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Technology vs environmental impact

k Provides benefit for better quality of

human life Gives environmental impact

y Easter island y stack in China (80% of world s stack) y Born babies suffering from bad disease, mental

retardation (caused by polluted environment, mercury, etc.) y Global warming and climate change

What causes the problems

The Ehrlich-Holdren Equation by Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren (1970s)

I P A T Environmental Impact Population Affluence (Consumption of service and product per capita) Technology (environmental burden per product or service unit)

The Future?
Global development
y North y South

2% growth 6.7% growth

y Asia = 60% of worlds

population y 22% of regions pop absolute poverty

Engineers are core players

y but can engineers
(on their own) do


y Social and technological issues are increasingly

y Strategic thinking in technology y Stakeholders involvement

What is new?
y We face the limit of our planet: there is

no place to go if we mess it up y We need leap of technology, not just optimization y We live more and more in participatory society, and so we need stakeholders involvement

Environmental efficiency?
y Environmental impact


Control dilemma

y A new technology can be adjusted in its early stages y But we hardly know its effect y Only later we see the effect y At that time, adjustments are almost impossible
Negative effect is known

innovation of technology

Rebound effect

Technology cheap energy more consumption per capita ??

What can technology contribute to solve environmental problems?

y y y

3-D technology:
Dumping (waste in pits, etc) Displacement (moving pollution by sewerage) Dilution (fluid waste)

y End of pipe tech (incineration, pyrolysis,

fermentation, chemical treatment) y Sustainable technology, sustainable resource management, circular economy

Sustainable technologies
y are those technologies that fulfil the needs of mankind without the use of non-renewable resources, and without creating large scale, and/or irreversible damage y doing more with less

Sustainable development
y is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human

needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come. The term was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Plastics, problems
advantages *lightweight *no corrosion *easily processable processing Spent catalyst monomer waste Crude oil CO2, Biomass granules product

3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)

y Regional 3R forum in Asia y Japan : MoE

Directorate General of Waste Management and Recycling Dept. y China: circular economy y Indonesia: national 3R strategy (aided by UNCRD)
y To encourage: award (Proper, adipura)

y Surabaya: green and clean - involving community,

supported by local gov, industry, & univ.

Significance of upper-stream activities in promoting 3R

Natural resources Resource efficiency improvement landfill Waste prevention and minimization recycle production reduce




Closed loop

3R promotion agents



Research inst/univ

Knowledge hub

R&D EPR:extended producer s responsibility e waste, packaging CSR:corporate social responsibility

Cleaner production

Stop Global warming

Emission reduction Clean Development Mechanism (carbon trade)

substitute by providing fund as compensation Industry in developing country, utilized substitute of fosssil fuel reduced profit

Developed country, required to reduce emission,

Increase awareness to environmental conservation

Thank you

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