Anda di halaman 1dari 7

11 Describe the main features of the electrornaq neti c spe ctru rn.

3 Die'S c r i be t h e roll e of is I ectro m,a'gtn et i c waves in:

• re d lo and te levisi on com m U n ii cat ions ~ ra d io 'wave s) ,r

• sate III ite te,1 evi s iion ,a n d tel e p h ones (m ic rowaves).

.' electrical appliances, remote controllers for televisions and intruder alarms

(i nfra rs dt

• medicine and security ~X-rays.)"

4 Dem 0 n 51 ra te u III de rst a nd ii ng of sa fetv issues regard in 9 l~ e use of rn icrowaves .a r1 d X=rays,

2 State the aoproxirnate value of the speed oi' all electrornaqnetic waves. in vacuo.


11 Describe the production of sound by v ii brat~ n g sou roes H

3 State the approximate human ranqe of audible frequencies.

4 Demonstrate understandina that e medium is needed to. transmit sound waves.

.6 Dies c r ibe and r n te rpret an experi m e nt to. determine the speed of sound in air,

7 Relate the, loudness and pitch of sound waves to amplitude and frequency"

8. Describe how the reflection of sound may produce an echo ..

2 Describe transrniasion ofr sound in air in terms of co m press i 0 rl S a rl d ra rete ct ion So.




State the order of' magniitude of: the speed of sound in air, liquids and solids,

P"1~ Mi,a'gnetism

11 Des t'" Il' 'I' b c t he p ro oerties 04 -m-, ~g- In c-i[ it"

.-ow'Ull - v. IV' '-' '- rr--"!i:=' - 'V..J' V I' it-I' .. I 'Iv ~,,,,.

3 ldentifv the- pattern of: field lines round a bar magnet.

,4'- D" . h b LL.. •

rstmqurs! i between 1tUI@ rnaqnenc

properties o'f iron and steel

5, Distinguish between the design and use, of pe r main e nt Imag nets a n d e lect romaq nets ;,

2 Giive, an account of' induced rnaqnetism.

P' 2. E!lectriGity


11 Demonstrate understandinq of; current, potentiet difference, e.m, f. and resistance, and use with their appropriate u nits.

3 Use and describe the use of Em ammeter and a voltmeter.

2 State that dharge is measured in cou lambs (C).,

11 Describe and interpret simple experiments to show the production and detection of: eljectrostal~C charges.

2 State that them are positive and negath.f8 charg,es.

4 State that un like ehsrqes attract and that like charges repel

.5 Distinguish between electricall conductors 'OIVld tnsulators and give typical examples,

11 State that current ~s related to the flow 011 charge.

3 Use the term potential difference {p,d.) to describe what drives the current between two points in a circuit.

3 Descriibe an electric field as a reg~on in wtuch an electric char'gls experiences a force,

2 Demonstrate understanding that a current is a rate of fllow UT charge and recall and use the ecuanco I ~ Oft

4 Distinquish between the direction of flow of electrons and conventional current

5 Demonstrate understanding that e.m.f, is defined in terms of energy supplied by a source in driving charus round a complete circuit.

11 State that resistsnce e p.d, ! current and understand qualitatively how changes in p.d. or resistance, affect current.

2 IR.ecal:1 and use the equation R.~ 'VII. 3 Describe an experiment to deterrrms resistance usinq a voltmeter am] an ammeter

5 Helats (wlithout calculationl t.lle resistance of a wire to its Ilengrth and to its diameter.

4 Recall and use quantrtativelv the proportionality between resistance and len gt h ,a n d th e i nverse procortionel ity between resistance and cross-sectional area ofa wire.

1 Recall and use theecuations P == I V and E == I V t

11 ldentifv electrical hazards including • da malg ed ins u ~I ation,

.' overh,eating of cables, • damp conditions.

,3 Demonstrate understanding of the use of fuses.

2 Demonstrate understanding of the us e of circuit-breakers"

1 Draw and interpret circuit diaqrarns containing sources, switches, resistors (fixed and varia bile), lamps, ammeters voltmeters, and fuses.

2 Draw and interpret 'DirGU it diaqrarns containinq m8J'Qlnetis.ingl coils, transformers, bells and relays.

11 Demonstrate understandinq that the current at every point in a series circuit is the' same.

3 Calculate the combined resistance of two or more resistors ~n series.

4 State that. for a parallel circuit, the current from the source is larg€:lf than the current ~n each branch,

6 State that the combined resistance of two resistors in parallel is Iless than that of elitiher resistor by ,itself.

8 State t.t!eadvarrtage:s of connecting ~amps. in parallel in a lighting circuit.

2 Hecall and use the fact that the sum of the p.d.s across the components in a series circuit is equal to the total p.d, across the supplv

5 Reeall and use the fact that the current from the source, is the sum of the currents in the separate branches of a parallel circuit.

7 Calcutats the effective resistance of two resistors in parallel.

1 De sc r~ beth e a cuonof therrn rs a ndl ~ight-d.ep€'ndent resistors and show understanding of their use as input transducers.

2 Dsscnbe the ection of a re1lay and show understandinq of its use in switching circuits,

3 Recognise and demonstrate understarlding of circuits operati ng as light sensitive switches and ternoeratu re-operated alarms usingl a relav

1 DescFlibe an experiment that shows that a changing magnet~c field can induce ali"'! e.m.t. in a circuit.

2 State the factors affeeti ng the magrl1itude of cHi induced e.m.t

1 Dsscrlbe a rctatino-coil generator and the use of sllip rings"

2 Sketch a of voltage output against time for a si mole a.c, generator.

1 Describe the eonstructlonot a basic ironcoree transformer as used for voltaqe

t ra nsfo rrnat ions.

2 Recall and use the equation (Vp</Vs) ~ (Npl Ns)'

3 Describe the use of the transformer in highvoltaqe transmission of electricitv

4, Recall and use the equetion

Vp lp == Vs I s {for 100% efficiency),

!5 Explain wlhy en.ergv 10858-8 irl cables are ~ower' when the voltage is h!igh.

1 Describe the pattern of the m.agnetic field due to currents in straight wires .and if] solenoids.

3 Describe epplications of the rnaanenc effect of current, indud~ng the action of a relay.

2 Deseribe the €liffect on the magnetic field of changllng the magrnitlJde and direction OT the current.

11 Describe and ~nterpret an experiment to show that a force acts on a current-carrvinq conductor in a magnetic neld, ~nclud~ng the effect of reversing:

• the current,

•. the drection ot the fielld.,

2 State and use ths relative directions of force, field and current

14 .. 6 d.e .. motor

1 Describe the turning effect on a currentcarrying coil in a magneth:: field.

2 Helate this turninq effect to the action of an electric motor,

3 Describe the effect of increasinq (Ell} the number of turns in the coil {b} the current

p', 5. Radi'oactivity

. -

15.,1 De:tecti on of radioactiviirty

11 Demonstrete understandma of backgrolLlnd tad Ii ation,

2 Describe the detection of e-particles i ~-pa rt i cI as a nd "(-rays {~+ are nat in ell u dedi; B-parti.cles wi~1 be taken to refer to ~1.

11 State that radioactive emissions occur randomly over space and time ..

2 Hscallfor radieactiveemissions. and use to i dent ~fy the-m:

• their nature.

• ' their relative ionising effects,

• their relative penetrating! ebillties.

3 Dsscribs the deflle,ctkm of a-particlles, p,-partidIHsr;md y-rays in electric fields and maglletic fislds.

4 ~ til terpret 'l:ih e ~r re Ilative io n i s i U1 9 eff-ects .

11 State the, me·an~ng of radioactive' decav

2 Use equations (invo'lv~nlg words or svmbolsl to represent changes in the- composition of the nucleus when particles are emlitted.

15,,4 H.all-life

1 Use [he term hallf-lJife in simple calculations, ~ncludlng the use of ~rrlformat~on in tables or decay curves.

15.5 $.afety Iprecautions.

11 Describe the hazards of ioniising radiation to IIiivin9 things.

2 Descrioe how r.adlioiacthl~ materials are handled, used and stored in a safe way to minimise the effects ()f' these hazards.

1 Use the term isotope.

2 Give and explein examples of' prectical applications of isotopes.

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