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Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer A Prototype Design of A Bench Type Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer

A Project Study Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation University Site, Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

By Mario L. Davila Jr. Mark Joseph N. Nieva Emerson S. Tordecilla

March 2010

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer Approval Sheet In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, entitled A Prototype Design of a Bench Type Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer has been prepared and submitted by Mark Joseph N. Nieva, Mario M. Davila, and Emerson S. Tordecilla, is hereby recommended for oral examination.

Engr. Ramela Barlizo Ramirez Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering by the oral examination committee with a rating of ________________.

Dr. Guillermo M. Rago Jr. Chairman

Engr. Renato Zabella Member

Engr. Francisco Maano Member

Dr. Benilda Villenas Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

____________________ Date

Dr. Guillermo M. Rago Jr. Dean, College of Engineering

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer Acknowledgements ( NOTE : Should include all the persons whom you would want to give thanks and due acknowledgement on the support they have given you to make this project study a success. )

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer Dedication ( NOTE : Place at the center of the page : horizontally and vertically )

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer Table of Contents Page No. Title Page Approval Letter Acknowledgement Dedication Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Abstract Unit I INTRODUCTION Background of the study Objectives of the study Significance of the study Scope and Delimitation Conceptual framework Definition of terms Acronyms Nomenclature REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES and LITERATURE Related Literature Related Studies Foreign Studies Local Studies METHODS and PROCEDURES Method of Research ( NOTE : Qualitative - Discuss WHY it is necessary ) Research Design ( NOTE : Research and Development - Discuss WHY it is necessary ) Research Environment ( NOTE : Discuss the sources of data , research locale , persons involve and time line. ) 1 2 3 4 5

11 12 13 14

Unit II

Unit III

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer Procedures ( NOTE : Discuss the methods and procedures of the (a ) research , ( b) design , ( c ) prototype fabrication and ( d ) evaluation & testing.)

Design Concepts ( NOTE : Discuss the principles / theories / concepts / laws applicable to the design , prototype fabrication and evaluation / testing. ) Unit IV RESULTS and DISCUSSION ( NOTE : Should include existing condition details , design computations / results , design drawings & specifications , details / photos of prototype ; results of evaluation/testing ; time line; bill of materials & cost estimate ; cost benefit analysis whenever necessary. ) CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Recommendations References Appendices Curriculum Vitae

Unit V

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer List of Tables

Table Number 4.1

Title Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Page 48

List of Figures Figure Number 3.1 Title Heat Exchanger Comparison Page 57

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer ABSTRACT Mario L. Davila Jr., Mark Joseph N. Nieva, Emerson S. Tordecilla, A Prototype Design of a Bench Type Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer, Unpublished project paper for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, March, 2011.

( NOTE : EXAMPLE ONLY ) There is a problem in Using the various formulas and the different principles of thermodynamics .. The prototype was constructed with the help . The study concluded that the use of hydraulic rotational viscometer required application of .

( Note : This is just a sample ; double spaced ; 100 to 200 words or a maximum of 450 words ; include rationale, methods and procedures, findings, conclusions and recommendations. )

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer UNIT I INTRODUCTION Background of the study

Viscosity is an internal property of a fluid that offers resistance to flow. In food industry, foods come in variety of physical forms, from the simple Newtonian liquids, such that . There is a problem on the use of and because of this , the researchers were inspired to development a new way of in order to solve The development of this new . was brought about by several reasons such as the following : . The researchers hoped to achieve .. with the application of the various engineering concepts and its application.. It is but imperative to ( NOTE : Discuss here rationale , reasons why you chose to undertake this study and overview of your project study. Enhance discussion of the gap noted that led to the conceptualization of this project research. ) Objectives of the study Specifically this research is focused on the following objectives : 1. To design 2. To fabricate 3. To evaluate / test Significance of the study Fabrication and design of the bench type hydraulic rotational viscometer will greatly help in determining the viscosity of any sample liquid specimen. Fabricated specimen was .......

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer


( Discuss here the importance of the project study to you being the researcher , to the company you are working for , to the community , to the school , and to future researchers who would want to do research similar to this. ) Scope and Delimitation The fabrication and design of the bench type hydraulic rotational viscometer focused on the following scope . will greatly help in determining the viscosity of any

sample liquid specimen. Fabricated specimen was ....... ( Discuss here the parameters of the design , prototype fabrication , testing and evaluation . ) Conceptual Framework The fabrication and design of the bench type hydraulic rotational viscometer focused on the following scope sample liquid specimen. Fabricated specimen was ....... The fabrication and design of the bench type hydraulic rotational viscometer focused on the following scope sample liquid specimen. Fabricated specimen was ....... The fabrication and design of the bench type hydraulic rotational viscometer focused on the following scope sample liquid specimen. Fabricated specimen was ....... A paradigm of the study was shown in figure 1 . ( NOTE : Discuss here the relationship of each research variables to one another. Use Research and Development , See Borg and Gall R & D stages/phases. )

Figure 1. Conceptual framework paradigm

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer Table 1 . Comparison of before and after design ..


Definition of terms Bob is an attached rotational viscometer used as stirrer or mixer. Bulb is the larger space I a tube where specimen settle. Capillary tube is a short tube . Couette flow refers to the laminar flow . Acronyms ASTM cPs American Society of Testing Materials Centipoises

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer UNIT II REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES AND LITERATURE Related Literature Viscosity The word viscosity according to Ramirez ( 2009 ) is a standard . Torsional shearing stress According to Ramirez and Felizco ( 2009 ) , torsional shearing stress can be determined by .. Cooling fans Cooling fans provide the energy to move air or gas which may become heat exchanger. These system may be an integral part of the motor to cool down ( Ramirez, 2009 ). Related Studies Foreign Studies


Mc Gregor, B.S. ( 2010 ) in his study on determining viscosity of a tomato sauce stated, Viscometer is a highly accurate viscosity profile tester for tomato sauce, which is likewise used to ( Note : Synthesize , Review , Summarize, Annotate or Acknowledge sources. )

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer UNIT III METHODS AND PROCEDURES Method of Research Qualitative .was used simply because .. Research Design Research and Development primarily because the ..


Research Environment

The researcher visited ( NOTE : Discuss here the WHO, WHAT , WHEN , WHERE of the research , design , fabrication and evaluation / testing . ) Procedures The design procedures were as follows : Data Gathering Procedures : Design Concepts Based on thermodynamics the

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer UNIT IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Data for the existing system The Existing Design of . The researcher gathered the following data as shown in Table 1 is Table 1 : Different Types of Viscometer Name Advantages Disadvantages Rotational Hydraulic




According to the results , it is much advantageous to use .. s The viscometer . According to various sources and experts The design computations Based on the formula for determining which is given by the equation , v = RI , the following results were determined :

The materials , design drawings , lay outs etc. . The researcher opted to use aluminum because . The details of the prototype .. The following photographs showed the details of the prototype fabricated by .. The results of evaluation / testing

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer The researcher sought the help of the persons who used the machine in finding how functional etc. , the prototype was. Several statistical methods were used and the results showed the following : ..


UNIT V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 1. Accordingly . based on the design

2. The researcher therefore concluded that it is best to use . in the fabrication of . 3. Based on the results of the evaluation . Recommendations 1. Upon careful consideration and due analysis , it is therefore recommended that improvement in the prototype be made by adding additional features 2. The researcher hereby recommends to implement . 3. In order to improve the prototype , the researcher suggests to ..

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer REFERENCES Anniecum , R. ( 2010 ). Research and its environment. New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons.


Ayaton, P.B., Ramirez, R., Ramirez, J., Zoleta, R.P., Jones, J., Sons, J.R., ( 2010 ). A case study on the use of viscometer. Philippines : BIV Printing Press. Barlizo, R.P. ( 2010a). The functions of viscometer. Philippines : Lucena Printing Press. Barlizo, R.P. ( 2010b). Impacts of the use of viscometer. Philippines : Lucena Printing Press. Calvario, R.P. ( 2008 ). Viscometer : Characteristics, functions and advantages. Enverga Newsletter, 92, 310 330. Calvario, R.P. ( 2008 ). A proposed design of a viscometer. Unpublished project study in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City. 310 330. Grady, F.G. ( 2007 ). Viscometer. Tool for liquid viscosity determination, 12, 145-167. Retrieved January 9, 2010, from Ramirez, R. & Ramirez, J. ( 2010 ) Functions of viscometer. New Jersey : Academic Press. Ramirez, R. ( 2009 ). Viscometer functions. New York : Mc Graw Hill Company.

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer APPENDICES


( NOTE : The various figures / photos / diagrams / tables which need to be presented in Unit II must be mentioned in the said unit however shown and referred in the appendices. )

Hydraulic Rotational Viscometer CURRICULUM VITAE


( NOTE : Make it as concise as possible , indicating your strong points and your expertise. )

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