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A. Data view exercise

1. Installation arcGIS 9.3 0n xp, vista and windows 7 platform
2. Show all need button, tools, menu etc, what needed by user
3. Introduce the GIS software, history and road map of GIS software
4. Rectify raster data for getting vector data
5. Setting and view data frame properties
6. Create shp file for every vector data such as line for contour, polygon for river, point for
elevation value
7. Digitize the raster data
8. Introduce arctoolbox application and introduce few function of it
9. Convert geographic system coordinate to universe transverse Mercator (UTM)
10. Clipping dan merging data
11. Automatic and fixed scale
12. Using advanced editing tools for more purpose
13. View excel data and convert to shapefile
14. Sicronization of arcmap and google earth pro to validate the data
15. Prepare to layout

B. Data layout exercise

1. Sicronization data view and data layout
2. Page set up setting for many purposes
3. Insert title
4. Insert north arrow
5. Insert scale bar
6. Show up the scale
7. Show up the legend and customize it
8. Insert many data frame for legend customizing cp : habib_el_azizy
9. Create indexes map for inferred location hp : 0853 9999 0618 (AS)
10 Print the map : 0821 9002 4005 (sim)

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