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'I 16
flODYOPL':; -
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11'1' CHAPTER 4
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I, 11
II! 'I'jill
I 'I' I, "I
"'I I,
CAN I :\SSlJ\-IE that most readers of this bopk are healthy, phys
ically acrive and (I hope) not overweight? Good! However. I
must warn you about the temporary changes to your metabo
, 1111,
lism that ,he BODYOPUS DiCl will cause.
Yl'ur blood pressure may decrease. Your blood sugar levels
" ,,'1,\11,
will radically plummet over 5 days. Your body v,rill produce fat
byprodu<:ts thar slighlly acidify the bloml. If yon aren't careful,
some minerals, notably potassium, calcium and magnesium,
will be excreted rapidly. In hal climates, you might dehydrate
easily. Alrhough these negative effects are possible, I am coo
"inced thaI the net health gains 0utweigh the risks.
\.1ost of the "diny lricks" and shonculs I will discuss art'
considered incorrect by dogmatic MDs, the AMA and the FDA.
I 1'\"
, I
Quick, easy fal loss is considered unnecessary by rhe American
Medical Club.
I II',
To the arhletically inclined and the life extensionisLs. the
FDA is an adversary To improve your meraholisrn with prescrip
'I' 'I
11,1 '
,II' ,
tion drugs, unapproved foreign drug.,;; or grealer-than-rrcognized
amount" or nutrients, is an arouow; task. The FDA considers Ihis
11', 1,1
II', "'"
practice frivolous, unnecessary and possibly dangerous.
All of the drugs you'll encomHer in chis book have been
used by athletes and life c](tensionist<;, along with millions of
mdi1'lary people h\ing outside the Uniteu Stales. All or these
slibstances ;.lrc effective, non-toxic and henign in eHeer and sIde
::-.Jane or drugs or nl1Tnt>nIS 1"1\ mention are illegal to use,
possess or import. Although the FDA tries to interfere with their
importaUon, distribution and transportation, they cannot "ban"
drugs. Only Congress and the DEA haH, the dULhori.\v to uu
this. Some drugs arc illegal in certain states, but this varies,
Perhaps the word. "drug" makes you antsy. In BODYOPCS,
"drug" is uot a fOUT-letter word. The legal and sciemific defini
tion or (erm i.-; (chemical or nutrient) substance
that infiuences the metabolism in a dis.cernible way. [n the
United StaleS, there are three broad categories of drugs,
Over_rhe_counter (OTC) drugs can be purchased
where, from drug stores 10 gas stations. OTC drugs are milu
wedieations [or minor ailments.
Prescription drugs are more potenl medicat10ns that
require a doctor's authorization. They are dispensed from phar
macies, dooors' offices, hospio;als and dinit:s. Prescription drugs
have traveled througr. the labyrilltlline FDA testing process.
Once <l tlwg is approved, rhe FDA has little, if any, cOnLnl\ over
what a doctor prescribes it for.
Some prescription drugs Lhal have dependency potential at
re(reationa: purposes are nnde.r [he control of the DEA. Most of
lhese drugs are labeled Sometimes dnlgs are reclas
silied as narcotics because of political pressure. For example.
anabolic sterojus were fairly ordinary prescription dtug.... until
they were Scheduled in 1990. Steroids are called "n<lu.;olics
even though they don't cause dependence and arec', used recrt'
Recteational drugs are considered to be and
withont mcdical purpose. fOL Lilt:: mu"L pan, these are not
manufactured by legitimate drug companies, nor can they be
prescribed by doctors. However, there ate always cxceplior.s.
For example, COcaine is still used in the g>llIzt> p:1.cking after
rhinoplasty. Marijuana is used oceasionally in chemmherapy
and with glaucoma patients.
Of course, the rest of the world doesn't have :0 follow the
FD& rules. You'll fiml a plethora 01 effective and "afe drugs
(both OTC and prescription) thai are similar, if not identical, to
the FDA-approved ones in this country, of foreign
drugs <lre as effective and safe as the CS vn"iun". There are
highly rotent (etgo, desirahle) metabolic aids that for one rea
son or will ne.... er be approved and sold in thc United
Every American adult can import foreign non-FDA.
approved urugs fat personal use, as long as Lhe dtugs are not
DcA-Scheduled. Of course, the FDA tries to make it difficnlt.
There are rules and loopholes. and Cl1stoms Alcrt Bulletins an'
not furnished to private ciri:ens. The mastet list 01 Customs
Alert Bulletins. wh\ch is between the FDA and (he Cus
toms Sl'rvicf", is constantly being updated, Howeya, you UUl
fmd gonu bOOKS on importing urugs fat personal use in the
health section of most bookstores. Many longeVity alld exercise
magazines contain advertisements fot books that list
mail-order wmpanies. Even FDA-approved prescription drug.'i
ate cheaper when purchased outside the fDA-Ar-.L4. Pharma
ceutical Buying Club.
]11 the \-iew, the innocuous health lood store sellin,?;
11\ -.
herbs, vit3mins, minerals and amino acids is a dangerous unreg
ulated pharmacy. Remember, any substance that changes the
body is a drug. The FDA views herbs and large amounts of
nutrients as toxic, hannful and candIdates for future removal.
There arc two broad L,negories of substances in heallh
food stores. Vitamins, mlnerals, amiuo acids, proleins, carbo
hydrates and [ats are nutrients, the minor and major foods
needed for life. In addilion, the FDA maintains (he GRAS list
(things that are Generally Recognized As Safe), which contains
a vast array (and this list is puhlished) of chemicals. This list
includes herbs and food additives (stabilizers, foaming agems,
ful"vorings), the various brie-a-brae necessary to manufacture
modern processed foods. Often barh research and folklore will
the use of GRAS ingredients in a purified form or large
doses to cause a drug-like action.
The second consistS of uon-GRAS drug-like
chemicals. suhs\anc6 are nol supposed to be sold 10
the public, bUl they are. Confnsed? You should be. The rules
don't have to be logical In fact. many of them go against valid
medieal research and plain common sense. for example,
chromium is a lrace mineral deemed essential to nonnal health
(and nrst place at {he car show). Various chehues of chromium
are sold in health food stores - legally, of course. Large doses
act like insulin, making chromium beneficial to diabetics and
athletes alike.
Vanadium, in a more soluhle form called vanadyl suUaLe, is
even more efTective_ Vanadyl sulfate might be necessary for
human life; scieutists and the FDA aren't too sure. Vauadyl sul
fate is not on Ihe GRAS list and.\.y; according to FDA
rules, shouldn't he ingested at all. However, many health food
stores and mail-order compame<; do setl vanady\ sulfate in vari
ous forms. Is this a violation of fDA pc)licy? Yes. Has the FDA
curtailed its sale by enforcing the drug labeling and transporta
tion la""-'S? :--.Jo. Cal1 they banish vanadyl from health food stores?
Yes. \Vill they? No one knows. but I wouldn't be snrprised.
ThIS example illustrates how an il1nocuous and popular
item can become enmeshed in (he bewildering maze of
approved and non-approved dmgs, l1uLrient and nOI1-l1utrient
GR.AS items. The simplest nutrients can tangle up with laws
(civil and criminal). rules. regulaLlons and simple naticmal
agency grudge matches.
All of rhe drugs and subs Lances mentioned in BODYOPUS
are remarkably (even st:lnlingly) efTeel.ive, safe, health-promot
ing and legal to buy and use. Al1abolic steroids are, in most
instances, illegal to possess and buy, but they will occasionally
be discussed simply because they have historically been the
most dramatiC ami-catabolic drugs.
Now. lets discuss docrors: MDs and DOs. I've alway'S had
a problem v.'ith doctors, but it would be stupid for me to say
that doctors are adversaries like the fDA. Physicians are essen
tial 10 mainwin al1d restore proper health - at least the pre
vailil1g normal, status quo types of health thaL most physicians
buy into with membership in the American Medical Club
Doclors are necc>;sary to cure or alleviate moderate 10
severe ailments, al1d (J would hope) to prevcnt future health
prohlems. Unfortunately, because of high medical C05[S or lack
of insurance (or both) most people uon'l ....ish lheir doctor when
they appear and feel If I guessed that you spent more
time aud money on things like hair, skin and naib than on med
ical tare. would I he right?
lndi.... iduals who are physically fit and nUlritiol1ally selec
tive are surprisingly cavalier IOwards their medical upkeep.

They see a doctor Slllncthing i" (usually very) ....,ong. Reg
'I , "\1\1 I il
uhn exacise, good nutrition, n..-oirl:mcp of lobacco and alcohol,
I, 'I
'I ill blah, blah, blah. We know the drill. All of these good habits will
help you to a'-'aid many health problems and feci bella th;m
mJny sedentary people do However ..
A snarl physician would ten you lbal a feeling of hlness is
I '1
nm an accurate indication of good health. Athlcles wi1l some
times [oohsh1,y ignore woss signs of abuse - aches, pains,
minor illJuries. tiredness - as part of the tralning. Often.
I1 1
[hey (NSS over [rom admirable discipline w plain
i 1 \
Re,gu]ar vi"ilS \0 a donor nre just as important for athleres. You
don't gc'_ any waivers just hecausc you appear to be healthier
lhan more sedentary people.
in (rpng to pursue sUiJra-heahh, bodybuddt:r:i and liff'
extensicnisLs ha.. e problems with docwrs. Dealing with a
general practitioner can be a supremely lrustratmg experience.
I ,
There's one basic re("'lIrring problem. A confrontation arises
because the patient asks the donor for help in lmpr(/\!;ng his
metabolism, perhaps fortifying or replacing hormones.
adding drugs or mcgauosing on unusual nurriems. 1n the physi
I I cian's mind, the pursuit of thiS goal IS unnecessary, uuwise,
(potenlially:' unheahhy and, most importantly, immoral as
American medicine defilles ""haL docLors should be domg with
' I ,
I ' It dODT\'t help matters that Ihe concepts of
athletic perfonnance and longeviry are not Laught ill ally med
ical srhoo1 that I am aware of. You won't find these specialists
listed in the Yellow Pages. Spans medicine specialists devote
most of their to trCil[ injuries.
With so many uocrors m the pbone hook, you'd think that
the IllW of averab':es woulu enable you tu find u sympathetic,
I Ii
B(lDYOPUS - DiJCH .... I>lE
enlightened physicIan willing to work with you to achieve the
Platonic ideal of supra-he31rh. Be\\iare: "sympaheric" doesn't
necessarily mean qualifted. It's disappointing that most of the
dOctors that have helped me with my bodybUilding ende:nmrs
over the last twenty years have been - well- benign quacks.
Yes, Ihey were 'Willing lO help. They wrote appropnutc pre
scripIicHlS and were concerned With my progress - but they
didn't understand what tbey were doing and why. Looking back
to some: of those consultations I think, "I can't belie..-e that a
uoctor conld have said that! I was SO gullible to have believed
I'm still cautiously optimistic aboul the p05sibilil)' of find
ing an American MD who 1S a supra-health expert. I:'s an eco
nOllll( prohlml. Yon'll probahly nerd In visit a doCIOr'; olTice far
away from home, and "shopping" for docLors isn't free. Office
mOlley eve!1 if yuu phIl w corne back. Gee used
to wasting a lOL of time en isolated visils unlil yon find an
acceptahle pbysician. Networking can help. but don't limit your
self to just like-minded friends. In many instancrs, nutritionists
and chiropractors are the most qualified proresslonals. Try to
find a compromise of two, or eyell three, lIledlcal
working together. Many MDs now recommend nutritionisL5,
and some states allow chiropractors to order blood tesLs.
I'm ashamed to say Iha[ I've had to use tWo MDs who wrrr
not working together. I (rusl my local physician fur regular
health maintenance, She's been marvelous at it. Dnl .. er I
tried discussing bodybuilding or longeviLY drugs with her, jts
like I became So 1 just use another dOelor, one of the
benign quack types, \0 write out the unusual American pre
A national lisl of supra-health professionals is sorely
II11 ,Ii

11 ,
1'1 ,1,
" i III
' needed, but it won't happen until we an get together - bouy
'I" 1 ,1 ""
1 builders, life extensionisL<; and 'smart drug" people.
1\'1,11,1 BODYOPCS involves drugs, doctors and the FDA. I've
always aspired to optimize bodies beyond what nm be accom
I 11'1
I, 'I
plished v.ith prudent eating and caUtious, moderate exercise,
beyond the idea of "excellent for hoth the general pop
II' "I \1
'I ulation and the American medical profession.
What would be the highest stan&ard? 1won't accept the old
excuse of "good genes." An enhanced metabolism altai.ned
through manipulation with nutrients, other suhstances (GRAS
II 111111
or not) and prescription drugs (approved or not! is my ambition
11,11 1
and talent.
[ hope that we're in agreement on the ideal - superior
III"II'!' health, longevity, vigor and aesthetics. Is lhat too much to ask
II I" 11'1
[or? I hope not. Other diet and exerrise programs \\-ilh the best
11111111I111 of intentions can ultimately damage the body. All melabolic aids
_vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chemicals, recognized phar
maceuticals _ are, to put it blnntly, drugging the body. As dis
11 tasteful as the label o[ "drug" is to Americans. they do improve
. 1 1
our lives. We can't cheat death, but the quality of an aging body
can be influenced.
In this book, you'll encounler idcas that can change your
body into something you thought wasn't possible, even when
you've tried almost everything else. In this uncharted territory,
the legal, moral and social status of many of the methods and
substances recommended is constantly in flux. For example, at
' Iill
this particular moment lhe FDA is expending tremendous effon
',' ,I
to control the sale of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Many
of the innocuous bUl 'viral heallh food items of lOday could be
the prescription drugs l)r tomorrow. (Hands up, amino junkies!)
Reauiug this information is one thing, but pUlting it into
practice is something else. Rememher, a smart physician is not
some traitor to the cause. Before you begin a diet and exercise
program, even if you've been exercising regularly and feel fine,
book an office visit. The uoctor may roll his eyes when you
relate your mission, but don't make this metabolic adventure a
secret from him. The most prudent thing to do \hlUld be [Q pur
chase: an additional copy of this hook for your physiuan, We
might convert him!
None of the foreign drugs suggesteu are illegal III pllssess
However, some individuals become so frustrated with US Cus
roms' confiscations of their foreign mail-order drugs that they
act deceptive and sneaky The recommendations in DODYOPlJS
are not illegal, but fraudulent behavior and smuggling Qre, Find
the applicable regulations and follow lhem. FDA-granled priv
ileges are not ideal, but the alternative is a new policy of,1O priv
ileges. The FDA can change its rulings overnight. Take it from
someone who knows: I uon't recommend the criminal flip side
My final advice with clenbuterol? Try it infrequently - just
don't get married to it.
ANTI-ESTROGEN USE is amazingly common in bodybuilders, not
\ only in America but around the world. Outside of this subcul
ture, it is virtually unknown. Over 14 years ago, I postulated
that one anti-estrogen, Nolvadex, might help prevent breast
cancer. I was also alarmed (back in 1982) by the amount of
estrogenic substances in common foods, like wheat germ oil.
Now mainstream science has caught up to me; there are clini
cal trials using Nolvadex in women at a high risk for breast can
cer. A recent study finally conceded that estrogenic compounds
~ i n common foods affect metabolism adversely in both men and
[)women. Back in 1980, all of the doctors thought I was com
i, pletely nuts to worry about estrogen in seemingly healthy male
and female bodybuilders.
I believe that I was the first person to use anti-estrogens on
bodybuilders, first with women and later with men. Back in
1981, I noticed that female bodybuilders were not successful at
stripping away lower body fat. NoW; we have a pretty good idea
why women have trouble losing lower body fat, which you
learned about in the last few chapters. Back then, I was still
groping for an answer. I saw that it was women who had the
177 176
lower fat problem, not men. I reasoned that it must be estrogen
that caused the problem. Even today, many physicians hold this
I was able to persuade my female training partner to try
Nolvadex, but I had a damned hard time trying to convince a
physician to write a prescription for it. Back then, Nolvadex was
only used on late-stage breast cancer tumors. The MDs had no
idea what I was gibbering about. I persevered, and finally got a
prescription through the shabbiest of methods, involving a
gonzo male bodybuilder, a lonely doctor, and the ruse: "Doc! I
gotta have cancer either in my testicles or my prostate and you
gotta check it out ... " Need I elaborate?
Nolvadex was a good newslbad news kind of thing. When
taking 40 mg of Nolvadex per day, we saw discernible overall fat
loss, tightening of the physique and a small reduction in lower
body fat. The bad news: it did not make a dramatic difference in
the lower body It was, in my mind, a disappointment. Over the
next few years women tried larger dosages (up to 60 mg a day)
along with other anti-estrogens like Proviron. Although the
anti-estrogens did make a difference in overall fat loss, the
lower body fat problem did not get solved.
Male bodybuilders started using Nolvadex and Proviron to
combat the aromatization (estrogen conversion) of high dosages
of anabolic steroids. Higher estrogen in males was claimed to
promote gynecomastia, the creation of small benign tumors in
the breast area, which is partially true. Estrogen was also being
blamed for increased water retention and fat accumulation,
which is also partially true. Men blamed estrogen completely
because male bodybuilders are unusually sensitive about having
any female hormones at all.
After 12 years, Nolvadex is still being used by both male
and female bodybuilders. It must be working; bodybuilders will
qUickly abandon a drug if there is no bang for the buck. I've
dieted with and without Nolvadex, and I lost fat faster with
r, Nolvadex. Anti-estrogens are currently a matter of economics.
You have encountered many more potent dieting drugs in this
book. Clenbuterol and yohimbe are more cost-effective, too.
However, anti-estrogens can be of value in some capacity: Let's
discuss the popular ones in use in bodybuilding.
Both women and men use 20 to 40 mg per day while diet
ing. While Nolvadex is a prescription drug in America, it is over
. the-counter in Mexico. Nolvadex works in hoth sexes, even if
It you aren't using anabolic steroids. It has a perceptible but not
~ dramatic effect on fat loss. Some women have reported gains in
Vstrength and muscle preservation. Nolvadex works by binding
\' the estrogen receptor so that the estrogen in the blood has no
, place to roost.
To a layperson, Nolvadex's effects are subtle, but many
dieters swear by it; it has a cultish quality about it. High dosages
':c'{over 40 mg) haven't proven to work visibly better. Most female
jbodybuilders use it infrequently, so it doesn't cause any notice
t'able bone density loss. But really, how could we tell?
~ I Although Nolvadex has been almost a dieting tradition in
odybuilding, I hope that Nolvadex use in women will decline
'now that yohimbe is recognized as a better way to reduce lower
fat. Women at very low body fat levels (under 10 percent)
! Usually have a problem with maintaining facial fat, the old
SUck-face problem. Nolvadex exacerbates this effect. Besides, at
very low body fat levels, women produce very little estrogen
anyway Women who have a problem with excessive gauntness
in the face would look better without Nolvadex. Women who
have high body fat levels will find Nolvadex to be worthwhile.
I know it "works," and so do thousands of bodybuilders. But
don't try to explain it to your doctor unless you enjoy the MD
dangerous-ineffective-crazy song and dance.
I've also found Nolvadex to be useful in women with sys
temic lupus. Is there any research on this? No, but my personal
experience shows it to be true. Middle-aged men who have
higher than normal estrogen from too much body fat or too lit
tle testosterone have found Nolvadex to be a good adjunct to
Proscar (the prostate drug). Nolvadex may also help counteract
the recent rise in environmental estrogens. Perhaps in another
12 years or so, mainstream doctors will get the message.
That Nolvadex does have a noticeable effect on dieting is
a given in the bodybuilding world. Beyond the obvious effect,
there's a lot of mystery about this drug. Bodybuilders have been
using Nolvadex for 12 years, but nobody has adequately
explained why it "works," myself included. Some postulate that
it works by reducing the amount of thyroid-binding albumin
associated with high estrogen levels. Nolvadex is also anti-cata
bolic, which is most noticeable in women who are not using
The nagging mystery in my mind is the relationship
between estrogen and high amounts of A2 adrenoreceptors in
lower body fat. It's given that women have more A2 receptors.
The question in my mind is: when did this adrenoreceptor ratio
start? Is it genetic, set before birth? Or does it start in puberty?
Pre-adolescent girls have a fat distribution similar to boys the
same age. Women who have Cushing's Syndrome (excess corti
sol), have a curious migration of body fat from the lower body
to the upper body. To make it more interesting, fat cells have
almost no estrogen receptors, although they can convert andro
gens to estrogens.
I don't yet have answers to these questions. All I can say is:
I took 10 mg daily of Nolvadex for close to 2 years straight. I
was significantly leaner, especially in the lower body. When I
didn't use Nolvadex, I was fatter. Nolvadex didn't do a Svengali
transformation, but good things happened.
Nolvadex is an after-the-fact anti-estrogen; it blocks estro
gen that is already in the bloodstream at the receptor in the tar
get tissue. It is a good choice for women who have naturally
high ovarian estrogen production.
In men, however, estrogen is usually elevated through
aromatization of testosterone, naturally occurring or from ana
bolic steroids. Most of this conversion occurs in the muscle
cells, but fat cells convert more androgens as men age.
There are some excellent reasons to control androgen
aromatization. Obviously, an androgen (natural or synthetic) is
no longer an anabolic substance once converted to estrogen. In
addition, low estrogen will guard against fat accumulation.
Men's breast tissue, like women's, has numerous estrogen
receptors. The most benign symptom of men with high estrogen
. (other than making Floyd look bewitching) is a slight swelling
of the breast tissue. As the symptoms become more extreme,
hard lumps develop which must be removed with surgery.
Whenever men's estrogen levels are higher than normal,
iii the number of androgen receptors in the prostate increases.
This sensitizes it to minute amounts of dihydrotestosterone, and
ii' causes enlargement. Although Nolvadex is an effective estrogen
. , antagonist and can be used in these circumstances, it doesn't
~ .
work at the source. In theory, a drug that inhibits the conversion
Proviron is not recommended for women because it has
of androgens to estrogen would be a good idea. Translating the
androgenic side effects. For the athlete without anabolic steroid
idea to reality has been a frustrating process.
supplementation, Proviron will cause a drop in testosterone
Teslac, for example, would seem to be a perfect aromatase
because it blocks natural testosterone at the receptor level. And,
inhibitor. It blocks both the conversion of testosterone to estra
of course, it is a felony to possess and use Proviron without a
diol and the other androgens (notably androstenedione) to the
valid foreign prescription. Proviron has recently fallen out of
less potent estrone. Teslac has been available since the 1950s
favor, not so much because it doesn't work, but because it does
and has FDA approval for tumor reduction in breast cancer. As
not achieve the effects as elegantly as Teslac does.
a bonus in men, Teslac raises testosterone. With all of the advan
tages, you'd think that it would be used as often as Nolvadex. In
fact, Teslac is rarely used. Why?
Cytadren also causes aromatase inhibition, and has been
The first problem is cost. The recommended dosage, 5
successfully used in post-menopausal women and breast cancer
tablets per day, costs $25! In addition, Teslac is not available in
patients. It is still the wild child drug, enticing yet uncontrol
Mexico. Although various cheap European generics are listed in
lable; you need too high a dosage to achieve the effect.
the Merck Index, none have actually been produced.
If I had been writing this book a few years ago, I would
have been concerned about Teslac's high cost and lack of avail
The effectiveness of these anti-estrogens has not changed
ability. However, with today's new fat loss alternatives, Teslac is
over the years, only our perception of it. Back in the mid-1970s,
no big deal. The effect of excess estrogen has been magnified out
anabolic steroids were the mainstay of dieting, then thyrOid hor
of proportion. RedUcing estrogen does have a discernible effect,
mone and mild diuretics at contest time.
but after considering all of the other drugs available, anti-estro
Nolvadex was introduced to bodybuilders in 1981. It
gens are pretty low on my list of Diet All-Stars.
seemed glamorous and mysterious because it was new and vis
ibly effective. It developed a cult-like follOWing. Many female
athletes who would not consider using anabolic steroids or thy
Proviron is another aromatase-inhibitor. This non-FDA
roid hormone, embraced Nolvadex with no ethical qualms. Per
approved androgen is much cheaper than Teslac. Proviron binds
haps they embraced it not for its phYSical effects, but because it
at the androgen receptors, with a higher affinity than either
. fulfilled an emotional-sexual agenda. It's not that they wanted to
testosterone or dihydrotestosterone. It has no anabolic proper
be more like men (as anabolic steroids would do), but to con
trol a previously uncontrollable estrogenic destiny. I know
Is this a problem? For the steroid-using male athlete, no.
female athletes who are dependent on Nolvadex - not because
However, aside from this small group, Proviron has problems.
of its physical effects, but because they dread the estrogenic
rebound when they stop taking it. After stopping Nolvadex, a
woman can expect fat accumulation, water retention, emotional
depression and physical weakness - which are a supreme test
for some women's self-esteem.
In the grand hierarchy of diet drugs, anti-estrogens are now
considered below average. Certainly, you will get better effects
with c1enbuterol, yohimbe, ephedrine and phenformin. After all
of these, choose Nolvadex or Teslac. Although anti-estrogens
can be helpful for a variety of other maladies, they are an unnec
essary luxury for dieters.
CONTEST BODYBUILDERS are at their physical zenith. After viewing
such perfectly lean, tanned, shaven and groomed bodies, an "out
sider" assumes that such divine-looking specimens must have
tremendous discipline and resolve. You might think that the
bodybuilders who have made it to contest-ready shape were suc
cessful because of will power and fortitude in the face of hunger,
suffering and anxiety. However, many people who call them
selves bodybuilders don't always "make it" to single-digit lean
ness, for the same reasons that normal people fail at dieting
" ~ i they succumb to hunger and anxiety. Other problems - thyroid
!)hormone, adrenoreceptor ratios, and so forth - are never actu
~ a l l y encountered.
The picture of the rigidly disciplined, stoic bodybuilder,
} semi-starving his body into submission is appealing to many,
but there's a dirty little secret among a good number of com
petitors who did "make it." A number are complete fuck-ups! If
they had to get by on willpower, they'd be at the Mr. Couch
Potato contest instead of the Mr. Olympia.
Whenever I have a choice in the matter, I'd rather coach an
athlete who doesn't need to use appetite suppressants. However,
j;:' .
I've had experience with a number of them from mild to wild,
either personally or through my athletes. Most of these drugs
are not dangerous or life-threatening, although, like most diet
pills, they can cause dependency. But you already knew that.
Anorectics are not a free ride; they will eventually exact a
price for their effects. For that matter, ephedrine, ampheta
mine's better-behaved cousin, causes the same dependence prob
lems on a small scale.
Two of the thermogenic agents, ephedrine and c1enbuterol,
blunt hunger quite well because they slow gastric emptying.
Because the food sits in the stomach longer, the body is fooled
into thinking you are eating enough. This "side effect" has been
a pleasant surprise to many people.
All of the other really effective anorectics are DEA-sched
uled prescription drugs. Prescriptions for DEA-scheduled drugs
cannot be refilled without a doctor's authorization, which shows
how people's opinion of diet pills has changed over the years.
During the 1970s, diet pills, even Schedule II amphetamines,
were freely given by regular doctors to non-obese dieters. Dur
ing World War II, amphetamines were openly given to military
personnel, with no prescriptions or doctors around.
The new Puritan morality is being applied to anorectic
drugs for dieting. It's hard to convince a doctor to write a pre
scription for diet pills unless you are morbidly obese.
There may have been a time when too many people were
dependent on diet pills. However, I think that the recent over
reaction to anorectics is somewhat extreme. There are a number
of bodybuilders who need anorectics; without them they would
never get into contest shape. These athletes are not absolute
fuck-ups. They train hard and sacrifice much of the personal
and financial lives to pursue their seemingly frivolous endeav-
ors. On contest day they are transcendent, a shining zenith of
elusive physical god-like perfection. The audience, the photog
raphers, the judges and the sports historians don't care how such
perfection was arrived at.
Ironically, the most accessible anorectics, cocaine and
methamphetamines, are now street drugs simply because real
,; doctor-prescribed anorectics are no longer easy to find. I wish it
'were different, and as a personal prejudice I've avoided even
learning about the street anorectics. However, I do have experi
ence with the FDA-approved (albeit Scheduled) anorectics. To
avoid any mention of them would be to avoid my personal
responsibility to make such knowledge available, even though
such things are now in disfavor.
I'll tell you flat out that I am not an Anorectic Guru. I'm
I" sure that many obesity specialists could teach me a lot. How
, ever, I do know more than the usual pedestrian diet expert, and
how many doctors specialize in the use of anorectics for healthy
It is against Federal law to import anorectics unless you
leave the country, get the drugs with a foreign prescription, and
hand carry them back. Diet pills are Scheduled because they
have the potential for abuse and dependence. I will limit this
to the least controlled category, Schedule IV drugs.
lFor reference, anabolic steroids are Schedule III because they
{supposedly have more potential for dependency. Go figure.
With all of these dire warnings out of the way, I'd like to
pstart this discussion with the most valuable anorectic of all. For
the life of me I cannot understand why it's Scheduled. Sixty-five
percent of the adult population is overweight, and a truly ben
eficial drug is locked away in the Scheduled category where doc
tors tread too lightly.
Pondimin (fenfluramine) is available in America in 20 mg
tablets, and in 75 mg capsules and a transdermal patch in
Europe. Pondimin is unique because it is not a central nervous
system stimulant. All of the other appetite suppressants try to
mimic the action of amphetamine.
Daytime appetite is usually not the problem. By keeping
busy and using thermogenic drugs like ephedrine and clen
buterol, appetite is reasonably controlled during the day.
Because you must time the dosages of thermogenic drugs to
wear off by evening (so you can sleep), they can't help you at
The elegance of Pondimin is that it is a central nervous sys
tem depressant. Pondimin will not keep you awake at night
quite the opposite. In addition, research has not shown it to
have the dependence hazards of the other anorectics.
Most American bodybuilders don't use Pondimin while
dieting because they are unfamiliar with its unique properties
and American MDs are usually hesitant to prescribe such a
drug to an obviously non-overweight person. In Europe, the
capsules are extremely popular, used at night after taking ther
mogenic drugs during the day.
I don't have as many nice things to say about the other
anorectics. All of the other prescription anorectics are deriva
tives of the "gold standard" of the anorectics, amphetamine,
which is a popular street drug. Amphetamine is still an FDA
approved drug, but is quite restricted because it's Schedule II. All
of the lesser anorectics try to generate the same appetite sup
pression without the extreme side effects of amphetamine.
The problem with these stimulants is that you are so, well,
stimulated - euphoric, energetic and without fatigue. People
don't use them infrequently as they should, but constantly, until
they are physically and mentally exhausted.
When you stop using these anorectics, you crash, becom
ing overwhelmingly tired, lethargic and depressed. You feel like
a zombie for at least 2 weeks, and frequently more.
These dramatic side effects are not a mystery, but are cer
tainly hard to control. Even the most educated, savvy and ratio
nal athlete will overtrain while on these diet drugs. If you are
using them with ephedrine and clenbuterol, the hazards of ele
vated blood pressure and heart rate are compounded.
With all of these caveats, I will briefly highlight the three
anorectics most commonly used by bodybUilders.
Tenuate is available in 20 mg tablets that are active for a
few hours. The 75 mg Tenuate Dospan tablet is a longer-acting
(about 6 hours) version. Tenuate is less offensive than the other
anorectics. One doctor friend of mine used to call it "the next
step up from caffeine." The advantage, in my mind, is the short
duration of the 25 mg tablets. Most people aren't hungry all day
long, and Tenuate can be used only during the problem times.
Tenuate's main failing is that the anorectic effects attenuate
rapidly, in about 2 weeks or less. At this point, most people
either double the dosage or add another anorectic. As you can
imagine, both courses of action can accelerate abuse and depen
Fastin and Ionamin are both phentermines. Fastin (phen
termine hydrochloride) is a 30 mg capsule that has a duration
of 10 to 12 hours. Ionamin (phentermine resin) supposedly lasts
f longer and has a milder effect.
; ' ~ ' .
I mention the phentermines for a number of reasons. Ion
amin (regular is 15 mg; "forte" is 30 mg) is the anorectic of
choice for European bodybuilders. Fastin, for some reason, is
the number one choice for American bodybuilders. As anorec
tics go, they both have an acceptable balance of effectiveness
and side effects.
The phentermines have recently been mentioned in the
mainstream press, as noted obesity specialists are now vigor
ously (and this is unusual) advocating a long-term therapy of
one of the phentermines during the day and Pondimin during
the evening hours. Obese patients have had significant fat loss
with this combination when all other traditional methods have
The mechanism behind anorectics' action is still some
what unexplained. Users of these drugs lose more weight than
would be predicted from a simple absence of calories. Some of
it is excess heat production caused by adrenergic stimulation.
However, there is a further mystery calorie debit that is not
accounted for. Some postulate that the missing calories are due
to increased glucose uptake in the brain.
I don't advocate any anorectics besides Pondimin. How
ever, some athletes diet for a living, and hundreds of thousands
of dollars can depend on as little as 5 pounds of extra body fat.
The diet battle takes place at the refrigerator and pantry door. As
the nutritionist-coach is out of sight most of the time, anorec
tics are necessary tools. Are these winners "fuck-ups"? History
and the engraved trophy will never tell.
\ IF DIETING IS AN ART, then competition bodybuilders are the
master craftsmen. Competition bodybuilders use a bewildering
variety of drugs: prescription, over-the-counter and non-FDA
approved. Although I have excluded most anabolic steroids, the
list of dieting drugs in the next chapter contains 50 different
drugs! I have personally tried almost every drug on list over the
past 12 years. Some of the drugs are only used for bodybuilding
competitions, and are of no use to the everyday dieter. Others
have become cultural icons, worshipped in the same way that
some life extensionists worship their drugs.
I've listed them first by the name that most people use,
whether it is the American trade name or the generic name. I
haven't differentiated between vitamins, minerals, over-the
counter, prescription or non-fDA-approved drugs. My list con
tains the dieting uses for the drug, which may be very different
from the original approved use. I've included a few items that
don't directly affect fat loss, such as diuretics, because some ath
letes (and dancers, actors, models and jockeys) will want to use
them for rapid and temporary weight loss. I've also included
each drug's legal status, although this may change. Ephedrine
may be reclassified from over-the-counter to prescription, or
herbs and amino acids may be restricted by the FDA.
For further information on FDA-approved drugs, particu
larly on side effects and contra-indications, check the Physicians'
Desk Reference. In addition, you can find more information on
some of the drugs, including important basic research, in the
Merck Index.
Finally, I will warn you that many of the drugs have no
published research on dieting or weight reduction uses. Of
course, this is not a shopping list. I might find some of these
choices to be effective while dieting, but I can't tell you what to
do. I have included some drugs that you might consider creepy
because they have some kind of stigma. Remember, it's better
that you learn about them from me than some word-of-mouth
thrice removed anecdote.
It would be nice if I could advise you to discuss these
choices with your physician. Unfortunately, that's going to be a
problem. Most doctors are totally unfamiliar with the use of
drugs for dieting. At the very least, you should tell your physi
cian which drugs you are using. Be prepared for the usual spiel
about avoiding all frivolous medications. Remember, my per
sonal comments are only to be used as illuminating notions, not
FOR EACH DRUG LISTED, I've included 8 lines of information
about availability and use, and then a paragraph with my per
sonal observations.
The first line is the most commonly used name for the drug
among athletes. This can be the generic or the trade name,
depending on which is easiest to pronounce.
The generic name is listed next. As I mentioned, sometimes
the popular name and the generic name are the same.
The third line lists the type of drug, which is not neces
sarily the approved use. For example, clenbuterol, an asthma
medication, is listed as a thermogenic/anti-catabolic agent.
The fourth line, "How Supplied," will tell you what sizes
are available and in what form.
The fifth line, "Used For," is used primarily to separate
highly specialized drugs, like diuretics and blood conditioners,
from the drugs dieters could use every day.
The sixth line contains the legal status of the drug. I use
the following acronyms for drugs:
RAAD is my personal acronym for Recognized As A
FDA if the drug is an FDA-approved
Non-FDA includes prescription drugs that are not
approved by the FDA and available in other
Rx means that you need a prescription from a
OTC is short for over-the-counter.
If I mention that the drug has a Customs Alert status, then
American citizens need a prescription to import these drugs
Nutrients will either be labeled GRAS (Generally Recog
nized As Safe) or left blank.
I've also included information about DEA scheduling. Ana
bolic steroids and appetite suppressants have been assigned to
a control number. Steroids are C-III. Appetite suppressants vary
from C-IV (Tenuate) to C-II (amphetamines).
The sixth line has information about availability, which
necessarily subjective. Obviously, all GRAS nutrients have an
Excellent (E) rating. Good (G) availability indicates that the
drug is generally available on the black market, or that it would
not be too difficult to find a doctor to write a prescription. Fair
(F) availability indicates that you would need to travel to bring
the drug back. A Poor (P) rating means that the drug is virtu-
ally impossible to obtain, even in other countries.
Next, I list my opinion of the drug's cost-effectiveness.
The lowest rating is one star (*). Four stars (****) is excellent.
For the drugs that can cause dependency, such as anorectics or
injectable painkillers, I thought it best to simply not rate (NR)
This Top 50 Diet Drug List is specific to North America. I
have done my best to specify availability by region.
Generic name: Spironolactone and hydrochloro
Type of drug: Diuretic, oral
How supplied: Tablets: 25 mg/25 mg, 50 mg/50 mg
Used for: Bodybuilding, competition specialty only
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: *
This odd diuretic combines an aldosterone antagonist
(spironolactone) with a traditional thiazide diuretic. It is often
found rather than chosen. Competition bodybuilders looking
for a mild diuretic usually find this one instead of a better one.
I don't personally work with this diuretic, but since the "dried
out" look is in vogue in current bodybuilding competitions, a
diuretic may be better than no diuretic.
Some athletes confuse this drug with Aldactone, which is
milder because it has no thiazide in it. This mistake has dehy
drated many unsuspecting bodybuilders who assumed that the
two drugs have the same intensity of action. Spironolactone is
the potassium-sparing part, but because it is combined with thi
azide, the pill is not totally potassium-sparing.
Generic name: Spironolactone
Type of drug: Diuretic, oral
How supplied:
Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg
Used for:
Bodybuilding competition, specialty only
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Good
Aldactone, the weakest of the prescription diuretics, works
by antagonizing aldosterone, the hormone that regulates sodium
in the body. Because both aldosterone and androgens are steroid
hormones, Aldactone is also a slight androgen antagonist. As a
mild and potassium-sparing diuretic, it is especially popular
with female bodybuilders.
If bodybuilders were satisfied with Aldactone's subtle
results, it would be a good choice. However, many bodybuilders
want more diuresis and make the mistake of combining it with
other, more powerful, diuretics. For mild diuresis, Diamox is a
better choice although it is harder to find. Overdosing on Aldac
tone can result in too much potassium in the blood.
Generic name: Buprenorphine hydrochloride
Type of drug: Analgesic, oral and injectable
How supplied: Tablets: .2 mg; Ampoules: .3 mg/cc
Used for: Anti-catabolic bodybuilding specialty
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, C-Y, Mexican Rx
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: NR
Buprenex is one of those secret drugs that some body
builders use and don't discuss. It's considered a non-narcotic
analgesic, mimicking the effects of morphine. In addition to its
pain-relieving properties, it appears to act as a mild anti-cata
bolic, diuretic and anorectic.
Because of its unusual scheduling (C-V is subject to only
state and local restrictions), Buprenex is not as popular as
Nubain and Stadol, which are also non-narcotic analgesics. The
Mexican version, Temgesic, requires a doctor's prescription.
Because of its long duration, Buprenex is the best of the non
narcotic morphine analogues.
Generic name:
Type of drug:
Nutrient, quasi-amino acid derivative
How supplied
Tablets; capsules; powder (varies)
Used for:
Dieting, fat burning
, Legal status:
GRAS limbo
*** (for ketogenic diets)
Carnitine is a natural substance produced in the muscle
cells that helps the body utilize fats in the mitochondria. In
"I; addition, carnitine is used by the liver to convert fatty acids into
ketones. Once present in the bloodstream, ketones will lower
cortisol levels and reduce catabolism. Red meat is the best nat
ural source for carnitine. However, daily dosages of the con
centrate can be as high as 5 g. Carnitine is an ideal supplement
for low-calorie, very low-carbohydrate diets, and highly recom
mended for BODYOPUS. Carnitine's legal status is in limbo, as
availability is Widespread, but it is not on the GRAS list.
Generic name: Varies according to accompanying
Generic name: Same
bonding compound
Type of drug:
B2 adrenergic agonist (asthma drug)
How supplied:
Tablets; capsules (varies)
Type of drug:
Nutrient (essential mineral)
How supplied:
Tablets: 20 mcg; syrups; others
Used for:
Insulin agonist, repartition agent
Used for:
Thermogenic, anti-catabolic agent
Legal status: GRAS limbo in some forms
Legal status:
RAAD, non FDA, Alert
Availability: Good
Availability: Excellent
Cost-effectiveness: ****
This is a potent, although problematic, fat burner. Clen
gistically with insulin. Although foods such as brewer's yeast or
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that works syner
buterol, unlike natural adrenaline, is tailored to affect only the
cinnamon are good sources of chromium, most athletes choose
B2 adrenoreceptor. Its major effects are bronchial dilation and
to supplement chromium in tablet or capsule form.
increased heat production in the mitochondria of muscle and
possibly brown fat.
Chromium's two forms are chromium picolinate (which
contains a non-GRAS bonding compound) and chromium
Clenbuterol's major problem is the rapid attenuation of its
polynicotinate. Daily dosages as high as 1 mg (1000 mcg) have
effectiveness after a few weeks of use. Clenbuterol actually has
been reported. Chromium repartitions the body by causing glu
fewer side effects than ephedrine. Although there is no law in
cose disposal into muscle cells instead of fat cells.
America making it illegal to use or import clenbuterol, it is on
Chromium picolinate, which is patented by the US Depart
the Customs Alert list, with instructions to be disallowed and
ment of Agriculture, is only available from one source, Nutrition
mailed back to the country of origin or destroyed. In summary,
21 of San Diego, California. Many dieters are chromium-deficient.
clenbuterol is an instant-gratification fat burner, but there are
thermogenic agents that have less side effects or slower attenu
ation of effects.
Generic name: Same
Generic name: Clomiphene citrate
Type of drug: Nutrient
Ovulation stimulator, anti-estrogen
Type of drug: How supplied:
Tablets; capsules; powder; liqUid (varies)
How supplied: Tablets: 50 mg
Used for:
Strength, energy substrate replacement
Used for:
Men only; anti-estrogen and testosterone
Legal status: GRAS limbo
elevation Availability: Excellent
Legal status:
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: ** (for men)
The primary energy source for muscular movement and
heat production is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is made
Clomid, which induces ovulation, is a popular oral fertil
through a process that directly involves creatine phosphate.
ity drug for women. Clomid was originally developed as an
Common wisdom says that red meat imparts strength. Specifi
as as estrogen antagonist, but was not popular the safer
cally, meat's creatine content is the energy substrate. Creatine
Nolvadex. Clomid is a useful drug for men because it stimulates
supplementation provides energy without calories, fat or cho
testosterone secretion and works as an estrogen antagonist at the
same time. For many men Clomid has worked better than
Creatine's drawback is the amount needed to duplicate the
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections in starting
results of the research studies. Optimal dosage is 30 g per day
up testosterone production, probably because it is easier to
.(the equivalent of 10 pounds of beeD, usually taken in 5 g serv
administer than HCG.
ings, 6 times per day. Despite the cost, inconvenience and the
Clomid is obscenely expensive in the United States and dirt
fact that it tastes like sand, creatine is a worthwhile supplement
cheap in Mexico. For the quickest response, use 100 mg per day
if you have the patience to keep taking it. It will be more bene
(2 tablets). However, even at high dosages, Clomid does not ele
ficial to dieters who do not consume beef. Lower dosages (6 g
vate serum testosterone to dazzling levels. Athletes with low
\ a day) can be effective after a loading phase.
testosterone will find Clomid will not boost natural testosterone
into even the middle of normal range.
Generic name:
Type of drug:
How supplied:
Tablets: 250 mg
Used for:
Anabolic steroid replacement,
Legal status:
Availability; Poor
Cost-effectiveness: *
Since many of the benefits of anabolic steroids come from
their anti-catabolic action, bodybuilders have become inter
ested in drugs developed for Cushing's Syndrome, such as Cyta
dren. Cytadren inhibits cortisol secretion at the adrenal glands.
While it has helped Cushing's Syndrome patients, it has been a
disappointing performance drug. Anabolic steroids block corti
sol from its receptors, but at the same time proVide some of the
anti-inflammatory properties of cortisol.
By reducing cortisol at the source, Cytadren does nothing
with the cortisol receptor, and has no anti-inflammatory prop
erties whatsoever. Overdoses of Cytadren will actually increase
cortisol secretion. Low dosages will cause joint inflammation,
without any anti-catabolic benefit. Cytadren is not an effective
alternative to anabolic steroids, but might be useful as an
Generic name: Liothyrine sodium
Type of drug:
T3 thyrOid hormone replacement
How supplied: Tablets: 5 mcg, 25 mcg, 50 mcg
Used for:
Dieting and body temperature regulation
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Good
Cytomel is synthetiC T3 thyroid hormone. Most natural T3
is not made by the thyrOid gland, but is converted from T4 thy
roid hormone. In traditional thyroid replacement therapy, T4 is
the best choice. However, athletes who have low T3 levels from
faulty T4 to T3 conversion will not benefit from added T4. Both
low-calorie diets and some thermogenic drugs can reduce avail
able T3.
" Cytomel supplementation can be beneficial, but it is nec
to take blood tests to ensure that you maintain normal

gland function. Too much T3 will suppress the thyroid
,J,gland for up to 8 weeks. Mexican Cynomel is only available in
1"25 mcg amounts.
General name:
Type of drug:
How supplied:
Used for:
Legal status:
Adrenal androgen
Capsules: 50 to 150 mg (varies)
Dieting, repartitioning
RAAD, non-FDA, C-III (!)
DHEA is a steroid which was Scheduled by the DEA in
December 1994. DHEA, the most abundant androgen in the
body, is produced in copious amounts by the adrenal glands of
both men and women. If the supplement has anabolic or andro
genic effects, I haven't seen any signs of them. Obviously, the
DEA differs in opinion.
DHEA is interesting because both geriatrics and the obese
are usually DHEA deficient. Research indicates that DHEA accel
erates fat loss via an unknown mechanism. Many of these stud
ies were done with a surprisingly low 50 mg oral dose.
Besides the lack of substantial research, DHEA has a num
ber of problems. It's hard to find in America, quite expensive,
and there's no consensus on the optimal dosage. Now, you must
go out of the country to purchase it legally. Many dieters have
tried the 50 mg size with no results.
Generic name:
Type of drug:
How supplied:
Used for:
Legal status:
Tablets: 125 mg, 250 mg;
injectable: 500 mg
Bodybuilding competition specific
Diamox is not an ordinary diuretic. It was originally
intended to be used to reduce edema in glaucoma patients and
high elevation mountain climbers. Diamox is unusual because
it seems to pull fluids out of the tissues before the kidney
Injectable Diamox looks like a perfect candidate for one-time
bodybuilding use because it is rapid and predictable. Since it is
designed to reduce edema in the tissues, the fluid reduction
doesn't lower blood pressure as radically as other diuretics do.
Many bodybuilders may find that Diamox is the only diuretic
they need for competition. Ultimately, however, Diamox has the
same problem that all diuretics do - excreting fluids from the
wrong tissues too rapidly There will be better "tools" available
for contest bodybuilders in the immediate future.
Generic name: Hydrochlorothiazide and
Type of drug: Diuretic
How supplied: Capsules: 25 mg, 50 mg
(tablets in Mexico)
Used for: Bodybuilding competition specific
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: **
Dyazide is the most popular diuretic among bodybuilding
contest competitors. Dyazide is a mild potassium-sparing
diuretic, which causes diuresis through sodium excretion. Since
muscle tissue holds more potassium than sodium, bodybuilders
favor Dyazide, hoping that muscle size will stay while "dropping
In reality, Dyazide is not a terribly effective diuretic. Most
bodybuilders aren't happy with just 1 or 2 pills over the course
of a day. After realizing that Dyazide is "weak," bodybuilders
usually take more or use something stronger. Of course, high
dosages will deplete potassium as Dyazide is not completely
potassium sparing.
Dyazide is fine, I guess, if it makes you happy. However,
Dyazide is slow, imprecise and not very controllable. There are
better diuretics to use.
Generic name:
Epoetin Alpha or Erythropoietin
Type of drug:
Red blood cell booster
How supplied
Injectable: 2000, 3000, 4000, 10,000 IU
Used for:
Ergogenic aid (oxygen carrier)
. Legal status:
Availability: Fair
* (dieting) * * * (ergogenic aid)
This drug is used mostly in endurance sports, where it
replaces the older blood doping trick. Epogen stimulates the
production of red blood cells, which allows your blood to carry
more oxygen. Epogen has had very limited use in the strength
sports, as red blood cell count is usually normal to high in male
weight trainers using anabolic steroids. However, in some cases,
especially in women who are dieting too severely and (over)
training, hematocrit will fall to an unacceptable level. Hemat
ocrit (blood cell percentage of total blood volume) should ide
ally be between 40 to 50 percent. Of course, athletes prefer
numbers closer to 50 to achieve better energy, vascularity,
"pumpability" and a healthier look. Contest bodybuilders who
use diuretics should not use Epogen, because their blood will
already be too viscous. By the way, Epogen is even more expen
sive than human growth hormone.
Generic name: Same
Type of drug: Beta-adrenergic agonist
How supplied: Tablets and capsules: 25 mg (GTC)
Used for: Thermogenic agent
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, GTC, Rx (50 mg)
Availability: Excellent (for now)
Cost-effectiveness: ***
Ephedrine is a refinement of Ephedra vulgaris, also known
as Ma Huang, the Chinese energy herb. Ephedrine acts much like
adrenaline (and somewhat like amphetamine). Ephedrine pri
marily stimulates B1 and B2 adrenoreceptors, but also affects the
alpha adrenoreceptors. Ephedrine is an over-the-counter asthma
medication in the United States, limited to one 25 mg size,
although prescription ephedrine is available in a 50 mg tablet.
This drug has been immensely popular with athletes and dieters
because of its thermogenic effects and slight Bl agonist action.
Although popular and legal, ephedrine is not a very elegant
thermogenic agent. Its side effects include increased heart rate,
blood pressure and risk of stroke. Actually, clenbuterol, which is
more receptor specific, is more effective and has less side effects.
If clenbuterol is available, ephedrine is not necessary.
Generic name:
Type of drug:
Anabolic steroid
How supplied:
Injectable; tablets (varies)
Used for:
Temporary and locally injected cosmetic
muscle growth
Legal status:
RAAD, non-FDA, C-III, Alert
Availability: Poor
Esiclene is one of those oddball Italian anabolic steroids
coveted by contest bodybuilders. This injectable steroid is not a
potent anabolic. However, it has the curious side effect of caus
ing so much irritation at the injection site that the muscle starts
swelling. This temporary condition does not look puffy like reg
ular water retention. The muscle looks bigger and the skin is
"still thin-looking. Injections over several days will "bring up" an
, underdeveloped muscle area. Esiclene works best in small mus
cle groups like calves, shoulders and arms.
Generic name:
Type of drug:
How supplied:
Used for:
Legal status:
Phentermine hydrochloride
Appetite suppressant
Capsules: 30 mg
Fastin is an appetite suppressant and central nervous sys
tem (CNS) stimulant that also causes mild thermogenesis by
stimulating systemic noradrenaline. This drug was very popular
with bodybuilders in years past. All versions of Fastin are sup
posed to be timed-release, but the trade name and the generics
seem to have different results. "Real" Fastin works gradually and
evenly. All of the generics I tried peaked quickly and didn't last
as long. You can feel the effects of Fastin for 8 to 10 hours; the
generics only last for 6 hours.
Like all CNS stimulants, Fastin reduces fatigue, which can
lead to overtraining. Cessation of use causes mental and physi
cal depression. Recently, scientists have become interested in
Fastin as an under-prescribed drug for the obese.
Generic name:
Type of drug:
How supplied:
I Used for:
Legal status:
Tablets: 100 mg
Testosterone elevation (men only)
I've never understood the popularity of this drug. American
male athletes have been using this drug over the last few years
for its testosterone-stimulating effects. Cyclofenil is in the same
class of drugs as Clomiphene (Clomid), but twice as much is
needed (100 mg) twice as often. Clomid causes the same effect
with only 50 mg. Clomid is widely available in Mexico, while
Fertodur is harder to find. Both Clomid and Fertodur can be
imported for personal use. For a short time Cyclofenil was sold
openly via mail-order in the United States. It was technically
illegal to do so, but for a while the FDA wasn't aware of its sales.
Fertodur is not a bad drug, but it's not as good as Clomid. It's
not any cheaper, either. Both drugs cause only minimal testos
terone elevation in men. Neither are potent enough to restore
low testosterone levels. Think of Fertodur as an adjunct to nor
mal testosterone, not a replacement therapy.
General name: same
Generic name: Growth hormone (GH) Type of drug: Fatty acid derivative
Type of drug: Anabolic pituitary hormone How supplied: Powder; liquid (varies)
How supplied: Injectable (varies) Vsed for: Growth hormone stimulator, sleep aid
Vsed for:
Dieting, anti-catabolic, repartitioning Legal status: RAAD, non-FDA, Alert
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Alert Availability: Poor
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: **
GHB has caused a lot of controversy over the past few
This is one of those "icon" drugs. GH is expensive and years, and the FDA has finally recognized GHB as an orphan
hard to find on the black market in America. This exclusivity drug. Before they decided on its status, they allowed its sale in
has led to a kind of cult status; GH is immensely popular with health food stores and by mail order as a nutritional supple
athletes who can afford it because it cannot be detected on a ment.
urine drug test.
GHB is a fatty acid derivative naturally produced in the
A 4 IV vial averages $125. Potency varies (by brand name) human brain. Although it has drug-like action, it is not recog
between 1 IV for each 10 to 16 pounds of lean body weight, nized as a hormone in the body. For a short time GHB was sold
administered 3 times per week. If you do the arithmetic, you'll openly as a sleep aid (which it does quite well). Oral dosages
see that a GH bill can be over $1000 per week. Top professional average 3 grams dissolved in liquid and cause sleep within 20
athletes (especially bodybuilders) who earn six figures a year ': minutes. GHB can probably raise growth hormone in individu
feel that this expense is justifiable. GH causes significant fat als who can still secrete GH with stimulus; however, this abil
reduction, but has less of an anabolic effect than steroids. How ity declines radically with age. It is popularly thought to be anti
ever, this small contribution can push a competitor beyond the catabolic although it raises cortisol. Go figure. Although the
steroid plateau. French have done a lot of research on GHB for its potential to
increase longevity, GHB is no longer sold openly in America.
Life extensionists are mourning its demise more than athletes.
Because it happens to be an absurdly simple compound to
, mix up with two chemicals, GHB is now being used as a recre
ational street drug.
Generic name: Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Type of drug: Fertility hormone
How supplied: Injectable (varies)
Used for: Testosterone elevator (men)
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, Alert
Availability: Fair
HCG is an injectable fertility drug. Its primary use is to
induce ovulation. In men, HCG has been used as an adjunct to
anabolic steroid use (either concurrently or consecutively) to
normalize testosterone secretion. The problem with HCG is not
the drug itself, but faulty administration of too large and too fre
quent dosages. HCG has better potential than Clomid or Ferto
dur, but many athletes will prefer oral preparations, either
because of convenience or because they have had good experi
ences with them in the past. Various preparations of HCG,
some with Bvitamins added in, are available in Mexico. HCG is
not an estrogen antagonist; in fact, HCG will raise estrogen in
men through higher gonadal estrogen secretion. Even optimal
doses of HCG will not raise testosterone measurably in older
men. Testicle function declines as men age, even with supple
mental stimulation.
Generic name: Phentermine resin
Type of drug: Appetite suppressant
How supplied: Capsules: 15 mg, 30 mg
Used for: Dieting, slight thermogenic effect
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, C-IV, Rx Mexico
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: NR
Ionamin is the other appetite suppressant in the phenter
mine family. While Fastin has been the diet pill of choice for
bodybuilders in America, Ionamin is the anorectic most often
used by European athletes. Most athletes prefer the 30 mg size,
called "forte" (strong) in Europe. Ionamin is supposed to be
milder and work longer than Fastin. However, most athletes
familiar with both say that Fastin has a harder and longer "kick"
and Ionamin has a gentler and shorter activity. Some people who
get too jittery on Fastin can tolerate Ionamin better. Ionamin has
the usual side effects and dependency problems of prescription
Generic name: Furosemide
Type of drug: Diuretic
How supplied: Tablets: 20 mg, 40 mg;
injectable: 2,4,10 ml
Used for: Bodybuilding competition specialty drug
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Good
Cost-effectiveness: ****
Lasix is the king of diuretics. Many athletes choose Dyazide
instead because of Lasix's reputation of being harsh and potas
sium-robbing. In reality, large doses of Dyazide will also deplete
potassium. I prefer to use Lasix (in a coach capacity) because of
its speed and predictability. In addition, 1 always prefer to use
injectable diuretics because they are more controllable and more
precise than oral preparations. The beauty of Lasix is that a
small intravenous injection will start working within 5 minutes
and will peak within 30 minutes, which allows full fluid deple
tion in less than a day. When used synergistically with Mydox,
Lasix can be given in low dosages.
Generic name: Dibencozide
Type of drug: B-12 co-enzyme derivative
How supplied: Capsules
Used for: Anabolic (ha-ha-ha)
Legal status: GRAS
Availability: Excellent (American generics)
This is not an anabolic steroid, although many American
bodybuilders have been fooled into believing that they were
buying the similar sounding Maxibolan. Maxibol is a black-col
ored capsule containing the light-sensitive co-enzyme B-12, a
more potent form of the familiar vitamin B-12. Even though
Maxibol is listed in the Mexican drug registry as an "anabolic,"
it is not. Some athletes swear that dibencozide stimulates
appetite and causes an energy burst, but this does not happen to
everyone. I prefer the Maxibol brand over the generics because
Maxibol is a quality product packed in black opaque capsules
and foil wrap to protect it from light. Many generics look like
they were made in a hurry and have been adulterated with light.
Generic name: Ammoidin
Type of drug: Melanin enhancer
How supplied: Tablets: 10 mg; cream: 4 mg/ml;
liquid: 7.7 mg/ml
Used for: Tanning accelerator
Legal status: RAAD, non-FDA
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: NR
Unfortunately, competition rules require bodybuilders to
have a skin tan. I don't like the practice, and I wish that judges
would not influence competitors to damage their skin this way
All paint-on tans have an odd hue unless you have dark skin
underneath. Meladinina creams and liquids are both popular
melanin enhancers. While taking Meladinina, even normal expo
sures to UV light can cause severe burns. Individuals tend not to
believe that Meladinina works so well and, of course, they get
burned. I suppose that Meladinina is okay if used properly; it cer
tainly could drastically reduce tanning time. However, most
users don't exercise restraint. Personally, I can't stand tanned skin
- I like very white skin, with little blue veins. I also like long,
long red hair. Ooo-la-Ia!
Generic name:
Metformin with clorpropamide
Type of drug:
Insulin agonist, glucose disposal agent
How supplied:
Tablets: 400 mg/125 mg
Used for:
Repartitioning agent, blood glucose
disposal agent
Legal status:
RAAD, FDA (Glucophage)
Availability: Poor
, Mellitron is classified as one of the biquides, a class of
rdrugs used as a glucose disposal agent for diabetics. Unfortu
f nately, Mellitron also includes a sulfonylurea drug that stimu
glates insulin release, which defeats the purpose of using met
!formin to lower insulin secretion.
Since the FDA has just approved metformin under the
:1, trade name Glucophage, Mellitron is not a good choice. I pre
~ d i c t that Glucophage and Debeone will be the next big "find" in
~ J h e bodybuilding world. Cannily used, these biquides can cause
%greater glycogen supercompensation during carb-ups and also
'!:lower blood glucose more quickly to induce ketosis. Metformin
"'is also popular with life extensionists, as insulin levels tend to
increase with age.
Generic name: Metolazone
Type of drug: Diuretic
How supplied: Tablets: 500 mg
Used for: Bodybuilding competition specialty drug
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: ****
On its own, Mydox is not particularly fast-acting nor
potent. A few years ago it would not have merited any attention.
Now, however, bodybuilding contests require a more "dried
out" look. Mydox is useful because it works synergistically with
Lasix, making a smaller dose of Lasix work even more qUickly
than a larger dose.
The same compound comes in a slower-acting form called
Zaroxolyn, which is available in Mexico. Zaroxolyn is formu
lated in the following tablets: 2-1/2 mg (8-hour duration), 5 and
10 mg (24-hour duration). I prefer the shorter-acting Mydox
because it will allow you to end the diuresis before bed on the
night before the show.
Generic name: Same
Type of drug: Xanthine extender
How supplied: Tablets; powders
Used for: Thermogenic enhancer (not)
Legal status: Non GRAS
Availability: ?
Cost-effectiveness: ****
Remember the Grapefruit Diet which was supposed to
burn the fat off with grapefruit? We smart-alecks had a good
laugh about that one, but now we know it's true. The bitter com
pound naringin is concentrated in grapefruit flowers and rinds.
When used with caffeine or theophylline, naringin will slow the
breakdown of the xanthines in the liver. Because caffeine's
metabolite, paraxanthine, is just as thermogenic as caffeine,
naringin will not enhance caffeine's thermogenic effect. How
,f ever, naringin will extend caffeine's stimulant effect. Unfortu
nately, you will not see a naringin pill on the market; the FDA
disallowed these pills a few years ago because of drug-like
claims on the label.
Generic name: Dibencozide
Type of drug: B-12 co-enzyme
How supplied: Injectable
Used for: Anabolic (I wish)
Legal status: Quasi RAAD, non-FDA, Alert
Availability: Good
Cost-effectiveness: **
Neurofor is the holy grail of dibencozides, a water-based
injectable co-enzyme B-12. Only 10 percent of ingested B-12
makes it through the digestive system to the bloodstream. This
is no big deal, as the RDA of B-12 is small and the vitamin can
be stored in the liver. Athletes who want to really jack up their
B-12 or dibencozide can just use some big doses in oral form.
Injection is a more elegant solution. Neurofor is produced
by Roussell, the maker of quality oral dibencozide preparations.
Personally, I never thought Neurofor was good for anything.
However, there are plenty of track-and-field athletes who are
convinced that Neurofor has anabolic and energizing effects.
Bodybuilders who have used anabolic steroids don't rate Neu
rofor highly at all. Neurofor is foreign, odd, injectable, quasi
legal. Ergo, popular.
Generic name: Tamoxifen citrate
Type of drug: Estrogen antagonist
How supplied: Tablets: 10 mg, 20 mg
Used for: Dieting repartitioning agent
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, Alert
Availability: Good
This oral anti-estrogen has been immensely popular among
competition bodybuilders. It has a curious reputation, as some
athletes feel that Nolvadex is ineffective, while others (usually
people who have actually used the drug) think that Nolvadex is
The truth, as I see it, is that Nolvadex works moderately
well. When judged against clenbuterol or yohimbe, Nolvadex is
not cost effective. However, it cannot be dismissed. Although
other anti-estrogens, such as Teslac, would seem to be prefer
able, the availability and price of Nolvadex make it attractive.
Nolvadex will definitely make a difference for women dieters.
Generic name: Nalbuphrine hydrochloride
Type of drug: Mild pain killer
How supplied: Injectable: 10 cc (20 mglml vial),
1 cc 00 mg ampoule)
Used for: Dieting, anti-catabolic
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, Mexico Rx
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: NR
Nubain brings up a touchy subject among bodybuilders.
Nubain is an injectable morphine-like analgesic (pain-killer)
that is not narcotic and has no special scheduling other than
being a prescription drug. Numerous top bodybuilders have
used Nubain for pre-contest preparation. It has a range of attrac
tive effects - appetite suppression, cortisol reduction, pain
control and sleep assistance. Basically, it makes the brutal pre
contest dieting and training easier.
Does it have problems? Nubain has remarkably few dele
terious physical effects, but it does have the potential to cause
dependency. If it was as dangerous as morphine, it would have
been Scheduled. However, remember that it can cause depen
dency in individuals who would have problems with any addic
tive drug.
Generic name: same
Type of drug: Amino acid combination
How supplied: Capsules, powders (varies)
Used for: Anti-catabolic, energy substrate
'i, Legal status: GRAS
Availability: Excellent
Every once in a while some odd nutritional compound
descends out of hospitals and into the athletic nutritional sup
plement business. OKG is a combination of ornithine, an amino
acid, and an amino acid derivative called keto-glutarate. OKG
"I has been shown to be anti-catabolic in bum patients and in geri
atrics recovering from surgery. OKG is supposed to boost
growth hormone, raise insulin and replace diminished energy
Although it's effective at preventing muscle loss while diet
ing, the real question is: will you have the patience take 10 g of
it every day? OKG is a totally obnoxious-tasting compound; 10
g cost about $3. Because of the cost and discipline involved,
most people won't use OKG in the proper dosage in a consistent
i manner.
Generic name: Amphetamine
Type of drug: Appetite suppressant
How supplied: Injectable
Used for: Dieting, anti-fatigue agent
Legal status: RAAD, non-FDA, C-II
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: NR
I wasn't sure I wanted to include Pervitin on this list.
Pervitin is a creepy injectable amphetamine produced in Ger
many. Amphetamines are the most potent of the anorectics and
easily cause addiction.
Pervitin is very popular in bicycle racing - which of
course means that it is banned and tested for. European body
builders use it for dieting. It does everything you imagine, both
bad and good - increases strength, eliminates fatigue and
reduces appetite for 12 hours or more. Most athletes overtrain
while using it.
Generic name: Same
How supplied: Tablets: 25 mg; capsules: 50 mg
Used for:
Dieting, repartitioning agent
Legal status: RAAD, special FDA, Alert
Availability: Good
Whenever I write a new book I predict the next big drug
for the athletic world. This time, I predict that phenformin
(along with yohimbe) will be one of those neglected drugs that
will be found to be immensely effective for a few specific pur
Phenformin is the most potent glucose disposal agent I
know of (other than, of course, insulin). It serves the same pur
pose as chromium and vanadyl sulfate, but works through a
more powerful mechanism. It has been used to manipulate
blood glucose downward to cause ketosis, although it has not
been its use in glycogen supercompensation has not been inves
Perhaps phenformin works too well. It had FDA approval
up until 1977, when it was voluntarily withdrawn because of
some problems with blood acidosis. Physicians used to be able
to obtain phenformin through the FDA for diabetic patients who
could not administer insulin via injections (due to blindness or
arthritis, for example), and needed an oral insulin replacement.
Phenformin still has a future in athletics as most doctors will
not prescribe Glucophage to non-diabetics and phenformin is
over-the-counter in Mexico.
Generic name: Fenfluramine
Type of drug: Appetite suppressant
How supplied: Tablets: 20 mg; capsules: 15 mg;
transdermal patch
Use for: Dieting, sleep aid
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, C-IY, Mexico Rx
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: ****
I usually don't comment positively on diet pills. Even the
milder ones mask fatigue too well and lead unwary athletes into
overtraining. In addition, athletes who use caffeine, ephedrine
and clenbuterol don't need another upper thrown into the mix.
However, Pondimin is so different and fills a need so well
that I think it's a worthwhile dieting drug. Pondimin is an
appetite suppressant that is not a stimulant. In fact, it has a slight
depressive effect. Many dieters control appetite during the day
with ephedrine and clenbuterol, but you can't use stimulants at
night. Pondimin is perfect for night use because it significantly
dulls your appetite while allowing you to sleep. Because
Pondimin does not cause euphoria, the potential for abuse is
quite low. I have tried both tablets and the capsules, and I pre
fer the capsules.
Generic name: Mesterolone
Type of drug: Androgenic steroid
How supplied: Tablets: 25 mg
, Used for:
Estrogen antagonist
Legal status: RAAD, non-FDA, C-III, Alert
Availability: Poor
Proviron is an oral steroid that has no anabolic effects.
Although I have excluded most steroids from this list, I have
included Proviron because it gained a reputation in the early
I 1980s as an anti-estrogen. Proviron is similar to Teslac in that it
I; is supposed to block the conversion of testosterone (or similar
i,; synthetic steroids) into estrogen. The best drug for this purpose
: is Teslac; Proviron has been chosen over Teslac simply because
of availability and price.
I have found that Proviron has too many problems to make
it worthwhile. It is now illegal to use. It has androgenic side
~ effects, especially in women. In addition, Proviron has a higher
affinity to steroid receptors than anabolic steroids, including
~ : natural testosterone. Proviron's net effect is to lessen the over
t; all anabolic climate in the body.
Generic name: Potassium chloride
Type of drug: Essential mineral
How supplied: Tablets: 600 mg (approx. 325 mg
Use for: Electrolyte replacement
Legal status: RAAD(!), FDA, Rx
Availabili ty: Good
Cost-effectiveness: *
There are two instances in which you might need potas
sium supplementation. First, it can be used to replace potassium
that has been excreted after using diuretics. Also, ketogenic diets
(such as BODYOPUS) increase potassium excretion. In either
case, you need to know how much potassium to replace. Serum
potassium levels from a blood test are the only true measure.
Too much potassium will cause irregular heartbeat, paralysis
and cardiac arrest. Please refer to the section on diuretics for a
more complete discussion of potassium.
Slo-K is not the best potassium preparation, but it's the
most popular. I have no idea why. A much better potassium
replacement is Polycitra-K, a liquid preparation that also lowers
blood acid (which would be especially helpful to BODYOPUS
dieters). Non-prescription potassium supplements are limited to
99 mg per pill.
Generic name: Butorphanol tartrate
Type of drug: Pain killer
How supplied: Injectable: 2 mg/cc (10 cc vial);
nasal spray
Used for: Dieting, anti-catabolic
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Fair
Cost-effectiveness: NR
This injectable pain killer is related to Nubain and
Buprenex. With athletes who use such drugs, Stadol is second
in popularity after Nubain. Stadol is more potent milligram for
milligram; 2 mg of Stadol has the pain suppression power of 20
mg of Nubain. Stadol will make you more lethargic than Nubain
will. Recently, the bodybuilding community became aware of
the veterinary version of this drug (trade name Torbugesic,
which comes 10 mg/ml, in a 50 ml bottle).
Generic name: Levothyroxine sodium
Type of drug: T4 Thyroid replacement
How supplied: Tablets: 25 mcg to 300 mcg
Used for: Thermogenic agent
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Good
Cost-effectiveness: **
Synthetic T4 thyroid is the most popular thyroid replace
ment drug; it is uncommon to see physicians prescribe animal
derived thyroid preparations. Synthrotd lasts for a long time in
the body, as most of the drug is bound to carrier proteins in the
If the cause of reduced thyroid hormone levels is decreased
output from the thyroid gland (which will be indicated by ele
vated thyroid stimulating hormone levels), then Synthroid is the
right choice. However, if the T4 to T3 conversion process is the
problem (if you have normal T4 levels and low T3 levels), T4
supplementation will not help.
Generic name: Diethylpropion hydrochloride
How supplied: Tablets: 25 mg, 75 mg (Tenuate Dospan)
Used for: Dieting (appetite suppressant, anti
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, C-IV, Mexico Rx
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: NR
The problem with Tenuate, which is the mildest of the diet
pills, is that many athletes start out with Tenuate with the best
of intentions and later try to get it to do things that it is not
intended for. Of the non-amphetamine anorectics, Tenuate's
effects attenuate the fastest. Usually, the appetite suppressing
effects peter out within 2 weeks. At the point, some athletes will
double the dose or combine Tenuate with another anorectic,
notably Fastin.
Tenuate's attraction is that it is one of the few CNS stimu
, lating anorectics that is available in a small, short-acting tablet;
25 mg only lasts a few hours. Because most people aren't hun
gry all day, Tenuate is useful in blocking hunger at specific
times. Side effects and withdrawal symptoms are less apparent
than with other anorectics.
Generic name: Testolactone
Type of drug: Anti-estrogen
How supplied: Tablets: 50 mg
Used for: Dieting, repartitioning agent
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, C-III
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: ***
Teslac is rarely used as an estrogen antagonist in body
building, which is too bad because it has a lot of potential in this
area. Teslac was developed in the 1950s, and currently only has
one approved use in America - to combat breast cancer tumor
growth in post-menopausal women, whose main source of
estrogen is from the conversion of adrenal androsterone to
estrone (the less potent of the three estrogens).
Teslac blocks the enzyme that causes this conversion. For
athletes, Teslac would be an ideal solution to steroid aromatiza
tion. Teslac also stimulates testosterone production in men.
Unfortunately, Teslac is expensive, with an average retail price
of $5 per tablet at a daily dose of 5 tablets. Although I haven't
found any way to get it more inexpenSively, someone eventually
will. Teslac was recently reclassified as a Schedule III drug (the
same category as anabolic steroids).
CNS stimulant, methylxanthine,
thermogenic agent
Tablets; capsules; liqUids (varies)
Synergistic with thermogenic drugs
Both theophylline and caffeine are methylxanthines, and
have a very similar chemical structure. In America, theophylline
is used as an asthma medication, either alone (by prescription)
with ephedrine (over-the-counter). All methylxanthines
i;release fatty acids by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down
ticyclic AMP (cAMP) in cells. Theophylline allows cAMP to build
i,lfup in the fat cells, so that stimulation by catecholamines (nora
ephedrine, clenbuterol, etc.) lasts longer. Theo
side effects include increased heart rate and blood

Although theophylline probably works better with
than caffeine, FDA regulations make caffeine and
iptheophylline combinations easier to acquire.
Generic name: Ticlopidine hydrochloride
Type of drug: Blood platelet aggregation inhibitor
How supplied: Tablets: 250 mg
Used for: Bodybuilding diuretic adjunct
Legal status: RAAD,FDA,Rx
Availability: Good
Cost-effectiveness: ****
This is one of the "insurance" drugs that should be used
before you take diuretics. Ticlid keeps the solid parts of the
blood cells from clumping together. In most healthy people,
clumping is not a problem. However, extreme dehydration from
diuretics will highly concentrate the solids in the blood. Hema
tocrit levels, which are usually between 40 to 50 (percent), can
climb to above 70 (1) during a bodybuilding competition. Less
blood fluid also independently reduces the slipperiness of the
blood solids. To insure against blood clots, strokes and cardiac
arrest, it is a good idea to use Ticlid and Trental for 2 weeks
before contest diuretics are started. Of course, Ticlid is no guar
antee that a disaster won't happen. In addition, Ticlid increases
the risk of bleeding from everyday cuts.
Generic name: Hyaluronidase
Type of drug: Diffusing agent
How supplied: Tablets; injectables; suppositories;
Used for: Fat cell reducer (ha-ha-ha)
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx, Alert, approved
for cosmetic use
Availability: Poor (cream is OTC)
This enzyme is used to allow fluids to spread out from an
area that has been injected with another drug. American Wydase
is approved only for this purpose. In France, however, Thiomu
case is marketed as a cream to remove cellulite. They reason that
Thiomucase will repartition the excess water out of the fat cells.
Some people have used Thiomucase wraps combined with mild
electric current through the fatty areas. Bodybuilders who have
used Thiomucase didn't find it to be effective. Thiomucase
cream is approved in this country for cosmetic purposes, as long
as it makes no claims to reduce fat, only to make the cellulite
look better. Obviously, the FDA allows a bit of slack for cosmetic
Generic name: Pentoxifylline
Type of drug: Blood viscosity conditioner
How supplied: Tablets: 400 mg; injectable: 300 mg
(Mexico only)
Used for: Diuretic adjunct
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Good
Cost-effectiveness: ****
Because diuretics thicken the blood, I recommend Trental
and Ticlid as insurance against a blood aggregation disaster.
Trental differs from Ticlid in that Trental makes red blood
cells more flexible and slippery, which allows blood to continue
to flow even when hematocrit is stupidly high. It would be nice
if bodybuilders didn't need to use these drugs, but strong diuret
ics are part of top male bodybuilding contests. Trental won't
impart any better cosmetic "look." It's insurance. A live, vertical
competitor always looks better than a dead, horizontal one.
Generic name: Butorphoral tartrate
Type of drug: Pain killer
Ii: How supplied:
Injectable: 10 mglml (50 ml vials)
Used for:
Analgesic, anorectic, anti-catabolic,
sleep aid
Legal status:
RAAD, FDA, Rx (animal use only)
Availability: Poor
Cost-effectiveness: NR
Torbugesic is a concentrated form of Stadol. It is probably
the most potent morphine analogue you can get without the
special paperwork that is required for Scheduled drugs. Let me
remind you that I don't recommend all of the drugs in this list.
I have tried to include every drug I've been involved with so you
know about them, not necessarily because they are wonderful.
You may have noticed that I do not rate anorectics and pain
killers because they are often abused. I included Torbugesic,
although, like Stadol, it has a high potential for dependency,
because the markedly higher dosage makes it almost a different
drug. This drug will make you extremely lethargic. Do some
bodybuilders use it? Yes.
Generic name: Triac
Type of drug: Quasi-thyroid (T3 type)
How supplied: Tablets: 35 mcg; creams
Used for: Dieting, thermogenic agent
Legal status: RAAD, non-FDA, Alert
Availability: Poor
Triacana is a T3-like drug which lacks the amino acid tail
that natural thyroid hormones have. In France, Triacana is not
used as a thyroid replacement, but as a dieting drug because it
has a slight thyroid-hormone-like action. Supposedly, Triacana
will not interfere with the body's natural thyroid production,
although a high enough dose will cause TSH depression. Tria
cana is not as potent or effective as synthetic T3 (Cytomel), but
it is mild enough that a small overdose will not cause major
Triacana, which is also a mild thermogenic agent, is not a
bad choice for a temporary dieting aid. As with any thyroid
drug, you should get blood tests done before taking Triacana. Of
course, since Cytomel is more effective, it should be used much
more cautiously, and certainly along with blood tests.
Generic name: Trioxsalen
Type of drug: Melanin enhancer
How supplied: Tablets: 5 mg
Used for: Tanning accelerator
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
Availability: Poor
Trisoralen is similar to Meladinina, although it is only
available in oral form. Trisoralen has very specific directions.
Two tablets should be taken 2 hours before UV radiation and for
only 14 days (the bottles contain 28 tablets). Trisoralen is used
by American bodybuilders to prepare for contests. Although
tablets are convenient and neat, the cream and liqUid are much
more effective. All forms increase your risk of skin burns. Many
bodybuilders use 3 instead of 2 tablets - perhaps they figure
that there is more skin to tan! Bodybuilders are eagerly looking
forward to the yet-to-be-approved melanin boosters that will
cause a tan without the use of UV radiation. As for me, I still
prefer porcelain-white skin.
Generic name: Same
Type of drug: Mineral (nonessential)
How supplied: Tablets; sublingual drops (varies)
Used for: Dieting, glucose disposal
Legal status: non-GRAS
Availabili ty: Excellent
Cost-effectiveness: ****
Vanadyl sulfate is a soluble form of vanadium. Scientists
haven't determined if vanadium is essential, and for some rea
son it is not included on the GRAS list. Vanadyl sulfate seems
transport glucose from the bloodstream across the cell mem
brane much like chromium. Unlike chromium, vanadyl sulfate
does not require insulin to work its glucose trick.
Most athletes prefer vanadyl sulfate over chromium
because it works better. Since chromium is essential, I recom
mend that you use both minerals daily. Vanadium is not present
in large amounts in food, so it must be taken as a supplement.
Oddly enough, vanadyl sulfate is still used for dyeing textiles
and ceramics. Most health food supplements never fulfill expec
tations of drug-like action, but vanadyl sulfate is one of the two
supplements that does. (The other is creatine monohydrate.)
Money spent on vanadyl sulfate is money well spent.
Generic name: Same
Type of drug: A2 adrenergic antagonist
How supplied: Tablets: 5.4 mg
Used for: Fat loss (sort aD, penile erector
Legal status: RAAD, FDA, Rx
, Availability: Good
Cost-effectiveness: ****
Yohimbe is the concentrated extract of an African tree
bark. Although yohimbe is prescribed for male impotence in
America, it is one of the rare A2 adrenergic antagonists. Meta
bolic slowdown and accumulated lower body fat in women can
be blamed in part on an excess of A2 receptors. Yohimbe is not
a thermogenic agent, but a thermogenic extender. Yohimbe, by
binding up the A2 receptors, should block the decrease in nora
drenaline production caused by extended dieting.

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