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Advanced European union law

( free movement)
Free movement of workers
281/98 Angonese

Paragraph 14

Paragraph 31-35

Differences in the way we organize labour market

Private employers are also bound

Minimum income plus working time requirements

- Case 53/81 Levin

- Worker ( term ) – EU notion
- Workers ( para. 16)

Work itself: effective and genuine

Motive of person: irrelevant

Job seekers


Regulation also covers job interest

Hierarchy of norms

Job seeker or a worker –case Collins 138/02

Workers – social benefit

Job seekers – no social benefit

DONIEST SI USB popytat poznamky!!!!!!!

Purpose of employment – C 456/02

Employers right

C350/96 Clean car auto service


European commission webpage: check the COM 2010 (373)

624 pra 8

European university institute -

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