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SINOPSE : A ONDA Rainer Wegner, professor de ensino mdio, deve ensinar seus alunos sobre autocracia.

Devido ao desinteresse deles, prope um experimento que explique na prtica os mecanismos do fascismo e do poder. Wegner se denomina o lder daquele grupo, escolhe o lema "fora pela disciplina" e d ao movimento o nome de A Onda. Em pouco tempo, os alunos comeam a propagar o poder da unidade e ameaar os outros. Quando o jogo fica srio, Wegner decide interromp-lo. Mas tarde demais, e A Onda j saiu de seu controle. Baseado em uma histria real ocorrida na Califrnia em 1967. THE WAVE Rainer Wegner, a high school teacher must teach their students about autocracy. Due to disinterest them, proposes an experiment that explains the practice of fascism and the mechanisms of power. Wegner is called the leader of that group, choose the motto "Strength through discipline" and gives the movement the name of The Wave. Soon, students begin to spread the power of unity and threaten others. When the game gets serious, Wegner decided to stop it. But it's too late, and The Wave has gone out of their control. Based on a true story that occurred in California in 1967

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