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Name of member:

Abdul rahim bin agus Siti Halizah Mohd Sading Hafizah othman

"Guess C eck" is pr lems lvi g str tegy y guessi g t e swer t en checking that the guess fits the conditions of the problem.

1)Underst nd the pr 2)Devise pl n 3)Carry out the plan 4)Check the nswer


Question: Ali and Abu sold 10 rings

altogether. Ali sold 2 more rings than Abu. How many rings did each boy sell?

Understand the problem: ~You need to know that 10 rings were sold in all. ~You also need to know that Ali sold 2 more rings than Abu

Devise a plan: ~ Guess and check to find two numbers with a sum of 10 and a difference of 2. ~ If the first guess does not work, try two different numbers.

Carry out the plan: ~ First Guess Ali = 7 rings Abu = 3 rings ~Second Guess Ali = 6 rings Abu = 4 rings

Check the answer:

Check 7 + 3 = 10 7 - 3 = 4 ( Ali sold 4 more rings) These numbers do not work! Check 6 + 4 = 10 6 - 4 = 2 ( Ali sold 2 more rings) These numbers do work!

Ali sold 6 rings and Abu sold 4 ring

" Ben knows 100 baseball players by name. Ten are Red Sox. The rest are Blue Jays and Diamondbacks. e knows the names of twice as many Blue Jays as Diamondbacks. ow many Blue Jays does he know by name?

Of 25 rounds at the regional spelling contest, the ighty Brains tied 3 rounds and won 2 more than they lost. ow many rounds did the ighty Brains win?

Amy nd Judy s ld 12 sh w tickets lt gether. Amy s ld 2 more tickets th n Judy. How many tickets did each girl sell?

Prince Carl divided 15 stone games into two piles: games he owns and games his brother owns. e owns 3 more games than his brother. ow many games does his brother own?

Abidin buy 2 more books than Rahim.All them buy 20 books.How many book that each them have?

Dayang and aizati bring 50 pencils to the class.Dayang brings 4 more than Aizati?How many pencils that each them brings?

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