Anda di halaman 1dari 2 Testing Procedures, CAOT 1 Online Create a new class named ZIMMERLY TEST ONLINE Store in subdirectory.

In Gradebook, add students in all CAPSManage Students, Edit Student, type in name. Dont type in password so it will be faster to log-on and type the password and email there at the same time. Go to log-on and type in password (students initials in lowercase) and email at the same time.

Testing Procedures, CAOT 2T Create a new class named ZIMMERLY TEST 2 Store in subdirectory. Students, Edit Student, type in name. Dont type in password so it will be faster to log-on and type the password and email there at the same time. Go to log-on and type in password and email at the same time. Add the pw t2.

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