! I!HIn 31l1l01l1illCemer,t for p~!>~irlg@r M i.;hd~t:!: l"Hrelr,a, recen till' ani~~.j r!'Ql~l GeIlOa., Wo'uld Mh~$ MI~C'he:lle Perreir<l piea::;e (lome tel t he <l1'fI'l9!"t !t'lfmm.ation desk whlch Is 5itluated liIe~t to Gate 12 ,


A Plll§SpOrl has been f'Ci·und in t;1o:;! duty f.,."e -si1().ppl n.g area Om kl the ownerol tl\i~5 pesspen please r-eturn '.(! roh@ checkI n des& :[)e;for,e' IPfQl;![;!l!dl na to d.ep'<I!rt ure

TAACK29 CtlE.C~·iN CLERK: Gooo afterncon, C.Q!1.Ild I hOiW;:l ~01J r t~d@~~ .and psssperts

pl eas e?

.fliLAN: Here )lmJ ,a re,

CHECK"IN CLERK: Th<!il~ ¥Q!.!, ~ir. 1'hl!'fIl'i are fOIJIf' cJ YDl! lHlve!lin,g: to MBla~a lodiliy7

Mi.'!.N; TnBinrirel1t

CHilElCK-iN OL!llRK: I: M~ arm llfIore passpert. YOiJ~5 sjr i ",r..inl"

M .... N;.Oi1 de;lt

WOMli'!N: On fLO, y.:lu·y,e for.gpt~er'l you r p-<l5~P0l1! Wihat a:rf! m Iloin.g; to do

M~~, c;.lrn lilo'WFI. lMo. JlI~'t kiddin,li! .. Here' 'it is,

0IE-Cf_·1;r~ Cl~iK.; "n'l1llr,k you sir. And how maln:y pseces of IU€SO!ije?

M",,'1: fQur:;;lJn(;~$ <lI1!Q rw~ ~:Ild~!'m CHECKdN r.;:~E.RJl(; tm afraid ~C<1I .;3111: Fi're kilos O';fer:

.MiA;N: Dcm't W'OH,/. Tbe w~fe 'II! II ~~b! her mal:i~'!Jp out Phen i t'll he Ii rile-,

WOMAN: Ne~er mind hiim, Titi$ b;a$lls nand ~.u=a'@:e,

CliiocK-iN CUER~:: Fi rlJe',I't'$ o.K.l1ow. Here ,m'!: 'lour !Jo.a:rdil:lii! pa;or5e:o. ~ngpte' number to}

: STAGE_ 2_: lESSONI1 J _


IHANS: My ITlOimtO' ls Ha.ns !lnd 111~lie i!'1l Amsterdam, Am~llln:Ja~1Is tile cail'ita~ city or the Netherl,and5, ~ tth.inl ~'I lsa b>e<lll!~if\i!! ~i.t1l- It LS not ~e~ big, The popul .. tiun ts only aoollt 100,000'. FhJt there is OJ Jot to sse, Ir ~ou come to AmHerd~fTl.'I'DiJ 1'IIi!li'l~ go to the ifiilS@lInrlS My li'iWliJrliN) ~s the "'~!'I GO\i::1tl museum ~~ r..'!iS a f~ntast:i.c ¢01I~tJori o(f van Gd1;ih's pai ntinGS, lif you wain t. to see the ci tv, tak.e a .g'~ ided tmn ~111 ill bo.;ll on the rnrJlI.I.5, The boots .go past a I! tn!'! 9k18:;;l ho", .. @'!> ~nd cilllJ.!(l1.e~ In. .Am5tBlrdam and the' gu,i de tells 'f".J1J .'i!bo'!Jttilo@fn i FI f,(;M' langLL~ille~ - induciil:lll: ~~1ish i

M"'lHH .... : My name 1'5 Martha and I I lve In

- - -- ------

'-.,LJ .. ~I' ... 10 ruun, :(.)~ <l U<lV 11

~ - - - - --

Audio Scripts

C8Jpe 'fOllin. I love Ca:p~ 'Tbw1l1 - it's Oil re~Hy rel8i~ed aM rrieliidl'l ~it~, In 50~th Atrk;;l\s seoond hL~e!rt city,

~ Itl1 Ol poPli!l~ur,lIn of lIibaut th(e~

mi I uen, There's <I lot to ~~. al'id! do if! C:!IJp~ TO'o1m 'l'"h<J Q,ld ~::!fh:if the. Gi~ ~; qlJi~e small ~ ti1iebe:st w~' ~{) ~e;e itis on root. Mil.le :;!Jf~~O'U vi;sit t hoe ma,t~~ ~l!ans 'in GreeF!mark.'tM SqUli3 Fe! and perha?~ 'takrl a .glJ~dedco~r Qt the old castle. If you n,~.\!\i} tlmE!_~ou can t~~ .. shoo dri...-e:om of Cap>e 1'OlIo'I'I tel tne ~8:moos 1!abl@- MOIJILt:aifl. rroW'l til@ tOi"P YQIl hill\le ,8 WOfl,dI~rful",]evi{ (IF due' whQI!~' City', th~ h.:!lTbom, and, of 'CO~r$!!:, the sea ..

mACK:li1 A! E:lJClls.e me, COl!:! I ask 'f'D1li wt\e<~re 'IOU

iilJ~ r~o:m?

B i a C{llJrse'. 'I'm :fromBdlnb!JrghL

A: Clirl youspel t tlilOl!t for me, pJeil~e? B: Y:~m, it'!> EoD+N~s..'1J.·R·G-·HI,

A; 1'hJl!lk YOI)I. And wller'ei!5 E;:jJuilbtr~.gM [Be Irs: i!il S0rJt'I,md, ~r1i, the ~pH~L

A, Scotland? Thiilt'$ t<lth~ nqn;Hi (1f

B;,n~.Ia,nd, iSIl't it?

B: '(@s. Edinburillis aibolll 400 miles t[) 'file i'I(:irth of London,

.!\; AM ls Edtl'lbllT!11i ~ry big?

IE!; Qult~ bill: - it: has 01 p(lpula.~!o:n Q~ <libQ\l~. 500,000.

A; I. ~i!, 500,0001 I Ulin,k~ha,t'$ 11 lot" Are· the~'e lo~ of~ollrisot~ in [.dLl'lbur.giM:"

Bi' On ~!!'S, II's iii ,gre8Jt <:ttyfcr tOlJrists. Irs 'lEW be~i:J!tIJIJI. '1'he ,cast]e is Ollr m(lS~ fa/mollS 'to1;i'~i$t attractlolll, And, of ~OOISe there'S tl'l~!~tl\!'al.

~ The Iesti .. ~I?

B,: Yes, ewe!]!, ~LJlmrnJ(;1 r there hi a f-e$~~~·al of ,art,. ifi"I usle, iti"he8Jtt"e'- e,ver)'thi!ll!;l:, ThOI,l$r.i'l'Ids 01 t:OlJlr~s~'~m'ii! toQ ses the •.

~; I must vl~lt.How can liel there from LondO!il'?

B~ WeU.'I',o:Ll 01'1 n~ to Edi nburs:h.a I ~j)Ol't ..

Or )lull tan {lrt~, t!1t ft's a.long way a:nd. It Il klllK li.rI1i~. My f\3j'i'olllriOe I'~ t.o ~o b:.'trl!l~n, It::;; [1;!i'L~!!l!g "ndi rOlJ see~he: whole OOl1.ll'lu':!'.

fl.: Thar.'s .great. Thank you \!*lfY much Hi: In a pleesure,


SlAG E 2: I,..ESS,oN 1 4

j mAOK 3::2

C<in you ~~i3It tllifl~, plea::>I¥!

:<'. HOw do you,!ip~ll ~h€!~, ~~~as~? j. Ca n '\I'01.l Sili~ tn8Jt <lti5!! n, pl~,as.e? 4 Can 'TOIJ spell th at pl.~~!>~~

m_IioOK33 "'l'1It,II.,C'I'i i'JlIam:e l'r~Nel. Trac:!, speakii:li, COiIl ~ neip '{Oi"'?

~'II: Erm ... Ma,!, R sp~~k to Mr fI\IewOOid, pl~se'?

'fi::;Acr: oM r Noewtot~. iI1o,ld! on. I' rn puttil'l·~: yo~ ~h'rOlucl1!h.

MR !'4EW.Ff'DI'iI: Hle:l.lo. Careta~erll!i!,re, iMlAN: I~~ tlHlt Mr Newbold ~n tine tra ... el i 1'l5IJr<'lnC::l:! d~paltrne[lt?

MR N~W1i'CI'N: Sorry';' Wha:t: .... ? On no, I'm 'Jeff", ~~'tOI'l. tm. the c-.are~~k.f;:r, I'll put 'l'O>U back to 5wltdhbDard..

111b\Ci';. S\l.!J~~hbo8.rd.

M:A~; S-Orf!!. but that was ~hl!!' caretaker, TAAC'I"; 'l'C!j want to speak to. tlh~

eare,tllJke:r? 'Ril3nt ~'n lust see if li!e(S; ~I'I.

[ii,i,t(H ~~5~r\'l,tedl: Ne, no. oo! [want to. :;; to Mr Newbold 1111 the tr,ii'ifel iiL!s:u~nc(! dep<'Irtment.

TIl,I;.C'!" Tha'l/e~ in:O;lJranCl;!? Oh, ~IOU me,m Mr Newgg,ld!P!Jmflijl 'jQW! thmugh. 'f"RAOK 34 MlAf!.I[]!~ Good .illfterW;)t}:n.. Far East Hlli!&!i:-,'Sc t.:tandjy :m~};,! i1~. HOWCiililll 1 he~p?

M'~ H .... I:l:JJ&V! Good altemoolli. C{)~!d: I speak to SOtn¢t,;lIlce ~oou:t a le~;W ~ got from YOIl tooB,1(:'

.MA5IlD'l', Yes, of course, ~il: M8~f" [ hal'ie ¥OiJrname?

Mil: H:A.!D1Ei': Yes, it'S C'~.t'lJam Had~ey Tit£;! le~ler S<lYl'. the ho~idalY I W<\f1t is no~ 8i\i'afi]:MJ1~ .

Mi\.~,m'l: ()t:i J see, MT Ha;cll~. Halle you ep" ~()m I~tbe-r ther-e'?'

MR H .... DL8Y: Ye.f!, [ have,

M,'iNITI, Coulid yoU ISI~~ '1tlJ~ the r,ef.eref"l~1;

IlIl.llmb~r?' .

MR I-!ADLI<1f: Or...~eTs, It's AI.. 4567 '!':S. M.I\[)i"D'!t: GOUMl/Oll POi£:leat. t~a:t, please? MR 1;!.,i,Ei\LE.'l:: AL 4561 TS.

MA:NWo P\.l. 45(1;7 'fS? .1Ind YOlliilire Mr Ci/aklffi Hadley. Is tl!iat wnti:,; an .,~;(?

M~ J.1iAfJ1Et; ':f~$ lie's H·A· D·l.·E>Y,

MAN "'l'; FiM. Now ~ th I nk you need W speak to!;flmeo<n.e: wila-i5 de"t i nB wut~ you.r aHa'n€elil'lei'U~ .. ~f )lQU can i Ul5l nqld [!lie !in-B. Mr rladJe~', l'm pW! y.ou tluou:gl:-i tel N i.g1i!!

MR !-lAmn" 'Tb1lnks for yQUir heel p. M"",r>!IDY: No problem.



Whe~'5 the post omc.~-:' :2 COlIn I Ir-elp ~[}U?

3 He's HYI(l'\l to Pa,ri;HOmQ'i7Qw. <1 HO'W much i~ ~, I'@t!llrn ~i(let?

5 Ti;,Oit'1l, 'I'cm1'5 mQb~h~ phone, is["I't. ~t? 6 That s~gf'l says: Danger!

7 It'!;: 9!1l~Y '~M~il@t fort'i'-f1eht m i I'@.:'!l to ~rlstoL

8 iDo ,,"Otl waJlJil an l.;:e c~a:ml I de, TRA~M Do VOll know wh<l~ ~Qi,Jlr wdght IS?

:2 I wall1t to hU~'S1O!n@ IiICfl'llers for mv mothet

:3 nEW aT~ going to wIile to me about


-4 Please ~5t.ay h~re whi~e .1 km~ JorhJm. 5 L4@"s, my 501'1 ~!ld I love him 'iery m!.,lcn ,6, Th.e post ·ofli.;e Is ~r there



-- - -


A; ~!Jge- me. Wl1!at COLJIl'ltry are :,;'ou


R O'li, I li:\I€' in canada. I'm Ca,<lli1.

A! ~s CilrJaaBi a big OOllnuy?

B~ Yes - rr~ 'A\!!]I' bi:g.

A: And wf!·~t IS the capital?

Elo: The' ~pitaJlcl;ty is Oit<l'l'i'a, A: -o~, j;Q!W do 'to'il s~TI t.h~t? ROdr.'r~h-W-A.

1\.: Wbiat ooUlfitrieS ooro~r onCa;nada,? [l~ Oil, we are: rIIr!l(t to the USA,

k AfH:!I ss the llIational ii'jJril!;ya,g,o:!': IEnlil:lj$~"!? !l: Wit nav€ l'1'fOi'la.tHonallll[lglJa!lle5 ._

Ej'",gll'~h arlid Frend, Col~n<idlaFl8 (rom Cl:uebec:;p(!a~ Freruch.

h: thal::: ~I)' !11i~@F@stlln:g, th a n k yotl. E!" '{Qu:f~ wclecme.


A: !!:~'C1I9E!' me C-'ln ~ as~ where ~OiJat~ FJOWl"?

B: 011'1, i"m I'm;rn Sinl,:!aJ_po:re.

I A: Can ),O'U spell rh:~t for me? ,6. Ye!ie j,t.'!:. :S-I· N ·G";"·Ip...Ou~R--E A; !S s!,ngapore a bi:g rou.ntry? 5' No - it's; a srnall IS~Bnd

A: Allld is the ealJit(li r.:!<{"

8: Q h Lllr<l~'~ '@as~ ~o ~~m~mbe~ - Its 5il'1l~po[1;!1

k And \!I:ha~ cuu n tries <! rl; near S~ngapDr;;l?

B: Om Ilea rest n,€ Ijlhooli'r IS J\Mlla~<;1i1 Th,",f~ M·A-n.,-A·Y·S-brA

A:AQd wh<liL I.m::;:u",ges· du you spe .. ~ if' ;;:;ing,<lpmlo!?

Be. We spe~:k En.glislrri aad (hiF1:i'::g~_ A.' Oh. that's great- tn<ll'l k yQY,

fI: it'5 a p'le0l5u~~, 'B''{I?"

TRl!l!.CK3S ~ceiandi ~s a, be1ilJt~fLlI wu!'ltryl'l'I ttt~ ~Gl'I;hNi,antic Ocean It~;S. i,irge;1 rr,;lrl !?ol1u@a'l- rts s:i~e Is; W1000 ~lI8lFe kilometre-s. but it hes iii $iit!31111 p~pul~tlon: :28'9,:000 people. About hEilf the popu1atiof! lives in !il!1ia 8J!'ound tlhe ca~,i~a.l clty - ~.@'I'~la"/~~, They s'j)ellk [celandl!<: - it is .. very old lan'8!l~~, ~I)!OHaMltas !t. own currefley: the krona, 'ilh ich means crown i I:' En~Ii$Ii,


I\~ Whal's '1IJUIf' natLcn<lll'ty?' ~: r m E'Je-i:Sian.

A: is your country as bill: 1IB E.ncg'land?

:E!: No, trs onty 3~U>OO squlilre kLtometre~. !1.~ Wrua,t is the popUkmOil'?

~ AOOL!!t 10 mllli:on,

A: Wflat is the gp'ital~? B: B[11j5$el5'~

A: wnat: CIW'~r'iq,t 0,'0 ~'g1J !J!l@'? Ell The #~ro.of course,

it Whait ,t;o~ntIlI5:f-are ~Qur inle1i~hoom~'? 8: We have oorders ..... ~th fr<iln~e,

Ceriftri~fW, 'rl'if! N~th.~rla!'ld;;'llI!1d l..u:x.embo!!.!Jg,

1.\; W1l~~ !"!lgL!~ggs do people spENlk in Y'ou r OOl.!liIlli'!P

Ill: ~f1ch. and ])utt:h.


SlAG E :2; LES S ON ~ 7


,A.: I:> the i5',:;O to:> 6uflf.aio rYN'Itf!~?

(I: Let me :see. Yes. b'ut UH!!:le'S ~ fCHty-

li~e rntn uts dela",

A; What t:ifli!~ does It g'l!t [Q ~[l'Ufifiiilo") lEI; I~'!o dille [1'1 Buffaio at. n. to,

A:. 'TIiIan k YQlL


k. E~.euse me, 'Can YOIJ heJIP me p[e<ise? B: Yes, ~i r, W~a:l can I do Ior '\i'~lJ?

II:. I 1,101<1 n t a hotel i n ~!';!t!W!] London.

il<: Is th_a~ jlJ:;,t J[)r QI'I~ n!~~I~?

A,; YeS, It is

~;':> 1l2"'~ ",look 'fiteOl ... endish i [I Bry<lil'1ston SqU81fe has O!I douell::!: room aV8~labLe a~~,OO a ni'!l~t_

1\: Well. 'that sounds OK Wh'~'r-e i5 Bryansl,o:n Squa~e?


A; h1e~~[j I!; tl'l;,;t I'n I? Bekl1{lnll~ eon rCten ce: centre"'

ve~ fri~t but 1i3lw:3l~s lind ~ feel \line!'! m'~ {l.~ thete,


We li k:e' to e~t .H01Jn.d !~IOO this, ~l'[; !g<ood ,~~ocl!li!! and. we're in tile a'it 'i,I.i,r:_ calli ,stoo wh:~rtevef ~. V;'<ilnt to <lilld!

.. lthiOUrI!h ~. ~O"'I~ti mes ge~ ¥el1' wet w,e never reel. coldl Dowv.i'l111 lsbsst of COiUrs@!

Aud io Scripts

Ill: Yes, How CO!n!l'I!'lp?

-f,,: I have 8J mee'tii'l>lj lll'i rMm 112 W'it'h Mr Cru,u~s_ Unrc!Jtlli18i~hI my tJf~l~ Is del<1y@d se I'm g,oing: to be l<lite,

e,: Room l '12'7' Hol,,j on ,a mcmeet, I'm

nunine ''l'0U thmueh.

A~ 'Than.ks, IF'oiilr

A~ Wnere to, mads m?

IB: The alrpert, pl.eaS8', !'1m mnnil!lEl O! bit lat!l,

A; Now, then, whOlt 'tim!~'~ YQur .f~ighi~'?

8<: E1alf past ~h;!~1e!ll, il'm su ~ l'rn goirng to miss It.

.A: DGln't wm[)!" ~~enty olttrne, Le<i!~-e il to


B:G:rr.!<lt! IFl'M'e

A: Goodffl{)minli!. Is It ~IlS[ rm the two of you.?

B: Yeos, can we sit oo;eor ~iJ;er.e !w the


II:. ,11,J~t a s@cood, yes, tnElueJble's 'f~e. e, ls t~t!IJ no-smoking area?

k 'i@s, we only 81 low smQ~~ni1: .. t tlie: loaF, ~~ Olil. good.


ST,A,GE 2~ lESSON 16


I Wel~, trs tfl~ (j]u!dc~t. way to get aj]~"Iihere, [dOfn ,en loy long: lomneyll., I to sit in m;i' seat a nd ~et tj,p .a 'few ho(.Gt'S I~ter ln al c{lmpletel.y [lew' p!J ... ee, l Itnow there <lr,e oft'elll ~!;;Yo$ ,a no It can be ba~1 rig 'Wa It I rig for your' fH!1:ht but jfseasy !lnlid you cion 't 11~...-e to t;h Itli~to(l, m ech. U'mfilJtn'llf <Ii I .. '\!~' ~ra~'ell~r,


I e,[lio~ tralieUine thjs w.a:y, It's qUi[et a.nd I hsve time to look at e~'e'r)'ll:lin€ OIrrQ!,!ml 1'I'!(1:, In the cheapest waf to trave], alltIiQij~h,iO!J h.!Oi~1f! 110 buy SUOITi~ shoes:

Aflid YlJ'i.! >C,1n ~~Qt SQ!ffi:fi' very iln~eIes;ti rt~ people. too.


Wll<l[ I HI:.€: illbout u,~Y'li:1Ii nR i:n t h is \!{~~ ~s tl:'lai. i 'Cilil ~h.g~~ wh,@~n I gO and wh>e1l1 I. came' back, ,I rte~r hi'l'!'e ~o ~~ ~g. Ole. ,,~rROrl o~ a. ~~tl on .3Jt 8 ,j}alrtitul<lr t:i rn~ end of >(;O~Ir5e ~h~w.;! <;If": nc bagg,llge r!t~t(ktiaIlR I can take any1tl1.irt& J W~H'Il


I thiFil~ it's the best w,~y ItQ tfll¥<::1 Qn~ YOll are an baaro ~g~ ~r,~ .Iooked after Q:;;IlI1pIJl,!t'!3'I'I, 'There's >e'ol'erfthiltg ¥Ou wldd pu~s,lbly fLoM!dil ,restaJ;llfa nt'~" dl1.ernlls, I'lt!i;ht-lif~ ami e:vl!!rJ h~~~df~~E!rs ,;inc

bea u.ty 5.a~on!>~ I know you dnnr~: mCi'({!



IiMCK 4:2

MAN: Hello,

\fOOIH]ili:O: Oh. hello, CQ(.ill(;iI l sp!!~k to ?el~~ Utlb, please?

MAN; Yes. I'll ~us~ ijiet him [Qr yOu, Who~

~~~U ng, pre:~se?

YOStiIItO~ I~'s 'i'Qsnioo, I'm <ii, f-rfie!'ldi or I;,b; - ITQr~ tlof! scbool,

M.AN: H~"ll cJOmi.ll!g,

li?,En;iI:: l"Ii there, 'i{Q51:t~~,

YO~IKO:. p,e~er, I gii1$orl"'lgyt ! 'n~Qd to ~al~ to :mu, 80rnethini !:j,tm'rlBei:s t'iappel'linlS ~Ult:ll ®!,!'rr understand it

PEC'1'!lJlt: WI1i;lt'iO tn~ m@Uer!'

'l'OSRU:O;: In .Mr,~ KIng, '}'Oil tri~'ll, 1iI1I~ ~Rll!d!w:t', 1,.;i5~ iI1li!iiht she crylnl;, 'I don." blOW 'W'hi;i Sh E! d:o~~nrl w,a ITt m~ 1lI€lp a;~d sne I:foesn'l ".,..;:mt tQ tall~ a;OO1;lt It_

PlITER: Oih. de.!l[ Stl'l!. it isn't aJJ:!Iythinl!l 'to dQw,iU'I YOIll_ !Jon't WQIT'/ aooil~ it.

'Yml-l[oo! ()11 111)" Tbiat:s not it, 'Th~:s; ;mnrnilll!1l [hem was t!h:is ~etl!err klr m~ an ~he oreallla.srtal)l€k Irs from Mr!, King,

i?~II:: WnaJ~ does it sa,}</'

YDSHI~O: It sa~s she is ~~ oorl"j butl must (lind BI ~ew f'!!Thl.y to ~taY' with

PIO'TFffi!: Thar~ ba.d new~, You re<l~[y n~1;;' her, dom't ym:t?

"O:S~UI~.o, Yes. Mrs King it!> !!OI) kind to me.

I doi'l'~ IU ndeestand WfW she WCI FI ts i:li'Ii!1' ~o~.

II'lE.l"ER:! Ma;;<be it's .~ [,m:,1bd@rri w~~h her


Y05t1iKO: Thet~ is Ol'l~ more tlh.ii!~, Peter, PEl'lER; What is It:?'

YalHIIK![J, Ilfeel bad t~Hi!!!l ~'Qb! thls but - ;;mnemfl~ ls takililg mone:j' from my room,

PE:T~R: Do Y""jL! ~hifl:k lrs Mrs Kil'lltf Y'OO~!e::'Q: i hope not. B.IJt she has 11 ~e~ t>r) my rccm ~t~ !here ls I1iCibcd~ '@Ige ln the house.

PE1E1R; Wlial Ollbout Mr King'~

YO£HlIK,Q: fh.ere is 110 Mr Ki i'I!il. I. ~,h i rik. h.e'~ dead, Mr~Kin!(l has 8 '!;)()rI-bu,t he I~I,'~ in AI.I5t.l<ltiOl, I. fel;:'l terri b~e' i;!b1::u,I~. thi5 I

I::ml;,~h III 2[) rllilhJ'_C~"" J~y 13

- -- - --- -- -----

~ - .... _ a _ ._~ ... _ -z:;-==-=-=- --;: _

Audio Scripts

dlotl't know wtly, but I am wemed aboollt liilr.

f1E.iE:I!: 'i'h!!fU! lis p'fd[lsbly ,a, V~~' :;Im;ple I1e&SOIl for ,;3 11 of l~ I~. ~tayhe you h,M;; made :>[)Flle m~sc8~!'! abeut the money.

YOSI'IiLXO: I dorl't ttTi nk so, 011 d:t!t1r; I [ust don't knQw w~at to do.

P5'!iER: Loot. YOsliik¢, I@t's meet in the pe ri" I Ci;!i'I meet ~'Oll in a'bc)lut t\.\ll!n.ty minutes, OK?

VOSHlIt\,O: lIh<mk ]{OIJ. iP@ti@J. Where do ~'Qr:.! 'i'f",n~ to' rn€!etf

P~EI'l: 'l1lnat about the' la);J:? I'll m@@tYOIII neaJ[ tille l'imi! lakl@' .. '. the oaewlth ttl~ toy beats 0[1.,

'Y05HIJ{~ I know wli!!!'@: it Is.

PIrr~R Aftd d.,.n:t "''Orry. E\;Ierytllin~ i~

~;Cli,rig to be 'fine,

YOSIlJKOi I hops !:O, Pe.ter; I hap!.' 50, tUit~r, ~1I1 ~rr.e pil.ri .]

¥OSHIK.o~ P~~r! O>Rr here,

"mil;; 1 .. 1i t1'101!f@', Yooniko. AfoE! you OK? 'l'OSHIKJiJ< 'i"'r!S, rm OK,

P[TEft: (II~ mof)iltl nl19.l irS· carlos .. I"ldlo, CO! los .. !'m in the lpart with, \i"o~t;[klO .. She has aprobll!r!iI ..

CJiRIi~: Yes. ! know. I'mat.the !l!t<!.tlo,", ..

Ie's not far 'from tilt p.nk. Corne her,e il1I1mii:di.atel,y.,..-i'tit YoshU::o. Mrs K~11I8 is here Wilth. !Ii mOl n, He' 'Is :st!oU/ at her,

'PETER: all d~i. y~, Wi!!:'j~ comin;g V{lW

Com.e· Olll, 'i{osb~~, q!!,i!¢t1llt

YOSH[lr.:~ What is it? Wn~1:'8 the' fflBuer'? [A ftw lI'I,ibllUte.; ~tu, I

P1IT.~: liClo:!:. CiV@1 iHlere·1 Ws C8 rlosl ¥05HIKQ: And Mrs .Kini~ He'.stalkifiil to

Mil'S Kinlj, She'5e~'Lt"!~ ..

C:"'IiiUJoS: Y05:hU:.o. M f"5. f(i nil i s '1~.ry upset H~r son is in tWl..!b'le .. I tb nk she needs ou r help,

MitS KI!N:O: Ohi, YQ~niko, i. am SOfIi'j I '50 my son, IHarry. He"s in trouble He says !'iii!!: needs B I'ot of m'l"ine~. ytl'Sl·m;.()~ BlJ.t MF.i K~ng, you.r 5.0111 'is ln Au!'>t!r~l!aJ.

MRS KING: No, he i5n'~. ~ot now. He"5, he~ in E.n~~andi. "'Ie"s FUll f1~C1~ ~J".'a'l' from peaple' who wallt to j;.ill-him

YO.5HI~Oi Th<!~':$: terrible .. Why do they woIll1uotill him'?

MF.S KI Q:: I don't IHlQil,ll but yesterday, 01'11 the beach, It~ $ho~d mll!.a. gun, SQ I ~no\l,' he's jln de rtget; ! d.on'~ W"H'It my SOh tiO have a gun. I don't 'II'an'! htm to use a iiiiJ!i'I - bu t I don't know ho ..... to n!!!:lp him

PETE.R:: Where is, nil- !\Ow?

Mits KJN'Ci: On a Ha i n .. G.oin.g to London, I thln~

, YO!>HrKO! I th i nk)'ou nll:f!d to eome home

n'ow, Mrs Ie. Ing. .

MRS t(II'llG: V(ES, you' Fe ri ght ! ~iEl ~ery tired.

Pl':'l'E:II:: '1'ka, s a !ilona i-t:!C'liI Ca' es and I

need !!O to! I 1;,. SID see fO'lJ I ;M~i!', ·'{osi''IIi<:o.

Yo:mIKQ; V'e~, pleasecilll e l<j'ter, PeieL

;P~R:: Of course. 'bye ..

CA~LOS; ·erjl!!.

PETER: What do yOU tirlink C<lJrlos?Why has Mrs King's SOil €Qt';lI gUIJI?

'CA!RW.Sl L don't ~now. SUit W~ krr.ow one thin;g. "i'l;~t ma n on the beach yesber,d<l)' j:;; her .~Qn, WOOl do \lI,I!!:1 tla IiQ'W?'

:PI;;'i'ER: Go. to tile IXlli~!!.

CA[l;LOG<: WhOit can we 1iay to tne [iKl'li.ce:?

W'rt l"ta"¥E to find c'ut: mo~e fl rst,

Pffi",ER: Ye~. OlJJt bow'?

'6Ml:l..C!Sl W'e ,COlI] ask her son what is golrng MI. What's hls marne - Il'larri?

~1lR; :Bllt we don't kno ........... tl~1fE! he is, IU:mn(lr'l is <I bi~Eit:i' ..

CMUlS: He's nottn

PEffit Ho'H do ~'OU know? H'~'s on a 'Irn,i rI, 1M rs KJ njil ~~d.

CilRL0CJ5: .1 was w8t,chiflt! them. remember, \!I'hefl i called you? j fRJW [H,m'y 'crQS$in~ 'true:brtdge and ~:Oj rlli baOk.

InW me: t.o.wi'\ c.t!!l'l:l'@.. ..

PFl'~: Theil '1m' must find him. Q....RLO's: Viru:,I~'t\s go.

- -



A; C;i n I; n€i~p you.?

13~ Yes, pl~'se. HO'I/ much are the


A Theire *,2 10 a kilo, madam. B.; 1' .... 0, kilos. pl~!;e ..

A: AIl\l'ti1ll'll! el·5.e?·

~; What .about the .ij;rilPes·? How much are ~iley?

A: The bl~d OI'l@sa:re£2,25'a kilo OIi'1,d the wh ite are :6 I. 75,. \It;~f'J sweet, the~' <Ire .. from ScIJ~h M i~~,

8: 'iil!~,a kllo of black grOllp~91r.e n, and foUl lar~@ oranges

.~ R.lgl'lt ym.l :3J[e, Th,e laTg'F,! or';lIfI~es are 110' ~110!l ~C::h .js that OK?'

(I; fi['i;t"!, thanks, Now I iIJ5t WOlot same' flowers .. Roses. I ~h!II'I'k. Yes. 8. blJQ'1.;); or roses, please,

1\:. :frne red or the yellQ'l.';'?

til!: (Jim,. red., 'rhe~':f'@ ICIII'ElII'.

ii: Riilnt. ~rei~'e b~ut'lfu.L red. roses r'or the lady at £,4,50 is that 'eve'r;1:h.lng?

Bo Yes. ~hBJt'5 aiL ~lnanlls.

A: That's~!1 .. 55" madam .. Twenty polllndS, 1:ha.f1ks and £7.4'ii'! ..

B: 1l'ilan ks,

Ai Have a n Ice day!

-- --

STAGE 8;; LESSOf'.: 2>


,1\: Gol4 n nragoIl. Good evening,

5: Hi th$~ .. 'I w.a'Flt to order il ~aIDea\lola:.'. A.: Y'e".5" 51.1: Do ~ou wallt to pick ht I.!~ Of'

do !fOil want the del.ive·II' ser:viQe?

,8;, '1l€:11'fer)' setvtee, IJ le!,!;5e;,

i\! ;o;lI1ci)l'OUf ~df~?

g, 'fWen·ty--Ui Fee' T1,e Hj~h Street y·OIl.l l:![\()Ioi!{. it'5~P'iXI!>il:~ the IPub.

~ Yes, :;if .. And what do, you walit [0 order!

8.! A number 4'3 Tihan 'clilic~ern wilh black bean sauce and a n.hlmber· ~ - !;~La I 111·ed rice

tJ;: Is. tha~ <"III.. sir?

18: Mo. And ,ill i1!.!m~F 2.1, 5we~t and SHI.II· pork '.!11th noodle!'!

1';: Yes, !!oi r, 50 it':; on~' n urn ber 4'3, chtcksn with b~M,ck 'bean o,;a'UCfl one. number .ll, sweel,""ml suur pork with rlIooo:1 as o;Il'id one speciiill fr~ed nee

B: Th-at'l;; righ.t. ~ low IQl'ill do yGiII rhm [(> A: AbL>!Jt !fLft.t!en m !.flUI (!s. ~I F

Bi GrtliJ u 'Tiliil'lk!;; 'Bye.

A~ (;Qadb~'e, sir. 1'WII'

A.~ Hello. i5 [r,at it~~a''iQ-go?

B: Yes, mada'm. Can I hel P:/O:u'?'

A~ Yes, I l,!,Ian[ ~o order SO'ITiE! plz!.!!s B: lDo you n!lve our me~u?

,1\; Yes. I W!llnt one with ham and pineap'p~e, That's tri~ Hawai ian, i sn't it? Ami O.FI'e will'! [ust cheese and t:om<lto - lh-e' M.a rglll~rJta.

'13: '1)0 you want th.lrr and cri~y 0 de!!>]3 p!lrl cru~t?

A: 'l1!ifi .. nd c:rl'!;py. please.

S; SO that's one thin and c[i:spY KOlWallan and one thin <lil'id crlsp~ Margu'eritOl" Anybhl'l'Ig elge?

i\;. NiO', ~l:'Iait's, all.

B, OK tnen, your address please kit's 56 01chardA:lre!fl!Je, SE ':i! t.

ill Thank ,'01.1., madam. About went)' mtnates for ,dodh'@ty and the priee Is €17·.00 indudjlli delb"',ery,

A: T.halllk.5.

I STAGE:3.: lESSON ,t-

--- --


Ai E1~Q,I~~ !i"I"I@. B: Ves?

A: Havl! yeu gGt any 50ft d-il'llK$~ ~: Yes, Oft th-e ta,ps;nel[, r.:IlO '~I'e. 1\\'0

II! Co·lJ~d I ha ... e oil n~'!Opapl!lr, please?

B: Here you a,n!. SJKt~·fl'o'e pence, p~g<l~e. A; Th<iflks a (Ot.

(I, '(oy:'~e welcome· .. Three

18:: P'1i J. 1'I:~lp ~OlJ'?

A:'f,es. H::Ji~'e- you rgot ,10111'1' (uO!hp.aste?

:6: Tne too:truPBSI-e i~ dO'Hrb there, t think, Ie I C8n't see ir,

S: Sorl)1, Wf:! he~'fn ,got: ,any then, Four

A: Do you. $~II. \!lIne'}'

B: NQ, SQI1'j. We don't sell a loehol.

A~ Do CI"OIJ mow when;! i C<!1i t!J!I' 8. bottle of wLllIe?

8: Yes, 1inere's <![10 Qff·lic~nce O"I!el the road

-- - -


WJi!trfR~ Ar"f yoU, reiid.~ W ordee WOM"N'; Yes, ~Itlas-e


Audio Scripts

WIIIITE:R; WO-Ulld you like to irIa1j'e' a ~tOl[ter? MAl'!; Yes, I'll na{!le the soup,

WAITER: ArId madam?

WOMAN; The P~bt I rhm k.

WAJ'l'E:Ft Fill!!. 'I'hiit comes 'Nlth mast. WOMAN: Lo'o'ell'.

W'\!f£R'; Alild fn~ tne mllli.n ccrLirse~ M.~J: R~$t bf!@f f01 me, plea:s.€ W~W'II; !''It ~a~'e the onion tan - witn


WAITf:R: An.d wouldym.llike vegetobls '.!lith ~'ClU.F roast bed, ~II'""

MAN: Of course', Whal !!m~' t:he;{? W,r;FfER: 'Today Wri! ha,\f€! !Jot:®Jes, Ftre~n

~afLs. and carrots.

,fI;i.AN: Excellent.

WAlii'fi:: And somethiii~: to. drlok? f!,t,!,J,r.l: Y'f!S, er ... 'would ytJYllite r~ii-or

~hiJte wi ne, d;uUn~?

'WOMAJ'oi' QI1, r$o, ~ think.

MAN,; 'ftl!:!n ~! I.~ have a bott Ie rn '101U

IKIU5'e red, pJreOl~~. .

WO;\W't: ArllCj some rnmerat lNMlte·r. WAIT,!;;!!:: Yes. ,o[Q}yr:51e

\V'OMAN: Oil, O!nd C'OiJld. VOla hrin.g 'me ~n(lmer~lil!Os:r Uii$ onf! ~s dlrty.

WArI'E'.lI:: rrn $!;ny. ¥@S, certainl'!, madam.

- ---


TlUc ..... 5 /WEx;; w!t:at do you thirlk of ~1ii.6 OrJ;J!!, Matteo? TliIere'$ a lovely vie ..... out of 'that ''Afj:n.dOW

MAntEO!: ·i.,Qv.ely '\!'1J!!Nj' or the [railFl S'ta~in,n, you msan, It's noisv in Jier(J, tsn't itt?

A~E::l(: No, not te<lHII. I qu~r.e lib:: the SD~i'ldl of ual ns,

iMAnEC; N,ot 0111 n'hllllt, tllo'IJ!Ilh

}1I.J>..x: i suppose so, 'Ha.we\i\eL it 'is ch·e-ap .

That.'s impo,rta,nt fm us. isn't tt?

M;';n£(l; 'i!'l'Iat'!; true, But do ~(lU tl:'lltl~ lt's big enough. kJ1 bCithof us? Irs 0 I), iI oe-d·~It. ~Sin't itt? The'rei L5irt Ii! seeaeate sitl'inernam. A.nd we' nave ·0' share Hie kitchen all{l ba,throom. Come Oil. Wr;; n.ave ~o look at: other f·oornS blllroFe we deCide.

AlIF:X: t'JC[ a bad iNltinoom, Ther!;!· shower and s bath.

M,I(1"Too: nont YOII thirtk it looks a bit di:~y:

ALEX:\,I,I,ell, irs all '[he O{h@r lodl!ers who mn,kelt d I rt}1. WhaJt ca n '}Uu expect?

MATTW: 1 know. but who cleans ii7' The .Iandlord?

Ale:X~ Us of course I NO"", here's tli1~ 1;;1 tehee Oh dear

MA.TI1EO: Wluars the matter, Alex? AI:.EX: 1t'5~·,e ry lS,m a II.

MATI&!: Don't t-e Silly. We don't ""OInt a bl! 1oiItrn@fi. We ~11I't «'10k!

AI.EI::; But 'I Uke a !big blc'hen, StilI. you're rl+J,!1't, We u~1Ja!'ly 'I!!<It i.n .he CQU~~ N!staL!r~ll'lt, don't ,~?

M"J'TIill: W·e ~OIn n!3.V€ ti me to cook, an~a)',

AbEX,; Too by::;r wo:rkiiiF,1i !

M .... TI50, No. Too hU'sye'atj~g in the restau !<lilt a.nd Ilavii'l@ a good timet

I\.L:EX: Arl'!w<l!:,'. ~ 'l h I n.k it's -or., We halve enough money lor tbe depos,it, don't ."",~?

MI'\TIEO~ [ don't !UlOW~ The deposit III th~ same as a mouth's :rem 00 about '£401)0.

AU;X; Wow! ! Ih~ nk I needto Gl.~~ my par!!nlc!;.

MA.TIiID: oh. Alex. 'f(J.Jj'!i- Irrlposslb~e!

81 AGE 3: LESSON 7

~CK6 A~ 1 W~ !iJl'to hiJ'e a cer for iijJ t:Q'lJj;<l.e of day:>. H;;r.·e you got iillythiilj dJ'i8.i.lable'?

Ill: Yes. sir. Wh@n Is It for? "', Tod .. '!. Now, if pe:'S5ible, Ill, Al'ld fOT how Ion,!!?

A: T\IKH:iaji';!i., I. went it untll :;1!atlllrday,

B: Pi.J:l.e. Can you retu m the car here?

A: Yes, I can, What tl me do you d0;5e? B: Alxmt sL:.;, but ~ieU.e.B'1"t leil'o'e ~h:ekot!~,f!,:

wIth security

A.. Grli:at.

B~ NO'N, what sort aI car. sir? A: Ar.ytninq, ~<ln~.

EI: We nave a IFQrd Fi~ta Of a 'Vollsw!'iJ;!en Palo at thl! momene,

A: IF'lne,~iTh~r.

l!~ :RiljiJilit, sIr. We i LIst need to do the paperwork. could J see :fQI"IJ Qth'inJ,l lic~n~')

A: y~s, 0' OO!JrSE', Here it Is,

S; I'm sorry, sir, but tnls is YOllr pa,s!1poit h: Qh! 3'e$" I-I.,ow sWpil;! of me .. all dear, II ..

L dOi!1:t !:l!l!m to hl'!J'o'e iiII~ driving, ~It:en~ \II i tit me. MlJs( jlOI.J h.0IY"e in

B: y,~, sl r. I need t.Q ~e~ iL ~:mlo~e- I can 1et\I"C11.i have the car

~: of course. M ~'ll. LJS~ )'ou~ phone? ~ wan.t to phone illji wlltl· to see If my I iCence Is at home

!!j; V@S,:91 Here 'You are

- - - - --

i::m; '~h Ir' ~o rlllrl\I·C", .z, d.<ij' 15

-- - - - ---

Audi.Q Scripts



Hiillo. tl:J.ere. It~ HK SpGr.t$l1er,~. CO'uJ~ ~ plece 01111 Qrder, piE"!>!!!:? IClow main", IECrr.Fli:, rad:et5 b~r;: 'f()l.I.go~? Owe. I w,ant t'W'Ellllty t'~nllis r.tck'ets. p,lea5e'Yes, the same tIi!> I(l_$~ t~mo:l'. GoO<;! .. Wb'Jen CfH\~n1J deHver? (lK Yo'IJ··"~ {lot m~' ad.dr'!i!ssi Great. 'il'l1<!:nKs a .let. "by@.


We i'I~ vef'/ low 0111 <ill fresh \·eget\abbe",. Yes, the ",Bather's terri ble, isnit it?'1 !.!li'Idel'Stal1c:1 but I W<l nt to know wh~m I LaJIlJ 'l1!'lCped: a deHvery. Not IrIrrti:1 thell? Bad news. '

w!\at have you ;SOl lel't? Cit! dear. Can, you give me 'tbir·e;::: boxes oJ@UOlts thett? or:. Mel six iJag.o; ,of eabooies?' Oood. No, tIiiM'S ~i.~ ror nO\iof. 'fho!1I1k:s, '~~.


E.x:cuse me but I'm loo~jjfi,g tor this 'book. I. don't ttuunk ),O'u'VI!!: .got lt.It's .. bout II familY wn.{) are liilin:g In Spain and I want my' wil'e to n:!cLl:lIl.. Now "ihat is, tile f!'Uiii@ at the Bl.lfnOt'i' SOIily. l:~rft l-eni@mber ttr(M. [!~ther. PeThap~ )IOU carl aTder It oor me?


Irs !f,or 01 wOOdi!'!! bouq.lJe;:. a,ctiJJil!Uy. for IIfI,Y cl.ll,jih~~r, You've .iot some lOVEly f;!owe·r.!I 1n.M ~I'r>ll moment How m8rI~ wlilt,e roses do you .have? What do 'IOU tlhin:k .about. ,.\r1:li~te '~~. and lllie:s,'? 'lihej,"fe '1r!!ypreltty togetl'iec .• mm"t they? ()r perhaps 'fQ1,! could do somol'!tnirrg in pini(?'inese pinkros@s smeJl1 wO'rrd~rful. dorn tl:let~ How ml.!dr, a re tl:tey?

H(I ..... mum arethese ntwrers? :2. Does he eat. m.'lilat7

3, I want anew palr o[ shoes, 4 Heca 1'1 d,~' .. e a car nQ\<.··

5 H!1;!i"ry UIP! I.t's tiim'e '~Q .go.

t; We'!e ':tOtl I rl sehoel toda':/?

'[ Wnat~s tM 'moaner with :tou? 8 I 'O!l.;j5 II.l last WEliel


Tf'I\Il<Or. '9 I~El.lI::. lsn't that him o~r there? c...~l.os:\'!lhe~e?

PEmR: Tlmm:~-IiQIII~. into the 5 hop pi n I'l, Qeij11·r,e.

CAR:LOS; Hew do you know Ir!S him? PE'l'rn: well. he's ru.nii·i rtg and. t hie' (Jf\I~ other p~L)ple who are· [Uln flillg "re ~(}U and 1Tl!l'.

O!M.OS; Tnat's true. COme em!

, PE.1iI::Jl:: !.Qolol: oVe'f' lhe~. Ca:li1oo, That. ma,['fl .going l!'lto, U'IO! department store .. He'S gQta 1;o,!1Ii!l~

(",,~LOS!'i'u1Jl·re ri~ht 'Ws him. Plerhaps his g\JJI I:; In th!! bag.

PE'rER; 'ca~O'S. Qjui(k'i Hie'S there by th~ !ll'iis. I [11 i n.k h~ ean see us.

C .... RLOS: He's ~ttlngiT1lto the' ll fit Quidl III'IiL'O t:h~ other 1l'f1'e.

PETlEJI: c.arioo, we <ire sttlpi.d'i We d'on't kr;o'i\i' whi di'l illoor he'"5· gol!n'l'l to.

CAIIU.OS; Ht1I~ !Il~t OUlt a~ rhe first f.l:oo~, nil $I,lf@!

PEf~fi,: OK. Here w'i! are. can ~OU. !l€e him?'

c,\Iu,os; Nc ... :r don't thJ.nk so'. Nev~1" mInd. perh.alP!llr 'if Ie i!iO bat:k ~o[l:te irQl,mcllloorr

iP:mR:; !:,.oak, CallQs. 'I'ih1it's him. H!!!s talkinl! t,C) Of sales asSis~an.t He's .gIVl.Thij her ~o['t'le1.h i [Iii; in ~. barg_ 11 e':; gOM!

CAJRb05:' EIIi(;IlI$!: me, madOlfrl .•. do, ycJIIJI In(flll' that malll?

~5'if"Nfl No. H@sald he found. this baog, ~WQr:I:. here. '/'Olli i!i~. A lot of p~ple .. lea'o'e baits In here when they are' ~na:P'pinf,;" I~ ~<lppen5 e'ore'Fj da~_

1r'iIITER:: Calll YQl,I loot:: illSide, pl~se? CULos.: Yes. no ymII k1!ow 'II'h<ilt'5 un it? P~:.IilI~ase look ill1sid.@. We think ~r.s a


MS~!!$'1FAm': A E;lJnl 011. flo!

C_A:~UlS: Mik it 'w,p, Pe't.@t LQQ,'I:. i n~~dti! tt, 'P.E'liER: OK. On. . O. IfS luat a rleI!!spaper

<Ii'll! ,;3 bottle of rnlneral WliIioor

~rSTANi: So wl1a't:"s all th 1~5, ab:..ut a gllll1? liS thlS some kind or loke?

IP~!lR: !"m :!lor!:},. We 'W'~.f~ wr,on~. ~t's. all a mi5t:.a~.

AsSI~T"NT: I Se-B. Well, pll~ase .g,o ;!j\'i'gl\" then. [ l1<1i!i,1!! customers <!Ild ill job to clo..

CAR.l..O$; Pet~j. this is 1I'li:1)'::;Lrange I don'l: understand what I,s .goins: on. do you?

pm~: NO, I don't. Bljt I kmo-w ~his: H:~rr ...

KIf1g daesn't waflt to talk t,[j us, So . what does he' do'! He le'CI!;\e;!j. a bag witih tttf! S3'E'S assistant. We'sMJP to

fj no 0 U t, wli"it~s j n the 'bi!r§:, and he ~,-c[S awa;,o.

ORLOS: '(olire r,lgll,t. That's ~(tl)' 'll'h.[lt happened. I tnifl~ we m!.!5t go and ta I k to ~~r5 King. S.he k!lOlii.'s more <lb(]u[ thl~ than w,r: 0,0. And ¥os h I ko is t "P.'~'. wil,h her.

PI;::T[R: Yes. I wan! ttl see it :;;oe i.~ OK. 'CJ\RL05: Do you, thiuk :o.he I~ in (i<ln.ger?

P~ER:: 1 hope ilOt. but if those IITl~n come bed."

'CAJ!tI!.OS; Which meil?

PiEreR.; 'Th~ ones ,,,,1;.0, ~re· tf'/ing to kill Harry Kil)cg.

C.AR'LOS: B'U{ ttl!!)' don't """.m to hurt Mr!ll K i II'Ig or 'Y'Osn~k9.

IPE'FE.JR: Q, but; ifr.l"re S'OI'l is th~re. do you

think they mind who gf:t~ hurt?

CA~L05, I suppose yOlHe t. l.ier~ ~D bae]( to y(l!;lllto'l.l, ptace lb~(I.

Pm'!;:iII:: Havs "~>t.lU, got 'jOllf mobH~: 1 call O;;OI!I n~r 'fLr51t ;[lndi tel] her 'We are cormng, '

CARJi.05'1 Su~ .. "'Ier~ lt ls,

'(ffitlII<O: He]1Q? Is ''''at }·'O!J. Ca,rios? PETE.R: NO'. It'5 me. Po;:t~. ,~ 'fOil OK'? 't05HiIIKO: I ~~en t CZlIl·t 5;pil~~. to you ~t

·the moment. Mr.s Kin!! is h!!,~, sbe dbe-;5,rl'~ WIant: me to talll:. to ',(QIJ

PL')TEiR: I. do,n·t underst!lrad, Y,osh tko. w nat l~ SQ[rr~ en?

'(O:;;~J:I~o: I don't 'Yi1'tlr:Nl,tal1d it ~itht!ii'; ·Peter. Pi,t!ase come and get me. ~ don't W,8l'1it to s~y· h!?,JIe, [do;n'£ f@.r!l S'!I!fe.

PEi'i'!;R: of co-urse. I'm coming RO'I'i', Carlo:!; ts here. too. Do rrt worry. W~;"fE! cDmin€ r,Qcw!

C""!lLOS= What is sh~ S;;I'I'lnt:?

1f:!',~TEIl.: Come on, CarioR 5iue ne~s us.

She says she doesn't reel s<!JI'e,

y~ffi: OK, len 00.

~lM 1lI!1~1I£.eJ ,ftjtu.)

iP'fli,:li: It's jl,Jst up he ·e on tim left.

c ... ISlft that 'I'oSlili~o?' Wlilere'~ :sli@ gofng;'

PETER: Yosb1lko! Ya;.h~kll'!

'\{OSHIt::O: Itet>.::r, it's: '\I'OU! ·r"'a.I:1!~ ~oM['je-s.s [ It'S lVII'S Ki ni She had <l p!-ronti· call and. :now she:;. .gone. I can't find ner

a ny ..... h ere.

'CA1!.LOS: Let's go Iii. the house and k)ok. Pll'FE.iR: Come o,n,. vosl:uro, Yaw, are sate now.

V05~I/K(l; I'm sate bltit 'Ii'hat abeur Mrs KJ'I'Iff I don't ktmw ',!,iho called Ii@r but !dl:;IJH think it Wi'l5 her son. Wha1t if its, 'tn(j!l:E:! men who weru to 1<.111 her son?

QRLOO: We; dQ:n know ~hal iPIm1:~: It Is possible. Ca,rlos.

C!i~I.O$: But wh.;t do t nEW l'.Ianl MI~ Kiil~? IP!:.HA.: B@C<ll.lse ir t"H!~ have Mf!'i rK[;rr,g

then her sun

C"'RL.OS:· 01 caU:l'Se·! You are devilT. P'cber itii1'~' warn Uile son, (Ina If the''! haN M,IS Klflg and ne tries m rind hfi'. q~e'l' C~'n kilillim

1{O$!.IiKiCJ: !i1~s Is terri ble, '\Me· rn !;lsi go to the p;:l~lce.

JlE"TEII:: Y@s. but let'stBllhbout it 11m.

Thenfs oil h;~t ~c- talk. aeout.

'(05!'1II~O; OK. Com~ kfIto the ki~cnen.

STAGE 3: LESSON 1"'1 :

. .---


A~ 'liwo Liios ,of oJpples, pl~a~.

B: The bit!! ones er th.~ S~~~ enes. per? A; Ho!j,! mud'! aJ~ t:h~ big O[lJe's7

S: S~nty·fi~e penee ,1;1 kilo So than; fi ~ .50bo :!'O'U, OK'?

A; 'il'l\anik!:,. Mod! the 1:13l1an~::L how ml!cn o!["l;!tlt<ey?


II: mooel. bias .gct a wlCle!O(:r''!l!rc ~f!I~~@"Xt, 1'@'.m'Cl~~ ambo!'; es lIQ'u e<i~ S!!!A!!. ~ Io'~r;r QOc.:l plctu~e ..

E!~ And wn<lt does j, COcOt? /!,; T~ reril~ or b1ll{. madam? B,~ Ohi,1 don't KIilOW. ,

lIP, W.eU. ::I'OiJ ~,!'I ~iI'1~.ltfopr ~~ 17.'5(1 a monrth or ytlUi c<!1nbti'l i:tfor £"765. Of !;Q!!,WS@. !f you rent it from us we will 'corne and ~1 r j~ tor you ·OT 1~place ~t i.f a:nyt:h ir.g ,goes Wf'O!lt!.

B:! ~~. \1i,!'!!LL ! was gOlll'llg 'ta, billY it but ~er'h<lp5". Mi!1'lm,. ~t';s alet of motliey. SCl~e5, I th i.n~_ ~. will rel'l~ U.

A: \l~r'lgood, madam, let me e!plail1,~ne prnt:Mur~ the~ ...


.i\, Srotsda!es, J!J!~e !l1J'B8Jkiiilil, How can t help VC'u?

HI! Helio,:'I"El5, ~ want ro order ~OifM!t itMnli!$ fiom YQ.Y~ c~t:<lrIOBll;le_

II:. cou'ld i h~ ... e 1'O!,Jf ~~:tornf1r reference .!lumber, plea:;e? 1t'5 on tihe fi I'!!t jllag@' of ~;otJr catalogue,

El,: II :~!l!. I.n. ~(&2XR.

A; 'fhd,r,[;:you. That15 Paul G.:;J~la!l!her·lJf

1_~2, ~arm, N~\!, Is It?

E).: That"$.rJ~t,t.

A: AfKl ..... h<l~ ls ]loUir lim utltmt 5; Ir5 n LJ,mbi!!1f 3TLR.

A; 'The ~a bl~ al'ld ma~chil'l'l::. set-of faulr chairs.

llll:. Y,B.l.

A.:. ,",na lh~ CQS~ IS £450 mel udilllij speoi.d

de~i~er~ B: 'OK.

1M i'md '{Our iii~;,;t it:li:m1' l\!;, NQ; nQ, Th,at's all

A:. 'j'o~nk \l0IU, si r, C~rl I !l;l~ :I'd u r Cl'i!a it O~di dlr.;:t;aii~, pl<2"C!se?

Ill: '(e~, the n'Umb~r t5 41'61

~slraurnnt is in ~owTi.']:rnij/t~ ,;;b~ut th,r>@E! miles ft\Ol!'! llel't:!. T:"h€! mom ra~e i s 38 ~lJ'rM a "I'ight fur bed a!f1d n!'~krac~t. 1:h<ln1ri; YQI,!, See you SOOFI.

.Audio Scripts

- ._


'J!,: Calrl 'I '1'I!I:1I;p :rem']

'11!; Yes" ~ walnt to. book a m~n~ 'to


:A:Wnen OO~Oij want tQ f1~"~ EI: ~ext Monday, if p\O:;;~1101~.,

A: Let me see.; th~~ ~~ ~~ats a!l.<ln~bl<! em the f 5<0 <I, ra, '9',4Q e.m i1md '3.15 p,m, from He;OithJQw"

1111:' How rniJr.:fi?

II; E! 3g ~lltU'Fi'! I F Will S<lOiiY Firld~~ alr1;(~ Sa~!l!I~aay 111ant_

.E!o Oit M,. I have ~Q be back o:n

W,!:!d l1eGdai'f.

A: That'll be E [89 reMn th;en, B: O!J~h I 'Th<llt $()uliid~ 01 lot.

A.: I'm ilJf'OIid~ar$ tll;e ch~ap§GtU cart do Eo: 'tou next: 'W'Ee~_

5: .oK r II 'SQOil tile ~a~ly pn@>. ~hii!l'l". The


A: H(Ji;\1 wi.1.l ~ou be payi~" Il>~ iPJast~r.:. 'of OOI,l~-

It 'f;['J·Ulr cm-rilt card. detaIls then, please.



Ye5. madam. we' ha ... e a. dQuble mum

~ ... aHOI.bL@' for tne24th and 2:5in of Se~t~f!'!ber- "W~ haJ"'~' lort.v rooms altogether; ;j,UIEi!t~ sjj,litii!, We have art ,exceHelJlt fe5tautant 3Jr~d tJ1er'l!!~ IS :room a€!l"o'ic.e between ei!@iRl in the mOr!i,i~g ~Il'id r,en at nigh~. ltes, is oSI goir ool]r:;;e and! 'we al50· h.a"'~al1:~al;~ :~immin!l pool ,~nd! S<lIJIii8i. WQuM :rem I! k,~ to !'!"I<ltli'! a. !"e5e!"'!IaJtlio:n?


Nig, probl~FI''l. sir_Wft can do that. Yes, we are S lii!~e ~o~el. The!'@' ~f,~ 600; double roo:rn.:s 8 nd IDU r resrsu r<i;ot$, We h!i'lvE UIIH!@ !l""lmm.Ln~ pools and ocr 0'W!i1 prJ'!I'<'Jt'e beach_ or eeuese, slr; There are

~ iifts, ~'" .. I!$ Y,ollr' room ls CI'FI the fa!Jirt'h .HOOF Witn <I :~elOl ~~e'.!!-


Wo/'d a~f! II fam:i 1'1 hClt,e:1 Ori the ,ooJi>a (j,f tow .. , 'J12ry close to the rnountams, Wft lbave twe~ ... adou ble room$~ there .S Ji :smaH terrace bar where ')i'O~ (;~[l hOl~~ bj,e~kJast. NO, rrn oorr'l,i, we don'~ do hilt there ai'e' lets ·of ~'Qod

!'E~ta u rants noearby_ Ye-:;:; therets .;i sm.all ca r park b~n~ nd: th~ hotel.


Hdlo I.n(!w. ''!'e~, we do ha~~ 8'l!!lle

I ~I:)(lm !i'I\< far wni~h1 Wf;!: ho;l\!e ~hJee mom5 6(1r fe'lil 'lOll 'UJn pari: y[,)uro:;:ar 11'1 fro n t: of"th e nou~.e T,II@'.I1 ~ilre~t



TI'IAGK.l ,2 au ESi'I': H,a'i1e 'tOIi '!!m a sinel!! mom :fGrtwo I'iRgh~s" p!~a&e?

RECEPTiONIS'il \fe-;s:, '~ir: we have a rmJifTl wilh ii'!. b<!!I.C-Q!1y on thl!! ~~FJ;d l'iQQr_

;(l.!J~ 'Ttt<al: sO!.!i1d:;; fiM', l$ b~~kf~~~ lnCil~ded In tth~ Pfic.e?

RECE:PTION'J8T. NQ, 'sir, the m~n~~ and price list is in your roam,

GJj~ ~ see, WeU, '!!hat'S OK N':;:Iw do, YQI,I i1~.OO to S~ mypaslip0rr'?

RiOCEm,oNIST', N,o, tn~ i·$!1't r11l:Q;ssary, tust ~.lll II!! tlhls, regli8trattDIiI card.

I GUES.'f: RlghL. one more.ti'Mltlg, 1 have to iD eut to a m.BetUrl~;sO wi II, it be Po$5i~~!<! co [:@~ somet!trll1g to -eM lal~r

t:oni:ght?' .

R£C~o.NISTl Cettainly,~ilr, W~ ":a'll(! 24- hin1l r J[lom ~f'rw1.;:e" '!lCl' tna!t wmbe f!!Q pr,ob!em,

GUES"r. iE[II)wll~nt_ COllid ~ou olrl~r lneS ta:l:j ~o the town ce[1it~7

RlECE:PL1IONUST: No p'mb:lltrn. Do YOLI W.:>lll:lt.

It !mm~io!ltel'17

(l,UE.5'r. No thal'lk;, i n~~cll[ hair ellnl lh,otll" wotlld be f.i:n;e.I'a Ii k.~ to jll:'l l;!,p~O tnt!

~CO'J:l'\ now, please'. .

REcEl?"I'lON:IS!'; Of' course, sir: H)P.;!'@'s Hlie t~ and tbe porter wiH t!!l~ YOI,U b;;Ig.:o.


TRACKt3 ~t'f,mONi:;;: Good e,,"'~~in:il" s~r. Can I h~lp 'l'Q'Ujl

FRl'.l'{tDIB! Ye~, I. na~e a ~f'I!!Ol~'N;jJtjDIi"I ror t9ni!lhL

R~CE..lPtIION~$:r: COy,! d I h!;;JW! ~ou.r name,


F"'R.IIHOOt;, flr~,ftcols Menn:m R~X;;!;;!""I"IQNI5:f: 15 NH~>t.··'f·O·N-~ I"P.ANOOI.$: Yoel>. thla rs rlgl1t RIOCE:F'TI.oNI5T: Ah y~, Mr Fran,~i!:

Menton't F~Dm CaMdill?

F'lV!it\!~~l~: \foes" i aHi\!'·ed Uti 5 .. ft~m(jOf'l 1l:e;.'::;~P'JI.oI)l15T: '\Mel.o:ome t{) ~Edi nbi,lr,an! yO'y"~ }I,~{~ i ust 'or the one n ill~t. I see,

~RANC.CiI~ i',zof., l'm going to vi~tt my d.aUl.i!l1te~ i h .Aberdl~~f1 t~lIlil![O\lil.S,IH;:'~ ,!;it the u ~i'.'eF5,ity t h !;lHl

RE(ErTlIONISl": AO';:fd!;!en? Thal'!; <! fi [Ie pl~,.;;e', but not as ~W<ImJl a!5 Ei::lililbLlH1N

"_ ---- - ------ - ---_.

lr1(JII~11 III ~::J Inll'U{l:", ,! d,)'~ 11

. -~~~---- ----

- - -~ .. ~-- .. - _. . - - -- - --... - I

Audio Scripts

CQUld .I lust tak.eYCllIir aetOii Is f-or the .guest re-oIll!:tra~lo:n. '1IOml? Ca n I have yom address in Can a da?

i-ItA.NOOf<S; Dr$; 16 rt WII'Sion Avenue, Totcmto, Ontario, T3L 1M, ~E[l1"[O[>:I$"T: ;"r.d your telephone !'I.umber?

PR};NCQ.i5,:Th<lt"s 866 83 J 98,rfl. R«:ErrtUNIST: So Y'Olll're Ca.nMJan. May I see 'IOU r g;;eiilSport?

FMN.c.OIS; H!i1r~~ rpr passport. RE:C1:P110NISiT: l'flanllt ,~ou. And do you haOle a car wi~1i you?

irI!.:i!NOOIS; No, ~ dolln.

~~I'1I'QNISI':: 'fh;mk Valli. Thet's all WE MM. Here's )'tllll" room !roy. You're ill :l'I!Iom 3Q:4" 'DII the third I1IQoi'. Enloy YOllr sta~!

liFI.!!i.CK 14 Il!EC~ONJS1' Good e~'ellili!e, Can I h~lp :rout?

GtlESO! My Fla'fTI,~'s Carla .Pem::m. I hB.'!E! ;;I r.;:secvation for three fiij,'ll'lt~.

RECEPTIONIST: Miss Perl't!ra? Yes, )'o'U are' ,In Room 405. On tl1e ~Urt!i Uoc'r_

(lU'~T: YOOl.!, 00 YOUI need m)' passport?

REC"EmoNfS't. No, Ui~t'S not ne~eSllar'l If '!(!!JI.I ,cQ.'Uld iu.",t fi II it! ~!I~~ti>t!!st re~lst.Tatlon form.

,Gui;;;Sr: Yes" of course,

RE,CEYriIONJSf': Than~ you, Mi[!;s I"@rleiTa.

He-:re's your roam k,ev, ! nope: yOU ei:lii;l~ your sta),l

- -

STA(~.'E 3: LESSON t4

iliFtJ!i.Cli( 16 Helie" ts that r~Pt~Q'n?' '!iii!!;- 1.$ Nicky Bartlett In room 34. I can't open thii m~liIi·bar.

2 EJ.i,;:uS'e me, I'm :j n recm 506 ai1ld. the phone I SH't wmki I1g for i 1:I~I;!'rfi .. t~Qfial calls,

1 Hello. !fs room 2()6. il"m OIFirOjid there <!!r;: ao t.Qw~18 in the b.arrh'room ,

4 'R~ptlol"l? l'hts is Ken Stimmer::> iF! roam 4<69, I waS ha'ilflg a shower and tile water 'o'reiflt mid WI;",t's ,:;.olng (In?

5 D,~wn :E.II1is s,peabj:l~ jql ,rgOm ltl1. ! .l1av~ I ust got bil!:k to rTI~ roo rn .. flid it's ooi [l!!!ady', 6,\'@n tr,~ bed isn't made!

i'FIACK 16


GUc,o;;: Helln, js tliai. rec.ept:i<::m? Thl~ i~ Nicky ,Bar:lilet! i nOO Ii! 3d. I ca n ': OPi:l n the rnmt-bar

!l1;(1F,PTI(lMI5T, Yes sir. You W'i [I need <I spec:ial key from r-e<;epti(; n. there ls a sn1all charge fm that

I Two

G~i~'f: Exc:.u:s.e me, l'm in room 506.mdl tne: ~sl'n: wo:r"~!n~: for Intematlol<al (8,115

~OCEFlTfO~r~ Oh dear 1111 oh;ed t at fo' you. Wha~ !lumber do '{QUI 'ffllnt to p.h.on@?


CUES-I": HellQ . It's mom 208, l'rn afrallj there are no ~I$ 11'1 tlt·~· bath room.

RiEtEJ"l'ION:IST: 50'n)" about that. Someone ..... ill brbnl,;l some im rn'edi<l,tel;y,


GL:I~ Rec:epUon?Thi,s i:; K~flJ Summers H1 ro-om4~~. I: was h.a...-intl i3l showf;,!!t· and the water '!'lenl col1:1. Wllat's goin~ on?

RECEiITHINdST: aoom ,489"? 1']1 ~.nd S<'l"m~one to Hx I~ r[gbi~ away,


OUElS"f: !!)awn Ellis spee'k:il'li€! in, foorn ]0,.

I ileNe i.u~ti!o~ back to ~m'l room and! ~~'~ nat re,Bdiy,8w~r, tne bM lsn't mOlid@!

RECEP'ItOOIS'T: fm ve:~ 5o:tf'1. We don't usu<llIy m<JiKe up, the room:; until .<!ti:@r brea'kfast,


--- --

~H RECEI'l1ION!ST;GQ(ldmamll1~. M.a~'· J help yot.l~

'GIiJES'l: ~'d u ~ to ot;;l"ie<:k -QUl, pleas-e 'I:)Q "{()U h.a\l'€'i'ID.' hi II? It',s !(luln 405.

REGEPTitrJ5Fl Here you an!. Coubd ~'OU check It. p:l~se?

GUEST: Th.!.s seems OK. lust iii tniI'lYW'. It S<l:;'S I :ha.~ !;I dol,l b~e room, !bU,L U booted a $in~le.

R£-CEPTtICiN 1ST: l.ers Mire 11 tQok, ,~'h }'eS~ We dl~dn,·t 11;l1"'~ a :s~li1Igle room So we pverou iI dQilible' .. I~hough \lie 'O\nly charged YOll tile 5il1~Je rOl~e.

,0 ES'I': Oh. gooo, tliank you. 011 and it .says: ! made three tel~pnDFl(! cans .a~ ;1;5 ~ur:M '!!ldl. That's ~l rieht because I Qn ~ mad!!! QI'l@' mtematiorrel call and was on [he III[:O[ l!\I~n I f1!il.

iROOfl'11C)NI5T: Do;n'~ worry, 1"11 cheek that f"Or WiJ. Is tlle~e ,al'llrth.~I11~ ~I $e1'

GU.EST! Well it dceSJl't S<lI'I' ! used <lnytliit1lg from the mini-b<!!f a!thQugl1l had til ~e bettles of 'Nat·N. '{QU know, tne ~m8i~1 5i7,t;!'

R,!1:CE..!''l'IONIS'lr: Oli, we dont charge f(~r wat'er

G!JEST: ere-at. W~ll a part flfOm th'e ocilll, ! ~hilnk trs OK.

,R~CiE!i'1ltJ'NI5f: Good. Cookl you l.Io'<lit. while j (hf;!<.:k. ..... lth the manager <looLli

the call cl'iarl!les 01 do YDtI wa nr to sit In the bar:

GlI~ til II,I'llit here Oh, <1M c<ould. you oH.'Ier mt'! a ~m!l. te thea i mort. pleaw!'

R.E(EP'I'f()"!~ Yes, of COUise, Miss ~rrcml. Do ~ou rI~d someone [0 gEl ~olJr ba~s7

GuEST: Tnat's al! rlj!iIM. I browght them do .... " myself,

R~'CEP11l0NllH'! Well. ! hope you'ye oenloy.ed 'four' stay wi ih \.IS

GUE'::>t': I have V~f)' rn u ~h. thalnk JOc u, R&cEI"I'IONI~T: pe'rihaps YOll'l1 eorne back another time:

GUE'91': nl love W, A;:;n.lall~, th ls ls one of !'tie bast hotels I've staved in,

HECjEPiltONt"5T: 'il'haIi k '10'011. Riiht. I wmll't be a moment ..



- -


A: Good ·momiilG. CaWI, ~ help you?

iii: I hope SQ. CoUld ycu dean this, sutt ror me vel"'! (!uickl.yf

A: W~i I. 'We <;ouDd do that in lou r h01J f$

with a-u.r e;!;!JII;lS~ S@'I"Jh:e.

'B~ Great, Thal'lt yOLJ ~'ery much, 'Tw(l

A: WQ'U Idll'QU 1 ik~' 50me ~~[J;i or are 'fO"u, i 'U$I: looklng7'

B: 1'!J!Ot .Iookllllll. BHL,., [)Q 'WU It .. w,= lh~s iil OIny Cith~r co:lmn:s?

A; I ttli-n Ii: $0. Let's, have 8J look, Yes, 'II~'VIi! got it in a nice blue and, .. )le-s, i

!!:r·i!!~n as well. It's a loveir 5We<!t~.t

E'I; Ye~, I rr;r<ll!ylik@, r, j think I want to try it on.

A: OF course. madam The ~ho~fI~.jflg

f9t1m~ ,8 Ii:' o .... er taere,


A: Yec5?

iii: A;:;.up of ~ui'f>t!1!!: and a. bagudte,


A: ls that a rellular ce,fl~';I B' Yes, p Aris~

A Po ncl wh 9. SO Ft o~ oo,guette? Elc C h~@sl! and on ion

A: fo.nythingel~';i

B: No, thijt''5 all

A: i~~t'$ £4 :tn, pleilo;~ B: 'flaiLI:. you


IB~ EJo:C'U~e me, where are Ir.~ It!b"? II: Orer there. b@11tnd the nerturne


l~ On, I see. COin you ~ell me: ""here tile

meP'lS,W~,.r de:IJi.l nlm~nl is?

A~ II 's on tlw ~l,)lJnh rk'(li, madam 8<: T!l a II k ~I,)I,J \'r;;ry fill ueh


B: (,an,:!,o"U ~E'U me ..... here the bhi(;l,iil:s 1lre?

I\,: In ais:le six_.lust over there Are y.:l11J l("lokili"'lgfQr fl;om>!!tlii hg "ii;, j!ra,IfII~LI~~ F'~'

s.~ W~Il.(liuc!::lI.~t~ blseu Iits.

A~ Chocol at!! biscu I ts .a~ ,,1 the I in end 1;)( t!lg Oli5~e, ne~;l to the Sw~:~_

I!!r, Th a nks for~o'U r he'! p.

--- - -- -- - -

$1 AG!E 3: lIESSOIN 17

1RAOi'\iI~ SJ.!"'~ ~~IH""t\I;r; Do 'I'(l~" ne~d OIn1 he-lp'? (U$'i'OM:!1Jt; Yes, ~~tu<llly_1 OOkight tf'~~ [eens i'ilM ..... eek <lil1ld 'Lhey'r~ ~OQ srn .. .II.

SJ.1.!1::!l> ~lnilNiI': Oil. th~t~ <! [J;lity, [lQ YQ!J want to e.:.::(ilIa,nge them ordo '/Dli 'Want 11 refu ltd?

C.IJS1'iOM'Ef',;; Have you, ,~t a !Oi:l:e :twelv.e·? SA!.:ESi ASS'!SfA,1\I'l"; ! Chill k:oo. l~t me!;l~~.

Y~s.. Here we are, wO'uld YOI.!~i~e 1;0 ti'J

them em? .

CUSl'OM&:Il;: Yes, plea se.

SJ.:LU ASSISfJiNffi fite, cltaFl.gIFl,~roof'l'iS are

o ... er there,

ClJS1,OMEIt: Tnai'1k you_ IlA /FoIl lIli~ IJ(~ 1~~N..1

S"'L.~ J,SSIS'I"'","NT: H (lW "re~t\e fEl"ans? CUSiOM!!R: Pin@. i~~-~ f1t ~~allv w~lr. SALES ~15:I'ANT: Good_ ves, the~' loek

"'i'l'!'Y n IC.e on ~OU. :So ~hatt'~ ~l.Jst iI strOl!gM then, Ha ... e 1'01.1 gg~ the ne~~~pt?

C:1JmoMl~: H~e ~~ ls.

SfLl.E.5 ASSiSitllNT1 Than:k:roll. Now ler me put dlem 'In 3 b:;)g f-or yo!]-



A;; (,m 1 hdp, y.;J1J?

~: Y'Ii:S, p~~$e, I. W<;lnt to' send t h i5 (;I<I1~,1, A~ I see. 1I)~8J1,d or overseas?

&: all, Q1JIersENl5. 'To Au strelie,

A: I l1~~d te w~h~h it.

8: H",re ~OUl are,

A: lt181"s 400 Iilram rne~. Arid ~ou need! to fill in ti1b ~!Jstom~ ded.mnio!l,

1;: Wh:Eit do ~ put here?

A: Wen, 'OII'h:1lt's Ilfi t.he parcel?

=-.-)_ ..... _ _,_._ ... __ _,....."...... , _ __,...:;.... .. .,.."T • _ ~. .-' • • _ • • '.. .... ...........

Aud io Scripts

B; i~ 's oil B'ift for my motl1er l05t 50 me

n.;;orlume ~ln,(J miher thit·.,~s.

i!;:So lt's il gi ft. Tick the box ne~t t"O '~~~t' B: I see.

A: )mr.! t hen I ust s.llY· 'W'n8t's.1 n the parcel B: So! wrlt¢ '~:fLlm~ a,nn .;l S'iJiei!lir.eI" in.


!\: Yes. Thars, rillht (\; A'!d the ~~<lillue?

A;\1ld~, wi-'",'l Joy.o!!! tiTi n k it:".~ 'wOi.tM

How much did it all cC{)5~7

B: 011, iilOClUlt. £3·';i,

fl.: OJ:;;' Put £35 in there then, B: J:zi tlla(alll7'

fl.: Wen, ~ou need 5<tamps,

B: 011, of course! How rT1!Jdi ere tl1e~? A: H;"e pounds and IiflY" pe'n.;e.

El: Ftij!ht

A: Mow ~tid lr.~ sta!ll_ipS on H1@ p~rc@~ <lliIdie'8l\\e "it. 'ili'i'tn me.

!:I: ilrr!a,n~5 very much,

He~lo, Iane, Huw are '1·mJ1 2 Mr Dowlinlll.il5,

3 He's ~akl n,g his swe,ner off ~cailJSe It

~5, hot

4V}it1 i$ ,he; koe~ i n th~ (ino!? ~. Wh'!' ;3,re )\OU Cl'lin.g?

t.'W~ ~now it'!'.; ,aionel 'Wa~ to go_

i STAGE 3: LESSON '[.9 __

~K22 lI'OSHI too: :Do ",Olll taOOe' 51J,~r; Cali"o-::;?' C"'IiW::;~ No thanlks. '\l'osl1l ko, f.hl;s is lovtly cati!.

'c'Q:;I-II.oo,: y~, it is, Mr;;;Ki ns made ~t She' is, a 16000 coo~ . .cli1 dear, ~ do nope she j~,OK"

P:E'IER.: We. m u $'1 d€dd~e what to do. YoSi-iiKo~ j w.;}l).t to !Iil0 tc the poliGe, PIn'EFl~ But wnat O:<!lilll{QU' 5a,y to them?

What happens iI:.oou tel! them about rhm'l !KIng? M:a:!l!ti~ M ffi; Ki rig Is IOOk!~~ for her :SOfi no'il. WI'!! kiilowslt~ does,n't W~!1~ ""o,t! to t~'~~ t.o ~, ,FI!;:maps she doesn't W~I!1t~Q1.I to eo to the poiiee?

YOSHIIKO' I dbr,'t 'l:nQW. P~t-er I dcn't ~~ow wnB,t to do,

CA:!lI..OS, i think we If!\1~jS.t ~o to I~];€ PGlie~ and tell them wl'lEit we know, We know abou:t ll'l-e I,;ltm :!irlld .Mrr; IO!1lg'!:, S<'1I:'1. Wrt. dC)rft ~;n.QW- TT1l.!ch, bJ.ltit IQoh ""'d, doesn't it? !lad for her SOfi. I rne~n. and a~!lO ft.J~ Mrs tUng.

Y05HIi.kO~ '\illS, i ~e. fh Is ~s very diiff'irnit for ifi@.

1l',F.iFC:~: Difficll! I't f:o~ ~ II olu!:, blJl we rn L~!l[ d,p $[,lmdniflg Mrs King my rrue in tr(]llbfi~_

Yti5.!H~k'Q.: y~. TI1<1l's tru e., so Wlit rmlst tell the IXo'I iIQ~', [ ~~~ r~~l1l!! ,rfJ1!i!U Tih", phQn~! Hello, Mr5 KjlTl~'5I'1!UU~"l".

f!.1!.";;LE 'IIOICL!:!: C(}U ld ~ spsek tto Mrs Kins,


YmHlll'lo: ghe"S IlD!' here. '!Mho is ~Ilat? f!.1i..'d.E 'l,'OIC~ Where is she?

)'OSf·UiI:n:1 ~OJn kflO<W Wf"H) ~!5, $'peakiftS, pie-9se?

M,iiLE 'l,'OICE:l It doesn't rnerrer who'~


YG6i'iIKO' A:r~ 'j01ll he I' son?

Ml.LE. .... OIc:E:~ ! m!Js~ spesktc her now, YQ$HIf:\O~ You r mo~hi@r I sn'there. I d:m't

kn,o'N whe~e she is,

M_"'~E; 'l;\OIC~ SoDrry? w~er.e :is she?' YQSI'ilKO::i darn ·kn.('l,w. J am lJo'o!rl~ed ,shout her, I am Y'OShlko, Mr:5 I!::inlil 1S my !!lndll1d~r. I came home irom the ~t.'1i~!g',n wl~h hl!r this aF.l:@Tnoorn,and l'Iow slfl,~1> ;sQ'Jl'~'.

,,,,tr..~E ¥Q!C~ S~rry, r d~IInI't ~1:!0Vi' what 'lOll i!re·t:al~if!:i! ilJbou:L

Yool1!I'<Q: Yr:!~, sh:~ ~",Id )'Oilll <ll'e heet S"DIl, .MALE. ""OIC~ look I' lin phon~nll from A;u;stT<l~i"" I'm M.r Kin:ij.

Y~f'iI[(O; Ms:tf.all~! A:~ 'lOll Harr'IJ. h~~ .son?'

M",L& 'I,IOICE~ Yes, H il Frs, TlT!at's, tiell[. !·m Harry ~_jrJg,lllive in Aust"rl!JiiB, lell me. why ~l'e yOu wOf~i~d .:ltl!:ml1 I'i;(!:r?

VMHlloo: Sorry, 1'It~ En.elishl!t is dii:fncuh


C.M!:t..O$:i'·eter, help her.

l'OSHlIt:iO: Yes p~e~e" P-eter, Here, .. I?!ITE-J:~. H:e:II.o. 'Fh I s Is Peter Lleb ~pei1kll'l:g.

~ ~!lf! ~ fri~iI'!<;l, y(;11,;) W,,~~ 1;.9 ~p~k !» '10m mother. ~e.sf Y;ou are her 50fi?

M",LE VOIC~ SIJl~', rrn H<lrry King, pllaJttrig from AustraliSJ, What's 'lo~n~ Dill"

1i'1IT~: it's a lorli: story bllt;,.'OUf mother ~srl't here, We tlTl nl:. she !s in some ~!;I.r!g~f- Wr"t;if~OOi~g i.;J ~f!\11 thE! 1Xl11~~ abent it.

M .... IkE. "'O!H~ II Wflrn~) Th.-:1: poIIQ€:~ No, ,jUfI'l aD tll~~. TI1~'fli Is SOT.fifr sfmple ~.:o;IPI'I:f1,oO!~io!'!:~~~, I'm $'.J:rg, PI.!!a$~ dOf!"t go 1>(;1 rh,e police_

~lCT~~: Mr ;;;'I,rlg, yom mother J!O w.JY up!5et. ~Sne th i nb ~Orneofj~ is ~i n,g to ki.ll YOUI. She's .IilO! here now We don't knQ.1W ...... he[~ she ~$ .. We .a.f'!!! :~oi':l'itl:d .. Arer(t yo~ W'OJri,e(j'? Hel~o? Hello. Mr Ki:ng? Are '~o:u there? He"s put ~he pnortE:! dlolWl'I~

'CAiRl.OS: Wi'l!lt did he' SIl:)" Petei:'?

- -

E"\Jli">h;1\ 1.(1 "';lIIJlt'>'~ L"la\l 1£1

--- -------

- -- -.

- ~ - _... .... . _ .... -- .

Audio Scripts

PE;"uE4'.::. I. th~nk he doesrn w~nt us to go to the ~-on<::@. L don't know ""'it'l' but til I~ lSl/ery stnill[l~, donit ~QY tt"li!"l~1'

'l'osH.Joco:. Ver), s~ranlii~! Wh~~~ ~ anlw~, h~frl I[mm ~!lIipan Mrs K1n:g told me her sen '\!las In Aust:Talllll, Now she :;ayS he' wa::; Oi'IEh~ b~ch wah her :!festerd.fl:.o"

(:J!,RWS; 'res, whol.~ Hia,r:ry il;;~rng!ls hethe ma'n "",nth tile ;eun or, III p,;u'~tral,ua?

P!ITE1;~ A:n.d wh.a.! e~act:l'l do W>P.' tell ~l1e pOiHo;: !'I9W'~

C-'Rn.t:IS;.! th tOik: ~h~ oil'11lJ thing W.e can. do is wait aed see what n<lppem;,

Pim;iil: 'jOu're iifijillit, ,ca~l~~, 'nil! p;;lli~ wO'rn br:l~e'I@ 1l:5, al1yv.'!lJy:

YOSHlIlKQ: YoOY In,,,,w. ~'m not su re sbout

tna!t marl on the phone,

f'E1iER~ WI"L:iJJt do 'jC!1I mean:'

Y:OS!H~KOl r'm not sUire 1t \\i'as Ha:ru)' t::ing. OiI!I.LOS, why do yclllttnl.l1k mOll?

Yos:i-m:Ci~ He d'idin't !lInswer my qlloe:mon~, la:!iled in i m UUNllimes 1:1, he WilS MTS Ki.ill] ;wh,

rr~~: y~~. i a.grn!2 . .I til I rlk. he's lyi ng.

W!har can thts I,,[]leal"?

YOSH~KO'! tltiijlk ~[ Imeans tile m<ill'l PrJ the ph.o:I1'El'isni't he Sotn, !'[ al$ome;~ng I:i!;l dQ>es[II't .kino," v;r;hefe r .;s Kinrg is.

PE:'rER. Is tl::iat 'lml[ mobile, Y65hlk(p 'VOSI-llIKO: 'i!esit is" HI.e!kl?

Mi~~e<:a·: {fr"\¢He!':l~1 'fo:;l'Ilko? Is tha/t you?

YOS-tlIKQ; MT$ fl<M1S? WQ~re <l'tl!! you? Ar~ ''(Otl OK?

MRS Kll\ly: N,o. ! ~f1~ h~Bp. Can you ,oom~? C.m you nriinlll some mone.y?

¥OSHI!,«): Of co~r~~', W!:"e;re are yoU? MilS KINe;; ~'m ,[It. the stat:lol'll. i':le<li!!le come now.BJLne as ff11J1;h mOltey as ~ou calli. PllOllOlS>2., pleaset .1 rea IJ~ need ),ollr lrielp,

'l'0,'il1'l !KO; Herlo? HJri!I!o? Ale you there, Mrs KiF'l!ll? She's gOtllg,

PEreF.t Wnat t:l!Q ~;h>e :~~<J

'YOSE-!I"KQ: $h~ wants me to. take her some money. Slle'$ art t!:J.~ station. She was or:ihEl, ! ~hbnl.

,)',RWS: ~~ !lad, is;n-r It, P~ffir? This ~u'ld be ~""i1f dal'l,g~roI!lS

PET~il~ PerhapK

'i'OSf·m:.o: Yes, bUll Mrs 1Kin:e is in trol~bne S~~ n-eeds oLlr ~~Ip. 'We must go




A: Wllo"$ th~~ WOflllaJt"I s(am:linij; b~ tn(!j! doo(]'

B: 11l:ilt's 'Bernadettleladsoll, S,h ~'s m'i best rri~iIi.j. Sh~ wo(b! .. ~ Brj€:~1twe II'~ IB,lII'Ik ~n the ~it:t',

,""~ All ~el'S, of COUTse,


A. Woo <lifoe .i:l'lo~ JK!O!pl B by the ..... [nd.ol1fJ 8, Tile'j"!\! my uncle anodi aune 'from

Co3Inada, Thet'd ~O'ii"e to ne~~' O!Jbout 1fQUr v~$U to Thm!n.W. Why don't )lcu: eeme and meet t:h~m?

A: Sure, 'l"t.lIli1ls. 'Iiiln1Je

A: 01":1, hello Charles, 'Fell me', who's t!'iat bey ov~.r !there,

B~ "[me tan boy'iiith the lO!1Q, (jOlr!;; i":J0I!~~?

"f'hM.'s my nep~ew, Stuart, !F'g~r

01\: S<lra.h, hi •. ;!J1,i;I" -?

fa; 01'1, ~Ol'l. linet~o_ This Is. r.ol~ta Olsen, from No.rWM, Sh"e"S <l ~@.iIr::l'lI~r at ~r.e !1Icade-Tfli~ ,1In.d she's stayi,nli wilh 'JS f"G!' the summer. RltOl.11-L~:;;ls mv nei:ghl;:>I:mr; ilion,


A; WIi10'Si that -O'Io'l1:r the:m, t<ll:kln!ll: to S;:l,ma:nti:ta7

EI: 1!'n,e' :5ll(lrt: woman """Un md nair? That's my 005:), Cia Ire Wa:tkIM,


A'.ThJi~ Is !I I=I~ phorc, Are~l1ese ~otJUf ilrafld(;lHld:r~n.i Im~cn?

~: NO, tne'l"1e I:1W' ~i.ster'5 children. rnts bi>li~er orue' is SimQIilI,Oi n{il til€' un le one wi~h rnlrily hai r i5, RiQhO!lro.

TM.G:K2 mar does it' I·m f'ijev~r gol.l"Ig to talk to yOUI ajil1iim!

2 A~ Wh.lE!~ cl!id:rou {loon 8atl;l:rda~?

!;k Oh ,~Il is and tha t, Noth I ng s,pe:::ial, r€!3lly.

3 W~II thts i:; u, '(!Itirryone_ 'Good I uckt II .1'\: I sse iRom;, lil1:~ ae""i n,

B: Wdl, thers Rolf! fur you~

--- - -


!~J(a'M: !tight, let's see' wh<)t we"~e 'W.Q~

Well. ~IfrIHS tie has !>El'e,i1 bel,tel ddlf~' MtQ$(l' 1.5 U:? Ian Fl. is it :;O\_m;?

~aHiN~ Er. IrIQ. :Ifs not m~' HE; ~l I'I"! ysi be!


s ... u .. ~ Yes, irs defin i t:el'!' ~~~, irs OWi!! of his iTlchrflb Ie tle$, And $0 ,ir'fi those o~cl lea'Iis

J~I-!r-r; No, th(l~~ ~.m my [ea 1'I1Cl. 'Tt1~ire rltl~e! l dOIl;~ W~llt ~O .gLve lhemaM'ay!

MUM; iMo 1!JQt.. th!l-'f~@'.golng. Nextl Mm, w'Ilose aife these old: ~rOljMrs?

IOH~ aHa SM..L:"'I';l)adf5·~

s ... w{:: Mak.e sure YQU \!lash ¥'Gi,lf hands a.Ft,~nouc·h i ng those, Mum!

MUM: Ale' ~"OU !l'IJHl tl:ley" ·e· hf5? n",,~'1'~@

. '~ef'! big.

WI~I'o!: ¥¢ah, d~fll'llUC:lyl MUM; NQ\II,~hi~ [-shlrt!S_ JO!HN; Tile>{re O''$.

s..r..l!.'I': Ve~l:i, th;Wl'@ our f'-~t"i~rt8. ]lOHNI: Miile'$ ~h@ cia rk bluecne. ilrld

SaLl:l~ is the lifiltTit bl~~' ~i1~,

MUM: R[ght, tlhe5' 1-:0. Wh.~t OIbout tihls

S~Irtr'? .~s it ~Qur.;, 8a~M

S"'~bY: No, it's not- tn, sRirt, MUM: Are 'f'01,l ~1,iF.;;r?

S""'!J..Y; y~~, In d.~rt[1JliIDB:ly nm m~n;e" 1 don'~ wear 5Wt5 like thOlt It must bevours. Yes Mu rn, it's defirri~ely your skl F'L

MUM: Oh, ri-ll'ht. lre-membet MI!1I. AI'I.-ci

thls 111(:ke~, ~olul. i 5 Lt ~'(I~T5?

jCl:HI'H Mil ~a-c~enC:ert8ILllIhrll'UI,~ Th<!r@ ~

>!!~fil'~ Jacket. .

MUM: Ro!a~ly-jl

,I\(IiHN1: Yes. irs hers, 1't'5 del'in !bel,,! sally'll;

iad:.~~- .

AN~l Is lPi5 yoi;1f book. Davl::!?

D.t\l'!!): N:g, jt J:!iii"tt .. Wh~" dont -rou ask

I",ar:. 1 ,Perlri<!ps in Ii~!'i,.

Af .. fN, 0 K . He.y, 1'I.a n, I:~ In i s book ~O"U rs'J'

~'i.!';'.W: rN 0, ~~'sth2fi!1l:I~el~ not mUlle.

A~N; W~lt whase I;;; it tthen~

'I". .... "l: look, i.t be:long:s to [il:! n e'l -It':;; gnr

he:r' rnaE'M tn H. .

ANN: 01'1 ~e .. s, se it bra s!




We re both ow tdoor l~pr;:,~ <;11:10 we lolo'€' fr.esfr a~[ 50 .we'd Im~ a little !;~C,H\:;; C.!!r we «nll~d PUl ~h~ maW dOli'ln ln nioe weather. and dn\!>;! OI~'O!,n1d LlH:! COillntTV road's It. WQutd lust need to be bilil . ell,t.lll<,!b k~r th.i;! ~WiJ ol us.


Well I d~)FI't· {~[J a lot or dri¥iuiiJ" !i".) I dvn'L w.[! nt to bll~ ClIn:;,rl:lii1€: [·00 !b~g or ..... ell. rompllGJllied. An:rwajl' I WDukll ~ukec liUl~ hil~.chlJ.ack. J~ .~hou I d Oe <IiIO!S!f In dri ... ~,



econorn i ca I and t he re 'IIt:Juld Il~ ... e ro he €1101:.!!lln room fOil rout' people And Rmer. 0f ceutse J~rn t 11<J~ fi!fl:r.f, Rm'1;'f J


Th~re <if eo fM!' of 1J:s, i!1~~et,heT. 50 <l people center 'Would be the besr sclutlon Th~~e W()U lei ha~~ to Of.! QU![~ a loOt of room iJ1$ide, and! lthink it shoutd be romrortalDI~ oill ~ot'lF.: io~rnevs WlleJl we IilO on hdida:,.o. ~h~re would hai\i\~ to bE: !l!:1fI0Llgh room rQ~ <III OUT lu~,~~lie.


rm <I bl.!i~uer, and I need sp~ce f{lr iii'll m~ We I!>. &0 01' oour,g:e a "'a!n ~~, tlie ~'Ii'iOIJ5

... tl:h~.;]oe [eoFFfl'e ~[wQilildl prowoJy be fairl'),' basic. Sil'ld YOLI could nnly ge[ D.lIO ~0f;!1,t:! in the from, I.:llJir th,e're '!'!Ql.ddb~ lots of ~'D[Jm rn the hack.

,;RAe,",6 Ra:l!~ I W'D'U 1(1 II(lfJ@ th,@'IiPyttJon"

W hat a f-a,I'I~a!itiC-501J n,drn-s car.

SANDRA: [ dnlii"r how [t'S e!gi'lt 'fears old. 50 irs :prdbebl, noti n very <good, {30ndiIHofi. I thl nk tn@ Slmwdy su I'l!>et l.I.1olll~d be the perf,e-.'1' all" for us.

liI:all: SLIt !~\5 pr,olJ8Ib~f featly slow, Tlae PytnollJ tlnl .go from lIDu~t M S!:!:W In si!x secol'idis. TI1:lt~ whio'l~ l COiJJ fa~t!

SAt4DF,DI...: Yes, burr i~ p~oroobl'!i' uses a lot ClI perrei.and Wi!!: ca n't afJl)rU,rh,<lt, And look at rh"" PJiCI?, £ 1200() for a seeendh;'li'l,cl c;;!'? No 'iIl',~y!

~Oil!: WhaE',!; t.hil !prob!em? We '-.;;,1'1 ~'ays ~JI th.e houseor sorneth i Iligl

SJ,~"lORA: Be, ~n$i bIle, RGb I took, the Sunset has ~ot ii full se ..... ic~ hlst0ry, $D h WltiDI' ~ bF1;l~k Qll:,lwT! <!i~~ the ti,me,

RO£!: W~lL I 'canfi:.: the r>ydllon if It b11f1'a~S dO'O\!'I1.

$;I!,r,1CW!: Mmrn. It says. that [he Slln'be'[ Is an Id~l faml~' 'C1lT.

~OIao: Yes, but lit's probably rt'!'",~I~ Iro:rlng to drw~, J n tn~' p.,:th,ol1 .~ COII"I ~C<U imagjF~ it: fO!.l'I C!OWf'l" ln1 l)h,1i! In{m)rwO!l~ ~Ho:p :5peed, Elri II ~imt!'

SANID'II:A: [t':~ ears !~Ilri! th~ ily~!'ig.rl th ~t C'a!llS@ ~.plliJth;)l'], ~QiJ h~ow,



Hello, M'IIlSime'S RobEl'I"fEphmty. ~ \Mas bom 01'1 tile J :51. of .I\pr~t ! %~, !ean £P~k JOy:r lal11!l! Frerrc:h, ,itaiia.n, P!;:l~I;I~~~5~ i;!lIld <!T~L r ... ebeell wo[k~llIt1 si fie€! lQ-S8, lllKl' !>tal'l,ed F~-I~ tnoS~ !';(;en l ~Db In I iX!7. II.~<I''''~ ~ M iT! Pferl~h. ~n;;! an R SA Oi piO'ITl,a j nComplIl'f'r studi:e:>


Hello. My n'~ml;l"8 'am@s H:anlgy. I was 001111 oll~he nttl ot W~!~, ~~?5.! C<lr!

- ~ .... -, _a _ _-~--

Audio Scripts

!';;pt!'ak rYlb I i!!igualle';·, F"r'f'nch ~!"Jd lii.Jtiktis h. l've wolteclllN two cornpanles. I srarred mil ftrst job in '19',j,fj. [ hai,.(! ;Ii Cil~ and Guild$ i r;lEl~~ine5~, footimilogemeJili:.


M'r' rlOlrrlJ·n J~nfliF~r ~e,<lf!d I wasborn on thee 18th or SE!;pt'f!mbsJ, ]'975" I Slil~~ tlw~lal'l~u~IHes: !(jlp<ln~, French and M andsrtn. lstartsd my mQ'st' recen[ i'ob,

ill 2Q112, My {jiJ;;Imkatim'l5 inelude a BA in ' Ori~nta I la ngiU<l@e$, ano: all RSA D.iplmm!

ill Ifll'emational Cammunicatjmll

1i'F'iACK if!

A; Allrill~lc,.lOIe've ~fitelVi.~'ed all thrE!~ ca,ndldiate.s, \\iho (1,0 woil tilin~ i", tile he5~ persoh for the ~ob7'

EI: TnJ?y we~' i'!11 aooo, WeFE'n 't ~1ileY? 1\: Y,@S, but ~ tl1Qi1;1~t tMt ~s; Lee "'f'ols mQre interested ~n the iob tl1alF"r Mr Teph~'l'lr,

a: ! 8!Sre~ ,l\_nd Mr Ha.rl]ey was, mQH~' interes~~ than Ms L€!;ll;,

Ai Hmm, Wh8ltiil~:m!1,n UlIe.ilr ffi:'p~r!e~ce7'

Eli Welt MrTepfl~ln~ hss more experi'li!noz lh an Mr Ha'l'd~ji.

A~ JtJld experJ.eTlDe ls "l(!f;1 Imporuflt OU~IIIFj';-<l~I'om,?

~: 'I'll@~ Olr@ ,;In ~~II.y Wl;i!!! ;;jil,l~1 ~f!e:;l (o;r the jQb, Eletn Mr1'eph<lflY and Mr Hanley ha'lf€: <Iii the rl,gllt qU!lJ~ific.altiiDrlS, but not w£, mal1Y' as Ms L@e.

k. Mr 'Fepnanlll is a b~t ol del than th~ ethers, Isn't he?

,Ill; '{,es, but I don't tihilllk ~na't ~oilO: ~~ ~QO i!'lllpoitafli( ,

A: No, '!;!~f.~rll:~a:nd quaJifLca:l:]~n5 are !nOr,@ irnpant~,n:t.

:B: ATIdi lanl!1:llil!il~~, of eeu ~>!!. Who coO yotoy thlnk ~poMb;. tho!! ~$t r~fI~h?

A: Mmm, Mr T' doe!;~'n :~pl!'.alit. a,~' well as Mr Ha:nlll(!!,

[E!; iElut Mr 'UeiJ:han.'isp~k.s !ITIiOrlt ]anllllaJg~s, dc;esl'l'~t;,~?

1\; Qh yes" Mr Hanley and Ms .Lee ,do:n'tt 5;Jeak !l5 mall'l}' lallgua:ge~. but I tltl:nk qualityi:s mm~ [m;pcrt2lil[ rl1i'iil Q'u1ll'l,tltr

f,: Hmm, ~oli:Sllbly. OK. so. wno do, you ~b!l'lk. Is thabe$it pelson tOl the job~

A: In m:l' ai'li r:I~on" ,

''I1~K9 !' ... lEi! liei3.rd~nllt 8tOr)" many ti me.s. I~'s B5 otd as ~h~ hills"

2 y.oltir d1i kiren arlt r€:!ilH~ we i i·,beh,.r .. ~d, ihfiff~ as ~>oad ,a$ !lolld',

3 Wlhllt's HIe Flulltter? You ~ooR ~eJrlbJ~:! y,;)u're as w:n till!: ~$ a, sr..~~t

AI He':; n-otat aU woni~ aoollt his ilrnt'e:r;'.V. H~'SCl:S, cool ",$ a. ~uc:umb~t,

,),11'1 her lile'Wdre~, sne-IQo~$ as pTett.y .. 5 i;! p'iOi~~e,

~ rrn ~,iUi!l~ b:~ the r:i re flOw and I' m as wmm ,as toast,



Wh<lt <II f8Jl'ltasrric tmame-~ Leokst BarlOw

I tJftq~! A;!'Id 11~'s lim ,a basketl NDbod,y ~<l1i1 stop hi mI now ,_ lhif! CI'bWd j~. gol [bg FIlbOld!~ Th~ Q:Q.j.;ie:n (ljij,['!t:;; O!~ iilJ wlnn i 1iI!i!: t';:illm - t h.e,! are !lJpbelltaib,Je wi th OJ ~{_'cm;! 01 ~ s: ~J


Sr:;:eWi Sue ~5 in the lead, she's ,g,elttin,g al1eOlJd, and !"lOW she's saJf.@:ly (w~r th~ i8!lt I !,Imp, W!~h that @;;gi!II~t'lt i i!lrnp 5ne i,~ $Ulf1;! ~o' win 'tl1i!; rOi~e, bhe' otheJ horses ilre 'Y!~ behindl,


W~]oor~f;I ro t[;,e. QU~ ~y ndlred me'we.s ~Pf.ililt;, and weare exp€'Ot:in.g lIn e:o;(i~i'l'l;g ral)~' tooay betWf:Eln Iligfitt 'I/fjry ~peri;~'!lced. :t1.!fIIners, rfle~~fre K'enini read~ I'IOW, ""<lnnlng them&.;:hres up by th@ SI!.~H!Tlg lline'. r,gar;ly fQr tflltl ~,t~r~. Byt we ktKIW thsre isonl" one w,inliler out there.


J C!i!'iiioOt b!l;l.i~'\,I'~ ~ti'r!~ s[Jegd. 01 ~lnj$ TOIiQe! And Pet.eJ5 i:. overtahini now on the insideand he is in the .lead, 'Ciln he- ""iln now wnlh ilIl.~ th e olh:e~ rtders ro:r:rI,~Og u.p dooe behlitd 111m":'


W@~I. thls, ts a ... ~ry rougl'l ·game, a!!'Id the fact t; I~ g~ rali1lip;8 makes jt 1ilii0Te diffill:;;il.!lt. 'Tite' £ljal~epe:r is dD~ne; B wonderful 1Gb keeplng {liln 'tlrl~ gools.but theheme tMTnOlre d'?t~'!I'l!I!I'I~d '1$ ~~ ;;,ga~n .. ~d ,f,let tlleleO!{!,i\nd here comes tl'lel.QrwMd with her stio.l: reaci''1'to harve ,B:rm~her sl:lD~ ,~Jt iIlool!


'i'here'~,~ i:lI.lg~ ao.wd todl;iy wa[r:h I nll [h.~ p!aI';'~rs att lh.t! fiH:e~n~1h, .It'S ~efi/ warm ~nd sun~~ W'~tll no wind', pe'rrect;for t h,e pl~\"'BJ1L loilooDn i£, t:.;kinlllil~s tim!:: ami pqep::l.I:l:n;g: \fer:i'c~ refu'! Iy, The crowdl ~s ~ill~!ilt ,a!S he ~g;t.!;, :rea6'f Uo:r lhi~ PLItt.

---- ~-- -_. ------


'IiFW:I'\. '1 iI Sirian lS aooUit twen.ty 'ie>ilJS dd, He's oIi0t l'On; h~ir a nd he's wea,riTl'g iI p.;;:j r of sh,Ot~, a !!;~hirt OImj ~nd(;jls,. He'cS, (:~lrt~ll'I~ h~1O thin:g:.i:n ;;I ~be~'1'1 :pl~::;ti~ ~g,

TOn>, l~, aoou;t; th i,ny-rive ~ears oildl. I'+e"s eOot 5 hOl!'t hill~T i31r1d 'i:li '111'€::3 nn~ jearm.B

wa rm, broW'11I ~ad::€!t and 11 pal~r D~ tra1 ~H;, FillS ca~T'fi FIJIi a ~dlpa~iL

Audio Scripts

Matt is in hiS flfU@ti. He's 'ilpt short nair <Il[1ld 1$ !,I;'~afinli: a 5yit. a tie and a l)<ii r' of smart, very v,,'fIl.·jpOlislled snoes, He's !i~t al'l e:-:pensi'iill I~ather b1~ekase.

- -


I mAGK12

.A.; Wnat time do you g@~ up?

B: At ab(]iLil: ha,i' p<_I:;t slx What aibot!t ~·Ol.r:

.~= Oh, <l b it I~~i!r than tnat, Albotlt se ... en o'clock Do yOli " IwayS have bee .. kJasf?

B; We~l, I. WlSlliiUy j1,ist ha¥e iiI,ootre~, And 'you?

1\: an. I rt!l@d iii bi,1!) breaU~stN) !j;et me goinl.! in t'h~ 'mtlrnin;g, Don..'t you?

:Ii!: No, Il'ir.:~\@r lfeellib~ ,ea'tl.t'i!1: In the mominl3. ~ut I. alwa~'s h.we a, hiE:

I ynoll. How .!i;:oout '1-Oll~

A; 010 no. I j!!.Jst 1'I.iI,'e ,a sandWich or a bowl ~f soup, Sometl'llns quite simple, BLI,t [ do, th il1k that till!! 1I!"'@{IlLIl~ me3J1 should be the main. meal of Ene!

diay, DQn'~ you <illl.lJee'? .

fi: A'bsoIUl;.@ly,

What time dg )'i,l1,l, up:

:2 How do ~""O-\l tf<l';'el to wo:rk~

:I How does It. ~ake yOu t<D8et tc wort?

4 W[hat do you IJi5UJa!ly have 10r lunch? 'lWh~t do )'QU 1,!~I,I<Ln~ do tn the evenIng?



TRACK 14· M~ MiElJLOR: At.. ()Q~~n .. I need "Some help witf, these invoices. Ca .n YOUI It'!llp?

D~f:N; $!;Hry, Mr Melior. rm I:'/ping some le~r-e'f!; for Mr Willi~.

Mil: MIELLO!l.! Where'!;; Simon, the;,? blOfiJEEPi; Um, he's on. the ptulM.IHe'':i talkilif: to the 81 Ii sapOfe offiOC',

MR ME:~LO!l.~ Noil~~r mi r d Wh,~t <!IbO!Jl lafl1!'t?

DQRlEElN: She's, h>O!"l"i i'I{g a liJliee't~ illES I.!.<i[n the (,,-ar~.rIng sta ff,

MJ;;. MWbOlt; Oh dear, I.~, 1'1011.,.. eround th~n?

DOR~E;lN: I'm f:lfra~d not, Soe'!5 wo,kil'1!~ a~ nom"! ~o,ja1. She should be back [OmOHGW.

,Mil. MEI..UJII:: It's not my luck/' di!i~' toda)' Ian'?

DOiREE!N: le·s ani n,g, !iOMi! sl\opplflg - 'tou 'knoW" - bUI'l~n!5 t h i i]'!:l" f()f fne ulfi()f.

- - - -

22 lll(ll'~fl ,I .<0 '111l1,11~"~ d tJd~

-- -- - - -- - -

Mit MEU,OR:: Rob?

DOREEN: H~':;: sh~J!Ii'inli: Hl!l~1l how to use " tJhe new ~om?uter.-

M~ MELIdOR; !-1m. !;l.ic"k?

DOiill~i1: He·~ fj~ln!l his cat, 11\ small i7loble-mwith th-e e~h!iuat pip<a'

Mil: MEU..oR: loanne?

OglR~Nl: Irs ber break, ~Iu:s, eatil'J;E "'~r

lumfl Ln tile park.

Mil: MIELLOR.: But. it's alning! [)Q~'EEN: ~s, it? 0'1'1 y~s, so ~r is.

Mil: ME::U..oR: Never mimI. I'll. come b;lcl<.


I)(J/ItEENI. ~.ll rllSttt, Mr M~Unl"

(S[hll:~d of d&lf ~;IIillfillil!!l! (',loos~II1[l'1 [lOB:Ee;N': OK e ... erybody. Fie's eoi1e You

can .:;ome Oll~ of th~ Wid: 'room flOW.

CR-O'Wti; fltan,!(s iDaree!l. Pi!lel!ll Thanks a lot. ihougll[ he'd ~~r go ...

TMcK 1;5 M!R ME~'()R: All. rLght, e'~eryon'e, let's get s,t~[1ted. Urn, PoH~, are 'l'01J ~i$t~ni.mll1:?

FlOl .. L~': Yes, M Menor.

MR MELIl.QR; Th~mI step taik.i:n:fl to, DOH:<en. p'eaE~. Now, 'th~ Hrs'1 .hint: we- fI@d to" SImon" where <!f'il you !!!loing.?

S!r.tON: SOF!)" Mr Mllllorc I've j!Jst rem~moore:d I've left mv phone ~ii! my offic.e.

MA: MEU . ..oI1~ Woe I! , :;let It l.ateE, No!'!'!, <I!; l was $a~'ln\5, Wft. really need to, " Rob, what are VOl! r~.d.i fli~

.ROB: Q:J;,s.orry. it' E!llIai,l!rorn my wire. She I,V,;!l1ts, me to blJ~ some bread 01'1 my WB.Y horne.

MJ! MIHLOFl.: rm 'reaH~ no't i nte~'e~~t~d In )'om shoppln.g list, Rob, pay a.tiemEion pl@ase. Now, ~1t!2 n~st tih i fl~ W~ I'ft~ed ", urn, wl:ly ~re yo,u loo~.irlg om oE the window?

R1CK; '011. 110 reason, Mr Mflilor

Mit M.Ei.LOl.~i NQ .. ·c(mle on. Rio::k, Whiat me you.loQ1ins; .tu?

IRriCK~ The!l'\!: affl some oeer;.f~ outsidle i n the '(;<11 park,

M!>! MELlO~~ Come on then, R~(k, "",h'B't are they dO'ing!

!leICK: Th.e'/re· tr~il1~, to. s:eal rour cat MR MELLOR: What?!

- - -


-- -

liw"Ci< 1'6 Wh .. rs FIl)' brother 11~? Wei.!. hf"~. in tJl~ I"l,e [ort ies Hes sho t and he's. <J hil 01{.e:r\ll-e~~i'l. He's got short dark ha ira nd d 11 io~·, hlietrJd lys:rnl1e. 1-1 eo I ukE<!".~ t(j \!,l~il r i;;~!1,;JJrt clot h e~ ,;l"rld l'I@ lO"e5 e(lili[l~ !::: u t .rI e",t<n r<lni.,. 'He's defin!I'd~ mlddle-,3li:~d.

bl,l~ hls wire say5 h!!S stlll the 5iiJi1e irla,l'Idsoml,() !'!l8Jn she m<Jrrl,~d twenty ~'eaors a.gQr

'iI'RACK'17 There are fOllJr peopl,e in my QIflO!, ""!Nut from mEl': FIr~t o~ ~iI [11@re!'> Pat the 5~~!.<lrl Shte's lin her late tWe'l'Itl.~, but she locks Il!flUy yUlirtill:, al most li~J:: "'

t~ .. g~rc Sh.e·~ tall. and 5ne'~ got long, blond h~ir, ·itleon there's Cleoff, O1J r

acceu t"!t!;; mal'ltlll;e' He's 1 n hi:>. late

th trues. thi n wltlh medil!m-Iengttl 'hair

a ltd he aUw .. ys looks IJIDrFied, Ti'u~J~S a 100 Mlta. She's UII! s.!!les m<linager - "Ie'!)' arnbltlous. Shels $Uffl and haJs gr.;tf:llIrly black hair. Last but not least. rher,e'$ ra!'l, tht:, boss, She'S In her rart~e..,= a'M,d she's quite <)J character, She's got thl:;; <JJma-rln,g [,ed, n<JJi.r tltat eomes O~E!r her e~'es:, Sl'l~' s always very ~mally dre!!itied, wnldh is q;uit'e I.HIIlSU,S] f'or a boss, I 5'!Jp[J~·

- -


- -

mACK 1,8 YOSHIKO: [.~'$ gOla the ~ash-po.lflt, !"'oIe ,g9't -m~ card -I, 'C-ilI n ~t some mOi'iii!~

QUrt for Mrs

C.AJtLOS; You know, I den't think. we should takl!! ,:JJny mQne~ w~th us,

Y(iI5:HU<"(li; wr.~' not? Mr.~ KII1~ needs lh'e money, Sh.~ Is in t;rQu.tlb~. I. am sure !ih.e will ,giVl! :It ooa: 'to 'US ·as ,SIDon .ilS sill.:!"

PE.'FER= Irlhiok ym . rre ri-wlht. COl rlos, We don't know wtra~ Is I)QirnJij on 'W@don't .koow If MT5 Ki rt"i, is wal.ti,l:lg for us or r,QL

CAI!:lOOl 1.0QK, there's the eiilU~JK~ to the $~l!Itkm. Can y.ou see Mrs iKlnij!

YOSHlJw; No, I learn. Maybesne i5 Inside, P'E;in::R: Perhaps. L.OO~, do yOIli see ~:h<lt bl~lCk car ova Itlere7 ~ Soaw that C9 in tile st re~t as we left MrS kl ng's, Ithil'l k that ear is 1[1.)11 OwlllR 1.15

'l'asHI,~O: Which c<>r?O!J,I s ee ut now .L'Oo r!'ili!i"e are 1'0'10 m~n get'! i "'g Oll.! .

C!;.RUJ5: 'They're t;t:!mlng oyer here.

Is, MAN: Hey! 'leu I,otl }'QU IQ()kin~ f"t::ir sQTlitebod~?

PE'I"ER:: wh,at do you rn€lill1i"

isr MAiNl Tn,s I~ what I mean I"re got 3 e~l n In my i ad.~l 50 don't do <In'~~f;;i n.g 'Stupid. Where's the rno'Il'~Y]

·~·.O M"'~: R-cg, don't hurt <Lilyan!;!

~ER.: Wrr. haven'!, lI!llf d,n.~' money WCire on!~ ~!'lid;tll''-:O. _

I Sf MAN! ~'(>U don t CKpt<l me !() b~lloJ..! ... e t.h;;!t! Lt~A;,. tllere'~ c Ooo~h -pili nI Lr~r:r

t i'lere's {l,,~

liND MiMil: IU~ plea 5E' .

IS·f rotAN: ~ >u ~tay nut ('i1;1 Inh 11 'li'OSI-IIIII<!O<: D, I i'I~ h!':: sa ~s, ~E':ter II nlll'k h-~

rnearu it I drlll·1 \I.lan't ),011 t:) Rei hurl

C,~RbOS: Sh~'s, rlght, go 01) Pet!;''f

I sr MI'INI: R'iRh'l, Wfm:~ :::lot a ca rd7' Y'OOHllt;O' I have H(lW much ,000 you willil:? iST p".WN. How li'i!Jth have 'fOU got, littl·e-


'1051fIKO: itrlg. If-II,.]) a c .. n only take out BOO in I"IM da~, 'l'QU know.

P'~l'ER: U.ook here, where'!; Mrs Kinji? I~ she safe? '{(Ill can'lt have: tlny mone')!" until you tell 'Us.

liST MA . : ,On ~i3Jh? And who's B.t)1 ng to stop mer An~"N~l', £3.00 IS nor 'eno!.l~i'l U yell want to SE';€ til is Mr!: K I f'I~ aga i I'l, I need n'lO[i1'~ han that.

vos 11<0: Oh -dear. ~wr, CarII05 .. nave yOUi !lIFI)' more?

RETER: Ii haven't '1':01 a card.

CflRLOl>: I, haven't !rig~ 0[1'8, ~ither, I\'e 'Ij,Qt seme traveller's dJeques.

i 51· MA : 15 this, a jok~, or sorneth i Ill!!!? I r you three idiots don', .g~~ [1'1@ some rn()~ cash quid, rn he ... e to ...

PETER-: OK, There's 00, neo:t3 en speek Ii~e tllat. Will'II get 1o'01J some more mOt'iiW. I ust be II Y5 how ml!ldi and where, t9 take tt,

1$1· MM'.: Am3 ..... hilts ~Q stop ~!OU ,goini to the poha'!?

PETER~ We '!'I01lI't, I promlse, How m u,cb? 1S'li MAN: ril~e th'OlJs<!nd l:IolJnds ·should


C"'RLQ5: 111.posslble~

~R: .oK OK. \V911~i',€! do w,e t81kie 'it?' I,~r l'.i!AN: '1'01.1 mow tne ~Jfe, on ~h!!


PE?TE:R: Yes, Near the pier, you mean?

15.1' MAN: Leave :it in, t.hEl' rubbish bin neer Ihli': door. Plilt it in it pli!:5tlc bag.

PETE~ OK, ThmoTTOVI, th~rl.

1ST' MAN: 'TQmOtii'Ow. Anel H it's not the~', us l:;urtain5 fo MWiO King.

CI'I~ LOS, CUrla!n!;·?

l sr M.~rt: I mean )'QU wQn't ~!;!'~ her again,


r(AIlws' Sure. WI,;! understand. 11'1 Jr . ~ ii1:~ lcos IQr,ff, I

'YOStlIKQ: .Ha'le they .golJie?

1PIE1'i>R.: Yes ,~r~ you <!In riir.l. yosnikot "'Ostl!~o: II thi~k ~'1. That 'ualS horrible,

w~rf1't It? He' wa s mot iii nice rnan. '1'0 u are ... ery brave ~~,e t.

o.JtI!m; J ""' .. 5, frightl!lI'Illd. I tne!u-!l;h:t he' was !lpin~ to' kill us Lf we didn't ha~ the m.Olley, Still, we have ." bJIli problem now, Where are w·e gdng ~o

~ • ..._....._._.--.... .......... _ ~ __ • __ ...... __ ~ T T T' ,., - T- ~T' --- -

Audio Scripts i

H~: £5{l(lO 'fro . " I don 'f Ila\'~ that amount 01 rfJO!i'l!l!:'1 i~ my bank accounr Do you, ~~t~ r' ?

PE:TER: No. 01 Course not I'm a st~](jefll, r~ll1emb~l, ~'ust m.e ),"(Ii,J. ! hal! w say

t flat, didn't 17' Il.·~, ~<:!ry srrllilllge', but the 5e\;1)nd man, lohn ... Ithin~ 1 r~r1JleSed his ... ok.-e.

YOStilIKO: Me lug, I"i!~~r. lie was tile m~l['i on the phone. The men w~ thought was H.rrr};,

PETER: Yes. :;,mhe r];gi'll. Yushlko. Another str;Jlilge th i 11111: I don't t hi Ilk he w;'Jl'1l:l!d to hurt U5,

~05H[It:,O; ~l,It lWih,..taJr1:1 'We goinfi. to d~ nmr.'? CD to the po,lice?

PE:TER; l t 11 i I'Ik we i1a~~ to .gp te l h ep;;ili(J'! and tell them this man made you igoJ) to the cash·'pol nt and take yOUf mone), out. We r;;a", ~ay w@ tlun the man had O3I,gu·F1.

c.,..!!L.J\JS: ~u.t we don"t ti~d to ,say .arlyt'Mllng el SiB.

F'E1EiR: Tbat's ritlh~. We don't n eed to t~1I thepol ice about Mrs, King or her son,

YOS~rKQ, Bllt why nat?1'hat ma.n: !<aid! he might~i'U her! He said th<lt, didn't h,@·?

ii'.E;fER.: em not S1;,l1~ OiMU.t that- I mea n l'm not sine that he has ~t Mrs Kirlg.

Y(!oSHIKO: I !:lope ~OU'~f:! :riJil::ht Peter, P~!,!R: Leos, you mind C;Jirl¢~ &>0 [0 thoe police stastkm !lirld. explain Yio'r.M has Il"ppel'led. 111<!~'~ ,;3. plan ..

ChRLOS: Com@ on, Peter, T'eJlU.S.

P~ER: I am goillR; t.o :Il.O b~ok torm' l'J!ollse.D ~ITI g.puilis to maJliitl' a blfj, parcel and put It. tn a black p!astic ba.g. alld i:o.m.orrow momil'l!jl ! will tak~ ~~ tethe caf~ b:~ ~i'I@ pier, ~'i'J'aDlt you

an d CarlQ~ to go 00 th!l!' beach :near the Gaff: 5wim!l'iiflg tMIIg:> OIirld H~ on the beach m,e ~ouns,ts. PIIl[ :\,()UT ~u'ng"ass@~ on. .811d: down 011 your towels anel wOIit Ier me. Watch wnere ·1 put the parcel ,;;1ft:::! $~!! tF. O!iliy(ltle' cemes to get it

YOSHIKO: And! then what do we do? PaUR:. ! don't :now ~et Tell j{Ou I.omorrow. :Now J mast ,&0. ! b'!<11~

:oorne thinking te do -

C ... F::t.O!t See ~"()IJ ~Omorrow, .Peter. Look a~be:r lIo.u~lf

!PE'liER: of'J:Ollrse, dnm't wouy.

D.FlL05: Come with. me. ¥DSn~ko. We C'OIil go to the lJ'[)~i(;e 5ta~~OIl and rhen '.(QUI can come back to m'~ house.

YOSIiIIKD: OK, Cados. b'ut i must go and get :;;on'tQ- ttll n~, :from m~' hQ\l§!! flrilft .. r!iee YDU tomQ row, P!!-i@:[

IlI[TEf.i; Canl ~alU ,~o wjlill1e~. ear:lob? See you botl1 t.omom;r"' .... Don't .... ,orry. f,verj1lh i r.g Is gDinog to be .. II ri ghL

SlAG,E 4; LESSON 11 . !

- -

TR:A.CK 19

A: Ben's ihe ea,rly bird in om liIilt. He gets nil' at 6 a.m, even at weekends, and he !l1 ..... 1l~1l goes rlJlhilii i ~e I FI the pa r);

before. bmaldallt.

B; WIlOlt ·alxiUt [J~nn,'!i'?

A~ D~lrinY"'S'1 ust the opposite. H e"5 f~t'h,~r J!lIl)! 1llll1ld s.pend15 most ~f IhiIs ,ime in bonl of the W. 1-113 doesn't go (lUI

much .

B: A bit of .. rom:i1 potato, ,then"

A.; Ye~. ~;oUictl ~' .• ~nd tben tlie~ '$ ~Ta n k, He [ust IOI(,es rnei1't'ln~: people. He'S 'lleJ)" t1):1 k.i!tlv~ B no he's out allTJOM every ni!!hot -.a rea I P1!irt)' 8rlim.31

'l'FUlCK. 20 He's reilll'y ambltiolls. Ie wams 1O Ill€! j)r~ldellt one day!

:1 S.h,!!'s Qlulilre' ad'ilEil'lt\J rous. She I:il~es tJ,a~IIIn..g to faraway p,laJ;~,

;I She's 00 polite - she a,I\I,I~'.J/s says 'F'leQJS~ and "Thank 'fOU',

4 Tl1ey're \'ery cneerful. i dOfl't thl'l1k I've $.reI" SG:~n them look U [linap&;I'Y or bad-

tel'l'lPerea. .

5 My fle;phew Is a bit spoilt. Hili g9rertts buy him '[00 man", toys,

6 My SiS~l i5 so tall:alti>'e,it.'s \/ery difiicu It to h .. ve a $t1o.n eoove~satio:n wi~IlIH'.I:

i M~ f~thr=r is wI)' impatli:ll'l~; he hates waiiiflE!

8 I rerfi~mb!ilr Snaml1, She was, ~r}' poP'l:Jlar at Seflool. E~'~ryOl'l~ wanted tc be her frlend.

- -- -



Well, I !.!s'Ually go about [;"';0 or thre:~ times a, wee:;;. It'S !II ,good w.ay of ke.eo;i'noll m:.a,n.d <Ii e;re~t 'OJay ofteepi.l'lit 0001 on a hot day. I uSUOIlly d,::! about 5,0. I,engths 0' l'M!.! pc;ol. mare ~r rill feeling strong el1l(lll,lgh,


rve .got aooUit 2,000 fromamlJlnd the world, and. I keep tn.G!rlT'la" ~rrI 1:1['1 al bum :Some of them are wo h '1;Juitl! ,;3 lot of money. M)' hl.emls :somet:il'l1e5liend' me same: 'if th .. iW ~ ~T~l,r\@'l'l ~l!I.g. This on~"s W~i!J rare - Lt <:ome..::; from ~<t,p;;ln.


J ·!;t;!lrt.ed pl.ayi'rlg whE!Wi I. W;'l,r,: !lit. school, "nd l still eniOl; kickiiili a call <lrc'uoo. Eve))' FfId.a~I' i get t:)iet 'er wi~h .. grou p ot rielfQd<i <if[~[' work !.IC'ld we p~~,! f·or ~ toupl e· of hay [~ i.11 the local pa~k, !'U!:t.

- -- - --

Enqll~": ·1 III '1lin.l;'p\ ~ 1].",' 2:::1

- - - - -- - ~ - --


, Audio Scripts

-- -

FUrl rea'lly, but we do p~ay l!t i3J lQca;~ touITI<lmO!:(]'[ ~Fid la~t 'i'li!iH~' did ,~uite well,


I' preier to 1'10 it in the daytim~ wh~n thE! ILght is b:w,)lJ11: 'l'boe; !"leek€l1d~ <l~~ best t.~¢aJl!~il' ~ ~a_ve more ti me' to get iI P ieee fi r1ished. [It takes Iill~ ,qu i,tr~ a Lon!!: time w fl n[$IlIOi,p!~ ¢if ;,iiQrlk, because I'm, V!er)' c<lref\l,1 aoowt 'IJ~tting til@' ~ighi~ C;D~(nj til, I llke wmHl't1it ~Uiti>ld~, '!!!veFl wlie;n i~'§ rol!d, ~G~U~ th..: 1~['lcl5\;;iiII,pe ioots so b~uthl 1 n the wiruter:



-- --

TRACiK 22 Wheill ~et home in the ~8'nlrllg, l,go straight 'lI'Idi t<ll!lP. ;;) none, hot bath.

2 TherifS IiO 'time for me ~o rdax, b:JIn'i.ijJ,:t:. When ~ gBt hom!!!, .I hca~ ~o start cookl:nga mr;.a 1 for SiX poopie'.

) ah, it's ~ood to be bTiOrriil!, lin :front Q~ <Ii nice, "N,:mn flrol!, t.~I:"!;, wMch lhat tie .... ~rao;reL pmgr<'!I'!"I.!fIe- On TV,

4 I.'m really lifed~onl,ght, SoC! I'.rn gOif!f) to bed eOlrl~, with OIl Good boo"'-

, We k€ep the chndl\Q!l'I,'s, f<!lYCluWiite old tiJ'I':§ ~p ~tn~~, One ~y, ! nope om I:l:r<!rlddliklren ~n pia:" with ~Ili~m.

6 M:,' SOn is [,earning to :pl.ay the drums, ~r':!l, 11:000 I:MI: 'IJIor:!na.\!\e nthe ~"~m~~ \lJh~~e' I'lie can practise, arid we aon't !let too much noise!

Sf AGE 4: lE;SSON ~ 3

il~A(;K2a 5f,.M: SQ, Brialii, what dld ~Cou do <It the Wlee.kend'

!'1i1l' .... tiI, [ went to the tneat~~' 'to '!:!l!;! tn,at new play, It wa,~, lantastl ~'! Tne ~~Ol)' ",as ,gooat. the actors 'W~re pIOrf-ed: a 00 il: w<lJs. ~e",)', very r~m njl. w:ha~ 8 bout :tOIll, S<ilm. how wa~ )jOu,r fDotbi'll~~ matdil?

S""",= We dId .f$liJly well. thanks, We WOIL ofCOYl'5el ItDlolllgnt ~he ether team pe{(ormed '\\!IeJ I. blJ~ not .a!~ \if>!I:1 a!:i us We scored 1:'11'00 €'~8J!'ii Ii, ~ M~ ifi f1<t t'W'(lnr.'i' min i,J;t'E!";, 8!ndl the fin a I :score WOIS ('iYe-two W us,

JO,",NNE, Wha~ d id'l'l'll! cb thts w.eeken& (~<IIf'(?£: I fin Ishi.:ld ~ra~iI1lK ~h ~ be:;l!'{)o.r:n, We paJ meG! it ~j~ht green !;I,n,d ';\ill' put up so:mJ€" "'!rl ~ file w m l<rFcllr

IO},to"Nf: What <loom. :'UIJ, !..i7.?

Ul; I nad a ~erribl~ tillTl~, :til!r! 'G<!r b[Q~ duwn, ~t took me i'oLlr l1Dllr~lo ~'1 i! ~nrkil1le t!{l<l.! n

8~llAi"iI; W'h<1t did y'IJlU do this weekend th sin, loan ne?

JO,;i,NNE~ Oh,ll'Iad a borln'l!: weete:[]Id, I 5tOl~OO at home and deaned up. Tr..~ whol@ hOU$i! Meded de<lnin~, I ~1;l'!rt:ed i I'! th"~, ki,ti!:h en, thi!11I I dll d ~he liviu(1: room and] tne baU~rocm, ~\i~F'fthi Fk~ I()~d 'Wond.;;:rful when ~ Ii n ishedlWlhat aba:ut ~atl, BOt is?

:E!lOFJ5; I: did a 1m QI' 'o'rork fDr my

rompll~'!r eXOIri'fj Ii~;d'll<;e:k. I looked at ~he notes I'd made during the we~k, then I h::a:mt aMl,it 9Ori'lI! ri~\!I $Qftim~ri;! and did ~Ofif!~ prcs~iirimlin~


, STAGIE 41: llE$$OIN 14

'm.A.CK.24 ~~ Hi lat"!ice~ Robertr Great. to see


J.i!.k'llI'C!i:: FI i, Alan, Ro~l';!l1': Alan, hiel.lo,

Au.N~ Hio!'!'! wa~ YDl.lf l1oll'da&? l"'NlC~ lInd RoII!EIU: 1t!nlible!

t~!l\N; Q!h, dear. Sorry to hea,r t:i1&t, Wnat happsifled"

I"H>jlC~ weU. remenllber we I".ol.d ~'QiU thar """€ ';1"'I:l'.regplr:lgtto '[tie: t:::.o:ll\a~Ralifii5 lHotr~l m Vara~o€a.C?

Al.'.!N: Uh~hun. U boRle4 really nire in the


r!.ru\I!(E; That's whJ!lJ: we thclUIght, Ro:e~ U !:Itt~~we 80t ,n~re AW.l~ AM wa:sn·tt i~?

Ro~EI!il Bt certs ~n]y w~ not,

~A~lr;!;:: Talle the bedrooms fm .!II start, ririE!! adVl'lnlis..::m,ent said that th'i;!l' W(f!"e

hU!g>!, .

ROeilE~T: A!';IJ ~'u'xlJrlo'lJs, Wflat CI jolke! IANlel':; Ou rs was fJIi![i, Th,ol!~~ Wa~ i1J5~ en o'IJ€)11 room for a bed

~O!lJl!lir: And the beds W€re tee hardl. 'l.Ve, 81e;pt re1lU~ badly ~ve!"'fniSiht

,I~ICE: ,l\l'\d tn!1:1:'1 t!ll!!~ wa::> the


AlA!)!: Not .good?

JANie:!::; Not .good? It W;3!!l t-.:rHbll!t!'!

R06ERT: ':rile o.e:['I'ice was OK, but th@ rood t",5tled dlisiU sting,

~ANICE: ,;v,d !~ '!'!'!<I~ the same th,i Fig ~~(lry cLay: dliqken, po;lta'oes,. ,~s; ,chi!:;'b,!n. piJt<l~Oe5" pe;3~.

"'!.AN; W(!iL att I~ .. :;t ~OIJ had a flia! ~at~l

to , on,

iR10ll!:!RT': Oh no, we didn'ii:

IA.N!CE; We ~er~ainjy did II't1t' ALA,oN' Wha,: dOYQlJ meliill?

I JAIN[CU;:: Th:~' 't>~0I1(;11 'W<'!$ diSlillJi5'ti rig, It w,as realil~ d i I'i:~: ,Rub'bi sn olIli ~nn~ p]OlU. o~ad fiSh.,.

""u~: V€ITi!

jM>ilICE~ And even ifw,g \\!'~l1t~d to sit 01'1 tt, we {lOU ld!rl'I,.

AlAN'; Wily flOt.?

~ItOB<E!I.1' 'Because i~ r!'1i ned ,eve"", d!l:~. 'I'11~ hot€'l dldn't t~n u~ it \!lOis tne r~j ny :';e~$'Qn o.erore we 'o\I!eillL

IANKE.: All.j (JOIl'tli::;;t me started om the


.A.bAN; Qlympic;;med. w,asn't i~? I'!(f!oIICE.;,;;-:>tz.ed?' .Ha!

RolIlIilR'if': 6.atn-:>i:..ed" more Ii k18. If there W€!r'~ mo:~ th ... fi t.h f\e~ pf;'()piJe ill it :)lOU 'ooIlJdn't move,

Ii'"I'IWQEr And '[hen, 01 coarse, there were the 'f:ri!;!r,dly' s~R

RoErnTl 'Thie~'\II'e~e SD mde:, 'f.h~y n~~ed u's ~~b!m =~ ~UiI pnso~. One o:f them E!'i'erfl :o'h()i.I~ed at In when we le:ft our bedroom 11,~hts on one even.l!'li&.

~AN1ic~' WI'IOl'Ile~er lfOl,l dQ, Alan, don't BIJ lihe'r~,

AlAN: H rnScvrt{!ls tentibl.e, TIi1illl'k 1':11 '8'ive it a miss. Aie!t'olll 'iIl:a,1 nil to oompl.aiIn7'

II'iN1CE.: we cerrainl~ a~e And we want ollr

. ~~[le~ba,;:k, .., ... -



rNi!1ERYI~'W!l~.~ I have with. me illl the studte Ch,arlieRid:man, ehe man who made, and ~1"I~n lest Dver 06,5 iCniliiOI1j:igiun<!s,

Ch.arH1;:" heno, .

Cw.:R~IE:~ H~llo !11~ir~,

~,~~'y'!"""'~~: Sb:tll"fi'o'e mlillorl'poul'ld~: .than qUite to! loss. &-low did itall ~ 50 wrong?

CIHAIRUE! W~lJ. my 1['I~ej!l'u~t com ca r].y. ii1~dffl.a'n D..xcom, was dOin:Jg well. sa les '!o!Ier,e good' <lilld I MiS I"fl!a kI nij mOn! money til ,rn I co u Ie! ~~[TJd, By th~ tin:li" ! was l\!leflt~·OJ1e. I w~., already 11 m~UiDl'laJ[r€, F1J~'1'} yf!~F$ la,ter, I declded to hand e .... er tnt! rutlninl! or rh.e wi!'r'J~n'~ farny b~(J~:"'er

JNrUVtEWl8R: RaymondI'?

(I-IIMUil:: Ri{l ht lh et wa;, oil big m~~t.a.kt!,.

He ,rna M':l:OOIeveryth,~n'l!: "'~ry badly, Wt;: 'I1~d ID~:il of mmpetlllorJ from nf!ler O}ft"fl~nles ~ rtEi. well. t~l<'l~ was it

UNiEIl.viIE'O\I6R~ An,d :now yOLH~ 'iinnkl ne

[ ..... "i!ive hoLlr':!i, <J day 'in n ~I.!peml,,,r~e!. Iii II i~!p; stJel ... es, am:! !lei ptil'llJ: (uSJtorm!F~ Y(HJ must i1a ... ~ hlad qlJil~ Q: CRO!flg'e 01 1if~51yle YmLf fl(lus€., lor e:.;smple?

CHflC'(LI,E !<:~ght I Ils.ed t{) J I\'(~ in il h uR~ in(>u:.e - S,I~:t~i1 bedrtxl.Il1!;, '~wimmi!1io:.

cool, tennis courts and sn (In NI)\!'! i li~i! I aCiH,P/iin in my mother's ~arden.

!p,,'I'T'F:~V! ~'WE:iI., Awl pr(!slllmabl~' ~\()1lP don't get m.l! milch?

oC!9Af(UE.: IJnfo-rtUI1C1tely, 110 .1 used to foh;Oy €8Jt'il\g II'li ~gl.a.iJr!i'I'lts; almost" e\i'e'ry n L~ht. but nQw I cook m", DW'n, mea 15 A,[]'a not h I flll fal'l;:>j !;lit her When things W@ ~ H¢ing: wdl I used to eat lobster, and drink ellarfh["Jil.'Il;l1e,' at any mOi~. Now lt's toast arid .!II CI,iP' Qf tea'. I r rm iuck~l.

INTEIW[E\\lElR: Dud). \\I'Io!'II, w~I'wme back Ito the re~ I wmld. What about "our free time?

C.F!AIl:!u~; Well. to be honest. Ic'on't €et

. much fir~ UfTIl!!. 111 the PBst, I used to watch d lot oJ tele"'ision, btl! now I

t~ 11"! e'ien afford the t"ele'o'lslol'i

~i~em:;e. T11es~ d<:i.y!>, I, I'fi:<!d O! lot lnstsad, I can :c~t books free fmm the li!bllCll)I', And oh:ou[s~ I ~$~d to ~pend hours el;'@rv dal/ ta Ikin~ to my friends on the ~h9[1e, Now I ean't a f~or,d thE;! pl'lione biJlt, so I wTit!:! to ttl-em i flJst-;ad. Miind you. I don't ~eelll1 to have many iriends, ler .. N.oIi:Jcdy "I,rants to ho.w ~!J'u. when ~OU don't ha~ an~ money!

iN'1'Ej!\~~E!I,: Did you hnd U dl.ffiwll ~tMin!l 'W'Or.k aga i ri?

C"HARl!I!::; QI1 yes. I used to ~ak@ It ~~lf and relal ail much as lJo~ibte, Now I WOrt!:' 'UJp 1'0 '1:\i,t~U~o: Im~)"u rs a d'a)"

I!Nn:RVI'E,W£R! Well. t~'la,f1k }IDYl r'Qr c;'Olll1j'fllil: to talk te us, CI1<! lie,

CHA!RUE:: You 'r~ w~lw~ne. lE:h, <lIFl~ chance of sa pE!1I1(;e for Eli cup of (~:




Oh yes, I've been many mru~s l love dancing .and I !0Vie watchin,~ €~ru. p€Jf01I1f1 i 1"I!:i Qr:I ~tB.lile - th~ ate w b@al.ltirul·and graoefut


Ve~, J''r!"e travel led thi.!'J1: tw io;:, U's· a lIlonderflil pl.8~. The fashion capital d' the world, p~ple 5oiI~!


Of WUFSe I h8~@! Where do NU thiFl~ I'vt:

been - QlI 11'i~ moon"? .


i' ... ~ gE!!I;::na :rew limes, blill E '''f,asn', veory ~ocd, I ~ept f.:illIing ol;'e.r. <I!iI!j spent most 01 the time I'~'i fl.!: rar;e down 'j n ~he sn.ow.


I've Ustelled to it a Claup~e (ir fimes rt's ,~II ri'i:ht", I suppa..s.e. ir.l-lJt to bldml1est I p~,eler (:lass~ca,1 ml.!~jc to rock.

- - - • ~p.-.... -- -~ .... - ...... '.. ......... --_._- ~

Audio Scripts


I' .... e· never pli'j~d II "before .• m not .. el'! keen on sports J n.d i fi I'Id 11,.. !deal of

h itUn'll" ba II b~~kw6Jrdls and !Q!'W,fiTds really bon n-g!


'{e~. isn't it fa ntasn c, but 'iIIh!ere a Fe all h~s eh j Idr,~n ~ol n'R to ~iff


I certa I nly lia'fe·. l Soa'J,I ift l'ast yea,r 'Wtl~n we went 1.0 Pa rls, W~ Si1ent on e whole da~ !F1 thll' Loli.i!~' e,


~ -


A: 5ingle to 9urnt1il~rt()'IIJn. DJea.<fl~'.

El<: Sunlilk' to Summ~rtO'l.\i'" £U:IJ :ple1l:~e'. A; Th<ilIlJuo;~ C:Q:U ld )'OIJ tell rnc wh;ierE 00

,get 'Off. pj@fise?

(\; SLWil' .. 1"[1 let 'fOil !l:IKiW. Two

A. amm, thiS is Tim BiJadk.. 11m, thiis i~

I!rilan HlJr~.

B; Heno. Tim. Nice to mi!>!~ )i0liJ, C: Ni~ '00 meet ~(I,U, too.

k 'f'im 1:5 gOI n.ii! to take over this, department at the enid of the ffi.outi;l,


Al COL.!~d ~-ou ten m,e someti1illlg a'Mllt HamwOl'i;h liI~ema'iooan

B~ Certairoly. T1ie (;om-p'm.,! was set up in 1~9] , and. si nee t he'll we:''1@ op;i.'!n~ om,res ail :ll'Ol!lno the world. most r'ecentl~' jn HOlilg I«mg an d Perth,


A, Oh. Boo, 8JrE~(liU blJ:!l)'~ ~'d like to' hav·e

a qJuiC!l;. word, i f pO!!s,illt~

:B, No, t'm 1:'10< bus,! rill:lilt 110W. COffrlf! In, f'liVe

{l.:: ]i:oi!er :sa~~ the company :1 ~ .soi 1111: to

elese dow.n at the end ,of tile month.

S; Oh no. rn,i'r~ Ilot true. S,ix

A: I sUn can't find [I"ll!rrL ! won't be abl@ to gel i:lo~ wI bout them.

B, [lid 'fOil check :lout PQdie,ts:

1;.. of 'QOIl:("Se II did. Arldl m~ desk, and ll:i~ omc-~ fiao.r.

1:1:: All right giVie me a I;O'!.l pi EO of min u:tes

and l'll help Y-OLl look for them.


A; Hew's tl1e ne',,", job?

II-: fir,e, but there's Oil@' problem. Ii's" uhe . sepervisor - I GlI'I"t $I;;,md her,

A, Om deOlJr, What's 'Q,'rcmg wIth h-er?

1$; She'$ 50 ude and uFlh~lpr!Ul, i C<lII'Ii'T '8~r on wiln her at all.

Dear AImV

I'm r~H~' prea5ed that VOIJ'F€ coming ~D ""ork fo:r l'1'CP. It'l> ~R,r!:<!t i;.Oifnlpa,ny to work for a nd I rea 11'/ en loy my w,urk. 10m :S~.!lre ')'ou'li goet Of! "".ith e'o'eryon e eil:tremeiy ''lleli rv~ 'been IlTOmoE8d to the management divisIon, SQ 'you"lr probably ta,Ke OV'Slf myoid job!

The JTrCP Qffke is Quite lim ,~as~ p!aa: re f'i rid. at ,!OIJ tilke til@ Ill'ldeJ~rouild from ill rung, YO\l h<lY~ tg ,gel off tile Uain at tlie ClefTIen~i stop and IOD~ I'or' Holl.iliild Vi IIBlge J!!:'l~ml!l~. 'fhf;l ~Hi~~ isth III first buitdj,n.g rou come 1'0. Come illl flul;lIlgh tt-te side entr<llllc.eand asl tile receptionist for m'l! = I'll corns andl m-eet you.

SO see 'tOLl iie.~e wee."k, LD~e




~"29' IlEIT~1C Wou~dyoul like ,8 {;i~8,re1lt:@?

KAil..EN: NiDI: ror me. tmallh. I used too ~i'I'Qke burt I iH\'e up last 'leal.

Ptt~: WJ1at about <I' ~Ja:>s of Vi/jne? Ji(,i,JRIEN: No tn;;mkll. ~ used t-o dr'il1k but my dlot:;l:or ~Q!g me to stop,

F£:fiER.: Perhap!> 01 cup 01 coffee. i nstead KAREN: No, tbant you!. I I,l~~ro d:rin~ ~.wfee. but It stops; rn~ ;5;·le~!;ljn'il.

PrmR: W@.!!, WQ!.I!d YQII liiket'o try or.e (j tl'l\'!~e· ch i~ken pieres,"!

KARlEN: EJ, no, III.!~ed to, eat. meat, hlJl .FlQW I't'n 01 ~'eiletar[.a rI,

P iU: um, I.~. Would 't'olll[~El to

dance, thgn? .

~.EN~ No, t.hl'lrlk NY l uaed to dance, but ~ h u rt my I'I:!~ in .iii iii&:.iin~· !t1:·ctdent~

PfITE!£Uh huh. whac aboiJt sml'!+lin@ some kairadJre7'

KA!;J:~"l; '1"10'5, Ii!re~lt ide.ill ] used ti:! b~ ~el1' slhy, but now I ~ov'e ~fi;gln8 in pl,lbli(!

'~30 J.WEl\l: Who''5 tnat o~'er there? By th~ doO'r,

E!~-!;.I{'t- ~ri"'n 'Clad,He's my ooUI>[II. Wn'jl i;kJ '!'o:u ask?

I .... MEl;' We.1l. l j ust found these ~,!i Or! rJoor. I thilllK he d fO\P']:iedl them, ,. Did ~OIJ pr'@p,nE;! <i~1 thls food }"Om~lf:

5~K)': Most of It, ·~s. BI.,I~ ~ bo!.itlht quite 8 I C)~ r'I!"!',~It:ly·[;1re'p'!led from that new £Ll~lm .. d:.\!lthat h,as :i W'f;t opened -down the ~oad,

- - - -

II ql"t· ". 20 n1·nlll.::-~ iI d,.,,·,· 25

- ~- --- - --

- ...

Audio Scripts

I.'I;MIE$: Mm. W~II',:ro~""'e diDt"J~ ij e~rNi~ ,lob. BECK'{: '!:haol£; .These llttis p.:lstri,es ;lUI! . die'l lctous t, H<l~il! '1'0 u tried on>!'?

JAME5i: Not 1M m,li'o~.!' Fe rugt"lr The~ aren t bad, a,~ ttJey'? Wel~, I'd! bebie[ giY<:!' thc~e ~~~ b""i<t" Brlo.n. & ... ~V!J [;;Iter!

!.EN NY: H ~,\,VIlat's ::row r name'?

511~'It~ Oil, hi. My name's Stll!~e-, wtl8,tt<: ~oUr'Mme?

rwrfv, I'm h~~m1)'. Ha,!.J\@oyQu eerne tn Efl!fJ~ilncl fQf ,~ I:K1Jidiily':

ST,E\!'E~ No, rm hiel1l CHI business. My mmpatw has an (ltfl.ce not .fEr f't'Qrti h~F1;! ..

IEi'ji\lY', Are yc!'U a:nro~; own?

STE.'!,!I>~ No, I" rn \!I"li,th m~' wife. s<11@'s over tnt)'f';,

,II'M'iNW~ J~ she the· t8Jtl WCliflil<tn with th.e long lliaM?

STE,VE;: TIh~lt'l;i ner, AT'Ii! you he~e on your Qwi:J?

IENl\lli{; No, I:m. wJ,t!li m!l husband, He's man w!til the bl~ Jad..e~ o~@r there. Wilen d:id'l'!:h! <l~ri'lfie .i n E\1l;eI;;m;J?

g'T:E\{B:We a'l'iI'Ii~d tWQ dilYS Jl:gC,

IE:NN¥: I ~ee, and now !onlil ase Y~i..! here ,@lltO!l:ether?

SL,E.¥E.: iust <! week.

~I<N·t4'ti I hepe ~g~ liiaye a @feiiinime.,


'!I~!( 312 CJ.iRtJC'S: Well. that 'iIo',a~n't too bad, W<l5 it YQ,!;;h~~a~'

lr'Oru-ru KIJ: NO. the poliO!: '\Ii"!Or€ \ie'l' kind but I dr;m"t th fnk thO!y Co n nelp, u~ ~1e,f)' much,

CJ.!t~o:;,: Nq, ~iJt alt th e mDmelllt. '~'GJSi.HLKO: They thi.nJ,; the meE'ii "",no took :my mol'U;!", WEH~ jll~t lilliei,o;p.s, don't they?

(};J';ws: l'e8, b""l! lh<lt is Wl'i"i~~ we want@d them 10. tllink Thts lis tliie best W'1Ii\i. I'm sura i1et:er is fJ;(li'lt

Y05"!I!!::O: f h~e 00, but J am ,~ry \!iO~Iied

abost Mts IKill,Jil. .

o.RLO@ i ~flOW you ~ri?, but !l'flr:,Oip:o she kn,ow~ more <lOOiJt all tnl;:;; t~i3n :pou thlilnk.

'{OSi1I1KOi Yell] do rr~ tr. i nk ~h,~ is part of it. ,Ci'HOU? I'do n 't bel I@e it she .r¢<jl[~r is O! n i01l. kInd,h.

CA~;!..OS: Weir, ~! is a b~[ ~narhge t~ Find ~!i<!.t m~.fl wOiit"Ll'Ig felr U:5<. dorn YQI,I ~MfI~?

Y05fm;o: I don't kn.ow I wish tllat I could underst .. ~d wba;t its gol n;e: 'mil.

C ... !u.os: Of OZiUlf$e. We oaf! do.;,I'I;rW<I,:\" h€!re'~ yom house. wm yOUi bt! kl'!l~? DO you w.ant Ffi'e· to come It'! with :;'OiU?

TO®i"lI9iio:'res, p~~5e< Ca~r,o .. " ! ~el a bi~


C"'IU.cJS~ Lume on then_ YOSHIKO; 11h .. t's f~lml" .• , CARLOS: What?

Y05HtJ\.U The door I~ epen. r'm !;,U re I closed it wl:iJ<;n we. ,Iefi;.

CMlt.os: On dE!~ t,

YOSHIf(o: Oh nc·1 Som~~ has b~!l here, Wlri~r a trfL@S$! Oh ,Iooil:.! All tiTie O\j~bCl\ilrds are open iJjDld ~11!;!J,e is ~tulff ~1:lf o'l'er th.e flol)[. Oh. gOQr Mrs Kil1g!

(..:'.RWS: What about 'fom reem, ¥Ollh i~o? V06(HIKO'i o.h dear: I Q91:Ji't ""a:flt to .look. ClLlll...O& COme on, 'i'~M~o. Wf!. nl~d to

SeE! wha:!: has h.o!p:pe,n'BQ. Wh~re'syour room?

YOIiHIKO.: Up here, M tlw t~ of the sta Irs. ! ~od.ed ii, r ~_im!W [ d ld,

D.ru_os: y~. ~our dQ~~ 15 5~~!lllock>ed. l(·OSHlll<o· lei's ills! :109~ ifi5idle. ~s~, IAnroc--i~ Mu ~oor.) Than!:. good n~s~! E..,-e~hing's. OKi n i1Ie~,

C .... "l!.DS; \i,IIhat'B t~l",t? ~ hemd: wmeti-III'1.g. 'f."OSH~KO: Ther,e"s sQmElb{)a~' ml'lnll'ioe: down ~he staIF$. QlJlc~!

CA1ll.05~ OoUi'lt iljio. Yo~t!tkQ, !..oak. QUI~ of lh~ w!!tdow. S@~ who it 11>!

\!QSFm:O: ~~':;i <l man ... I'm tier SIJTrtbl.;!t!

- thlrd:. it could be H~rry King. He looks likle the I:IUIiJ 1,:taW' at l~e beacih.

I CM.L.05~ M ~Kin'l!l'll son!' Are yOUi SUIFl!7 Why I'la:s: h.e'dorm [Ii'!!'; 110 hjSnJ,ot~er'5 house?

'l'05:Hi'I!!O, I th I rik be was lockln gfor

SQ:m ~Il i rag, Nil tile d:rarl'iiers; are open but .I dOI'i"t think he h<!S lalliel'l an:ytM~I!i. Wh81t cail he be IOOklrl€; rOlf?

CM,u;lSl: MiOnJ!!~. I expect.

Y05HI,~O: Yeo" I ~LJlptJo<s.e SCI. hut tv! r.5 Ki I1g; d~5~Y'~ haVE! a'r!~, m(m~, That is wh:;, ,<:;ne aslecl U$ to bring f'l~r some.

CARiLOSIi 'l'a.u '~!! rj~ht. [t's \l'@r'1'!>tr<!I1~'=. rlJ c-<!II,~tl!!r <I!~d ite~1 tJiFrI', i;!nQ see I'''h.~:t n€ Ehi!1k~

Y0:5hill;;:o: ! don"t v,rand to 5~..ay he re, Q,!'I~05. II W~'f1t to ~ now,

CA.R!Los: OK G.el your If\j~lltgS. t.h~ n. And! don't rof'iilf;'t ymlr 'swjmrflir.g costume and '!'O<Ur 5 Lll1gl<liS~'il$ fbf tomofI[Jw

¥.c~HIK!o~ All ri~bt. Oi"t U'I<;re s the p!"lOfle!

SJIlal1 I ~ifls'~-er !O

C,!j,RLOS:: Lr;)t me, WI-i!O'r-eis lL? ¥OSh-tlll!';o~ in ~be li~m:l ruorn

CAIIlI.{IS: w.aa l'ie~e.

YOSi! .. lnko! .N~, I'm rom i ri8; \II ith you! CA1U.05~ a ~~Iln, Who :i~ lhgfl "V.):)SI'IIt:Q: Who W<!5 ~t?

<:Ii~t:;oo;: I dlorn I!;tlIuw. 'they hear<:! mV V0le~ and' put tl;~ phD!1Ie dQWIl,

'l'OSl-Il.Ko: Cliaj ri ng"l}i'!d andl8iee It there's <!' number,

C~I~!.iOO: I~ll? 01< It sa~s 0208 9'87 7654. 'iihafsa 6{mdon fll!mher. isn·. i,?

YOSt!ll~~ .PrE'~.s :l.;n{i tner'! it ",!II lif!!! the numb~r.

C,M!Loo: I n.l'iin:gin~,

VorCE: H;;lIIQ, Gardf!Jt:I HQt.:J Can. lh-e:lp ynu'?

CARLOs, !E_:.jctlse m@ but diLd you Ius! ~~I1ti!"

VOt(f: Th i 5 is hOI:@~ .rf.1Geptlofi h!!l1;l, I'm i:irtr.!id U earn nelp :)'OU. We:l\a,ve 1,00 ~uest:!> stMine wu~h IJS at ~he mO:~nt CA~~GI5; Sarroj; 'lliarlhTl:tan nm mruch he~p. itwOiS <l hatel i ~ Lcndo:n, r 't h i f1 k.

YO:S!HIIKO~ Com~ on, .l£!t's eo to ~rou;;e aJlTIId IPI'lOJlf: lPi:t~r fFQI'Il tner,p,·. I aOH'!: w.ant to !i1t<l.y here 311Y 1t'lf'I~EH.

C.AIii;~OO: YOL" re rL~h L r donr ('eEl'1 safe, either Lett; !jiCi


- - - -



It's li e to eo home now. Flurr~ up, dear. 1\\'0



Barry, wat~ up! l~'s han past ~+iiil1tl ,Foll<r

Hi, Sa rail. N'ic'€ to see you lake <l seat Rl\Ie

}!,; Pass the selt. bre e·: Here you. are,

Al Than ks,


A.nn, I'tn ~Iaj ~Ou 'COuld stop b~'. Have ,il biscuit. ~'II just j;]etthe tea.


A: Good mOmin41, su. COiJ~d Y-ClU show me 'Ia u r ti~.ket 8:liIcl boardins pass p!@:3:~

B: H!~re you 1I11i:.

A: Thank 'iOU', Please put your 'balll Oln the table. 1' 'jOU just got one puere of n~nd. t;:Jail§1i,g~?

Ij: 'y'~.

A: Fine. Would ,'QUI mind opel:1lin~ the

bag [or me?

E: Of course.

A, Rlgnl. 1'nis eamera, Is ut ~ours7' .13~ Yes, ~~ 'is.

A: Is there any mm in it art the mome!l~? B, Un. no.

lc Good, W'o1iJdyo.u open the back For meplease?

B: OK, See: IEmpiy,

A; That's fine, sir. 'thank you. Are you carryin!il any metal .objects 0(:1 ~'Ou?

B; Yoes. my keys Oiild i!I ligjml'r. ihe:lre in my jc,det pocket,

/in Wou'ld yo'!.! mind ptlUlng them ~n the !'ray pleOlr!l'e, and then VoIaU: th t'OlJill tt1e meta! dJ~ector.

B: There )'OIJ 130,

1\: Th,~.n.k 'yOU. 'E\'·~rytn I r.g seems rine..

Thankycu tor'loul"uml!, sir. Have <I liIice rJi~ht


TR40!(3 1301l..lA.N: Hi, lerruna, YOI.! look worr~ed, W!~rs ~h~ D'l"!91m~r?

~~,.,!.'.!\~: Ot!, hi, B.'Fial1l. I' m t a ~nll: my ~.l:rjv:il'ij:t teSt i>oOn., 'ni is boorx sl1!D""'S all the dfferent read soiRli<5, and I'm tryl ng

_____ - ..... ---..=o..~~ .. ..._"""'~__ _ , ,.,.- =_--.. .::~ _. ' - .. - ..,.a, •

Aud io Scri pts

to remember wr:at the~ an mearL 'rhere !:I,re So 1Ti<l1i'l of' them

8R3",N: WOl!lld Y'ml Hke' 111@' to test you? It. mi~t help,

IE.Mi"M: OK, thanlcs_ Why don t you sho .... me the :;j€ns, and I'" try to remember 'ill hat the:j' me.IIl'

.BIi1.r.'N: 1111 rlghL Well. lets sta rt with this olW

I]f.,..,...,.!!,: O~, "1'iI8,t'5 easy, !t"s Oil no paorklf'i;~ s j,gn . .it m.EB,ml '[)OIn: pB1n\:. YOl.'lJ' CElT' h~i'El'·.

BRIAR All r! Wh~t about ~t;js one? IIEMMA~ Urn, b@w8Teofblcyd,€!s? No. waitl biOt(tte 11 []Ii"e', It mea (11) tlii~1t: 'lOll t;ai'1't ride i3i biqrde here.

.1:51l:.IAN: Right. Don't use lour 'bi~'CIe QIiI thls roadl, OK, how about thl5 one?

~'EPi.tJ.IA~ I U'l.lnk lit ffie<ll"lS "Don't drive your C<lW down tlil~ [Qdd·,

[')RI,~!'l: Wroi1!!l, l'm .. fr .. id, It ~l!1~at'ls 'N~"'!1!:r O'i'EliTtiike here'", IPro'bi:libb be~1I5e Lhe read Is ¥@'f)1 namiW o:r SCllllIethi,lI1i!:'

JEMMA: Of course, So !Ii'njcll,5~in meilllill5 'Don't: drll;\BYOu.r au down thtsroad'?

BRROJ\1: The 00 enillT'l siii1, Tl:li5 red OOIl wah ,the- wkl~€! lim;! across It-

j'EMM!A::Of eoursel }I,rld wh8it does tniiii ,one mean? Von', tgrJII !~ft?

SIlIAN, No, look, the arrow's poinHnE: to the 1':1, t. .. o It means "DOfI"t rum rl.ght'. [ti'ljl1, you need a bi~ more ptactl02. dOT! 't 'jou'?

'~l;JMII;:i tl1ln9:'),o'lntll1gnt. 'Gdve me a:f'i['j~k~r 't~,n m l:nolJ~l!'!l, them test :me 8,-R:a:LIl.

B'1<l/iN, OK_ C<lDd ] LIdl

I Don't feed the i!lnlma,l~.

2. Don't eross the read here, 3 Don't smoke ill here. 41X;i!rt touch thrt pa I n,tlrlg~. 5' no mot gp Into this room.

~ Ni!!~'~r 'Pl.'I!l out .i rlto the:r.oed withQut dleQijni 'l'0ur mlno:r fi rst.



mACK.S TOM: On. h1.1u;~, Can I, ask'l\(),IJ for" lavo\JII":>

JUDY: What's thai;. Tom'?

T()M~ ! need ~o gi:wa a pre:sentatircn to the clilreotQr.; tomorro ..... , and .I. need. ,B CD player. 1 d-otn $Ul)pose t could borrow yoDl.nll. could I?

~UD'Yl WeJ,l. ElH ri,ih~. I l.eep it under my d~k. H'e1e 'J-Oil are.

TaM: G, Tnll[11irn EI I DC. EJ', how odo I lise ~~i'

JUn1Y- y,])\) don't knt1'i1 how to Ui5~ a CD P'aryer7

TOIM_ Urn, well. you know, er,

&UDV! OK It'S really quiteeas-y. first of all. )!IOU plug it ill Ptlt the phiii in the ~cIi:@t. There's O'n-I!·H!!f.HQ my comeuret

TOM1 OK. done n, Now what? IUDY: You tum H. 011, oJ rol!l~ TOM1 How do ~ do that?

'UCoY, Press the j;!O'IIi'J;:r button on tPlie tOR or the mechme, Thus one hereon tne left.

'rOM: ~Ij",llit And then"~ luDY: O'p@n the CD tray 'liOM,: Flo,;.; do I do th:at?

IUD',': Press tirle lid geFltl:y and it opens, see?

'rOM: '1'11:'$, 'OIK.

IUD';" ~li!lnt. When '/OlJ'V'S done thet, put ~'our CD In. Hall!! 'lot:! got It wl~n you?

'ii"oM: Yea h. ne:re It Is.

IUD';'; Ajj ri~~~, 'put the CD i:n, then close Um tray. Just push the lid dDWH gell~I!li'.

'roM: All ri.ght_ .Amd how do. I pial' it?

IUDY: Press, the pla~ button, Tl1eone tili

th@ right.

'rOM: Uke'thi.s? IUDI: Uh·hul'l,

TOM: Dh I cam't heOlr Qn'J',

~t1J;)Y: You need toO adi!,1s.t tM v-o!um,@.

Tum the \l'()ll.Imoe wrutroi to the riill'it Teo S~()P ~he CO'. press 1th e stOg;l b~rton, 'l"'Jl<it's. th is Ol[lP-.

TOM~ Easy. Th.m}:s, a lot, JUdy. I'll return it 'tot'l'fjQl'li\OW.

lUDV: No. problem lust be C;B ref'u] With it, that's all,


TRACK. 6 .'AiMIEI: So, ·Ron. orl 0[1 i10llday tomorrow? 'You ii'iliust be o@~it@(i

ROJii' Well n:~r.rous !'@ally. l·~'e He\rer beea 011 ,m OIet'Qp~a,l\i!' ·b~.f(lre. It's .a whQ.le new eIP-eriJ;!'no\;'1;!' fQr m!!!:.

~AMIE.: wen, l. wouldn't WOl"r'l aooUit it, 'F'1~irl!l:'s 5tJPpoS1ed to be one of the 5af·e$t roms of travel, :Elut let m.e gl'>'e' ),o'lJ a bit of advice,


JAJ-1DIi,; First '01 all. W€ilr ltiqse, comfortable dothi,n~, e5!peCLalby If li'S Oil long fUght. '(Oll r bod~ g€t5 bii!~r i n an <lLJCrak" 5lO you !'!l~Ed 11 blt of I"OClm to e!p;3Jfld I

RON'; Yol.i·r~ IQk~I'I!Q.

I,MI'lI:E~ No, I'm qui,te senous,

- ----- -

~""II,,h ii' )0,,'11,', . .11",; a day 27

- - .

Audio Scripts

t~l,e· ~ .. ~d oook to read. fi1y:in.g can be 'O'ery OOJiIlS. and tlilll~ films th@y ~.h5'U.' on .aircFafusHl 1!!51lany Tu'CbiS!'!,

IltON: Good boC!'k OK..

IAlvIli>: A~rive at the airport earl:f and cited 1[11 a·s· ·1;-00.11· .aSlOY .~t ~h~fQ.

TI"Jat "\I.ia~ ~oucarl ci1!oc,.12 111 @Dod ~'@1IIt. <l:nd tl1~1'1 &'''''1",,;1' seme time lD r-ela:o; Ask for a ~ea:t I'le<llf the fKl~~of the OI!~!'CrO!ft.

RONl Why?

I"'M~E:l Becaus:ei($ quieter tl1ei'e. YOU'I"E! ~ct so dose to the 'BlIll1:ines. ~C1W, oefOf.!! ~l!.I g~t 01'1 tlil~ .,,,In:lIaft, eata lieilit meal A sandWich OF ~om~[nl:n.s .Anl.~mil [000 is 1J$IJ.\'aJiy prett::!' bad.

~O\N: OK.

I .... M]E: Durin~~hie flleht it5~Jf dri oil: P,I~l'Itii 0:1 WaJl~~' an.'IiI 1lIyold. aicon.ol. Your body loses wlater"i:i1 an dJiK:raft:, 00 ~m! n~d to !,!!plaa ilt~ Oh. and if ~t\s poofSii!ble. walk eroundthecahin ocgSiolMrly, Str~~h YQIII' ~~gs.

RON: Gre:a;l. WeJl; tihanik8 oil lol ...

~.cK7 Pi1~l:ilmR: On tQday's edi tion oJ M.r TO~!llite. I: hi3J~'e l<I;n;g.u.aie teacher, Anne Stt'ill,I'i$O.l'L H~llo. Anne.

CiJE5T: Hello. Ctuis.

PRESENTI!R: Now Aline. <l :lOot 'Of' bI~(lphe are [.eallin!!ltwLe (iQ1llJlIll)' for tli~ijJ" al1JllJa,t holldav .5;0011. and trom the Ileitef5 we re~~i"'e,lt W(j~kl s~m tih.![ ,~ lot of ~hem w,ant to irnpJo~ the~r tOf[~i-8nl;lI'l{llJa~~ whil€! abrml.d. IEmlQilm-ii:n,g?'

'GlolIl>51': Q1n, ... ~ much~. Oln.Q Qr"O'J~;lf;) tllf!'ff! are !Q~S ofw:.Jls they <Calli do. ti'lis.

f"RE5;11:mE.R~ for e·xampl.e·:

GU[SVl Well. l:Jerore~o'u -GO, buy!! Il.ood dJotion.;;):!)', Wli1eon~'ol,l j,~<!!~ .. ne:w word. YO!J CllI!'I look Irr up. AlSo, of." ~OUr'!:~. ~~at !'lew W6rd_S w:hel'l you M;lf tMr:n.

p-,~~mE~= ..... !iI~ reeemmendstions ror le~ rn i fl's.n-ew words and ~XP~f!Sl; lOlls?

GUEgJ':. ~oll,J!~!ly. Rl~ad .!I leesl newspaper; ror a 5~a ft. TIi!!(~~ tli~

rO'l':S~ place: to ~ook for '~~enydE!Y 1"F)g!J!~. Al~o. !.l~til!1'I l'O ~h~ radio and watt:11 televisi 0., iih@~' w!l!ll.~lp l(Qil,l to doe\lenop !In iEi:3J for ~he· lan£u<.i~.

. PRSE.N'I'£R: '~:l'1h i!l!g 'el:se?

Glll~$"T: YeS" E.a~ lilI i'ES,a,u rants ..... l'I~[@

local people eat. a na !f!ot wherE t!iJ~ tCIJrists- eat The rood will be better .~!'Id. \/'Oil IHi ... e 8 better c1nBilce of !tI~~~I'I'ii peop Ic. 1"-ai.k ~:o l[lea! people ,....Ilene!ole.r 5JQ%~b~e '\ioY'1I be ~t,lrpri!';ed hO'o'i-e-a~~ It is to Man lI·QOJ1\rersatiorl.

jlll;ESIt:NfER: Well. useful ad ... i(e' Tha!llk ~'Otl Anne Now to nH~ oilse-ok! prgb,lel1l ...

. -


Tl'IAC",a MRS HiARRIS= Mornin:ijl iH~l,erL md VQu nave al'l~~e 'week~nd?

HE:L.;!>N: \,Ie!}' rlke,. Mrs H~lrris, Enl3Jr'll :!lou' Arid VC'iU?

MII:5 H.'!.[I.,lI!:JS: N6t bail, thl~:nls'. Now wf!Ne got ~ lot to dio today, rIO goill'!ll: to be in ~ meeli'lli <l~11 rl'l'omil1g. SQ I n~@d ~ou te dQ ;3, [ElW thlTIiI!i}S.

HELEli,\I: l1:~hit.

MiRS HARF:LS: E"irsi o.f all.couldvnu file the notes that we msd8 on Frid.ay7' 'They're: Olil my desk,

HHLI!N: O~ oou:r.SII:!:. Do 'you. Volant me to dicbll~e tile main pu:ints !:lefor'" I fi le memo sa- tha~ ; mill t:o'peth~~m ~at~,?

Mi1.$ FiAtrus: On. r .... e .. Jre;ad,Y danetnillt, lfienco·uJd you ask .M r Sealrle In A.r:roLmt.s 00 sign ~t"lis eheque ~r Anvil ptc?

H'~[\I; Rh!iht. 00 you want: m~ to photoC6P'l it: bebe [ ~fidi [t"?'

MRS i1.J!IJI.RIS; f\h!~~O~OPilt .. ~~. BL.iit cl!:l'fi"t pos~ it ~!I.ISi( ~et. Ring lIri'ilfi I to let them kr..ow win.get the cheque b~ ~Ite end of thr;:\Il€Qk.

i"]E:L...E:N: All ri,g;ht.

MRS RAIUl:IS~ caw.ld YOi.ldle!il e1fll<lill Ollf N @"VOl '(o:;k. wuth the sales fi!i:lm"$ f(';lf ~l'IirO mo~~M'

HE;LE~: OK Sltoul:d ~ a!:so send them a rail!: oftfie OOitlp~leF [Jll1flto'Ut for th OS!! fi!ilLl~?

MiKS H"J~ill:t5: No. thattsnt ne<:€fi6<1rl lust tHle; ~!ITI-",~l wm do.

HBLElN~ Ir:IQ 'qo!J wa nt <in'! letters lyped? MRS HliP.!RtcS: Not cQda!!j', thanks, Bwt <:lDlIl.d yQ u !HI out ~!ho;: ~~pl! i;{!t~O["jfoorITl for ~he mlB'M,i tfan~ accc;unt. YQ.u"lI fi nd the 8lddres;$ to ~·n::i it ~{'] in i'fIIY di~E'i

HI£LE!N: iflnt!:. n I ~et .911 tnat don.:;: SUfi l.g;ht OJiWOiy Ai"!~~hl:n!i egs .. ?

MR~ :H.~R~15:. NiJ[ IUi:lt .now, ThallIts.


'!iAAOK 9 ! '!!I'Oi~. i!il an open-.pban ofl"lci!. [ likil! it. ~G3JU5e it"$ easy to talk to ,'j>e~le Mid l.i{)U ·ao'n5i,t on yom own behi ad a cIQ$~. dloQII: Itt fI~ips me te W(l~k harder . too. My WOri:s[~lt IOn .i~,i fI '~he O;'ln~re of.

the{;"€. l'Ie~t~ t<l thew8iter oooler. ! h.~we I a ec:rrrfClrt:ahle a!Hice. ehatr - tbat's

i.n:'~PQ'f11.a.nt Vo'he~ ~OL.l look at ,<I oornpute[ !)I(;ree'Fi fo~ most of the dar!

Th~~E! ~i'~ t'hM~' atherpeaple· wr,Q h::iv>2 d~k.:;; ne3Jr me. andi behind ml;; the:re is ~ m~[I!'I€i area with iii tabl.e and a Ie~f

I;ni!ii ["5 •• whil::h w~ ~ nail u ~ .1.1 Wt;l 00. I. L1~~ m~ buHe'tj 1'I boord! fm notes ~o

Jem~nd me about dates andllhinl!5 to do . and for a J,~w of mil' ra,\l'Qlllru~~· photm,. I have a fLlhiQ drawer in rny, but ~he offia:: mill~:(;ilbin<el is n~aJFby, ~ tn' to P'!J't <e'!/eryt.h i ng away at lr~e 'E;!;i1dot the d<iy-. so I haIVe a noe<lt: die:s:kl no the !1'I9fl1 i !'liB> I take WClrt h.Qme hn my orl ercase some

'eYei'l i n£):j. usua II'! ~po!'1:~ tI[i!d Situ ff' Ii~~ that

- .


. O['l~

A: T~!!i lacket I s l'ean~' old.

I:'le Than true. Y,ou shoald get iii F1e-w OI1e. 'iD\vg.

A:. r\le~;Q!; oil teFrjbl·~ hoe<!d~he.

8~ rmoo~ Su[p'IisedJ You spend tOg, IQns,

OIil~OlU ooropl.l!;@(


A:. rm t I red all th~ Hme.

B, OF (au rse ~o·1J. aJl~. YOIJ.wor'k too h:;srdll f'<>u:t

AJ Call the pol icel SOmeo.TlE!'s sto,le;n my W'anet[

B:CaI:rndown. MO!~iJe ~·r.UJ left It I.n tnt;!; restaurallt. Why don't ;,'Ol.J COl II tltP.m fi~st?


~: I think i~ mfeM rOil n.

B: It is aetJ:inli:vel1f dO\:l!oy. Yoll sltcll:,lld

ta}::@ an umbr'elia wutlilyo'll..


A.~ ~ .nte~er$ieem to· have a rill mo~e~,

B:. lis it alilY w-ondl;:J? Y01J :sp~nd i~ <ill Cih



1\: Wh,at ti me do tF<lir]s~or B05:bon 1-e2l~'e? ~, I· ... ~ n 0 id'~a. H.(lW·ab:)ut ea 11,ln!l1l. the

~~O!!t iOIl"! to fi nd ou ti


A: I hate this terrible weather.

'Il!: I n that. G31se·, how aool!t [:J1Iovi ns to ~ W~rol~'f cou rmy?


TiM.CK'1·1 5!1:L;~S· i\5SU~11"'m: Tli'ilis 1:5 OUr lat~st mobile phone. ~t'!> iii 'I1ir~.a[ HW~ pnon,~. bu.t you need to look il fte~ iit

CIJSTOMtlll:: I :;;e~

SA!.,t::S- A!iSISTAroT: First t!~ .. ~I, ~f) u m LI;;tW(t I.Ise it i n ve~ rol 5~,ation s tlf on a@f.opl~l'Ies. Apparendy. it can b~

QU ite da ng,'I;!lrau~. '(ou FIU.t5t.n t d rap it as it w~11 break quite eil511y a'nd ,!,nll iT! y ~t rn uS~ ~~ H'I iI we~ ~!O ~fi:ry nOI

en ... i'[('"Ifi Il' en l - on the beech, k)F L!'X<'!iII'npne, nr hI'! t~iil WI.t1!

'CUiSTOM~: Mmm

S"'LES,o,s5~S~N"!]?: ¥(lIU must KeE! pit 1'1'1 ~t~ W'!eT <It aU times, 11hal stops it horn &~ttl:n;R elii !ity, Anldl yOlU must ool'Jrg:e H IJID e'\oIf!f)' da~, ot he r..,.i~e' 'f<lU m i,&M I;.e, !Eul ofl In th.!!' middle oi a,oon'o'~s~liQn~ The good n ewsis that ~t n<t~ it~ own

l nternal j}Q\'lIl;!f source, !2ID )IOU don't

l1a ... -e to 'buy mew batteries (or it, Oh, Oind tlHi! nJl(lJUth!pi~f: Is ~ri s~Flsitive, so ~ou dorrt tJ.3!Ve' to tai~ too loud 1'1'

i nW it Y'[J~ rnU5l I UJn lt o:rr~ ft~r ~olive used it » this mcd.~ emtts a lot. or ra~ljoMiQil.w'hich~!:i ~ d~I1IlIl!FOUS if ',o'OlJ C<!TU)' it a:fOu nd :5V!Ij~dled Cin~1I dlay, Oh, and one final thin,g, r'Ouhe' ~m'~ r@Oi .... ;,;:WI. )IOU !'Ilu:snn U$~ lit for more tlil<!n~eno mm I.!!tle5· ~It iii 'L~iTifl>e,

CIlJSTQ:!.I1IE:R;:' Of~ de~f', Hi;l~iI'! ~Otj {l:..;It

anyl h i nil< 5ai1e,a likie' a carrier pi8e()~, f'Dr ,ex.a'rnple?

I\; CcOO!Q see 'Iou, Pet~r, WeJoome to .M111tiTech S),stBms,

:5;: Than k you,

A: Now, lbeforE you ~t ~nted ijlnd the erhers here .. 1 must tell. y.D!J about a ,~,~w roFfJJpall1l~ rIJ1~s. OK?

8: OK

"': Fi rst of aliI. we bsguf! '''''Ork arn i:l1Ie o'dodl: ewry day. but yelU nal'o'e'to be h~!\E! at ha!~ past eb!11lt'n on Mo .. d,gj~ mOmHl:;!l$ bec~u$e we i'iI'Wr;) O! m~Ul'lg ~o t81 k about tille wee~ ahead,

B: All rl~l1t, 'Do I have '110 ~cme' ea rly .on any other da~s?

,1\: No, j!list iMClll'dal'/, Tbie\!lQrkiTli~ dray ends at live o'elClC:c'!::, YOLI mustn't leave r!!arHf!{ thaI!! ~11"'l wJ'bIiQl!ll ask! ng rm;: first. ls thet dear?

B. W,,-tluh.

A: YOLI have ene hOUlr tor lunch arid tll!;:!:r~'s;;i Fl!!~(:.a1Jrai'l~ en the S"~con,d floC!, aUI1lO'u~ of COUI~ yQLJ d(J!n'~ h~\~ to ~att til ere if you don'~ want to_ III riit~t. f;lIIOIiI:l)' o:f our e~pl~$ ~Oi,lt fo~ lunch_ but you must msh:: 511JFe ¥o!J're badl:: in lhe offlce by two (]"'::I{)c~.

is,: All ri gnt

At. Now, the Q'ffice eq u.ipment, Th en::'s ~ photo~p\l@f whi,~~ ~'feryhodl earl u~e. but yOi;! iha ... e to htiv~' <I special code !1I1JIT! ber to Dpe~Bte it, YourS is 3M'l

All fugnt? -

B: ''i':e. I!!i,gh;t" ~ix, five., .I'hght

A.: If you l1a ... e ,a~ pmblem5 witl1 the macrri !'le, ~,fe me,. VOll w[Jstrl't tl'}' too 'i~ it 0111 your (llj,'fi,

1'1; I WO~ Idn' t dr<El8l1iJ1j ~r it, Is tne'f'e

_- "' ........ -=-==;.,..- . - ~ -

Audio Scripts

1ln'f'" here I can g~~ a mfl'~E'?

A:' ves, theres a. (.ojilife machine In the l1all

113: DD I have to pa.'l for it?

A~ No, it's free, You, don't biiO!Ye to p~y ~",ytl\Ji!i.8 r~r hCi~ ,d~[:Ii"I~S~ Jh~I\E:'s a I so" ,

--- --


- -

iI1M.cK 13

PF:ESEtIIT£I't Hello, ,and .. ! ... dCO'i'!1e 'to to{layls ooitlion of Mo~e.GJt, Mav~ ~,~, Now, inteF1!iews - kwe fhemor hete them, y()1;! i:;a n:t a;\;\O~d them, lind! to point you jrJ the r~ght dj~ectjon I h~"'e! f.n lhe sl!Jddo Ma It A~ton, man ~'I'leF of All sell E~a~es. HeIIQ, .M.~rik.

MAR to;; ~elDc, :S.;lndlli_

f~"J;J;;rllT~R: Now Mad:., :1 uli'ldeJS~illldi tha~ O ... er the 10l!;it, ri ... ~ ~~~ you 11,a~ in~el'ifiewed more than two,I1Ul':!uroo p~Op]iIl rQJ po,s[tions, in you r rompa IT:!'.

MARK: Tnat's ri~hit. Some' ilOOO, Some, well. net so goo"L

rR~t'NTER! S:;I, w~~tln~ol,lr Opil'llOIil is tthe secret oJ a 5iJ!o~e-griJllob inlEll'Vi;ew?

MARK: It's nothi n.'i oolililpJ:i.'Ciltecl. r,~O!!lh, Ftrst of all. dress 'i\ileU, I?lIl on the'

$m .. rte!Ot doti)o:!8 yt}U halli'i!_ g~eondl.¥. !be !;I'JeJJ~lrei;l 1hiflik. ~H:tu Ily .. bou t. wna,t yalll're&Qi~i t!O say blOror,~' the

i ntl::lVi,ew,F\nd out ssmuch ,a 5 po~~ub1ll'i! alboW, th@ mmpil nvand ma~e ,a i.i$t ,of q u'e:otjg;ns YQ,jj wa\l'It'to

.!1st. .

PRES~i=l: Anti 011 the bie: day,m .. ~ surs ),O!UI anive Ol:li ~ime_

MMK: Of CCillm': It'3' fi ne toan~'ffl 011 t:i:rne or ev@1'I to <lrrn......e !IJ littl.e eart'i. but wilOlte~~ 'IOU dodon 'r a r~~ ~a.ljt_ ~(lll dOI1l'[ WElD!: toseem lii1r,eliO!bl~,

~RESI!!N'TU' Wh~t ,a~Llt dlJ:r:1n~ the illlteMeW it$elF?

.MARIK: bon't spil'.'lik too 8;]0,,":J1 or too quickly, ta~~oor tlme, but !:lon"!: send! tli~1 rurJtIlVU~."..~r to sl\~p,! Spetll~ dellrl~, [lon.'( mumble 0;[ cover ~Ol,lr .n:I.01,J~h_ And don't tl)' too hard to i mpJess; the !ntel'll'ie'i'leil': ih iSGI n crea~'e a nefi'ltj~;e ilt!~r'essiG~' ,

I'RESEf'oI'rEjlJ; ~1lI~ wh~1t If tJlings.fum 'I!i,O :-,ourway:

MAR:K: \WII, If'lmJ think th,lngs are gDm~ badly, dion't ptl:flIi.I;;, ACt: ..:O!lml.y and co:.ntll'im~ tD an~;wer ,any q~estk)n5 ~o t~e be$t QF !four a,b!lit~, Tl'!~Q stw In wntJol. Somet:ime5: thilil[,!~ !!If;e,n illS ood <l5~l1ey seem"

Il';fll:$g:.rr~; M<l~k AIt£JIi!, Ul~\I~1!: }'ou far wm~n!!: 'on lhe ::;i1ow,

MAItI':: YOll't'@ ..... @h:om~,

i?R~SIC;NTEW.:: Now to that essential question lhJl everybwl"",



- -- - ---

~K'14 MIKE: W~II, Wft'!/f!! hooked the ho~ild~I!j.1 suppose we s;ll!!oulh:J !T1-i:lt.e ,Oil I E$t ,nF w~ F1'~d-

,!\M;Y: 0 K, ';'I'd!. 'm'",~ oIl0t some slin

CTe;EI rn, 00 we don't neooOO buy ,~il~ t".:If tl1i,'ti~,

MLt::E: Grea[ Who'll' about tra!Jl'@Ul!r's

~h~(:juO!s? IN.'£! ha'o'e'n't,got 8\1'I~.I1i3!V€""e?

AM¥: No, rll go. to, the bank tomCl'HO'W MI.KiE: Are you ta~~nf!~o~u C!;!lneta;'? ANI'!': Yes. we;''>'e' ,~ot 50m~ rolls orrUm ,I

!::Jou:gtlt last ye<l!f, but 1 thin k '1'10; 5~~lotl. b~r sorn e more.

Mn,:~ I'n SOft th,at out, Are ,Olll tGkilil1il '{Our WaJ~k!TIo! fl wl'~h ~'

AM!'; 00[" Q01,lJ$e;,

MIKE.:; \II!;!II. III ti1a~ ease we"U need some barteries klr It, HM~~O!.i fIlot 0IIr1~-?

1iiM~: I clail1'~ thiifilk $0, ~I.lld yOY bl,l'll'l'ie SDrnie oft:h~ when you ,~t tlll~ mm?

Mi.K~: NQ problem, MrOiiio;:;?

l'!My; \\,i'ell, we'fl!! 't'2.~~r'l.g travellers cheques. blll·we· sMukl t:!tesome e@f~h\ll:it~ 1JI..S IlS 'Y!Ie~l_

Mlllil:F1:: Have :i'DIi ~ot any cajS~'?

AAV: t<! 0, 1"11 ~ sOiFn.~ f~om ~Re OOtll~. wtlen. I. mJJ'lecr the 'lra'i'el}efs ch<,!q~e$,

M~Io(E; Gr.eilt, WOl:!ldl'r'o~J likot? m.t! to buy lcm~l;lme books Do r~d?'

.i\Mi'l': That's real~y kund Qf~o'l:l, Mi,he, Tim nlts_


coul.c:l you leM me some mO!!"lzy? :;! H<:l'!la ,\!It: got .my ~gS?

3 Cou~d you. .g~t me some PElpe:r?

4 I Cf!rJ,'t ~t ~his. I h,a\oo!'i't ,got alllY stemps,

5 Would )1011, lite same waterwith 'fOur meal?

STAGE 5; lESSOl'll9 :

'iT"~K116 YCSfil~O: I"m '1l1~d you hVI!: on thl.s sid~ of WWrl, Carl,os.

CJlFi:L.'o,s, Yes It's ,j'l 1o!'1i!J W;!JS f1thfn ~fi~ sclilool a nel rrhie beildh, 'b~t ,at the mOffi~l1t I p~to:r rrhait,

Yosli'l~~o: MI!! too,

OIU.05: Ri.~ht. Come i ['I, M~landl:adl~' I ~ 'lJsualiv out ,all ~8i)i' but she won't

m 1m:!, I' Fro Sllr,e,

-- ------ - -

r'1S1 ~~ in )0 rr.,r1u1t~~ oJ d~y 21::1

- --- -- --- - - --=- - ~


Audio Scripts

Yo$l'I~i'(ja: Goodi, because rMre I~ FlO W9Y ~ <:8 n flO 'bac.'l:: to Miro; KI,ng's nOIJ.s€ now '

C,iJR!:iOS: O"fool;i~e !lot. I'n tn!!ke sorne o:i"~@:, ;!nd then 1''111 pha:ne P.e.te~.

Ym,H 1 KO: Where's: the }:;itcilleo? nl make thecollee while 'foOiJ j;I:nQ~e P~t.I!r'

C ... R1l)Si~ OK •. Hi, Hum.), f~ lhat yOU, Pe~er?

f'I<:TIIlIl: Yes .. Wl1a~'s the matter?

Ci'!RL.{)lik Well. 'Me went to the poli~ aJli':id lha~ 'NilS allrlsl:!.t, fhe~ ~h!Il'k 'l"osnim wa~ rebbed ln the street but 1Io'edidr~'t tell them O!I'1y:t:hln.g dS!1:. Th.e<J'I we went back to \(osn~ko·,Sj:l18£e ~o ~~t t.he :Muff [o:r Wmtlrmw, yo,t! i!I'!OW" siill'[mm[n~ eestume and tewels and 50' oil •. Md then, 'i'O,fre not: ,goln,g to b~HIf:.'f tht;,

~t,!:!:rc .

[!\E;fE1t! COTIlJe (llil. Carlos,.

CAiU.O.$, Well. tile f!\Olnt door Wi3>"S epen arid. semeene had been in ~nd mad~ such a m~ss. You ~.lIlOW, tile Q'ra~r~ were op!1lI and thf!1'e Wll~ stuff aiil over the floor,

PIIT~~; Oil d~ar ..

01l~OO:; And! th!~!:'1 Wf!.. '!JoIel1t to-see iff Yosl:1iik!5room was <il! fiillh~ <I nd lh is n'iafi :!;l.ldJ~rlU:i' dowr!~he'$t .. ~t"5 "'i'Id! out of t.n.e in(JU!S~. lfoshillo thinks it

'o\I\!iIS, H!lrry [{In.g, 1 don't know IF n 'i\i'1Il!i, iMm or l1Ie1 but ut ·'O.IaSEI II reaHy h'jeh~tJi rig,

P~~R: ~~ seu mls :It. Where are:lo~now? C .... RLOS: Bad: a~ my, 'fo~hlll::o ~n.'t want to 8taf at M~ Kin'p, of OOl!r~. Au:.yv;',av, mat do 'Iou ~bill.k? Do we go ba.d totlle poner!: aln.d tf111 them @v~rvthir,g?

PET,m: I::~f'lt:hin!'.l:? We don't krKI'I'o' >e'i0!"8rytJ; i i'l~.

Ol:ll.O~: 1 know tha;t bLJlt IU.eerI1i6 tiTi n ~5 a:re t:eWf\lg q~~Dte seFiou:s.

P£T!;';Jl:; itlflir1lk wi';!' do nCil:nlrlg ul'ltil tDmmrow

C~'~['OS: 1 krl~w ~ou owem £:QI n.g; to ~y that. ah, .'lM t:1tl'!OO'S one more tntng.

IP.Irl'ICR: y~?

CA.~l.05~ ~U8~ 8S we. we·re l'e~~Dn!l!. [h~re 'OIi'.~~ a !1h(jn~ ca 11_ A phone C:l1~ I to the I1Qy.~e, 1

~~nm: Wh.D was It"j,

CAR.LD5.: I don't. know It 1Il<l5 5C1,mebody ,pl .. onin,~rmrrj ~, hot!!:1 Ln Londorl. T~e Gardliln . Hol,e I. I thi nk it .,..~~

PE.'1'EJl:: ! ntt<e1restHllg LondOf;, ,r.!:h?

'0<J[l!.Q6: l.,Oak ri'.f!lll!r, 1 dmn ul'ld~rsl::3n(! wlhiilt i$ ~.qilnil q.n. bllli f ~ diD wnW :tolll WBn~t. tomorrow and ~.::IU I~<I"'IO th[:; p!lr.cea !Itt tile cafe.

P,~E~; Ye.~?

c: .... llli)s: Then II WOll"lt to go ~Q tlilie POJi08 OI,ld t.ell ~n~m. 'I'h.~s is g,eULrJ!j'ooo OOl1tgerou5 fm me. <lnd I th~nl ¥osniro feel$~~e s.nne,

PEITER: 0[(, t!h;;;!I'I.

CAf;6'OS: You ,Ii~re.e wLt h m'i!', then? PETE.!I!~ 11IIIw>ail>S ,agr·eewith '1'oy" C~;rk;,s.

O!i<.s-ee ~;gi,i 0111 the boMlch. Rlo'Pe the SLm 'SJibrNe:;;!

C~JR~: M~~oa. j)€\t€!J~ (;oodb[e, YOSHllt:O: I "'IilJlN~ wiln:!'ol,!!., Carlos. This is w~ry dil'n;.g@r'Ol,!~ and l feel hi!i!h.beHeo

C; « ilw8~ If you lire 'tou ~tl :otay here tomorrow, I.'ll.go to the beach and w,awh the ca:fe.

YOSH[tc:Q~ NO, ~Q C<lr1ru, 1"11 rorm~, I just oon't .know uftth~B ishe~!)1i n,~ to rl nd

Mir~ K~ng. .

O£([.QS: OK, let~&Q and ~t sC!met~il"ltl}i

te eat and reila~. for ~ b-it ¥Q\$I"II~O: Th<it'& II €iCOO idea, c~dQ$. (N~~d~~,)

YO.$HI~O; l!/.:omin.8:, C:arl{)~. trs a bealJi'~ifll'l , ,day,

C/..1I;u;lS: Mo.min:g, Yosh ike, Arey-oij re~dI'.I? YCSHlIKQ, 'r:'e~:, '(O'Ull~lndl.ady i's'o'e ry s,weet Sne mMe me .. lovely rorea,kf\;)~t arltd sa~s I es n stt.ay here if I want,

C.!'I1I1..05: :1 kn.ow_ Come (J'J'!, tilei'!. ~t's get down 1:(l~l'te be.!lc-:h .. F'aeol said he wlil be' in_ere .. ~~e'n. Wee: :nl!@d w c:atdt a bus,

'l{oSI:lIKG: I. hope i~. wm be a !lQQ:;Ii Q<l;y f()r

all tlf us. .

(011 die' fr~l4ii, j

'CM!i!.O$: Ii m lts dQl'!n here, w~ UI1 see the caM Cl'!I'i!r there.

'fOSIHJ~O; Y:e:o., this is 11 good piaa!, I nope ~~~'r Olin f.ln.dl us. The Fe are <! lot 01' ~E:Og:M;: her~ Oli!re,a.dry.

CMWS, [lo:)tl't \!tCrry .. I've ,gat rnw rfI0bileo YOSHI}(JO, ILook! '1i'her!2~' P<E!~I)-r. He's wal.kirlgl{liwilird5 the <-are,

(AOOLO~ Yes and he'sliJP! ?! bag w~tfJ h ifl1 I see. ~r!'s. putti[lg iti n the ru bbish btn, NOVO' wh~n rU1! dcln:g"l'

Y'C,sHIE':O: I dOl'l·t kt~(;Jw.

(JlJlL1J6: Hels Q'oinl!into 'till>! Cii.f!E'. Hello':' ~~ th:;il ~ou. Pet!er?

PETI>.R; I'm if] ~I;@ cafe.

CAiRiD5: I kll(J'!lo', Wfii !la.\I,1' ~(}U .@'J in What dQ YO'''! want us to -dQ?

:P£1'E:R~ S,t0ll1 "",I'u~ril' yotl are un ti I 5-{,lmen(le L'Dme-s; to .get t h€rru']n~~. of COLlrse I

(.'lRI,.OS,: And then what")

PE1I'ER; ((liU m.e aI~d wherl I ttl ink i l'~ ~.ale I"U oome t(l'{O~J

c/\~ lOS.: Hf.!'ill Thc~Fe's a n1<ln 100 ~i nj;]. ~!l the bi,n i·be""j .fiJntthc ball

P~~R; \uh,eT~ i~ iTie rnow';l'

CII!!:~5. }-I'!flP,i,\alkin:g !lW!l~. He's il:~U!I"!S Into true' blad csr; ! think there's al'iQ.tM~ Il"!~n with 11 i m. ,dlivi ne tile car. W!mt);;i:l!all we do nOW? ~t1!,l? i>etH are 'loy l"e~8~ Hj:J's Slone' au lck, Yo~hi~Qo, We must fo~~QW him

Y'~foIlf!:O' WhQ!,

CJ\f!:LOS: Peter, of c~alJlr5'e He neoos 'JS.


StAGE 50: UESSON ~ 1

--- ---

m,o,Otc:17 S,~lLY! So, wbBlt. a~d yoy th~ n k or the oorlf,ereiilce. r:o~? .

101<: i. did n 't ~hinll:. it was ~'ery 'ioc"ld. too bill

honest, $.MJLy:IFI what ~,ay?

rOE: W@ll. where do 1.~t.;Jm Th.e re\ll'er·e , 's~~ spea~er5 in the moroiFl,g" 'Wl!r~I1'~

there, ·.riid~eh one was e:;(pe~~ed to. make il ?~sr:f'I~t5Q!'I for half ,Oi'n h.OlJr.

$·AL[~ YIlS, I remember. 'Wihat;~ YOLlr poin~7

lo~ Wi,;:lI, ti'lJee Qf tf!~m had. to start, !;K)~allse th€ Ji rst spe', A;nd~~ Ketl~, ~:PI:)~e:,st <lin hQyr; Thankffiu:lly; the ti'lffd ali:'!d f,m.m:h ~PJ;!OIkr:rs ~P1: their PJ·es.~nt~tiD<f1~.

s hort, ;;;00 .at ' W!1: ceu ld fin ~sh in t~TFli€'for ~tm'\;h,

SALiL.;'v; 8'1.!t t~~ P1@:st!:rttOiii:ioo.s were (j!Jitle' good.wer'en:t thll~~'?

JO:E; 'We~L not r,e,olJy, Apart 'frol:Q tho:! rjml~ 5;pe;ail'.e~, u~ 'i'hompsort tbey wete~<!111I oori [Lg.1 tn()1l1gh~ the~ w'ere ,01 w~s~e of ttme,

51\1;,1;,)(; r;.~l: mompsmfs presentation. !l.'a$ f<eally :gClOO, thOij:e1'i1. w,~!:;n"t it?

,o~: Qh, E~ri'ta~ti~. :Si'Je'se;ot a 101: 01 gm::-di ~d)eas .. We need mo~ FJfo':{J~l~ Ilk~ herr.

SAU.Y: Tl'le ILlndh ViI<lS good, wasiit in ~OE.: The lu nch W'<!~ ~:I:.r.;.e.nlt~l. I """i sh the canteen at w-Q~~8.<:l~~ LI$ S' Good ~ood:!

SJill'!:; What. about the qaestlcn and aill5,Wer s-e5iO!em 'III til tI~~ d'k@dbrs in the <ltiternoon?

JOI>: Well. evefl/baoy ~~,d lot::> of Ql,!e$~i.ol'ls aliout th.e flJtur,e 01 the

':;·Ofill pa ny. but ~hi;'! directors d idrn ~ail'il &nsWoer ~f'l)' of th,em. Tltri!-y talk«! a, l!or about ihow we all rl;eed~d 'to""C1J~ hamer, t<!ke rIP,WP.T holidays. NC, .but ti:'J~1 chd nOt tt,ell 1,15 <lInyln i rt~ we ~~,II~' needed to knm~

S,~LLY: Allidthe fi n{! I wnrl!';Il~"jp v.·il~ d complete!'f.

~()E: Of course. By t h .. t Umt!, e~'e:r'!!' bud)' \0/8,:> [I red Tnere we r~ !l n I.,. .about [e n de'le~a tE'5 lnr;-11' The' ()~ I1cr ttl i rty or 50 ~ II deci cle<:i t.o ~ hl 11i~ b.ilf'

S';'Lt.Y: Hm, Perhaps W~ ~)uli!.ht. to mention t !H"~e' pr(lb~em§ In the wee;~'lv report

t.t.\ th~ m!l;ri~,~~r .

~iJE;;: YOU'ffi rI,~ht J!; elf) It tl1i'~ aft~mMn.



WE!'d I~ ~D h@lp \i'O!j, but

u n fg;rtuna,oeiy we hQi'ole"n·t !;:ot much urn e beIoClre ou r Ua,~n leaves

2 vo u sno!J:I,d visit .60ndcH"I , ... rhen 'tOI:l a,r,e in Etlgl and, Th""r!i! ·a,r~ ~I lo~ oLg,QOj

rn useams ~hO!! ! ""'lIll Idl rl;!~"Omill~m:l.

]! I;lfli'o~ i;Io,Q,ood sc;:<ial me. I haw,som@' rea II'{ iood friendls..

4 My secial :Iife' i5[l't .great. I don't have rna IT';' frie.n.ds

'5, ',\1((11 l1a~'~ to go te a rGsta:ur<J'nt for dinn~r There's isJii't !'I1IlUcn fOM ir. ~n~ house.

60 Len eat iI~ home tOl'ligfn. 'fheJ'e's lots 01 food j n th:e· hcase.

- -------



1t u!>lI!JJily ~sre5 me aoolll~ twerllij' min utes to. g~t~o my of~ce, or oou,r~. ~i I'm <I b'lt lete II I;a n do it i fI 1~55 tiline. I'm quit-e fit, and II ""i81k fast so' sometimes i~ .oill" t@k~ 1ill!O! ~l"lC!I.l~ fiJt~~f1 miil~~~~,


t u~lJan¥ 1:r.l,'Kl H:J, "",a It ai: the. !;top Jar at I\er:ls~ten 1m i.n utes. and then two' or UU~~ come aionlll ffi: the same time, J t\3J~ the .t1i1lmber " or the number ~, whlc;h both step fI~ar I:'!m~ am~.


~t'B probably t.hf! w1li~Qf g~UiI'lI:1: .. :round tl .. ~ ditl/, Ol!tl'iOi,JJ~n. o~ (QLlr~ 'i[e.u do-n·t see much .".,hen YQiit-e W;f!y Imd!e1gmuI'l6! Th.ere· Il~e tl.IIe~",e stops b!!~~~rI my a rid the ()fFl;~e. ]f the e:5.«!lator 1:;0 broJ:iet!. in" '" lOIl& wal k 1I[P' to

il:rclLUlici bevel. J can tell :i'Ou. - .


0''] r ]01;" I pl~t~orm ~$ alw.a.ys h,1II1 (1f c.omrm.Jters b~ 7.30 i:lJ.m Lr in ra·in.i!'!~. t:h,e waiting mom <lhm llet'S V€:rj GD"I,t!:ed. TIle servloo its pmu~ io/OQd. rofa.~!:.' -e1fel)' Hfte~t'I :m IinuMs. LuckUy. mJ' atfUce- I:s rlgl1t f1e~~ ro VI.cto.tlla s~atjorl. £;0 Wm.@FI I :!let 1'ntQ L:oW!'I. 'that's it


It takf$ me aibml[ fnrt.y·fille ml n ut-es, al[ in tile morning r~ere ~ roe ~rtel'l t:riiI.ff1.c lams, ..... ~Ic:h meD:n13 ~L!lkes IOI1:ger.

! f ~MFeOir'~f"QOld w.O{fk~, II:'S P.'!It.:!I'I WD~g.e!' .I muld tale th;~ tmi n i '5.!Jppo~e, but I reali,,! hate Ulsl!lig public: W:iI1ilipOrt. I .~isten

- - ......,_~~ __ _""_J • .,._..".~~_ .. .---. ... __ __,--",... __ ..r-' - __ ......... ___...,.;::-..

Audio Scripts

to the trsffle reports on t~11: radio" so ~ know WhE!Tr;' Ihe trou~l.e ~'DO~'5 <Ire


On ~ 51J n ["If dalY, it's rea H~· n io;)g, but if it's r.,d n 11116 'urdMk It C<i(lJ lle terrlbl~. The ~08l:i;S are r'lMlI~ bad, and dri."'~rs ne",~r seem to i>ee me, I've e~'"l'n been ~lilIo(ted off t ..... w;~. FOrJ;LlI'I<1lt's.-IV, b~1,l'~'\7 I we~r ~ helmet arid at hkk coat, I Ve m;w~'F been b.3ld~y hurt.


lt's e~pe[l!si:~e, af course. but it's

co:n,'IleTi lent I (}rt~~ have to .. i.slt cur head offioo o!flcea weet <lii'l'{W,;;'l', T iJC!n·~ Ii~i!' drivilni: iTlthe city,a:nd I prefer to 1111 ~():m.~Fill~;I~ do IL 500mmlmes ti"l~ dfivertalk:; too much. but II aOil'r m I nd, I pa~'l:llIe falFt! 1:!iFld leave the d.r,I~8r a lar·llie tip. ~f1d we're, botR 11<!p"P'i.


I think ill's the fasteS'! ...,.,OJ'! t¢.~ ti:",rOI!J~1lo tile s~ree1i:S, especia.~~~'·when there's B lot of tra,fl"!.:::. ! II ~ to gat 115 wMk or. tl me. I'm O! ro·uner. 50! {!Jg. OIOO·],it ti"\f~ .hL,lndred mUes <i wee!o:~ on this mat.-h1nel

TMCK2Q It qL.lil::~ look. at th~ roads ~l:ii:§ mom!n~, <3iid I't's b<ldi MW$!for OOl'iM·i~l,!it~FS. I'm afrdJid. An QQci:delllt ofT! MOlirl SU~~ has bl:oc-le::l ootn. i:3I'1e8, and the peliee nave ~I'oswtl'le f'O.ildl to al'l~l'Ol!mc. The road \!IO:T~ on Nolth s.tree~ are s~m oG'oOIUlSil1'E Ua,fIlc l2lm~ I.r:! roth ,d:I.rflct!c:n~ and dJu~ers should look f;or <lJ~.olr.eF route A 11m a[ PSIl:JtO'W'D s,tartfiml last flight elooed down Ill;) 1'1 Stfee't bu:tU1lk.5 is flOW op~n aga'in and tr'arli,t is f1owilflif; fif~el~. A billS nm; bfO~ert dowl1 0[1 Bardwell. RDdd .. ndthe t'Qolcl \i,llH ~f!ma~!'i {i.ased untll the b!JS nas 1:;l!Ol~'Jl mr,}~d. ·fi,~ tFC!lIic: lights Oil Nr!W RQ~:dI h .. ",,,,, $~p~t:! ~i' a:l'ltiti'lls ~s ~~ilJ~i!'ile 19n,s: q, ~:~U~:!l, 'iii'i'rI~~ are li'nOli1Jl"Ill Io'ery 5klwJy. Or.! ~WlI"IC! a I'I~W rDUl1dlal:mut is ~tne, ciJ'ilt !i.1hiidio ~!; ~15['j s]QVi'~11I1l down then,affi.;: tn that erea;


TlMaK 211 Hello e .... -eiT'i'Ol"I@. and ·llIelc.ome to th.@'

Cali loeiije of Jnt.em~,t;Q[I~ I Ma,na,gi:!i'fIent Tr.3linln.g. My n.ame i 5 Nii?J~'1 ~:;l, ~TId I'm Uie d~r~ctar. ~F ~CfU h:ave <lrl~ p:robl eJlliS OiiJri.iIIg yo~:r S~~V. talk to, me.

:In a m~rlute. 'lie're go~n~ bo e;l ... e y·ou OJ lIbtl@ il'll@liVi.e\Ii to lind 'OU~ <I bit 1lJbo"Ut you, ,and aif~'r t~at we'] I .give ~ou your timetables. YO!1!r- first session is (h'iS at two o'clock iryol.iCiii n·thnd tJt~ ~OCim. laok ,B~ thie mneg~ Hoar plan in ~he-receplion a rg.a

At. times ~he WLJt"$~ wil.~ Ib~ e,,$Y, ,aM.a~ oth€'rtimes.. well. it mi~h,t be Ii! b~~ ~"T"d, II'l'ClU dOll'l't lJliKI\f:rstandi fiOllTifithing

c:lmi [I11l the le(~umS, <ls\ YQu r tro I ner ror he 111' That 's 110'11<'11: the'")i"Tf: here fOJ

NOIII, th:~.;oll e-i<i~ r'~S;tall.lr8nl ls open from ~I o'cl~cke:vef'i day. We do a laf.El€ ,!,tI[i€1.yof food. but if 'i¢~ hai\j\~ afl,!, spe-:;ja~ ~Qotl !,~!JI.f~men~s, iiiSk. ,he Ga~>?rlll~ manager :for ,il <spe:;;i~ I t1,e'i!d~' f,oflliil. whidl yO'U sl10w ~d till QUE 1;1 nd r~mu!"! to i'! i m. n Y{iiuC"-a,I'l't ~lndi true, caterina manalie'r" I~",~ a not~ [or him at r€!~pEIDn and h~'n rolmlIact~OLl,

WE Wi3JJ:lt YDU to ml3Jke maxim umus~(jf t.h~ crllllj~fl1.! raemul'jl~ whil,e )lo!ire here, W~''o/e .got <lin ';r~~lIen~ lIibr·alry, witn a Il3Jll!e rarJie of books tl[dd video:) d:e~ig~;ed to help yoU. mal~lml8e' y-our m8n.a~m~m iJ()'!el1!ti.!I. rlyou fi~~Q t~ borrow a, bock. write !rom n .. me and too,a~'5 dabe In 'the

. Book:> i:!1,.Ir regi~~~l., 'l'tiero.;:\sa Iso a, eernputer mam where, ..


P,l,'f1ElNf: I 'm W~T'!'led about my w~l:glK doctDr,l .... e put on a I'ot O"~jer the last fewmmnllsi.

DOc:roo; Tell me ~bo1;!ty01JF dl~t-

j:>ATi!ENiI': \)J,el] , I d~n't ,eat lllat much. and! ~ eat rea:soilabH~ hea.lth!.,.~ood!. Lo~ of selsd, not too m1Jch~aJt.

DocrO!t: iOOy¢1J :8-"9< IOOOInj!l? S,wlmmlnlir~ P .... TJ!>.NT; ISh,IlJO'.

DoCl'O!;:: VJaJiktne:? .DO~Q'U go to the gym? PJllIIENT: N'D.

Doct'oj;;~ Will!!. dlla~'s, your problem, Mr W~m5,


IE}OClOR~ .I need to taiil:. to you about }"our I<!tIlSM!l'id, Mr~ Sri ght.

ClAl1 EI'II''s tthe pJ'ohlem. dooQr1 [}ocrn~: H~'" i'P!a~ ly ~ ilt He has tel '!liP co l:irn.:rita~ 015 ~n <is ptls!;,1bl-c .

i'''''1tEm~ On 'my ",,'Ora! Hospiitai? Why? DOCn:m: f:.le's !lot 81 serious heart

~Ibl~m. lHof rrlll!;t tli'li"'~ an operation.

P}(ti.~m~ I~ that fe~lly T1"eceSSB'!)'~ DOCTOR: ['m ,afraid 00, MrS Elri!Bllt C

P!\V1ElNT\ I ''!'e ,hOld ~ :;OTE!' @~E!~O~ a~~w dlilys. It 1'e00~ly h~ft;!!,.

'DOCTOR: AI.l ~I:ght, ~t Il'l€ see. Hm.m. Yes, ~t 1~!;;5 M:I!i~'o1J:\I~ .gvt.llll 1nfe0tion .. H.;o~e",oi,l b!!o!t1I ~;wimmln.g rt!e~l:litly?

PATilE.NT: I. · ..... ~m~ !It the we.e~eml. DOC'l'OJ!:: Well, in, r'J;-oUOo :;erj()I!JS, r" >Iltill"\! you a p.res(.,~ptio'n "for ~ome table!;5,

PATJ:~Nl'; Will th .. ~ .;"U~ til~ It'Iofll::tlcm? DGcrQ~ Y!l'~, ...


Enqll~h 1':;:0 "'lIrI.JW~ " (!a~' :I,

- - - -


Audio Scripts


DQC;"TC!:~: 'CQrne in, ~r:;; Miggirls' P"'TI~ iS~-I!!i~9"~ Wlila.t':o ~h8ll docWI"? DOCiroill: ~ siii id ~c<rne in,

PAc'l'rr.:n C~,r. I rnl'l"le il'l~'

D~~; t>'i!JiolI s!ltl~~i~,~'~ Yes, Wh~n; tn'~


W,TcI!ENlTc y~!

P9QQl1;: NO, what's the prohl.llm? P:";rllE:NiT! r¥e' eot someth i n,g stuck 11'1 m~

e<l[ I~'~ difflclIlt toO ma~e OUi~ what YQlll' FE $3i~~i'!~~

IiJoOCUOR;: Let me. uilt, Ie, me look. An. 'Ies.

Thef~ is scrnethl n.g J n ~ou:r ea,r.


[loem,1t: HQ!!iJ ca n 'i he'lr yQiJi, Miss Ri~den?'lT; I'm net sleeplng ''iery w!!ii[ at nhgllt aJnd 1 [~! s1r~~~d .. ll tlie time,

DocmR: ~ see .. j"r~ li'OilJ ~Mifil! enough'? P"'J:'IENm .NQtreal~y. II d'-Ori't ha'llli! much ell an$.

Docmii: How rna.Fly how ~ do YOUI work'" PATI"N~ 011, .3Jboutt.wlilrl"~" d"'lI,

i Ilcludllng S<l!'tUirda;r.~,

];)oOCT,Q,il: lim rn, well. ... F

1)00-00: Wh,;lr5 ~liie pmblem, Mr Thylor? P'"nElNT: i''iI@ gQt ... t:errlbl,e OOtlQiD. DOCTOR: Hmm. How ICl:n!1l M~i;!j/{)l! had


Pl'!."ffEli'ii'P. .I\ho[J~ tlUf!;;! weeks. ['ve nied taking q)Uiilll medicine, but it daesln seemto ne!p.

Docrofl: Do you smoke, Mr bYlCii(~ PA:I'IIlNT~ 1Jm, 'wei:!. yes. I de, OcoC'!'OR.; How m.alny a dI!I~?'

PA:rIENl": Let. me see, ACII;l'ij~ l'> i~ti a day, DOC,>Oi!l; S i~ty a da~? J n tlhat ease, Its

tirlle you smokJed' less ..


A~ 1'.11'1 la~~! J'rn'! fl[') i tie:: too rnrss my bus. III If ~ou run, fOUl mi:sht COIltd it,


A l''I\!! got a t.errible head;;.dl~

B.: [I "QU t,dt~i! couple of as!pi ri n, it sltt;l!;iJd !let heni€lr


II: Th,is !p~a.nt dDi!$ni't l[Jo~ ~gry healthy. B: I:f '}'Qu Ili~~ l~ ·gO.nlf!' w~l~r, it ~hoYld



A; Thie (;Qm p!.ItEl'r i£,n ''I wDrki n t::: Il!ji<lll'!

!B: III' you call a.n ei1g~ii!E~!. h'" m i~ht fl ~ i! f(lr:~ml


A: PQor ~WQ 'IiIoe5n't IODkvery well,

B: If you: t:a~e him to the vet, he should be <if II. ri!!iht

- .-

STA'GE 5~ lESSON 15 .

iMCK24 Tooay, I"m ,going to '!ihio'W yet] how to m<l~ s~'mpl'e French-bread piu'<1s. This is <! ~ery .eaSy recipe. VOtl w[11 1'I@@j a ~ti'k Qf br~d" <! jaf of WmaW paste, ~¢IfHl' ~h ,,:ese, OJ red pefJPe:r, '1'I,\l10 e!~:;; ()f e-eI"Hc, fresh herbsa,n::i s<illt Oind pelJPer, fiffii or .i3J~!, you peel ,~ru:II ~rl.l$h ~~~ g<!rt~~ fneFli 'IOU m~~~h·~ t:orroa'toPOIs<te, .g,..rl,lc, salt and! pepper in <l rowl. Aft~r thuS, slice the btead iii! ]l_.;!lf II~ni~llIwO!y$. ,sPOOf1l ~no! 'OOI'l'1~IOO rni);luTe o'o'er the bread, DOi'ltfor.~et to -~prt!iid tn~ mlMiUFe ,8'l'enly 00 ~t OO"'@,J'~ tl'l~ b~~d. Ne..:;t, 'S:mLD;: th~ 'cheese, ilili'id 5jpn nkle tt Or! t,op, of th~ tomato sauee. Rlnse Ht~ h:e'i'bG WIlder ,il Q';)I.d taJp. ~ ~ .:hop the h emos and the red pepp.e~ into, small Pt~S ~nd <lido:! 'to thecheese, Your pin<! ~:;; nnw ready to LOOk. You bal<:~' It in 8 merlillIn-hot even for ailoy~twE!1rtr:y m~rlUtes.


it MQi:TlIi'iijl, Dolo;rell,.

B: Oli:i!iood iTIIomir1i:, Mr MeJ.l.m. A: ts MS ~'arth; Ulil her oftke?

.S: Yes. I:lUI~ you c:l rn 5eE! her art· the rr.Qm~'f1t. S he's beil:llg i F1beT-,1~e'l!l<:d by smneooe from the local ra,dI~o :;taltiOfl.

k R.i.gtrt. Well. wh~n~I1e'~ finl$h~d, ooi.lld

youlIsk ~@r [0 c:Qm~ ,00tldl see me j n m~ of!tc;e'?

B: oil, you e-aJi:1I't iJ~ YQ<~rQm,.e lQd~y.

J'rI1I .. rra,i"(J.

1\: ~ ~arilt7 'Why nat:'

IIi Oilli;(t anyoroe tdl you? In bdn.g decorated,

A: On ~r~t. W,e:ll, I n. ~11~t L~§r;:, ! 'Ii be .i!ll mom I,.

B: SOH)'. M r Me!~or. bOrnl(! rleW I'wrn.~t iJ i"fl

11; b~~n!3 [Jut 1 n,

A:. All ri.gJrt. Wh,CI[ about mom 2'''' 6, It's bem,g used by Mr W,aimn,

A: It's iiilot my hJlck~ da~, 18 it' Room lB,? B, EI"i, !;(m'y. A new (;-om~')u te~ is bei,nlP,

li!ns:ta llad

A, ihis is;n/[ ~~r-~ i:jQod. i~ it? Room 3~·') :EI: Um not th~~ ei~h,~r. Th~ l1,IindQw~

ill"@.€ dean-ed. Bout il1e". worn tdbt km.g:

A: Ot! wt'I~. 1[1 H~at C.;lS~ E JT1 i,R h L <!~ .....-ell lOLl ITI!,;:('"-e wHi:J V,(.lU and: 110ire iI wU€Ii!'.

8~ SQfi[y", Mr Mello~ 'There's, no coffee. 'The machine broke y~~t:€!rda;y <)Jld i~':;; b~i rig te~ir!Old,

A: AU fig~~l, I'll il(.J OlO!d~~t i", my (;B r fur

~,.d f 11111 ha-u.r,

5: Not 1'lC\~lbltH!lrIH~:r', II"m ~rr.'lld. A: Why Or! ~nn not?

Ii: Fro m 'Aon~~e I'm Sitting, lcsn fiee ~Ol.l r car:

N. So?

IS: Li ke\1'OlJ ~:;(Ild" It I!: rn yn uri udty day YOy, FJ<I!kied it 0(;1 BJ daubie1'ellow Rnlf 11"5 bei:!1~ removed hy' the pe.1.~~r?!


T'RA.oK 26 Hl::li,m; Cathy, is tlilis a photo ai yQU~ cai.l,e\3:gu,es?

Ct.l'HY: Yes, we all work i 1:1 the ~~m,t; gfflCt).

HlElL~I'Ii: 50 '!oIIft!} a~~ th~ ;-l]'?

CATHY., Well. rhe mom ~earlrlg tll~ !!~e!i! ~1'I1rt. a:n.d !h~ cIia r~ :s ui t [5 io,h n, .

H:E;J.:E;r,,~: Hers ~Qd-loQldn:{l~ i~!fn ~e? CArny: An:d tie ~n0W8 it. r-IIow, th.l ~ i~ SUS<lL9.!l@. S~c'!: tn~ OM we~rii'i!!!; <I nttl :sw~t~r anD a pea~1 nedJ~ce .

HEIi.E;N, .I .l0W~ her hal r. Dn~ snecoloLiT U~

CATIf'l': J''l(!! l'I~r ,ask!edl, !i ",,"ou:ld m dare! HEL~fi,I, Mm. L.(lc'kl; IJl!le5ine-s illSte.:!ten. a ~~mDn, Wno':o tile man kll e:lassEf.S? lH1hat rj he ~rin!!?

OTH"!'i 1 know. 'fenihle Mshior.l sense, N~L~IN'; A~Lnt <lind blue (.he(~N shirt a nd! a panerned r-ed UI!!!. Ugfi t

CATH,;(; That's noth i rig. 'r'OIJ should S@I!!' wli~l 1l[:\Ii>§a.f$ SQme d(l'Y5

I-! ~U:N; I'd rsth er not, thank 'PI!.t Arlo th is YOlln€: man ~ FI the Ilegl~!i!r l.ackt!~7

CAT,,",...-: Oh,. thet's I:\ten.daJIll Ue':so r-eilJi!y

n lee. He'd. do al'll,ltl'll tlg to 1iII~I:fl YQU

H:El.~N: The l,IIom<lrll in the whittt blouse 8[ljd blue iaei-:.eL \V,no'S ~~~?

'CAWli:i Tfila-t:s MoUy. She's n lee. teo: :3Jr.d she works tl~t~m ely h~ rd,

~~21 H EUNI; SO wI' <l't d\o they do, these peDpie~

c. .. nof'!; Weill, SUiiiilfllll<ii"5 rae .t:0'1S. 'Ib b~ honest, ~'rn a til ~ frnBht!l:!m~d of her

·~I!!".EN'i Fr~ih.tened 01 he:? Wily'''

i[AHf!'; 1~'5 h~-r whole manner, yLJUI knnl'.·, t he ';'Ia'~ ~Lh€ beh<l\l(,oJ',. r .TIt!OIitl. ]!;:)~'~ odwa~ :!><li[f!,fied wi~h m'l WQI~ <!Ii'!d e~erY[hi~R.·<I~d we r,a.\;Iea lot In ~of'lil'tl~m. BU,! .. r.'?'~ '50 !iieriQlJ5 O1bOlilt he.r lob. ,im;:! :>lrIe'-~ [lot very Iri,elldi'j'

l~lEU::N.~ Whal[ OIibml!l the oth~I~1 M{)ll~, fo~ E;!;(a.mpl ~?

c,.,:nl'~: M ull~' i s ou r pe~:'i(l~l1¢a [n.<l no~,f:'r She'~ Jer,por~!>ibl~ for t:;l!kin.g em Il>e'i'i (;'r~11lIo~e-e5 0 r Iilf!HlllIg rid l~r those

"" he eren 'r ejc.i Flo!), a ...-e~ '!3ood lob 5h@':;; never late fClJ" work and ~h\ia.'i'~ m;Jtice5 ir weare I~~ Now lohn

IfiI El.,!::r>:l: Th e :good-I 00:1:.1 n.g onlE!

LAT!~'f: Yes, the good.loo~IUlil:g(ie Hie's our sa I es mall~~W: He's hi~ lob, t:l!'~, he's oft:e·n .abs~~t rmm t he Offim, heta~J5€ he travels a lot

HnE:iN: .And ,. Bre'm~~n, lsn't ~t':'

CAT)",": ] must admit, j'm quit>!::! :fOhd of Bre:nd.a n. ~ E!''s. ¢Our >lJffk'e messel'll~rr_ H~ doesn't earn mudl,S() he's al'Na~5 short Oil cash, He's 3:1:00 f.mmlJiS fo[

fa III Flog <!sl'ee!;l at liIi5 desk alf\:,er J u neil!

HEltN': What ,at>Oli~ 'Thoma:;;?

C .... TH~': Om ,ao..'"OI.:Ilnt.a,rlIt 14~':o ot.t I

sup pose, Tota,U\I clirfl~rel1~ !rom ~r~oFl~ eh-e in nis apPJOJ,cn tc work. Geb in at sevefil o'::llorj:,wor:h.lm fO'll'rtef:1:I !lJQUrlO,~mefime5 ,eyen S!@,f!P~ at the office,

HE.1!!;~: S[)Yhd:;; <l hit SOiIcL C~il:l;,I¥; Pi. ~I!t mad <lc!tlBlllly!



- -


M,I,Jflll~t, ~:s. that Apple'~ Gl:fe? ~!~ht.Of~<l~ This is. M.anrn from ABC Supplies. iEr. I'd like M ,orti<!'f ~moe

S~ rld'W~c;!-t;~~, p!I!~S$_ Th<lt'~ r~gh!t, to' be deJ:i'!lered .. I'd II k>e: three' 5moke.d . salrson and Cr'e<l11rl cheese em f~e, fOUlr (;h~cb;en s~lads" two of thcss on white, one in a bailw~ttl'!O!lld one wrap. two ch'ff!s~ alntl Pldl'e. ".


SAU,.Y: Hello. M.r kmk~m1~? 011, helle, i~~ s..1J1I I'~~~>!!r from !:!iii rnard and ilachoifL You caH~9 oeOlrlier, but ~ was out. Fi!(1iht W~II. "_


MR ME~~: Weii, fun,!,'"

T,ON~: IMi'I ~o ~HY, Mr MeUoo_ I'",e! a tf!rrl ble morn i r~iI, I overslept. thti'JI L OOIJ ldn 't srs rt the ~a.r, iilild then I sot Cill.J:ght 'in the m~t ~~ rvi,ble t~ill;fic on the M.2'5ana tMr. wotlld you ~I~~ ... t;! h. itr1y car broke down 031'10_. ,

ill\1:R MI~R I'¥e heard '!::'f1ou'gh r;!!l:'~~~S, Ton,!,_ M;a~e5I!.ire YQi,l're 0;[1 ti me tom,¢)rrow, thilt's ~.I"_


11M; In the fi ["st q u ~ f~~r WI;! :n:t<!de· a :profit of f:l miiiJon il-<!::;e:;l ]~,r'li:el'l on aile-mea!; ,~a I~~

~ • . ., ..... ._. - ... _. - - _- r"' __ ", .

Audio Scripts

TOM: T,hat's grE!~t, nit] Wba,t abeut t.he dlomc:.>tit ma,r'kN?

~I'" ~ Wei i, It'S beg:i tl'nin~ to pick IlIP asain ~fte1 the' rece-~gi()n, !'iry with <I. bit of Iud well s~~~rne jmproYf!'Fnf!'Fli' on. l~a,tf~[lt. .and ..


Mil: M~L..ILOFl; fo,ny meS!mg~s. Do~OF~S;? DaIL..o!t~: 'f~5. Mr Mellor; ll;al'I,~ called FFQm &irtgapQ!"e tl'il!O l'iiornililg. CO!!lDd

yo!.:' f:mjjJi,! him a eu rrent price: ~i$f ,01 no I le~ nim kr.ow iJ.Il1al' ~o11 of d iSCDU nt fQu(;an I)fl"e~ him em 2{JO I,ln!t.5~

Mtf1 ~!1:UXl~: Thank you, bO]Of(:~. Was there .:Ill'll/til 1 n;1l els-e'?

DOLO:RES: W'I~II, \\!e-'~e Got the ~<I~e-lt ~I;!p¢rt tJCHIl Buda,pe.~, a,i'iId tney:'ve h:gi'l!jglhted .. ,


~Q"'N: ~ h~QI i:t: il few mlmrtes a~O,b~)1,;!5e

. ! had to call rn~r s:is~er. NO',,,,,. ""here cou;kl J ,h:oi\~ put it?

Af,liN ..... :. HBlfe'YOU t:rn!1!d ~jjr hO!ildb~i, ~oon?

.~o.."!iol: V€!s., In ~C1 the~. Ma~be ~ leff:! i~ 011 ,somecmels desl


f:hl;!;;f'l1k HL F~ank, A:n:0thlf1ll fo; mi2 today?

reRA.N ti.: Momi;nii!. HeI.BJ1a_ Not Inlild'l '~)r Y~lI, but ~~ere's a 1.0[ rOJ ti"Je sa les d'8p.;1rtl'i\"i~Ii:t, 015 !i.l:otlal. and, oh, th eres lh~~. P<i~Be Jar Tim Whe<1tley ln M<!rketjn~>

HELENA:: Did NY .sign Fo:r it? 1'li.Molt;: Oi course,


CH"'RLOf'I'I::; Any lfloiJidal,i' plans ~'~L Pgii'l? .DoN~ Hri"i iTi , wherE to ,0, tnat's, ths

<tIlIe.stiQn, Somewhere warl11 <!!':d ;; urmjl, .1 thi Ilk.

CH:ilIRW'il'Ei Wilat about Spa,hl?

DONI: WO:llt th~t'e i"5t~\eaJr, I'm thinking of go~nfl ~~'!\I'here a. b~~ ,d!ff€!r~F1~.'Fhap8" OJ EgyPt. 'CHI'IF.iLOIT.(;;: 1E".~:rjQn'E! 5<lY5th1!it Oma,ll IS

sUPiPO~@d: to b~ reaH~ interesting.

[)(l,:.l;' H mrn ..


Ji.DAM~ 'l'.li:e thlnl!:: ls, Mr Mel~Clr. ~re

rno ... inl! house next trm:mt 1;, •• me jt would 'be rea III" goOY. ~a have sc:m:e time ee do tt YliJ., decorate it nr~t The weekoe-n,ds jiLIstarelrl't: .1.{](ll!:erlOllillh, The prcl:Ol~m i~,! dO;tl"l 1iiIa,1"IEl ~I1Y h,oUid<!ji due.

MR M!1I"WR; HQW bn.g \\I·E['@, :f[j1J thini~in~.

otAd<l!m? .

A(}AM: all, j,u~~ ~ ~~k m~y;"b~ ten da',{S, TWO Wl:le-~s <it the fifI~!_ C~rt<l!~~I~ ROo ~no~ 'LIl<!nIllue€_ A month nlaxlmt.lm

MR MElI.bOl!:~ Hm rn


~I!~~: I'm reall';3!teru I, Mark_ ~ i:::OU klfl't

heve d:rmr:t It \i;, ~'QI,[,

MI\'~I(_ You're w,~'ICQIiT!$, II", ne, Al'ly~ill1le, IAN!;,: J must m~ke< il'!.!lp [U:,'O:U,

MA~K: all, d~'t WOOfry aboutit. Just !my fn~ a dJjil~ sometime.

STAGE :':i: lIE.S${)N 1 '9

'!fRACt1: 29 CARLO~: There's Pet~r, OV€!r th.-e'Fe b~ ~he !;<lfe,

'iOSH:rI(O: Pe~l;1r! Walt! It'S us,

PilE;R, Did you see· where th C!y Wm1;t? C~:IlLOs: I ~tljl:!~ they tQll\o\llros tDWn..

'I'h~ w-ere in that bJack ern: I:lgiliTl,

P~HlR~ V'E!!S, It "".;)5, tM 5:! mer! ~~ ''fe~lerd~y, I'm sure. I dlmn' wa!'lt to, be there when tl1ey ~~n tl1a. 09Jg

CARL05: What dld)lC!u pll~. rn ~It}

r'fTER: New;SpBpe'r1l allld'ft'II~€"(;!~ifi!e5, C:~iRWS' 011 dear. Tn e1f~~ gcm'i,g to ille


Y.oS!flJKO: I hope It doe:glH mi!~ them

.!J flgr}! 'I,\I[t~ Ml" Ki!1S;,

Pr.T~: Somehow i ~:ilorrn thii!1~ jt will, CAI*!LQ$: H'Clw 00 )'OU know?

[",rrU:' t ,conl't for cert .. in but .1 da:n't think 'Ih<!l;)llm'o""" ..... here M rs. Ki.f"!'8 i~~

V()5H~Ii:'[l' 1 dlnn.' t liifloef5t,and,

, C1ll~S, M~ 'j01!.I !1:olfl!ll to ~:p!OI~fI iloo

us? . . -

PET.~~ N9't ~~, y~~ :\l!$~ ! 'In :ooQ; rnm.plere~y sure ~ blow wnat j~ @li1;il on but J trnird:. ttl ose rn~riJ h~r~~ :5D:rn.efi1tn,g [0 d;Q wit h. Mrs K!Ii'l~'5, son, Har.ry, n.ot Mrs ~i~El'

Y{)-SHI~O: But 'Where is Mrs K:IFl~' ! am so

WQl1led abeur her, .

P!ITIlR: I'm 1'I0~ quite sure blJl~ ! mUlst :flo to. her house lil,llsil'l. I want to deck <! few th,in~s,

·C .... R!,.OS; Yo,1.! Ciil"! it;! back to my pla,oo ir

),o'W want. Ymniro.

YOSHUKO: No. I'm com inll: with y-ou tI!lQ·. PE.TE!I1: t'l ne, I. th I irI~. w-e"I!1 be Oir

1M M.t'.! KJiltf~ ~~~.~

'l'a51H1I!O:)O~ Well, rho: dOOr is still closed ..

Vn~~ mOl~~, F!'!e feell beuer_

CARLos: Yes. Tho! :holLl5e Ilooks, empty. iP.~R~ Let's go ~1'I!ildE!', !-:Ia ... e ym.l got 'fOlir Ij:e:,.o. Yosnuk!o?

)'OSI-1!1(o. Yes, .Hleiie 1 t l!t.

---- - - - - - - -

l,)gll~h II~ 20 r""ILJL~~~ oJ d,)'y 3:1


- - - - - ---- ---

Audio Scripts

fIIT"';.R: OK, im. we ~p.

YO~~lKC: 'fltars il'icredible Somoor,e Il~s been here <Il!'Qo tidJ~ ,~rtlnlng UP"

C"'iU.O$~ Pe~J.:r'ou 11il~~t b(!n~ ... ~ i,i.$, Y'E;i>teroar/e1.i@f\i'thing was in sud. 8! tn,!;!iOS, il,rld Qf.:::OIJ rs~ WifJ saw a m<ln in Il€Hl, Har!:';. He must h,a\ll,!! b@@!1 19Qklniil rar somethi rig, m{)ne~' or

wh .. tol;l ... er,

Yl:lSH~!!«:l'; 1 ct-nrnL.l!IIIf:lf!r~t2Il'id. Wmo diid this? Wnil1i: is .gain!!. on? (.6" d~r '¥'e\tl$·1 Mrs ~I.rl~!

NElS KING: H~I.I.o my dear; I <1m 50 S-OHY, Are }'C''!J1 a IIr':i!l:ilt?

YO:SI'1I~i(O: I'm nne, We .a~re ~u fl!'le, h~~~DL.I! ,., ~Ir,e YQ~ .... ~ii1'.1 t.hollli!~t ... ~. ckmt lmow wh.~t 1 tholle;ht.

Ml!;R.: Mrs J<jnij, ~O'I.! don't klG& vt!.r'j "l~!L

Do yOIJ wantto si~ down?

MRS '&:;:!NG: '{@~, ~ think [\1o'ii I L

~~TER:: .1)0 yO'u KIlOW wh€le YQur son is:? MilS, KilN": Nc. I tri'edi to hel p ~1 i m but I

QJlQ!'!'1; kn&'!w naw mill:<ch trouible ne\1la5 ig, ~ ol1ly know ~om.@ (]f 11. I stlll don't K[lQ'oVaHofit

Q\.J!LCS: Do yoLi w<;!nt to ~E!IJ I.!!:?' ~fh@jps WeO<J;fJ, neip,'\:':olJ ~e:!,eiiiteKl<lY t,';'l'O men mad~ 'i(oslhloo .glw tn.em some [J1Jan-ey, One or them. ~ .. ~d ll-e «1ulo h!urn YO'll Ifl!lE: didi1l't.We thCi'!Jsht you 'H'ei'e with 11 i m.

Mru;K!I'!lG'; Wlth ,@j man? NO', n. W<IS trw Lendon, I \II<!!> ~f'Jln~ ~ my SOIJi '(al] see H8Jny ili:a-t irl;tQ tfo,ubUe It'l A'!J:5tr.l I ta. He"leeded to pa)' someone <! ~ct C\f [F,Q.n.@y - I oni,;, knO!J/ this rnarrs name, K~rl, l"J-O!]I. Harry oouMrn get the m~l:ley, He decided to O:;:¢'rTt~ b~d:. to ElI1ilDamll. Fi.aIT'j QI me hereand I, gave hirn ,ali the' It!lon~y ! l1~d. I took. lfQur mQfloe.y tQoQ, VQ!;~ilo. J am, ",,~r}' irorry aOOYt: that, Bu~ U wasri"t 'fiMOUgt1J. Thein 1rl£i111' did 5'Qm~~l:itfj€ ... ~ry wrong. Wh~1'I 11.c got to London he met .5Ome men ,..."ho, \Ma nlt,Qa to roba ba n k, H.aH)' .Elililreoed t.Q I!C With them. !"le then faun.a tne~' wanted to to!'ke g~~~ wili:': them and he didn't '\!la/fit to do thOll, He l<:Jld Ui~m Il~ dllcln't want to rob the b<!n~. wi th ~!w[:n !r ~h@"y used guns. They l'Ier'8 very iii n.~:ry wl tho hirn, lil1i11!i/ iOir'~ stlll ~1Il!€iPt' !"lith, ir"Iim,

'D'li1iJLO,jJ.: And tile men, who look tl;,!i'

mo .. <:~' [lOm "tashiro, , , are they the FObb~t$'! HQW did t!le~ kriow about us and y,!,hoele to find us?

MRS KJI'!O; A men j;ll1olf!~!JI <!r!q r 1'.'~!5 fri,gh:tel1ea. I ta:ld him H any's fri.end5 ""~~~ gOiii1.g, to 'Il~t the money FOor Karl ~ray, T11<lt'!> why I ;;I~k.ed ymr I)IJ COIi'I!:! to the statlon. ! didn't ""'<lm to ~<!y <I:lwthin!il about hiarr,!

---- - - ----- .

34 E'lqll'.h jn 20 ro·.nl)l('~ ,1 d,1Y

-- - - - -

(MILOSE 50W.hQ came to TOIJ r house and ma.die all tMt mess:

MRs KING': Htliri1. Q~ Q:)u.~e, H~ 1.II'<Il? loot!ne:1or rno:n~. 14f thC}u:gnt I. was neetell ing t.lm th e tffitA

Y~!"lIK9' ""~, must b-e ~eFy ~rlil:lll~~i:'IieJ. PE:'il:~: HI!!' l~ imQt tl'i@ on ~~ one. When those men 9pen tt~~ baiS the~ am go[t1llI to b€! very an~1)' 'lfith me,

M~s KlN'C~ What b:a,g,?

pnE;~: ~~'!;a 11J1l!l SWI)' hut. J th ink. W!fil m!Jst {lO to the pol!~ ~~',

~ w~ ~""~~ilW ~,~ !'lit tfQ.(lI'".]

C,IoJRWS; I think ""@ .. ~ tot'} lal~!

-- -- - -



1'1: Morn ~n([!:, 5flrn,

~, Momi~~, BEn. Sorry, bU1 c-an yt:>1JI len d me some C<lsl; lOf my traln [tC;~~t?

A~ mel yOU spe't1d ail YOl!lr maney I~S1


8. Yes •. ~ did. I h,adl to (le't a ~O!~ i home·. A.. OK, then Hiere yell! ar!;1

8: T.Manb. 1 (arl !lei 10 the bankat hJFlch

'tim.-e <l!ild~ .. y you back to.nlgnL

A: Fine - b'ut don't lorg@~l


A: I've had aJ t-euicle d:"y!'I'hl!' train wasodCl~aWfd < WGiS 50 [UJU I h<lgl 1;0 sta ndall du~ W<II.,. iflto town,

lEI' 01'1 .itli)Jr, w~r€ you !!I~e fm \i/

A.~ No, I wa~lll hut I. wanted to get to, t~eoffj~ 1llar~y, teprepare rOT the 3al~me:.e~!!iI!il

B. Dldlt go OK?

A:. NO, It wacs tenUblei My oompUit;.;:r dtdi'i't warn pf'Olp~r]y. !>:J my proesenitEitiOO1 waS <'In m i ;oI;e:di up, and .i ~pil~ c:nrr!!e IlIH over my 110t-eS.

Ill: N ()~ 'IOU F IlJc'ky d8J'I t hen , It: ['if Q. i~ wasn't.


1RJIo}~K :2 W.h,M did, )101.1 d)Q last 5aJt!.lrday ni!ll:ht~'

:2: Wile.Fe were you iiI~ ~.iBllt ~tdQ{;'k ~ .. st


3 Who did 'lOll tal!::. ro yesterday?

..:I, When, d~d YOlo.! st<'llt1 le<'Irl'liriij English? 5 How dl.d :,'QIJ f~J. Y'~:iilterd<ly?


SlAGE 6~ llESSON 3

l1f1ACiK a, I l WliS rela:l:.iln{Ol end ""O!~chinB Toi.

:l ~ was erljoyi l'Iil:a mE!"aJ out '.111it h m~ girlfriend. .

') I wa:o W[Jrl\i:li~ on SOIll1'e sal e-5, ~igl._u.e:> rof the 5~ les wrlfl;l!~l;!fN:e.

4 ~ wss li .. tt1lning to sam@gr.;:a,t music, The band was'terrifk!

'5 J was p!<Jl"illi~ te:nrib with rily frl@i'ldi, Arrnca.

{j I w;us dr~~m~ horne <llJId ~ iSI'en,i n€l '10 lh~ ~~.Jio~

TR:eI!CI.::,4 A:!ih t, mala<llrri, i fI ~o u r O:~11 words. I:e II me ""h.1t happened.

Eli Q)<;, we~1. ~ wa:!; w~,tchin!l B marl ~td ndi!l:1i! b'~ ~l1e ~!de of the road.

1\: (all yi111 d~~t:"1 tJ.;? I'll m?

ffl- "'e5_ ~e' W~<; la iI\! h Inil!l. rl~lf~ h 8 i r.

H~ WillS ~e<l,ri n'g ~ iaci;:e't arid" .. rte

A; An~th!nl1l ~lse?

fl,; 'i{f:!:;', ht) was also "I ... e:~lrln~ i'I pair of


.Pt· Su n.glasses~

B: Ntl, ~)Mlr'l~'ry gI2ls~es. specr.acle5 /1,; ,.!,,[ldi w~s ils l1ol'dlln:g .3:r'lythill!ll? II; 'l"eli. he W<!'" nolwllil'l:l'i ~ s~itr.:ll se. A; Wd5 h~ v.\~rifl'l"l a hat?

6; NQ, he Wa,:;;ln,

A; COIl"! NI,l ~~ii m/ii anythil1g else"? B-: i4e was looki 1'lIij: at a map

A.~ What made :,.'CI]J 5u5p1C"lou!O?

B: Well. ~ ~n(i!lJsM~t 1.II.'a~ a i'J1.t:;~mn!i1:e oeCa'IJ8fr h,Q' ...




.I asked the cashier wll<l~~he r<!t~ W~IS, ~"d th,~n .1l!~WIll her my dol 1,8 rs, Suddenly, a mail C,'Im~ 1 Fl, pointed a~lJn at ner ,tlnd dBm::If1'IJed £5000. li 1J5~ didl"'l·~ b!iow what to,do!


Be'l~i'@ ! wacs a ble to save ffio\ell'_iltiilinll. to the d~5~. the ~c~ee!l W@'fil bla:nk8illd then a ball: appeared sa'lil1~ ! had perl:or~~d an megal Oller,\ldoJt, 'l'he wh;o]etnin,g £nen s'toppedi \iIIOrklll~, COlin ~oll;!b@Ii~~ lI:?


1 WillS wi rmjnlii, ~ JSa!lIY'll<!5,byt Jar'l@ sO}ld sh~ 4ldl'l'l wan •. to iIliet wei, O!~d d)edd~ to go iln~:ldlfl_ 1 till i Ili~ she's i:U5t <I b~d lQser!


I had j!.!tl>~ P!JI: th@Q\I~1;'I on, <lnd was c;~m~n!il ~p S'C!~e toltrl,att:l!f!g, when Tom C8JHaI~i) say he W<l5 OOmin€l I'OUJ"ld_ He di.oo~~!; his mDments, doe5j\"t h~?\le

I came down tile $Io~ ~t ,g,bout 50 kllormm€S <1['1 hour ne[lll~t fft'j" balance. Io-st coli'ltro[ ami hit a lr,e<l Oucn! i spe'nt !h~ 1'I11!U ~~k. LIlI hospitl3J~,


[t was a. bea'IJtihll old b1Jildi!1~.1 hOiO iList poin:t~dmy camera. ?,II it, wll~n <l poli>~1'1 ~i!!llk.ed '1.1]) to me and wldl ifI'Ie ~il' put It away. App~~f1Uy it "",al;, ,:;I mili,taf'S buHdin-!'1.

,,= all I 1iI;~~p~Qou si r?

S: Y-es_ I"m afraid I'm nO'!F!!1ally kapp~ wlth th:i,:'; Ilote~,

. - ... -~.-,.- .... ~ - - - ....... __ .--- ... -. ...... ~ ... -.,. _:-; - .. ,-.;.,'~ .....

Aud io Scri pts

A~ I'm SOllfl/ to heer that. Can I h~v~ 'jOlir It~tnt!'andl room Humber. p,lea.!>e'?

B: ves Oil' oom~. tt's Ch1ules Cook and I'm in room ~06,

1\: !Heh'r, M r Cook. N n'>'( wh at"r;II\~ prnblern. exsct]y?

B;Wh~re I s[ari!? Well. first ohlil. the service iii! yol!r re~1IWr.aflt was

~~01!.' ~nQ tl'l~n whi~~ 1 W2IS @Ol/tin,g .my dinner. one of ~'OIJ r W8J~t:er5 spi It soup 0["1 !l1Y ~hi rt H~ diQll'l(t ~pC:lcgi:s:.e.a:nd the restaurartt rna n ali:eF didrnt.eem to think it W~$ !mportant- One oJ m~ best £t"iirts W~ 5 rui ned !

A: That's 11)0£ at .. ~~ Okoc:r;rpt:,;lIb']iI!!, s5r_ I'll h.a'!€ a 'oV'Qiid with the rna!'! ~;i;l~r la~~f_ Ahj,'tt'lin,jl ~I~?

B: Well.,El:le food in thie~:>talll~ant !J,r<'l$

. ~ery T"I~t:e', ~QU know. Nothing arnezing, but:l weu Irl certiliin~~' eijt. th~f~ ';;Q~Jn. Howevet, .ow apglom' :lind sn offer to cl~a:lli my sh i:rt wou]dllil~ve be~1Ii I'Ikol!_

A: 6.h, li31ree. ['11 ~ee wnOitl can dio

:~~ 'I'nal"lk Next, I W~5; tryln{l to $I@i!j:l in the' afte:moolli wilen tile maid ~tIle'l n and! SlOilted to d~a!'l my rOQm I

A:[)M y,Elll ask her to ~ea\le?

B:Of course I did, but she 5~i,t!I !O11~ had to dean the mom CI'f sne'd! be in ~roubJE!, I mean, It was four Q"dod;in lltle aJ:ber~og.n! St"t@' alse fOIg0t to ~eBve Glean 'tg\!le~~

,,\: !Hmm 'Thii!t'~ i1otgQgr;! ~nDLlgh. How ls lI1Jur mom~'

B, On, Ol'l~ 'Of the [:licest r=m~ i'v@ been ln, Sllt:] 'm not here to rompl~rnefllt '101.1 on )'CHJf!1Xl:m$. k Of course not ,~ir: Ar'ly!:tlln;g Iil~se'?

~: "roe,", ~ or4@r~ 'l. meal to be brolJj{hl to 1J1Iy" rOOI1!l- H took almost an hour to 'lir:rl~e, and! when It dh:L it rold!. Also, the waitelr brol.l:S;hlt It ttl ,,"hUe I 'i'J\ilS takilne,"' ~hOW€r_ HI[l, ~ctll~l!y rorilJe mto tile b..SItilmo:m tQ~i~lI ~i!th'l? food h<'!d arri:",ed!

A~ Right. ]"11"1 oak i:11':O~~iat as well.

:6= Qroe n!i!~~ th~'-!~, V was \Js:irog ene of tli:ie omnpul<:!rs in your b~5ine~$. Q'!l'iitft:! ''''''ne~ It. crash.edi. J was ill the middJe or writ.! ii,S <i re,JiCirt, andl IQ:!:~ e'!fePjth~ns! AJso, tihe, pliif1JW dcesl"I"t wc"f1l'.: 21T1d the internet oofineCll on 'Is f'~~Uy ~iIO'"\'J. It took me 1Ie!l'1 mimH;e5 LQ g€t Oin line,

A; '(iO'$, l.I.'@ .li\ia.v~ had I:l fe-iii complaint!;! ~,bo'1.Jt tllar. I.'] I. &ell'! whllt ] GEln dl;),.;;Ifldl €et b~d:. tQ, ~OIJ,

Ill: ffi<lfll YOll, YO~'Vl:! il-tltl'l 'yery h elllr~ l,

- - -



Wh~ r'JQt ta~~ the c;hi Idfief!? Tn~1~ ;m~ Jots of buttons to CP~~~. ifs .81 {l1'e<iI< hallds"o'1 diS~iiI'l', n~~' can learn a Lot ,li'iid M"'~'fu'ril ,n '~b:;~ ~:amB' time,


Ii" OOS~ m~ a l:::it of lfOO!1ey to .a'll:t !n, Wh .... t ,8 waste 0:1 timet 'Te~ pi rtu res. that '!,\1,as all. ,arid ~l!Jere were so m<lFi~! p~cl3l~ ~here tOll amid h a s-e~ them. I should hW'~! asked for my mol:'iey n,H'k!


welL l rh i tlk ws an .1lmil2;i n,g: oollectiOi1 Tnere are I iteraJly '!h.{lijsa,r:.d~ o-f thlngs to IODk1l1 from fill mrer the wOikd 1 OOLlld have speflt n01J 1'5, 11'1 [t'lj@:r'@ - I'm goi.l:I~ b§d iiiifii.n next wed;


I ~U5t wanted 00' !1<iV~;l1 :IQ!;i~t a!t~l"Ii~ . mod:~rn art thiilt eJ/!S'I)'CJlEi'S tal'k!!1!g abOiUt. W~II, ut w<'!~ .~] I fl,ght, J !~'U/ppose. but It did.Ili't meaJrI muciJ tlO me - ~ Mel to go and ~~l a cup of coHee to WElke ~!l!lf t:I~~

I'!.: Wh~t 5~<l11 we dg. tCida~~

El. we:II, we ha'W!l'(t been to the Tt,e~ue MU5e~m, WOyid you Ijke to ,go theJe?

A~ SOlJnd~Iil~IL When ~s i,t opo!::nl

,!il,; L~tn;u~, n~V€: 8, loo,k at the l$i!~et.,. '\1leIl. it opens at M!f IlQst nine and ~1~~5 Ol/t :fIve. Qhr!o.w~i~ ~I rfI"I~rnJ!l'it ~t'~ SlJnd~'II "tOO;;iy.U5fl't it? It doesn't ~Pt!Tl IJn~il ten thirty tC(l,ay ~ndi It clo~s at fOUI" thiTt}i,

.A~ W~]], let's {iP thM' m~ml ng. How much I~ it?

Ii!· E'J'; <l:dm[~lol'i tor ad1J,hs ls fcur e:UrG5 fi,f'ty H~~ YOLI got a student mrd?

A: y~~, Irs !I'I my b~~

Hl.! l'h,st's good, StiUd~nts ~y o:~ly[hree ~U,ros. lts <I p'it.:l' YQ~H~ ~[)t fiJnd~ sWet!!Il~

A: W'I1rj?

EI, ~n. fI~e Jgr c;hi:lelr~1iI under Sb:t~TI_ .'\~ HiTlmfn, I .ion'! thil.nk l leokthat

Y-0UIillI!, c~n w~ have lunch ~l'I[;!~?

II; Yes, III says th~~~"s a r~t1liUr,ilJlt.. On i<:ml tnerE'5 a m!;l$eym $:liop tao. We C!ln bu~ iii binbd<lY pJeso:::nt to.r sam 'JI.'h I.I,~ wn,e the~e.

A, Hl'lw dc, we' ,get t.herEf? Do, we haw to '~,ab:! Eltic!: oar'?

s: No, we e5i!'i t<lkie- the number 3 i OY$ or th,e Iraln. In o:nly fl'o'e lUIinut~5 fmm

rb.e statim]. .

- - -- _._.

Er,gli~h Iro 2{) In 'll.JL'I!~ ;, (.1.'1..- 35

- - - ---


Audio Scripts

STAGE 6: lESSON 5 - -,

ffiAllK9 V!;!$oo'ld.liY.l had a :FI},a Ily bUls~ d<iy, FiFll~ of aU I wal~d to th.e S'iJpenrn'<! to g:io!t 5O,ITlIl' food TI1J~n l ",lent ba~~ Ilom<: iOiIli!d plmned my f~iend. IBftJ<Ce, Aft~;r ~rlat r nJ,d .oome i:l!lnch, Netl J diro~e to 8iNHlB ~ hoWls!: to pJe:l: i1 i in up. The tramr.; W<l5

bad. but We,lo! II)' .got l~ .ile cin~m<l W'" s aw the late51Mnrh ii I m. wtikll was proen.y gn-:::;(f Next, \ .... e went For aJ eGtf~~ a!'!ct OJ chat. I' Finalll' gat to red at i3 bo ut mid!rt~gl1t

iiFlACK1(1 fAN'E; How ..... as you:rfirst day 11'11 rne new


IliILl: OJh !t ",,:!los FIne.

Ji.,';Nl!;l 5a'.!Iha~ n~:P&eilecl?'

S~!.!L: Wti.ll, ,ru~t cf all ~ me~ '~t1!! 'r,l1e'iltr@ m¥~O!lirer, M, B~~.

lAiN!;;: W~5 he nice?

ell.L~ YtS, he s~m€d qLl~t~ p[easal"lt. We !'Ja;d .aJ CDit~e and ,1j cr.,ijt ilnd then he told m!l! wile! ~ had! to do, ~Y ilinOl.!!, 'Wh a ~ m~ durlaa W~'Fe an.clile sl1o!.l/1;!d Jne how to. use the Cljfl"e ~adl'iti~!5, the eom pi,lt~r :;yst.ern, tile faJ{ Ff'Ia,chilile al"l1 tne,o p~otao:),preF, It ad! SEemed Ila1fl~ s~mpl~,

rI\N:E: ILl idy,oll meet the mn@;[ emp!oye~-? ~l!.l..: ¥es, ar~er thai: I met tht! others if! tl:!iE'! [t1~il.tire', The ... seem Uk.e a llIictl:, Jrl~~dlY" crowd INe~t,. We ilillii"@f!~ [or J·Jm::I~.

IIUII!!::: Did Y0L.:ijGtlJa!~y 1':10 <l[)~ work?

9inJ,,; Yes. ~ (l~~ntjJa.lI:~ st.aroed ~\Vol,k at ",bout rW{l o'clock, BlI~ I dQrn th i rt~ I'll b@ i.l!D1'8' to 00 tliiaJt e~f'l dayJ

ffiACK1 ~

.A: FlL Wh:ii!t'iii ~ou~ Ililm€?

,8: R.Qbert. but my rn~n-d:;; (;<111 me, Rob. A: Wb~r; do 'fD!.I ~ive'J

B: In FbJfr.r:ax, a town ~Ii!:;;t north of San Fr.3lm;;iS(Q,

PI: Ha'i'e YOIj .got a,IIJ",.;il.i Idr'~n?

B.: 'P\'.'Q, ~~l'In:i', ..... ho·s S:~:O;, <lil"ld Ar]Qrew.

wh.o'!> folir.

1\; What does IKllJl" wi~e do~ B: Oh, s.he'·s1l doctor

1;.: ,!-;~ve ~()U ,~t any' hobbies">

R W'~,II, I lil<le {)(.>okin;g and I'm qLJI~~ In tere;;:te-d ill ,ptH)~oijraphy_

'i'RACI( '1.2:

Wh ~~ h;;l~' J be-en dQlng'~ We~1. I,.,t me' SE'E!. ~ I!'!en[ ~(i ~he <;1![IemdJ JClst 1'I'~r;~, Bu t lhdilm 'Sa,!> H!r.ibio!:'. '",'/lal el~! LIm, 1 nl

--- .

,~6 F'1"'~~I'''JOrllill· .. :e~<lclJY

- --------

mad aboet shOiPpill!1i! 'The' ~as~ tlFl'!le I 'm!'llt s hOP"'i n ~; !ll'ljj$t:wo days a,go And' ."ffiterJjay momJn::;J1 also dlhl dJ bit ar ;;noppi I1g ,on til.; intlJlir!1~, 'Them are so rna:nytlh I nItS to ehaese from, M~ poor c'f,~,dJi t c~lld! U rn, I met some f.rien ds ,lilIst nighit. tiM~~dJ .a,nd lsiniC:l1. W~ ail W!!1it olJl lor a meai, Sylll'ia ~0iI\':i !J$ about a: ptalY

s he sail!! a~ th~ t,l1eatre. Itt ~5 r;eal!~ bOI!i:n'lli OIrid she bfl~~ it Swlmmin.g? Well. lcan't, III'1~mt1jnat~ry. bot I IO,<,e :5j)D~t. I. p!;! SoqiJa sh \!/l'th Jania! this morning. Sne won. r..r co 1JI~l!. She

I a Iways does, ~ darn watch m lf~h ~.e!evi$k)ri. I can't rsmem bet the last time I did . .Ages al!i,Q, at 1)j1'l:!' fate. GoIng; to a ~PQrtil"l~ l:"'ent7 :Ilob <!!l,d ~ !lOl;W a m<it,~h last m:onth. My favollrit'€ t~OIm ase .fo.\<IM;h~t~' lin lted ~ncrdle)' .,;o,orn. fantastic! Oil. I forgo-t. '!Wo w'ee'io:s agp 1 went [() wm:km. I ,gtJess J howe

besn blJs'I',

. ,


. -

Liz: Wh ar,!; w10ntJ. 'a,ck~e?

i,li;C:KJE:: Bob's; ani:r; 'I/,ith I!!'Ie; <!~ '~lrIe moment.

In.: Why? What'~ wmrl€:?

Ii'\CKii'::: Y~IJ r,e'J.Thf!'ftl:oeF tha~ on Monda:,' j dld['l'~ i1.w~·~.go to \IIorn.: b!::eil!J!l~ it W$;!; <I, ,bank t101i.d:ly?

Lll:. 'fe:;;?

'''(XiE' Well, w~ hada 1m Qf work to do (II'! th Thesda}'. so J 1180::1 to ~~i ~iilte and. we-It overtlrm~,

. i.J.!~; So w~~t's that ,fiOt to do ·wlth Bob?

J .... Q(I~~ Welt ,I fmg,o.t l!'!('lC r hi3dOl[f'<!l1~' ,3naJ1@ed to meet Eklb f~r the gallery upe.nir.'EI en Thesday e"'~iIling, I ~11,QI.I~d nave caHed ,h i rn to let him kf'\OW I !'!Ioa s ~ortlnl!l.ate,

liZ: AM you m,iS5~d ~o!!'!J da t~ W'[th ham? ''''~KilE: Ril!ilt, Ht! \lia5 r'O r me ~:t the- eaHery, and! o~ COl,lr~ j d r,dln' ~~how Up. APiywa;y, W!U;!fI I .gOE ,~(lme, ~l1er€, v,',as .an .al'i~ry message- from h 11Th 011 my a I1S~ri rill! maCF.line. "h~ !;aid I ~<lS sel.fEs!'i .. ,rod tJ1o~~htless"

tiL: That wa~I'I't ... ery !"I~~e, He !ll:iolddwl't' hSl~ ~'PO!l:.e1ll to YQIJj like thM

~"",cl::m~ J kn.o'o\l.

LIZ.: W-e!1. S~nd him <I IiOte and .Il PQ1oerse. blJ t· make :;; Ij re :,'!Jti ·lelJ him YD'U'rlil not Ilaipp.y With Ill!:: <;Itt~~u de.

J;'Ct::~E j rn iilh t i list du [haL

'IIFl\M)i{ 1,4 You ahQUJdtl't .1a ... e e>l(en that chJc!en ~ i t :~;i; In ~(J m pie-teJ:y tt-oked ~

:2 We shQuld n,8w Jef~ elfl:rh~r !>J{"!\O! 1,1,,111:·1, bi;oJat.e

Ji Idldrl'l m~1?1 you ~~terd,3J_1" because J had to ""['l(~ Clv€ttl me,

~ We she u kErn hBV€! ~[lent sa much mone~ j n [\he re:;:t;;!Uf<l n t! Now we Cilti't. .dioi'dl to REt a r.a~l hOme.!

OJ '(tlu didn't hOlVo@ to ta k€ a la~:i to tht! city (Entre. Therese.!) o::l'!eap, rellable hilS seN"io;!,

6 You sl1ay]d raflolf: toM 1i'OIJ, bQ55~QU WOy fd be i.;lt:e. He's mally !Hl§fIj'!


- -

lriAA.OK15 Right, Mr Brown .. St.ut the Co'Ir; Naw

,c!"ri!lCK y::mr r'~01Hfie'i'l mirror. OK, the' rood I.~ (Ilear; so yOu: (,;8'r1 P I.! II, out

Tli!alt was fine, well done, Now rernernber to ~ YQt!we:'i'@' cot! the rmn a.n.el!id. AlwaI15 \!!~~d'l out lor t~lr"jt. Se~ t~at <G;lr

i n rr-ont o,f Will? ~"'l~"!> indlcati r'eJ, so' l1e·~ e:oin~ to tum .Iert.'.lI"hi,d-a l'nel3Jl!ls h'l!!"$ froln;g to s[ow dOWI1L You millst do the same. 1I h, Mr Brown, 51.ow diO'Nn.J V:ou'rE il'Oin~ to hit I:ll!fm! r I'll1ew, tl"lM Was .:laser

o K. ~ow; di!!1re are same chlklrt!n .. a he-ad Oll the J~f~, :5e-e· t~err!? i:he~'r~ going to cro.sst:l1~' FNd a~d they're' AC't I'oo.klllg OUit fot Cl3fS. So ~,Iow rl~l1t down, That's it. Arid there th'ey go.. Remembll!r, ..alw.!l~s !ocd:: OL.l~ for dll~:ldll!?tL Als,o, there's a ~ir mrni n@ from tk-~ road on the r~t, aM he'S RPing to pullout In from ()~ yOlll. sa ~p ~):il ng :slowly. lPe~fern. Ol~;;:' speed up B blt now. Check '{tJillrrlilawJe"", mil rror, SeE! tbe car behJnd yoU? Hie's il'id~e:!ti ng, :50 it loo~.s ~ ike h.r~8.'Oi flIg to (l~eril:1ib!

~mj. Ke~ to[n,e- left OInd! S;ive n im loom . 0111. it's all rJ~nt. He'~ 't\;;m~~d his mine. Er. perhaps :iolJ sho!uld S~Ol.'I dGwn~n;, W~'~r; ~oilJlln~ iJp W.§I sllarp bend. that's ",,11 y. lull B"rowl'l, $1 "v,LJ:lawrs! ¥<o~ re

dri Ying too fast. \(9~.tFe dol rl>!l 5©., 1'1 rid we're IhO!, 30 JJ m i~, ':fQY' Fe g~i rl'f': to !oS'e' mnt.rol of the 'car! Phe-w, thi;!t WalB '?€ii)' dao;e! Perhaps [should t~~ CW€~ fm:t]lI f'I~re,

TAJi .. Ck 116

H€'.$ fIcing to d~ th{~ booh :;: T.hrzy"re Roin~ ~o I;'iltc:n tM bu;s"

J: She'SI!iQing tDFli<IJkea I),heme c1llr 4 S·he:s gUIJlf, r.o h<llie ~ b~b~'

I 5 ~t'5 -€I!;)! FIg ~Q be <l w~t day.

6 'i1lH;!y're .gol;:'lii!: to eat ell n l'1~r,

~ - - -


TMCK U1 P:~ER: C a rlob, I [)(1~( QU~ (J' ~,n€' 1'1 i nclow!

Whn i,~ ~l?

M~s KIN';;;; !c'§. ~·I~['·~ 1(5 my !>{")['II Q,JlCI::. leI. him iFI

CA.ii:L,.OS: I'll go. retell;Olli help m'~?

PtTEfl:: Oh g'O(KII1£!':!>..<; I~ hE' oa> r chin 1 we

need a doctor.

H.".RRV; No I'll be OK. ru De OK. P,ETlER: What happ@~d to :\,Ol.l? HARII'i'l Th.ey got me

C .... FiwG: l.en put hlm on lh~ soja!. 'fOSHl! "t~ I '11 ~e1 you some WSltef:

M!RS KliNG: oh Harry! ( ~~5m Willart I'ra...-e the~' dene to, yoU? veu ,£I IT'.! ;!l'~ id i ol",. oh my poor boy."

H""R_~; ! 'm OK, M~rm, I e;ot .r;¥ElY billt [he~'~e a,n.el me.

PEli~ H@:rlE's.~oil!lol) 'wOlt~r, Cill1 yO!;.! ~e]1 U5 wnatit's all arolll?

t.:i.:RWS: le .. ",'-e it, Peter, I think hoe n€!€'ds to sleep.

PE1iE'JI:: OK, but I want W know 11,0\11 cSlde we 2ii'i!-. Wl'lo, .3f'~ these men? Will tney ,.:;_o-:rn;~ h~~ lTIeJ;t? .

H,r,;RR:'t.! 1 dO!n't~h lWlk ~Q. They ,*,~'t knoOOiI about th i~ bo'u~c FI.t least ,I don't ll:1i!'! k they do,

CM!t.o<;l: 'fh~ may li1!a\i\e lfollowet! Yo'll, I think w,~ need to can the 1Xl~ic:e.

HNR.R't; please dOrl'tc;8J~~t"he: pelice, 'l'filey won't believe what I h1l,~ to s~y.

F'nrn!: So what do you sUJgi~est? Wrt walt unt II Ihjl,iJ Jlrnd yQy?Tn<l"t dcesa't s~em ~ery ;;:liever:

H. ... il!R'{; Ng, Ii'll ,!lQ, lIet me M61~ tITle niiht and then I'~] '!1:Q~

MIl;S ~1f1,;C;i L don't w-ant YQUI~O £0, HaJI"!I.

Yot! are all ~ t1J!lNe·. -

I"IA1II!~"!{: rn (!;o bad. to A1J$tT!iI~ii!J. l"'11 sort ,~fYthjf"!B out, Don't worry aoout me, MI;!m I'll be mile .

PE't.E:Jl: Ca!rlos:, Y[)s~lbJ" . Let's them ,a'i.o"'e, We need to talk.

CM1,LDS; Wili<l~ at'€ io'i'@ €PifilE: to do? I don't wam ro 5taJ~ here. DO~0Uf?

Plf;T~; f',lQ, blJ.t w'hatiilbout Mrs King?

She'S not ~afe if she '~.a)'s here wj~h tl,ar:ry.

YQ:SHI!o1C:.We ean't leeveher with him in this house. IF thoOSI1: men OOIilili't tn.ty

will Ii:IU t:h{:m hfl~h. .

F'1ITE'Jl: Ma~be, m8i~be not. I ~IJIW!1st th~[ we t~ to Sl'DP them 'Il~tttn:g in. Make: sure .ai.ll tile wlnd.ow:s am:! doors ari<! !od:1!:d. CJa,;c [i'iIe ,cui1a i 1'1:5, tOI) . Perhaps ~h;ey wiH thint therels nobody here,

YO:SHii'i:O' I. clOFrit (!'I!nk that will 11'Q]~ bill: ~t.~, th,~ D.e:5!t we: can: do. cn,me 0" Car1m, you (!hecUi1e cront alild 1'.11 check the bCi.d . .In better to do somljlth!!l{!. [ham I U:St sit h~re w-altifi{i ['Or sl:l:rll!e1hin~ to h13iPpen. .

~ __ . __ ..... _-,...._ ... _ .. .~ __ .... ;...._.:-=.-:- .. - __ ..... "7 •• ..- ~ ..... __ ••• _7:1 ...... ....... _.:-_ .. --. __ .. _.

AUdio. Scripts

._ .. ---

I SJif !M'm ,~fIi'O~ f~m l riff, p~~. ~ .cI'\RL05: OLl i ek! Th~t'::: 't'tl:;n Ih"l Sil!'if: <'IE'

t he, bad 0J the h ouse, fTIi"ll nm ~,:. III!' fMt~ elf Hie liMSt,J Wih<!,t is ii, Yosnilo? Are 1'0'1:1 an 'right")

YOOHliI!:)O: I:solW '~Dm~on!' Oyt there, I'm sl..ire! did

~E:'f!iJi:; Opef;) rhe dQ~r,tarlQs. ters '!liD

and licl(ik.

Y'OSI'ir!<O: Be a! refulE He may havea gul'!! Ii'ET!iJ'.;; Com 1f01J5~ a[1yOOd~. C8Jrlos? CARbQS-; No, I ~~(fI>1~I'n:!~ .15 there ,~n,,:ood~


1\01;':1\1: Yes,. ] haven't .g,ot a gLlri .I i Uist wa nt: tospeak to H6rrj. r ~110W he's here I ,folio~ed h:im.

PEfi.Eil:: What diD 'l'o'u 'W.:lJ!1[ to speak to l'iim OIDOi,ft;"? 'ColTlle -over h il'r~ ·'.IIher.ewe can see ym.L Carlos, help me. Geit holdl Dr hr~ a rrns,

CMJL05~ lve ~o.t 111 rn,

M,l,I\l; (let off m~! I' IiIiI !lot £] to rr..ull OIW8~· .. I saw ;some linen run 8,ft€!r H 8f1'!i. .I thlnUil~ i:HJ1'i: ilIlm.

PETER: But you!re one of them.

CI!.R!!..os; 1',.,5, fOlJI're one of the men W"frO teak Yoshlko's mon~~.

Mi'.to!l: I know . .I can e1:pl.aiFl.

PITEP. Yes, ~ tlilin~ YOli haw, a lot .of @xpl<lillirrg to' d:Q.

MAN: I know. I lust want to t.rro\!'! Jf Haf!r~ is OK,

CIi.RiLO~; H~'~ h!:!fl. Did! y-oy hurl]'!i rn? MAN: No. of COiu,r~ .I didn't. I ne~ to :s~a.k to him <lw!li ~i:;JClSe IT[~,

P,E"I"E~.~ Ca,ri.os, I:et's ta,~e :tiJilll1l ;lns~cle. ~alll:' you'.got hiils .aicmS?

1M,I\~1i .1V's; OK, fm no, ij'Qiflili to run <ln~n#here. I, !u~t wa.nt"tn t:.:illt to Barry.

P~R; Ol{tl1eOi. COme'iTt5ide,

\{OSHiIIKQ; Hiilft:\' S0!)'5 It'5 OK. He w<OJnt5w speak to h~m, too,

!i'E'I"!l:~ ,P.l1 rll!li1t the",. YOu can wme i,lll, :S·ut we' don't; Wl'ilflt ,an,! trouble,

MAN: No li()',lo,le, ! Rrorfl!!O!:, [ne~1 '~"1Jfl ~m. ~(l~~,) Where is he?

V05H 11";.0: iii ttJ~ liv:lng reem, H~'$ ..... .itt: .11 I s methet

MAN: H~~ llI'Iotl1eJI! Oh no I

HI\,R,R'I'l Hello, dad, I'm oorry a! .. II

this. .

MFl:S IK:lKG: John I Whist are you del ng i'rer1lft I. thoQlIgnt you weffi: de~,dl

STAGE 5: lESSON '11 '

lif'IA-GlK HI Wor.L"~"l: I'm SCI s:IBd' It's flliclay. 11'1l1I exhsustedl

MA.N:· .Mt;t too. What iOll"e'fOIiJ g(lj:n.g~o de

li'lis we-den.d? .

WOMAl.'4: OFi, J1!ot muc~. Tg,mOF!'01,!.' mom~ng t'm .go.i rog tQ do serne shoppdl'l;f! at t91€!g<! rden eentre

MAN: Are~DIlI buyir.g:;!:nytih i FIg $peCioilIE? WO.MAiloI:. N10l r€[IIIy. Just: .jl few phmts ror the; ·ga~cJen, T'i1l!'1.1'm oI'lQln.g to meet lackre and Bema rd B ndwe're ioilillg to g~<imm,

M"N: WIiII~.n on,e'"

\\iirJ;.MM,j: W~h .. ~el'l't d'edde-d ~~t Aft"ll:r th"t, wl;fre flojn{l to ®o to dub 9' M,o,N, Wllst''5 'lnSn

\'lJo.M ... ~; ~rs'" fijJsnteh.:!b ,on tl1@ Hiilit'i 5troeet, !t'5 r<!Il~[jjstic, YOIJ should go there some time.

MAN: ~ miQh~ 'i 1.l5t do tll?lt. Wnat about Sunday]'

~"_N:; ['m :eglii~ to watt'h the:bIB mareh, Li'o'e:rpool a.gain~t M:aJ1cheiiitf"l iJl'itt:ed'. Irs en att'W"o a'do~k.

M,i(fII~Oh r.i.g:nc r Corgo'! :3Jbollt that. Whit cl'lal!flrH!t i$ I~ rl:n?

W~man: ~C~, I tnlr'l:k:, .A:t'I~., wt<~t

about ~01:e

MAN: Nothi flJi!: .;IJa II! WOMAN': !ii:ilaJI'I'?

IIIbo.iN: !Rea Ily" lim lii,oinij; to ~ial.l:iile: it easy ,md just roml! .abDutt\!lOrJ,;.l'or a, ,cnIJr,.I,p': ~f da,y,!:. YOLI Ii:!1OW' ~i1I!!;~rt. of. rh.frni€; a ta,ke"~ Pl~. 01 . .good boo~. a rie.:ent lie-i 1'1 on i;Ulnday mOrl"l~rli., .

\~NI: Iii:I~al.l')'S~! Gc!!!: .1), I.~r!l!!

lflRJU:.1K 19 A.i WI1<'i~ are 'tO~ reoan€: to do, an


a·: On. tner-e's!3J !llrod film I ..... ant to, see, A: Wh leh OM ,all\2~t'l!U8"Oin.g to see?

H, N,[')II YO'Ji DMut:iws. It's a ttl r:111e:r.

A: Why are 'f'Ou go~n'l: to seei.t1'

Ell: B~CaiJso!: ~ i9'1,I"@, j"fi~:rm.~ .li~,'i! tillilt,

A~ Who are ,,{Olll IilO!I'iIll: to ~i! I:~ \i.i'i~h? a, M~ fr~elTid. iF'elimy,

A: Whol!~~ a!l',!!:' yell Ropine to meet h:~:r? :B~ OlJusid.e th~ Cd~", din.@Jr!<!

II; WheWl ere you .gollng W meet h,flJ? 16~ At ]1.<l1 f paij·t Srl!'o'@FI.

""'~ Are ~Qu . to il1lrite me?

B~ SOI1}'. no. ']\i,'o's campSJIl'j,thuee"s a cro",!dI!

i'~~'~5n .'~2-C, ~~)l;~~~~- :J-l'~'~ - - -~-;--I

- . __ I

Audio Scripts

- - -

- -


iT:!YICK; 20 ~$ STAR.K.: M'l1&..:~e,1 need (0 sort out m~ {!I;a ry lm tihe -1'i<!X[ fe'W week!;.

iS~Cf,:.lIThIIl."~ ;R~1lI'l~, Where a~1!' we tooay! ~t'$dI'J!;!$d8,! the )"f"d. 01(, ..... 1::11. ~Olr~B moo~il'le: Mr Hamll~O,r1 .a~.1:\I/Q c'eleek

MS SfA1!:1K:1 tl10ughit r III<lS me~tin~; him on rile 5tn

S,EiCFi:ETARY; N(Jo; you 'n~ h avirug .. da)' O'JI ~t}e<n, rememtef? It's ~QU~ So'n I'a mes's, birtt'u:lOlf\i .lind 'jOU'1le lOOikulig !lim o~t.

Ms sw.Ii:IK: Of ooUlr~. 'Til<l[lks Fo.r r-emindiu.g l:"11!e, r must !ill@'t !'!im a :Diid I iuwe arlYlh~ng pial'll'led ~Q.f' ~otnorrov..', the 4thi?

S@:II:~"R\': Um, yes, '1mfKl iiloill€.l:o wndon to fimlis{l ~he oonu:aot wi ~111 'n3rl!:et Bools. '1I'h,e n, en thl!: >iSth '\!OIl.!' Fe f,l~in,~ to Atherls. all no, sorry.~·OIne, fiyill-l1 (0 A.thef"l8 all th~ 7·th,

IMI~: SiI'I'IF..iK: All t.i!llliit, I've ~ct mYit:iner.,II)1' f.m tl~t \It".ee~~ On. ~ kir the Jfitli, Am t s:til[ milk~flg !lJ Rr:e.;ent~.tlon: eo SOph06 Ed l.fC<!fio.n. Hum?

§.[EcRfcT.;\RV:: Yoes. ~h!!! I attn. at haN p~st ehree,

Ms ST"~~ Ail1d l'rn ff:jlinll ben::k '00 the ~I tiM of hI. n.e?'

S~RE:ii"'RY~ Th£fs correct; Ti'lete are no athtl:f tf~~j"oreve;,,!; unti I ttnE! ~ 7th,

MS, SolAR](: What's .h<l!1pe:f'li'!lB then? S~REfA!ltr: In tfleof,'ice pafty,Oli~ tsnrh anfllv@rsa ry? You'~~ gpi he; to rna Ire ~ s~~h,

Ms SliIi.RK:: Areyoll S u I'@ t~?lrs the 17th a nd not the ~ 2th?

'5EiCR~"'!rl':: ,p,oSir.i"·~. Toe i 2tn's a p~lhl!c ho-Jiida"l. Wf'r~ ci't.)sjng the off'i.;e 'C'f tHle Clay.

fflA_Ctlot 21

Ms, ST"'-R K~ My 11f!'~t two w€e~~ a~ 'quite bm;y. TQ:iifIO~roW, Thursday lune ths 41h, hn ~Qi n,g to Lornd'::)!11- to fi na Ii~ tr,o;:: wntrad: w'ith Tar,-get !BQck~. On f'rjda~ ttl@ 51th, ~J-ie d<lY after tomorro.w" irs my $:;:I!,!':;; iJi:rthd.ay, and I'm. tl!i!o:!flj! him O<tit, On 511nd:a~ the 7th, th<ln

thh: ...... ,gei!:elld, 1',FrL flyi n'li! ta, Atl1,ziil:; Wnile'l m there, I'm 1I!l00inog 'tc,l InlilK18 a !)1,e5enta:t:lotl to SQph~ !';QIJG:'Ition.

Th .. t':Hlr~ tile 10([11- 'O'Ii'Jidl is a 'I'.'of!ek tOO~)' I'm fl~'I.r:.g b~d from A~m.ef1l:; on the: I ! lh.. a, w~k to:m..onow, Th'e dill'" after tl1 ~t ;:~e 12~i'!, ne:l:t F:rida~',i::; ; pul'lJio;: nO, rile C\ffic~ is ,d'osed th-en . .111 t"w(} wee~s' tiIT!e, on l!Ji@! ntll" rrs our mmpdny'O (·enth .8nrw,oersa,y. W>e're fia\'ulli!: iii org P~Htr dnd .I'm goinll t(l. mCl~i? <l '!ijpeec~ -

- - - --

38 fnQII~tl 1[1 20 l'lil'\jw~ <I ,~A'I

---- -



-- - --


The aCOOr.s W!i!re good, andllh,~ OOStu me~ we-re toEJ1111":ic, bur it '1,I{~)~!;'t i;I .great pE.ay - tao 1;n~B, ,a nd <lit II rn eo s qLli~e ilJofini, ~ near,ly f~~.1 asleep half 'iil~'f


r~ was Iii g~!!,.3t i1i~t cut - 11 is i{)~e.[; we~ ,!"I;lf'/ [1,11'1 n'li'. g haven't. l<l~!ilihed so much in, Y"l!a rs! Do go If yQu can, IFI,@'$ Oil until the elil'a of th~ wee',!:.


['",e never been m, ~h(! b;;l[!~t be .. fol'f:, Ol.!t I ~~lIy loved it. Til!!' frItisic was "ealJ~'ru I. <lliIa th~ d.mdf1{l; tao - SO Folimll'lttC,. four

~'m ,8 !Ilrl@Ollf'ar'1 d nis. ~o J ~o to .. ~.1 his OOrt~~I'I,;S. He sang ,'>(!tUe o~ tn@ SQJI,~5 IFQm his lateg! CD tli"lis ~im@. R ~Jly like his si.rtgl rig .:'ityte'. don't ~"oL!"?


I, tltfllj61'1. I W8lS too ;;)k:1 for macgl~, but r

h 0!1!"e to ~ay. l really en io'l'~ th e 5110""'. Some of ,hl~ tricks we~ 'oeiY deve~.a.nci I stili QQI:1't kn,Dw hiow they work!


It "Na:; [ to h~~r tJu:~'Se .gl.l~~ ",'Il~.i n They phll~ so WI1lU ~ose,her: T:h~k jOlU has losr neae EI~ its magje., a~d JQ~ G~~fI on sa-J! t,:;,as 0:)0,1 as ever,

lflftlWK 23, A: Good @~'i!':f1gf!li:, ~'d U~~tQ ;bm.:k tw,[) tickets fl"H' Rom!i'tlIiJ1ti: 111!f~1, p~eac£;E!.

B: Cert<ltn Iy sl,r, ~Qr wh~di Iiii&h t do ~ou \\Iu'tti~ts?

A.i The :nrd! 0' M~ rch.

!;\I: I see, AUld ttO'lll' nll3t111 (i!dE!t5 00 'p'OIU


A: Just two, ple~5<e',

8: fine, An.a wn~r><! WQlJIld yc.u li~,; to sit? A: Have tOll ,got Oi fill{ 5le;olhs ill [he ctrcl e? (j,: Ve:o .. we heve som~' seats left In thE;!

front circle torit:27.'50 8i3>ch. O'r Oil few fu rther ba-ck fo!" f 18. :10.

A: whii!!;"bolJl ti1@ ~1<!115?

B.: f'@s,'~ 11 .. lOt :S>Qrl~~"Y~il .. b;loG! a I t he bOld Qif rhle Mall!; for £ ~ ) O[}

At U mm, m t.;.k~ the Oflli!S i n th~ doclc ra.r 1&50,

Eli -OK, 'l"'ha~'~ tWQ tieK€lS t·o· 5e<e Rilt!1,t\\1 {l",J I'~litl on the 23f.d qr Ma rc,h, In rl'il.:-

ci rele. row G, $eats 1.0 aJ'I(1 I I at Ill. 'iO it<l;;h

A: Th~t'$ ru~-e, III p8ybr ~redit c~rd Ancl can !(OU t~U me wher.lhe pia,y ,.;t<lrts?

13,: 1rh. it :-.L.a r~~ (;It i 14J

A= 1tJal'l~ ~ou ~~ry much


-- -

1F~K24 OFF.!C!,;:R; Right, Miss wall~er. 11'11 your own words. ~ell m@ whilt 'I1aPlJl1il'led_

IlI1lS5 W.!It.K!::R: W@II, Qfftcer, som~b[Jdy o-rolte into ~ile IT] u se urn fJver the W€~~end.

OI"F:ICE:R: How ,d~d hI!! €.el in?

MISs. W,l;,~Il(Ig~~ hie tl rote <Ii wi ndow at: tUie bQ~k gf the bu lld i n'8

O~Fr.(II1:R.;; Am:llll~[L7

Mr~$ WAI.KI::i!: H'11 !>Ultprised ~h~ s.eC1,jfit~ ~U!l;rd and miOnaged to ti~ hlra to. a d1<ljl

Dffia~; So the gt1:ClIwl'ty .gUiilF{j dlo(:!rl't sound! tfo~ al5rm?

MISS 'W};LKlE1I:: No. bee:m~~ he couldn't :m.D"',...

'Oi"fiCE-R: $0 dlegllard. ,!:O~kllll"t ~elepho"'~ fmhelp~

Mrs.s- ""AlLI\E!R; No. Yo u ~e, beforethe tll'lief sntered t"'~ bUIUd i n·li!. h<@ h<lcl cu t, ~he tfllep"hol"Je l~iI1e5,

Or;P1c~lIl: AH right. Wh~ll hapP!'ltliN liI~t~' M[~ W .... [J(~Il: Um.lh.i? thie,f bm~!j!qJ!i!~ one of the ·gliaS$ cases,

00 P!;"ICflll, Ho-w dJd ril~ do th .. r?

Ml5S WIl.!l.t;:..EP.: Wf!. ll"lin.~ I:":ie used a !icr,e'wdri~!!r ["0 open ~~~ It was F;l(roba'blhj quit~ '!l'.3~y,

OFFi'1CERJ WI:wl did he tak:e1

M1SS WAIJ<IER: He ~t!;;ll'e' some,eilr.

Rwn';lIn {:O~n~.

o""!-C~F!: Did h,~ ~'.J ~[1~thli:n:g ef.s~?

MISS W"'4:.KE!It: y~s. stra'r'I~~y enough hli!

I-.;:,ft e note,

o .FI';~R: ,I>, n.;;l<te?W1!1;:!( did iEsa".'? MISS WA~~1!!~.J It Just $;I idl 'I'm ,really SQO!(r

OF'f'lc!!::rn;~ And! t.iHi!'II Ine left the hLJUditlig;> Mi~~ WA~KIi:Jt: Ri.ght_ He iO[OU~ tfu!~ same w.ay he !lot I~I.

Omc.!!l!l;i When d 11 :iOU dis(o,>,er what J!ladhiOl~i'!';!d?

MISS W1\iL.KEiI:: At aboLi!' :'1.30 the ne~.l rnr.;lmin'l') wl.It!·1 I <lrrived 'for woi'& I ';03 lleod ths pc I io; i mmeell.JI[)(!Jy.

O~lI'lCl!;:R: How ls 1'" .. :nH !:!e~lIIrit)l §u'air:! no",,? MISS W"'LK~R, lie',s OK Whel'! I fOllJ'KI

him, stili tied [[J choe chair, j called.;'lf'1 ambl1l03r.cI;', ';lIld the p::Iraf'!l8rjjC5 took him m h~~SPEt<l1. He- W<lS a bit shak1fn jJ!J. blj[ Ok

- --

STAG,!:: 6: lESSON 14

- ~



A: lE.)I!ci.Jse me. ~'f1'i 1(~~~klTlloll'tlf i he sect ion on I arpan,[~.'ie ,ul:

B~ 00:1 C'OIJI5e, IlliIst Wl::Ilk alol1.g the mrrldm j,ll'Id go tI100IJi:n the door>: a~ the end 'fhaJl'~ ttJ,e I ~?C! n.!!S~ lila ilery

1\, OHl,. ~h<l,n~s


A: I~ ~H1e mu&eUIITI shop on this moor'?

iE!: No, trs em [lrrie .grollnd H(lor' GD dowi'i t~e sta irs, then go <lC[QI'lS {lille 1'i'!<I~f1 hall, and i"s; (IT! H\~rlg~~.

A; Trf1~l1k, rl'l on than. Tihf,ee

13.: Can H help ye.1J':" YOUI 100&: '" bltlest, 1\: I'm lookil1!g l'or the R.oman pots i'fl

rO(i!,mI4, bUL.

B~ Oh, I ~~. Ther@'s .. spe(;i'~1 ,I!Khlbiticl'n ln ~oom 141 at tt~t.! mom~Tlt:, 50 we'j,I(! 'tnO'll!!l!d thern into Room 16. lust.go Ollt lntQ th~ ·oorri,dor 1Illild ttlrn M~ht.

A: Tllilllk5 liel'iftlludi.

1iRAo_eK ,26 MyOti. w~lk itluDiu,gh thi~ rOam 'I01ill een see :5()li11e Clf th;1; mlJ5!ilum'G· rnost valuable 'E!~b~lJil.t)!l. look <It the statueson YQ!!,!f ilIght. 'fheS\e rome rrD'.fIl, ~h.@ famol!s R.omaoov mUecti.Of1, NQW u~rt> go I!I~)' these ~ .. if$ tothe next tlooJ'witl!re yoo can S~' t,'i'ro p;,!Iint:1 n,g.s b)' TItL~Jh, !'l n~i~ lh~ bea u,tl'ful se ... eil~eeT!tl1 Q!!:IIIJlj' ""<I II halll,gjntl~ as ~01J' W<l~k. alamiIJ tl'li~ Illwe·r !Ilal.l,~r)I. N (lW, !<lclies and :ll~n:tl.'Bmen, if "I'Qu:'Q, llire to c.ome i ni:O [h~ ~,ed ~o(lm, where w~ ha.'Jrt the Titi!ll,n'S, , ,

, STAG E 00; bE-SSO N 1 5 '

- - '

T~CK.27 ~~MA:H l, Tom. ahi, 'f'O'!;I look a NI lit '[.0&1: I'm fi ne, Cou!dFl't be be~ter,

[MIM,\: EJ,iJ'l ~'I;l'J' re rea II~ pa le. ~~

e¥el)'th'i noll a]~ [Igllt?

rOM: Well. ~'rn, -wmkillli: I;luile !:La rd at the moment, To hI;! honest, I fiJeed ,i:; hollday.

EMI'\'IA.~ Flow':;;, ~h@ ~iew job"?

'll'o....,~ GreaL. r fflg.~tt~n~ on TIi::al'ly ""'i.l!t!.

Wl1at about yo~'?' A:re VOIJ er.ico'liflg ~g1J;t n,~ lob?

EMiMi'i~ '1'0 tell ~oLi thelruth" ! h ate it. 1'OM: \Vhf,!

!!JMw.~ rm .arg;u,ln,g :JJ ~ot with(]1l:,' IJ,ogK 'We don t ~!ii;ree Oiil <lilythil1'!l,

T'OM S¢rl)' to he@r tl1aL Wh~,l .. re: th.e others il1tihe office lil.e?'

!EM MJ.: 01'1, the~"re ~e.<l11'f rli t<f.

- -~ - - - .... "'-- -----_-


Audio Scripts

- -

. STAG E 6; lESSON 15

~OII{ 2B:

C harlie Ch<Jplill'i v.·,~s born <15 Ch~rlE!s Spelflcer Cha]Jlin iF] L.oFldc.m 011 the '16th 01 ,,'\p!ri1. 18i'l9, Before he b~lifl£! a SiIa1. Chaplin dOLe-;:! Ofi ~Ili~ stiil~e ilf! Inr;)Qon, H~ I1!ent to the USA win'J 0), lravl!!Lhng show <lAd Wi;[!; dfQOO'o'l!!reci by the fi ~m pf'OflLleer, Ma~l:_ Ssnn8tl, ~u19 ~ 4 he t.e~afl to dln~tt hl~tiwFl ffilm:s"

[)1l:riUi€l, his ti me.l n Ho11ywcoo:, Chapl in .acted in Im,my Fiims, 'F!e de"'elo~d a [11Udi··I.o'o'oo c~.It·a;ct.ef who w.oN~ bIiIeIDl' troY5e!1!, .. smaiU CO:3lt, lalle- shoes am:! a b:laci. bm;,oler ha~ HI:,; .rnoQs~siJJclCe55fl!.il films mciudeLi T~~'~ftIl.r;i l19151. T,~ Go.'d r.:~,~ l'~92i"l" Cjt~ Ultitl:l; [1.93l! and Mci-i.-i']ii 'ilrnts (l936i. Cha~lI.l"Il::lec~me ,,'e'r~ Tid! afld '!l'\fI,mtlJall~ he became' l8mom;, a.~l over the '.'l'nrld.

Aft~ f~Htji years in tne film bu;si,I'I=., Cr.l3ipHn got lnto trou ble with the US e:D~~rnmerrl.of the early 19'5{f~. 'Utley did not lik~ hi~ political idAi!«l5. He '.if@t.U to London ill 1951' ,~.M W1lS not allowed te rettl;lrJ:1i to H QIl'J'W 000 ,

Aft@r this. Cn8_p~ili! deddBd to ~i ... e in !Swit'zerl.;il'idL He we!1[ bact:. to th !LISA QnD::!' OiIl~jI, ~11 ~ 912, te eelleetan ()~I;;:~r at tno! Aeade'm/lj A:w"~fd$ ~r;lllemo!1l~. He

f,i n.~ n,! died tn 1977 i:1I1i swi~~ria,nd.

STAGE 6: lE5SO NI 17

.- -

T~K29 ~ W~::; wC\n,~o;:r1UiIl iI '{QIJ W],JI,(j lend me your OI~ubl~e: rhi(l~!!?

:.J: M* me .O! cup of tea,

;; 'CQjJ~d YO!J~I!{!!l me a h<lnd, p[etlse? .~ YQ~ -.;:ou!dr(tl~nd llrIe some cash,


'5' Siurt upl

6 (em!,,;! '[CiU '!~n me wher-e the MOIr~£.t bank bS. please?

'7 Sit d~fI and pa~ 8tt:eU1i:ion,! ;6. Se!ftd;;} rax to Mr WiHi!alfns.

] Be ·qllit!~, P~$'~s!!:.

:2 5enJ t~li8 rax ilim:nedi,.,,~I'f.

3 Would: :rou rni nd i1dj:: Illg me with the

w~hil1.g 'U)l?

4 Can. i OOl7o';V ),'QI,I'r 1';;1 pt.op? § sm.u'!: up .. Now!

o ~ WI5!S VJnn'rl:~,r!ng if you W'lluld mjnd ~<lki mill: th~s to tr.e b.lFLk?

-- - - -


- - -


l'HlE.Or 118 f'lUary I st ai~ ... in, "l'Iei I'v@ decided to ma~~ a few reselunons, L-1;!i:'s hope! ~f! k~ the<m thiS Y~1l:r! of all. I want to give up '~nK!ki flJg, lin ood 1m my h~alt:h. NeU. IIl~ed I'D set up ,ii! regLlnslr time to 'I:lo to the i'im, !'m ~etli'f'LQ; t(,lO faH Arnd I'm gDi.!1I~ to Ilislen to my boss wnen, 1rI!'1: talks about time m"fJ<!!R~m"lnt. even th-Oll{:h I f.iTtI:l~hi:> ~~F!f bDrin!i!'1 'fhe:n !, want -~o ~ook ,~fter the car sc ~~ doesn't bre~k down so often, Andl fii1<!lh, I want to jil"''l b~1:k the mOM,! I bmrowe4 froClm my brother; I bgf~d it .Ias~ ye-Oir ~In,d ~ hac\i'eu'l"t plll~d ~t b<lct~ y~t! -



. -

mAO!( 132.

MR~ KING,: How 'Q~llli;! yO'!,! dQ this to me, j'Of;n1' rim "{OIIP;vilel' Wh~ didn'l )'Q!!l tell me wh<l'~, "...~~ .@Ding on?

!OHt>I: laMt. I'm $011"'J' hut I was In tli'Ouble. Ilhad ~o,I,ea'!'@;~%]!ill]d and iliO to A"iJstral I..drs 81 io:nlii~!'!!', !:rut VC'1l 'h!ld~(}thin~ I "",~sd~d,] ~~m to hOl\!!2 made .a, raess ,of l@"!J~:rythjn'!l~ I'm 'f0,0 !'Jorl"j. l't'l-ese r:rjeli1.;l~ olyolJrll must th i nk l'm ter~bl<!.

C/i_ll;lOO; There'S, !l mr Qytsidt aFIJi:! same men <!f'l;!: g~ull'l'll, om, T thin~ ~hey are coani:n~ ner1el

IOHN: 'rum @(hhie ii(i',h~5 ilrtd RiOO'Jt the bad. auidl,!!

P~EI!:: .It"s too ~ate. Th","Y are' 11:11

1K .... iM.: Well, w~IL we~1. I tni[]l; wt!: have got everythin~ we· need here, ,1;:i!Sh!~, !, think W@'UI ilIg~e yotl ]CI~ Cili'llne f100L Tie th~~I~ up, RIii:~, Nlo, 110t you,. HaT])' 'or you, John. YoU are wmlng wUtl 1lG. Wnere'i> tiii~ Ba.di'l', then? There was a, YOUl1ig I<!Q~ ""'~th :rcm, '!\Iasn,'tl'n~re7

p~U!!,!:: :sli'i@'~ .gone horne,

]0"I>\L: 01:1, nassfie ii"lOW? WelL perhaps ~'db~~!er r.~e .. lock roUI'ld: the MI(I$i!:,fUrst. Ron! Go andh:~~ a boo~.

!'lON, OK. hoss,,EIt: WhM' do, you want? You :kn:ow we

b.arven'tg>ot allyFMfu~y. .

KARL: Mane:..'? Peer, (in CIB1U This;t't lust aibou.t mOilletl t.~g" my sen, 'This 115 Tn "H~n mort! seri.ol!ls, This i5 Oiccut peO'J:lleoo~rlQ.lfbS: as;, rne~' a;re~[)!d. Md wilen p-eople don't do ~:> tney are told the~ eet !fLlt:O ll'Ou:b~o!1 Mr t<ra~, ,corl't tile¥?

H"'II:~"" Look,. ~<lr! Why dorn YOl:ilu$l leave tliTlese rE!o;pl~ aklmle? The~ 'h~~etn done .Eln'lth~r.tS. 1.'1I rome wi~~ ;~ou,

- E:.qll .... I~W "l-;-'1IJt,>, iI d<l; . - 39 'I

- - - - - --- --

- - '.


Aud io Scripts

- - -

~OHJ\I: Yes, Hie's right. YOLH'::,W h,,"'~ me,


~.~-"!'1 f!l~~l'li. ~L'i.!~Li'I~ Yo!l~~lilIl '(OSHjKO: L~o!I"'i1! m~ alonel

P~.ER: L~ve her alene, you thi!l~:! t'toN: 1.r,Olllind ~~F 1~[J5~.i.r:l. J ttl I n.k sile

caileGi [~Ie po,1 iee.

KARL.: "I'h:e'n w~ must alJ iO. ladies and rel!n'tlernenR:Oin, bri ngtJilQ$e tWCl <lmd., :l'~S, b~lii\g the, iilirl a5 weU ..

POULE D:1'F'!Cg;p;: StO{l:l! Polic@'! IROO>4:. Qyjd\.! O' the back wa~.

POUlcg Q"!'lC~,,: Ri~:ntl Nobody mili'o'e, You'.re !llld.e~ arrest :,lincf acnytnine :fOU say ....

n;k~ dl1i11'~!'l ~lie ~Mt"J1. ~

l"IITiIlR; Well. I'rn g[a,c It'S all ~N~r blil rt was' q]tl~tcoC' ud~IIiI!li, ~n'titl

YOSHIKO: Ma1jb~, t!l!i~ I don't went to ~D ~hrol!lel!l a,t'i:r'~hil1fllike th~t aga i n,

CMi:~m: No~ do lI. WeYJ dom!!,, 'i'QU swed us alt

'N~-$'Hn::'o: 'l"iH'lrlks. b ut r~O! Ily ! U~Lnk we all I

did W!@"1i. .

'I!!RL.05; J agre~, ,bi.!t tne'Fe area few

til'll n,g1l! ~tjtll don·t !,mdi::1sta.n.d ..

YOSl'llI KO; It's quj~~ .01, sad !5ltary, I. thlnt.... 1~1l; W:hfit do 'jOtJ me,m?

'l'O$HJ!I<O; [t'5 sed fm tilt! Eo:lln:g tamil.'I. L!is[ nli!lh~ Mrn rIng ~old me e~erything. Mr Kin:g,, !hOld. a 5ma~J iblJsilll@s:; w'hldl [ost a liOtofll'liOl:I@'f. A mali, Karl. Kra'l, :t'iiili'd h€l would' Itelj;l him and

Pll@ him! some itIW1e~. I[JI'IFC'n~!'!a~eJv JO~f1 not pay lh~ mOrley b8ick '011 time and.~aJrl Kray 5~Ld he 'W01.lki! [.J:I.!~ his fa!tliLI~ if he clLclll!t~y him .bad..

IiE:1"ER: So whilt n:3Jppenea th~f'I?

'1"0:5!-1~t:;O: That'~ why John King W~hl tQ A!J!Otri;l~ij<!, H..: hei\t ill note Fur t! is 1/iIilr~ to ~ijy he' w~s. gOlinlI to km tliim5eH, He wai'n-ed e .... ~ryom;~ to Ibel~~ he W,8S deed 80 that tM [fieri WOlJid I'~!f~ his family alene, .BUt hI<l!lT)\' found! O!LIt. aiTid. went to !tISI t hils dad j n Austral I~. li'[·Karl ~ray a,rud hilS mer! rOu nd out, too.

CAiRws: So when i"!ll,rri ~",me back to El:lIgl~:n"d th~ m.e·n',!fflf-8· w,fl'~tin,g.for nim

YOOH~I(!I;II: Yes Thet's w.hen Ithe:.- told hjm 10 rob ~ne bsn k \!I~~h them.

CAR!LOS, I see. But wh~ did Mrs Kin!ll ~ sk U;5 to meet IlI!!r .M ttJe5to!~icm with tine mon~

!1ii~'E<R; Wen. the me-It t.!Qiq h~, to go to London wi[t'I !Iii". I'iiIQ[l;ey. SI'Ifi! had ~O g)O tea 1:bo~~.1 and wait fb,r tf"lerlil .. They wert: trying to ~~l mone,! Ifrom her. and rrOm !-i,my

- - - --

IJ[) F 'llJli~I' in ,le, .'I:II',"('~ iI rJ.~y

CI\~'LJ~; 8<!J~ why df:d Jah:n Kt!'le ~11 to liie~ , money from us"

I"iIITi:R; ()T1e of ~~,rl K r~'is men" Reg, to~d 111 m ~~$y hri! d 'his 'sDn. Ho:!h~~ to il!~t ~he money or they w~re ~oinil to km

him, .

c. .... 'U,Q:!l: ltsounds !rJ~ry co<mpi io;'at.ed ~ YCS;HIKC!: Ifes. it is. but now it is a~ lover and the polig;: ll.a\lEll,ot tho..~ men, And tHui! bes~ th i,[li is that M r and M~5 KJf!.g <llid. Ha:r,ry c-a,n b~ I'!aIPPY OiB<lill.

hT~~ Wli!ait aboll~ you, Y05hi ko? Wilat wi.1! you, dO?

1fOSH:irr::.O~ I am e-Oj,n,8 ib.a~. ro Japal1l JIi <! ~Qntf'l'$ tume. I want to $$g m~i family a!ii3:in. ~ miss t!l(!!iI'I ... eIY rn 1 • .1(11.

P~oIlR' perhJl.'lps when ntl~5hes I!Jre G5111 hB'iIB!I 1i1t~e.noH~y? AlII th F@@' of us, I' n'I£!a.n.

Y05HlIKO~ '(!!S, i?eOOr I ihin"~ .I woul d Ilk tiIJat~ery rnueh.

CARLOS: I'm iiJ!<ld:;,O'u S!l~d th<l~ Pet>er. hut I think I ""Hr gQ b'<!d~o see my ilrUrl~nd ill Spi3i~n.

!'~EIJt: Wo;!lI, I Utin k thts haiS bfi,!e·.n a wCiilderJu:1 ad"'<.

C!i.I11.$; [!4~i~~.i I 'Bm~:I.!Id you a re haj;lPY now, (:Iet>,;:~: P~t'hOl!l:;; ne,tt year we: w~J I. ::III 'OOlTte bad. ro IErugna, for !lIrlQitJhj!'f ;)..{I'o'ei1tYr,e'?

'{OSHllKO= I. dbn':tknow aooUl: that, h1J'~ I ~hln!koYr !::liiillish has i:mpr'o~!W, don't ~O~?

pgr~; Ab5QUJre~vl

Anda mungkin juga menyukai