Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Calculation of 3 phase

Enter the Values in ------> colour

Result is in ----------------> colour
Individual impedances---> colour
Base Values
MVA_b 100
KV_b 6.6 KV_b2 3.3
Zb_1 0.4356 Zb_2 0.1089

E_1 110
E_2 23
MVAt 50
Ztpu 0.08 8%
X/Rt 29.5

Rtpu 0.0027103077
Xtpu 0.0799540758

Kt 0.9971636225
With correction factor
Ztpunew 0.16 Ztpunewkt 0.1595461796 15.95461796 %
Rtpunew 0.0054206153 Rtpunewkt 0.0054052404 0.5405240395 %
Xtpunew 0.1599081515 Xtpunewkt 0.15945459166 15.945459166 %
Short circuit current

Vn 3.3 Kv
c_ 1.1

Rtotal 2.3441558723 234.41559 %

Xtotal 1.3210655937 132.10656 %
Ztotal 2.6907770358 269.0777 %
Ztotal 2.34415587228404+1.32106559374324i
|Ztotalpu| 2.6907770358 pu
Angle 0.5131920875 radians 1.7744432096
Ztotalactual 0.2930256192 ohm

Isc(3 phase) 7.1522124341 KA -29.4037406939 Degrees

Calculation of 3 phase fault current

Isc(3 phase)7.15221243 KA -29.40374 Degrees

MVAsc 800 KVg 6.6 Igsc 69.981851
X/R 10 %
Zgpu 0.125 12.5 Zgpu1.1 0.1375
Rgpu 0.01243796 1.2437965 % Rgpu1.1 0.013681761
Xgpu 0.12437965 12.437965 % Xgpu1.1 0.136817614


KVcable 3.3
L(in KM) 1.2
R_c 0.211 ohm per 1000m 0.1266
X_c 0.093 ohm per 1000m 0.0558
No.of Runs 1
Rcpu 2.32506887 232.50689 %
Xcpu 1.02479339 102.47934 %
Zcpu 2.54089487 254.08949 %

Motor impedance for short circuit calculations

Motor terminal bus voltage 3.3 KV
Motor rated voltage KVrm 3.3
Motor rating in MW MWm 7.2
Rated PF PFrm 0.933 93.3 %
Efficiency ηrm 0.9475 94.75 % Zmotorbase
Rated MVA MVArm 8.1446351
Rated Current Irm 1.4249416
Locked rotor current LRC 3 300 %
Locked rotor PF PFlr 0.083 8.3 %
X_Rm 12.006621 R_Xm 0.0832874
Zm ohm 0.44569216 44.569216 % 0.3333333 33.333333 %
Xm ohm 0.44415432 44.415432 % 0.3321832 33.218318 %
Rm ohm 0.03699245 3.6992449 % 0.0276667 2.7666667 %
Current contribution Ism 4.7023073 KA -85.23897 degrees
13.75 %
1.3681761 %
13.681761 %



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