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Easy answer. Of course it is satisfying. It is an ideal. Ideals always look good on paper. Human's love ideals.

But when pushing ideals, they have no idea how to implement it effectively. Nor do they take into account human factors. This is a complicated system we're talking about. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems to be. Also keep in mind that a system is only as good as the people in it. People have flaws. You must first understand people to understand everything else about the system from conception to termination. Take universal education for instance. Who chooses the subject matter and how it is presented? What areas get more than others? Is funding on a per student basis? Or should funding be allocated to the lowest performing schools at the cost of consistently performing schools? What is the purpose of education: Is it to teach a fundamental foundation of modern thought or is it to prepare young minds to enter the work force? People are going to have differing opinions on these questions. How will you answer them and form a consensus that doesn't change from year to year? I'll answer that question: you will legislate regulations.

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