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Accuracy in depicting process of the event Pearl Harbour Essentially, Pearl Harbor is accurate on the attack itself, such

as the Americans not being aware of the surprise attack, and the radar operators report of the massive fleet approach seen on the radar being dismissed. On the other hand, rather than a film that focuses on the battle itself, Pearl Harbor revolves around a love triangle thought to happen during the attack of Pearl Harbor, given the larger proportion of the film spent on the interaction of the three main characters. Therefore, some facts have been twisted to give way to the love story. For example, in the film, Rafe has to join the British RAF before the relationship between Danny and Evelyn can take place. However, according to the Neutrality Act before the attack, it is illegal for US citizens to go to Britain, much less for them to still be able to return. Tora! Tora! Tora! With proofreading done by the two governments involved, Tora! Tora! Tora! depicts the happenings before and during the attack, giving a balanced view from the two parties, America and Japan, of the entire attack. Suggestion Change the love story to suit the attack and have the story move along with the progress of the attack. Feasibility/ Manageability Pearl Harbor contains a number of historical inaccuracies leading to a heap of criticisms from historians and even the survivors of the attack. However, Michael Bay has dismissed these criticisms by establishing the goal of the film was to depict what it was like to be at Pearl Harbor. If so, changing the fictional love story would be a viable option since the love story does not have much to do with the attack, apart from being the settings. While it can influence the audience to be more empathetic towards the situation, it is also confusing as there are too many aspects, such as from romance to a sudden array of battle shots, to focus on.

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