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M. Imron Mustajib, S.T., M.T.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 1

1. Daellenbach, H. G., (1994), “Systems and Decision Making”, John
Wiley & Sons, Chichester-England.
2. Murthy, D.N.P., Page, M.W., and Rodin,E.Y., Mathematical
Modelling, Pergamon Press, 1990
3. Ristono, A., (2010), “Pemodelan Sistem”, Graha Ilmu
4. Senge, P. M., (1990), “The Fifth Discipline”, New York: Currency &
5. Simatupang, T.M., (1995), “Pemodelan Sistem”, Nindita: Klaten.
6. Simatupang, T.M., (1995), “Teori Sistem: Suatu Perspektif Teknik
Industri”, Penerbit Andi Offset Yogyakarta.
7. Tunas, B. (2007), “Memahami dan Memecahkan Masalah dengan
Pendekatan Sistem”, PT Nimas Multima.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 2

Beberapa Pengertian Sistem (1)
• Pengertian sistem tergantung pada latar
belakang cara pandang orang yang

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 3

Beberapa Pengertian Sistem (2)
• Sudut pandang engineering
mendefinisikan sistem sebagi proses
masukan (input) yang ditransformaikan
menjadi keluaran (output) tertentu.

• Deallenbach (1994): A system is understood to

be a whole composed of elements that are
related to each other.
Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 4
Model Input-Output
sebagai Sistem Terbuka

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 5

Sistem (1)

Dunia nyata (real world)

Batasan sistem
(Boundary system)


Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 6

Ciri dari suatu sistem
1. Terdiri atas sekumpulan elemen
2. Terdapat interaksi dan interdependensi
3. Terdapat mekanisme umpanbalik
4. Memiliki tujuan bersama
5. Terdapat hubungan antara lingkungan

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 7

• Teori sistem pertama kali dikemukakan dalam
“General Systems Theory (GSS)” tahun 1956 oleh
ahli biologi Hongaria: Ludwig V. Bertalanffy.

• Perkembangan studi tentang sistem:

1. Bertujuan mengembangkan teori sistem,
seperti yang dilakukanLudwig V. Bertalanffy.
2. Bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas
pendayagunaan berpikir sistem untuk
pemecahan masalah,sperti dilakukan oleh
Peter M. Senge.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 8

Berbagai Macam Studi Sistem (1)
1. General Systems Theory (GSS)
Merupakan pemikiran untuk pengembangan model teori sistem
yang dasaranya terletak pada teori umum matematika murni dan
teori disiplin tertentu. Studi tentang sistem dalam konteks ini lebih
berorientasi pada pengenalan dan pengembangan sistem.

2. Cybernatics
Berpikir kesisteman yang didasarkan pada ilmu pengendalian
dan komunikasi pada hewan dan mesin. Konsep kotak hitam
(black box) dan negative feedback yang dapat digunakan untuk
memahami dan memperbaiki sistem komplek, seperti: teori
otomatisasi, teori kontrol, terori keputusan dan teori informatika.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 9

Berbagai Macam Studi Sistem (2)
3. Sytems Approach
• Merupakan aplikasi dari berpikir kesisteman (systems thinking)
bagi perancang atau perbaikan sistem dan untuk pemecahan
masalah yang didasrkan pada karakteristik sistem.

• Pendekatan yang dilakukan ada dua, hard systems approach

dan soft systems approach .

• Hard systems approach digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah

dengan rumusan dan tujuannya jelas dan terukur. Operation
Research (OR) merupakan model yang paling banyak digunakan
dalam hard systems approach .

• Soft systems approach digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah

dengan rumusan dan tujuan tidak jelas atau yang memerlukan
usaha besar untuk dapat disepakati bersama oleh pihak yang
berkepentingan. Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
dikembangkan oleh Peter Checkland tahun 1990

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 10

Berbagai Macam Studi Sistem (3)
4. System Design
Merupakan perkembangan General Systems Theory (GSS) dan
Operation Research (OR) dengan penekanan terhadap
pengembnagan kreatifitas dalam penciptaan atau perancangan
sistem baru, yang khas dan berbeda dari sistem sebelumnya.

5. System Engineering
Merupakan perancangan atau pengembangan suatu sistem yang
lebih baik, seperti manusia, sistem manusia-mesin, maupun
sistem mekanis.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 11

General System Theory
(L.V Bertalanffy,1956)

• Symbolization of the concept system

– –Inner-System Boundary-Outer (Environment)
• Open system vs. Closed system
• Content of the system:
– The complete collection of all elements without the
interrelations of these elements being taken into
• Structure of the system
– Consists of the pattern of these relations
• Subsystem
– A partial collection of the elements of the system

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 12

System (Inner-Outer)

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Sub Sistem

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 14

Contoh suatu sistem:
Sistem stasiun pompa bahan bakar

Area stasiun

Mesin pompa

Sepeda Motor

Pedagang asongan

Sepeda, becak
Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 15
Pendekatan Sistem
• Pendekatan sistem (system approach)
– Masalah sebagai suatu sistem
– Sistem : Masalah yang sedang dipelajari
(problem understudy)

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 16

Landasan Berpikir Sistem
(systems thinking)

1. Emergence dan hirarki (hierarchy)

2. Komunikasi dan umpan balik (control)

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 17

Emergence dan Hirarki (1)
• Hirarki
– Adanya hirarki dalam level organisasi,satu sama lain
lebih komplek dari level yang terendah, satu sama
lain dicirikan oleh sifat-sifat yang muncul (emergent
properties) yang tidak ada pada level lebih rendah.
– Contoh: Tubuh manusia. Pada level terendah: atom,
molekol, sel; selanjutnya jaringan dan organ;
kemudian tubuh.
– Hubungan antar sistem: misalnya memunculkan
sistem respirasi sirkulasi pada level tertinggi tubuh.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 18

Emergence dan Hirarki (2)
• Emergence
– The idea of emergent properties states that at all
levels a system exhibits properties that are mare than
the sum of its parts.
– An example: the properties of the complex substance
water (H2O) – one of which is its ability to extinguish
fire – are not found in either of its molecular
components Hydrogen (which is combustible and
explosive) and Oxygen (without which combustion
cannot take place) –Vyotsky, Soviet psychologist.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 19

Komunikasi dan Umpan Balik
• Open systems interact with their environment: they take
in things from it –system inputs – and export things to it –
system outputs.
• The boundary determines the interface between the
system and the environment in which it operates.
• The basic concept of communication and control in
systems is that, in order to achieve its purpose or goal
and to remain in equilibirium with its environment a
system uses information about its performance –
feedback –to adjust its activities.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 20

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 21
Elemen-Elemen dan
Hubungan antar Elemen
• Elemen sistem dicirikan oleh fitur-fitur tertentu
– fisik, geometri, estetika, social-psychological atau
• Jika terdapat hubungan antara satu atau beberapa
elemen kemudian karakteristik elemen-elemen tersebut
berubah maka elemen-elemen lain ikut berubah.
• Relations between the elements are indicated by means
of a simple line.
• Hubungan antar elemen dapat berupa: aspek teknik,
ekonomi, socio-psychological.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 22

Sistem: Hubungan antar Elemen

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 23

Berpikir Sistem
• Thinking in terms of systems -as opposed to seeing
snapshots or discrete events with little or no
• Peter Senge, in his bestselling book The Fifth Discipline:
describes how our mental models, or personal
paradigms, are often developed from our tendency to
break down large problems into smaller manageable
• In doing this, we end up mentally isolating events and
actions, mostly because their causes and effects are
often widely separated in time and space.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 24

Why we need Systems Thinking
• Senge views the problem as systemic in nature
and not easily or quickly overcome in organizations.
• The core of the problem is that our world is one of
dynamic complexity, the mastery of which cannot be
achieved by focusing on details alone without
systems fluency.
• Senge describes a simulation, called The Beer
Game. The game clearly demonstrates how
experienced decision-makers can fall into a trap of
thinking of their actions as isolated and helps
them to better understand their roles within systems.

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 25

System thinking
• System thinking: Thinking in terms of
• System thinking: A problem methodology
• System thinking: Observing is viewed as
mental activity –Mental Model

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 26

Sistem: Model Mental

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 27

Aspects System
• Represents a partial collection of the system relation
• There are various aspects of system –e.g. technical,
economic, socio-psychological aspects
• The various aspects have been connected together by
means of what are termed interrelations (A multi-aspect
• Interrelations are seen as the relations between the
different aspect systems distinguishable within the
original system
• In a multi-aspect system: We need to put together the
partial problem analyses to form one integral problem

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 28

Multi-Aspect System: 3 Independent

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 29

Integrated System

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 30

Multi-Disciplinary Approach
• A mono-disciplinist is seen as someone with
specialist knowledge in the area of a single –
mono-discipline (He will only be able to construe
a mono-aspect view)
• With increasing complexity of technical system
and increase in the number of relevant aspects
– This needs A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
• A Multi-Disciplinary Approach demands
integrative skills from the problem solver or
project manager

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 31

Example-1: Multi Disciplinary Approach
For A Multi-Aspect Problem

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Example-2: Multi Disciplinary Approach
For A Multi-Aspect Problem

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 33

An Interdisciplinary Approach
For A Multi-Aspect Problem

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Industrial Engineering (IE)

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 35

What Does IE Do?

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 36

Typical IE Questions
• Is the system providing the best possible economic return to
its owners?
• Are some products not economically viable? Which ones?
• Are resources being utilized appropriately? Where is capacity
excessive or inadequate?
• Is the mix of resources appropriate? Are new technologies
• Are the resources organized and managed properly?
• Are suppliers' prices, terms, delivery, and quality
• Are the products/services meeting customers' needs? How
could they be improved?

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 37

Teknik Industri Pemodelan Sistem (TKI 128) 38
Needs A Comprehensive
Approach: Systems Modelling

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