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Title 2 Words that changed everything Two little words have changed everything! Being a Christian is not all that easy. Think about it. How do we change? How do we live up to all the stuff the Bible says we should do? How can people like us pull of a holy and righteous life? Well, the news gets worse before it gets better. The Christian life is not just difficult. It's impossible! In fact, it's so impossible that only one guy in the history of the world has ever been able to actually pull it off. As it turns out, He was so good at living the Christian life they named it after Him. Yep. His name is Jesus Christ. As you will discover in these messages from the book of Colossians, God is not asking us to "do the Christian life" in our own strength. He knows we don't have the strength or power to make it happen. But the message doesn't stop there. Two little words have changed everything. And those words? "IN YOU!" The hope for our lives is not in trying to live the Christian life, but rather embracing the reality of Christ living His life in and through each of us. It's Christ in you, the hope of glory. So take the journey. Get a glimpse of who you are in Him and who He is in you. Surrender to His life. Tap into His power. Walk in His truth. Shake any family tree and you never know what kind of people might fall out. Let's face it; we all have an uncle or a cousin we whisper about behind closed doors. We all have a relative or two we try to avoid at family gatherings. No surprise there. But here's something you may not know. Jesus had a few shady characters in His family as well. Actually, He ha some relatives that make your most wayward cousin look like a saint. In An Unexpected Christmas, Andy introduces us to a few of these colorful characters and the role they play in the Christmas story. God created a world that was designed to reflect His glory. Our lives are tapestries created by Him. He is working on the canvas of our lives so we can bring glory to Him. That is our sole purpose here on earth. But instead of following His agenda, we followed our own. Because of our choice, He leveraged our sin for His glory by sending His Son to die for our sins. Every time we call Him Father, it is a reminder of His immeasurable greatness and our immeasurable gain. Everything that happens to us in life, whether good or bad, is for His glory. Join Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio as they remind us that one day every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the Father. Description Type DVD Presenter Louie Giglio

An Unexpected Christmas


Andy Stanley



Andy Stanley & Louie Giglio

Title Easter There's nothing Religious about it



Presenter Andy Stanley

The message of Jesus was fueled by a radical new ethic of love. One crucifixion changed everything. This radical love that DVD Jesus offers is available to us and through us. But, do we truly know it and live it? The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in human history and yet it might surprise you that it has nothing to do with religion. It is actually much bigger than that and relates to how we live our everyday lives. When the Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free form persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship DVD their own God. But with that freedom comes a new challenge - learning how to live together the way God intends. In this ninth set of Faith Lessons, discover how God teaches the Israelites what it means to be part of a community that loves him and the lessons we can begin to live out in our lives today. The Honeymoon is Over Do you remember where your blessings come from? In Exodus, God warned Israel to remember him when they left the dry desert and reached the fertile fields of the Promised Land. But in this tenth volume of Faith Lessons, discover how quickly the Israelites forgot God and began to rely on themselves. Thy Kingdom Come. Thy will be done. God's story continues in this eleventh volume of Faith Lessons with the intense devotion of his people. Discover how their passionate faith prepares the way for Jesus and his ultimate act of obedience and sacrifice at the cross. Then, be challenged in your own life to live as they did - by every word that comes from the mouth of God. When the Hard Times Come. Are you going through a difficult period of life? The loss of a loved one? Unemployment? A crisis of Faith? During these desert times, it's easy to think God has disappeared. Instead, discover that it's only when we are totally dependent on him that we find him closer than ever and can experience God's amazing grace and provision. Sometimes the best things in life are those we're not even sure we're looking for at the time, but those we realize we can't live without in the end. That's the story of Ashley, a somewhat typical college senior - loving life, partying hard and trying to balance it all with success in the classroom. Disengaged from God and turned off by most Christians she knew, unexpected events turned Ashley's world upside down and brought a new roommate for her final semester at the University of Florida. Unpolished, and marked by unscripted authenticity, Ashley's personal journal entries provide the backdrop for Fruitcake and Ice Cream, a message that breathes hop for the spiritually searching while providing a massive kick start for those within the Church who carry the unrivalled story of God's grace and truth in a darkened world. DVD

Faith Lessons Volume 9 - Fire on the Mountain Faith Lessons Volume 10 - With all your Heart Faith Lessons Volume 11 - The Path to the Cross Faith Lessons Volume 12 - Walking with God

Ray vanderLaan

Ray vanderLaan


Ray vanderLaan


Ray vanderLaan

Fruitcake and Ice Cream


Louie Giglio

Title God Provides

Description - Widow and Oil - What do you Have? - Jeremiah's Call - God's Design for Hope - Abram's Reward - Making Major Life Choices - Abraham and Isaac - Mine or His? - Rich Man and Lazarus - My Heart Decisions affect eternity - Lifted Up - My hope for the future

Type DVD

Presenter Crown Financial Ministries


They're everywhere, but they don't really get much attention until somebody hits one. And then, more often than not, DVD it is a lifesaver. Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life - areas where culture baits you to the edge of disaster and then chastises you when you step across the line? Your friendships. Your finances. Your marriage. Maybe your greatest regret could have been avoided if you had established guardrails. In this 6-part series, Andy Stanley challenges us to stop flirting with disaster and establish some personal guardrails. Life isn't easy. We experience problems and setbacks every day. But during the hardest parts of life, when the bottom DVD seems to fall out, where do we turn for peace? Although God doesn't offer any easy solutions, He does offer Himself and His cross as an anchor of hope no matter what we face in life. And more than simply enduring suffering, the hope we find in Him allows us to leverage our darkest moments for His fame. When life hurts most, the world listens most intently to our message, allowing us to broadcast through our pain the goodness of theOne who loves us most. Discover the keys to growing a church designed for maximum Kingdom impact. Impact is not about numbers. It is about God doing extraordinary things through ordinary people so that He gets most glory. Through pastoring congregations ranging from 35 to 3,500 members in the past 20 years, Chip has identified 12 culturally relevant, powerful principles that consistently build churches with high impact using any church growth model. These principles include the Law of: - Purpose - Commitment to the Commission - Expectation - Status quo is not an option - Design - Every member is a minister - Liberation - Discovering and developing gifts - Dependency - Sparking spiritual vitality - Structure - Spotting and breaking growth barriers - Inspiration - Creating meaningful worship experiences - Focus - Leading with an outward focus - Community - Connecting people, growing spiritually - Intentionality - Being clear about goals, vision and strategy - Love -Warmth, laughter and hospitality; a vital culture - Kingdom - Relationships for far-reaching impact DVD

Andy Stanley


Louie Giglio

How to Grow a High Impact Church

Chip Ingram

Title Life Interrupted

Description A pink slip you didn't see coming. A devastating test result. An untimely death. Sooner or later, interruptions come crashing in on us all, bringing with them a flood of questions about life and truth. Why did this happen? Where is God? How am I ever going to make it through these days? Yet, in the midst of the confusion, God calls us to ask a different set of questions and embrace a new way of thinking, a path that leads us to understand His purposes in a seemingly unstable world. Moving past simplistic answers, this series dives deep into the heart of our darkest nights with a bright ray of hope. Reexamining some of Scripture's most central characters, we see the way God intended us to view life in the midst of our greatest disappointments. Break free from the myth of the routine life. Rest in the truth of an uninterruptible God.

Type DVD

Presenter Louie Giglio

Living your Life on Purpose

The most basic question everyone faces in life is "Why am I here?" or said another way, "What is my purpose?" The author of The Purpose Driven Life provides you with a manifesto for living in the 21st century a lifestyle based on eternal purposes, not transient cultural values. Begin your journey toward Living Your Life on Purpose by joining Rick Warren to discover what a life of purpose is all about and where to begin.


Rick Warren


We all want our lives to count for something, sensing that our brief stay on earth can either be wasted on trivial things or DVD invested in the stuff that matters most. The problem arises as we try to figure out what we're supposed to do with our lives, navigating daily choices and decisions that determine our future. How do we know which way to go? Is it really possible to know what God wants us to do? Does God have a specific purpose for our individual lives? While at times it seems God's voice and direction have been lost somewhere in translation, these straight to the heart messages remind us that God's will is really not all that difficult to discover. God does have an incredible plan for our lives, a significant purpose we can know and embrace as we seek to know Him more.

Andy Stanley

Losing your Religion

What religion is powerless to do, God did! Face it. Religion can get pretty strange pretty quickly. Mystical. Superstitious. Legalistic. Judgmental. Hypocritical. But religion isn't going away. The human race has an insatiable curiosity regarding the divine. Since the beginning of time, men and women have established elaborate rituals and traditions in an attempt to bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen; between the sacred and the secular. And while each of these systems provided formulas for communicating with and securingthe blessings of a particular deity, none provided the one thing humankind most desires - assurance. But with the birth of Christianity, all of that changed. In this 4-part message series, Andy Stanley explains how the message of Christ serves as the fulfilment of religion.


Andy Stanley

Title Lost in Translation

Description We al want our lives to count for something, sensing that our brief stay on earth can either be wasted on trivial things or invested in the stuff that matters most. The problem arises as we try to figure out what we're supposed to do with our lives, navigating daily choices and decisions that determine our future. How do we know which way to go? Is it really possible to know what God wants us to do? Does God have a specific purpose for our individual lives? While at times it seems God's voice and direction have been lost somewhere in translation, these straight to the heart messages remind us that God's will is really not all that difficult to discover. God does have an incredible plan for our lives, a significant purpose we can know and embrace as we seek to know Him more. Discover your spiritual gifts, personal style and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ Network revised is a dynamic six-session process to help Christians understand who God has uniquely made them to be and guide them to a place of meaningful service in the local church. The right people in the right places for the right reasons at the right time

Type DVD

Presenter Louie Giglio



Bruce Bugbee& Don Cousins


Six talks from Passion07 convey the spirit of a gathering that united over 22,000 college students for four days of teaching, worship and prayer for awakening in their generation. Dig in and jump on board with a generation seeking to shine the beauty and wonder of Jesus Christ to the world. In His last moments on earth, Jesus left His followers with a simple, yet all-consuming mission: Make sure every person on the planet hears about Me! Now, thousands of years later, the mission remains the same and the challenge is very much alive. Though the Kingdom of God is expanding rapidly across the globe, billions have yet to hear the truth of a gracious God and the love He has shown through His Son, Jesus Christ. If Jesus words are true and the party of heaven doesn t start until all people have been given an invitation then the time is now for every believer to join the cause and spread His fame. Passport is not about all of us becoming full time missionaries, rather each of us adopting a missions lifestyle. After all, the degree to which we embrace the mission and carry His message will determine how much we will enjoy the eternal celebration of heaven. Personal Holiness in Times of Temptation Christian men face no greater challenge from our culture, than the struggle to stay morally pure... In this video series for men, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson explains why holiness is not all up to God, it's also up to us. It's our job to flee temptation, and learn to live lives of sexual and moral victory. Fortunately, the Scriptures are full of practical advice on how to do just that. Here is the down-to-earth, Biblically based help men have been praying for. Presented in a complete, turn-key course with 4 weekly DVD sessions (each approximately 30 minutes in length). It contains everything you need to help you experience the peace and joy that only comes when our lives are in line with His standards.




Louie Giglio Beth Moore Francis Chan John Piper Louie Giglio

Personal Holiness in times of Temptation


Bruce Wilkinson

Title r12 Church Campaign

Description Romans 12 is strategic because it has a profile that can be applied to anybody - from the new to mature believer. R12 doesn't require everyone to be at the same level spiritually it dynamically addresses people right where they are with the question, "Are you ready to start moving closer to God today?". What does it mean to be a 1st century follower? Is it any different than being a follower in the 21st century? Listen as author Dr. David Platt shares the passion behind his new book, Radical: Taking Back your Faith from the American Dream. The radical things Jesus said 2000 years ago still apply to Christians today. Denying ourselves, giving up everything, and loving Him above all others is a radically different way to live. But it is the only way to truly live. We were created for more than a middle class existence. We were meant to count for His glory Each of us grows up with a common longing and a deepseated need for a father's blessing. That is support, acceptance, security, and presence in our lives. a father's love,

Type DVD

Presenter Chip Ingram



David Platt

Seeing God as a Perfect Father


Louie Giglio

Sadly, for many this need is not met, or only partially fulfilled by an earthly dad. Still others not only lack a father's blessing, they have suffered the pain and mistrust of a relationship gone wrong. As a result, some unknowingly transfer negative perceptions of fathers into their relationships with God. Yet, God longs to be known as a Perfect Father. Through Jesus Christ this relationship - and the promise of a Perfect Father's blessing - is available to everyone. Through spiritual birth, we all can see, know, and enjoy God as a Perfect Father. Taking Responsibility for Your Life Responsibilities - We all have them. But we don't all take them as seriously as we ought to. Wouldn't it be great, though, if we all took responsibility for the things we are responsible for? Wouldn't it be great if you took responsibility for everything you're responsible for? It's time to stop the finger-pointing and excuse-making and to remove the "IR" in "irresponsible". In this series, Andy Stanley urges us to take responsibility. He tells us it's time to ask, Am I taking responsibility for my life ... REALLY? Jesus is under assault. From pop culture to the halls of academia, from The Da Vinci Code to the Jesus Seminar, the New Testament and its claims about the life, death, deity, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are under siege. The Attack of Jesus examines the blitz against faith and gives solid, historical answers to critics who discredit the Gospels. It looks at Gnostic Gospels, the claim that Jesus was married, the notion that Emperor Constantine determined the New Testament canon, and gives you reasons to believe that the New Testament is historically reliable. DVD Andy Stanley

The Attack on Jesus Exposing and answering the critics of Christ



Title The Final Hours and the Easter Celebration



Presenter Andy Stanley

The Final Hours - Today, crosses are an important part of cultures around the world. We see them on the tops of DVD buildings, we wear them as jewellery, and we celebrate them in art and fashion. So how did the cross go form an unmistakable symbol of suffering and shame in the ancient world to a definitive symbol of hope and salvation in ours? In the first message, Andy explores that question by examining Jesus' choice to die on a cross. The Easter Celebration - Easter is the celebration of a single event that happened in history. It is not the celebration of Christianity; it is not even the celebration of Jesus. The truth is, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ - it is the epicenter of what Christianity is all about. In the second message Andy explains how this one event in history changed everything. The core of the Christian message is captured by one simple, yet profound word .. Grace. This little word sets Christianity DVD apart and fuels our cause. Grace is God's unmerited and undeserved favor, poured out through His Son Jesus Christ. It is His grace that saves us, not because we are worthy of it, but because He knows we cannot rescue ourselves. Through grace God cancelled the penalty of sin and death, yet grace was never meant to cancel a life that seeks to honor and serve the One who set us free. In fact, the opposite is true. The sign of true grace is a greater desire to serve and work in His story, not so that we can gain His approval ... but out of the joy that comes from knowing we've already been approved. Grace and works, intimacy and fear ... both sides of the same truth. Find the wonder of living in the balance, where God's freeing grace compels and empowers us to live a life that reflects His glory.

The Other Side of Grace

Louie Giglio

The Power of a Whisper

God still speaks are you listening? In this powerful yet practical video curriculum, you will learn how to discern the "voice" of God from the other voices that vie for your attention, how to invite His input into your daily routine, how to "practice" His presence and how to allow heaven-sent input to direct your life toward making a kingdom-oriented difference in this world. Join Bill Hybels in this four-session video-based study and church-wide journey during which you and your small group will discover the unparalleled adventure that begins with the simple prayer, "God, I'm listening."


Bill Hybels

The Power of a Whisper - Single session presented at 2010 Chick-fil-A Operators Seminar

Single session version of the seminar in a summarized form.


Bill Hybels

Title The True Christmas Story

Description Travel with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan to the land of Israel to discover fascinating truths about the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. Hunch within the dark sooty mouth of a cave much like the one in which Jesus was born. See true mangers, hewn not of lumber, but from solid blocks of rock. Your journey begins, though, not in these shadows of squalor, but at the shining heights of power and opulence: Hero d's palace. Its ruins will astound you with their sheer magnitude.

Type DVD

Presenter Ray vanderLaan

Time of Your Life

Where did the time go? Does time really fly when you're having fun? Maybe we think about time so much because there DVD never seems to be enough of it. Maybe there's only one question we need to ask. What am I doing with my time? Simple question? Easy answer? It's time you found out. In this 5-part series, Time of your Life, Andy Stanley will help you discover that answer. Don't waste another second. Since the very first days in Eden, temptation has been a very real part of our daily lives. Like in those early days, we are constantly pulled away from the truth that God has clearly given us by options that promise one thing, yet deliver another. Sin enters the very picture every time we choose the lie, and when unchecked, eventually leads us downward into a spiral of bondage, guilt and shame. In this series we not only tell the truth about temptation, but reveal the truth about shame and condemnation, helping us break the cycle of sin that leads us back to the same old lies time and time again. The lure of temptation is strong, but the power of God's truth is stronger. When embraced and applied truth empowers us to live life the way it was meant to be lived - full and free. DVD

Andy Stanley

To Tell the Truth

Louie Giglio

Trust vs Suspicion

You may have a richly talented staff but do they get along? You may lead a team achieving incredible results but DVD does that team function with relational integrity? You may preach the value of trust but is that value being modeled in all areas of your organization? As a leader, are you intentionally developing a culture of suspicion and concealment? In this DVD, Andy Stanley speaks to leaders about the importance of developing a culture of trust within their organizations. The biggest lies are the ones we never notice. Meet four deceivers who share a common goal: your gradual destruction. You can't see them. You can't hear them. And you'd swear you'd never believe them. But when the rules are bent, lives are broken. And by the time you notice, it's already too late. In this five-part DVD, Andy reveals common ways the truth gets twisted. Each one has the potential to destroy your relationships, cloud your decisions, and distort your perspective of God. Discover how the truth has been twisted, and how it impacts our lives and our culture. DVD

Andy Stanley


Andy Stanley

Twisting the Truth

Common but deadly deceptions impact you every day. They can twist your thinking in ways you'd never expect and leave DVD you with a life you never imagined. Your ability to recognize them can spell the difference between happiness and the loss of all you hold dear. Do you see them? In this six-session small group video experience, Andy Stanley exposes some common ways God's truth gets twisted. Each one has the potential to destroy your relationships, cloud your decisions, and distort your perception of Him. This study helps us discover the ways the truth gets twisted in our lives and culture and, more importantly, how we can recognize and overcome them.

Andy Stanley

Title UN-thinkable



Presenter Louie Giglio

For many, life becomes a matter of the routine, day to day existence that seems to squeeze the simple wonder out of life DVD itself. One day blurs into another and we easily lose sight of the One who made us - that is, if we ever saw Him clearly in the first place. Yet, there is nothing routine about you or me. Our very being is a unique work of art, a masterpiece of God's design created by and for Him. Not only has He made us, God has invited us into the greatest relationship of all and given us a destiny that lifts us from the daily grind to lives of stunning purpose and meaning. This series is an invitation to shake off the familiar and embrace the hope of an unthinkably amazing life marked by the fingerprints of God Himself


We live in a culture that urges us to accept all religions as valid approaches to God. We are surrounded by intellectuals who urge us to abandon the notion of moral or theological absolutes. Our universities are filled with sceptics and cynics who delight in dismantling the Sunday school faith of our children. And yet, in spite of all that, millions of people world wide cling to the notion that 2000 years ago a man came from God, spoke on behalf of God and then died for the sins of the word. How can that be? Are we simply deceiving ourselves? Do we need propping up that bad? Have we checked our brains at the door? Why would so many continue to believe in such narrow politically incorrect, divisive ideas? This series examines the evidence that has led so many to accept the Bible as a credible record of actual events. Listen and decide for yourself. Discover your identity in Christ and change your life. Jesus promises that you can live triumphantly. But what keeps you from really walking in the joy of the Lord? The powers of darkness attack us daily. But as Dr Neil Anderson shows in Victory over the Darkness, you can have the power to conquer them by knowing who you are in Christ. These eight messages explore resolving personal conflicts through discovering one's identity in Christ, embracing the ministry of reconciliation, experiencing emotional freedom and more. Wanneer 'n mens by 'n vurk in die pad komisditgewoonlikmoeilikom 'n keusetemaak veral as jynie van al die beskikbareinligtingbewus is nie! Sal jydalkanderskies as jymeerinligting het? Het jy al ooitgewonderwatjysousaan die mensenaaanjouwanneerjyweetjy het nognienkansom met hulletepraat? Watsaljys? Watsoujywoukommunikeer? As ek, as spreker, nog net nboekkonskryf, ngesprekkonh en nklaskonaanbied, saldithandeloor die onderwerpewatvervat word in hierdie DVD. Ekverwyshierna die basiese dinge. Die boublokke van die lewe. Indienjyookvrae het oor die betekenis van die lewe, hoe 'n liefdevolle God rym met die pyn en gebrokenheid van hierdiewreld, die plek van tradisionelegodsdiens; of as jy al seergemaak is deurkerkmense, ontnugter is deur God en geloof, dan is ditwatjynou in jou hand houvirjou!


Andy Stanley

Victory over the Darkness


Neil Anderson

Vurk in die Pad


Roedolf Botha

Title Wake Up + Work it Out

Description At the heart of it all, Passion exists to see a generation awakened to what matters most, inspiring people around the globe to live to make Jesus famous.

Type DVD

Presenter Louie Giglio

Walk Thru the Pentateuch

Captured during Passion Twenty Ten, Louie's messages amplify what it looks like to take our place in the unrivaled story of God, spreading His fame in our own lives and throughout the nations. It's no wonder so many Christians avoid the Pentateuch like the plague. After all, the Bible's first five books are steeped DVD with stories of God's judgement and wrath. But as Dr. Bruce Wilkinson reveals, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are not only some of the most fascinating books in the Bible - they are some of the most important. And in the end, they paint a picture of a God who overflows with love, and looks for every opportunity to forgive. Composed of ten 30-minute lessons. Sermon DVD

Bruce Wilkinson

We see bones, God sees Life When the Fasten Seatbelt Sign comes on When the Game is Over It all goes back in the Box

Floyd McClung Andy Stanley

This series takes a look at what the Bible has to say about facing uncertainty. Interestingly enough, most of the Bible was DVD written in times of great uncertainty. The cast of Bible characters were no strangers to change and unrest. Their words were not written from ivory towers. They spoke and wrote as men and women who knew firsthand the difficulty of trusting a good God when life was not good. No matter how skilfully you play it, a time arrives when the game of life comes to an end. Now all the pieces go back in DVD the box. No more game cards. No more tokens. No more promotions, no more financial planning, no more RVs and vacation homes. Game over. What did you win that you get to keep? With his trademark humor and gift for storytelling, John Ortberg shows what it takes to really win at the game of life. When the Game is Over, it All goes Back in the Box will help you and your group live with an eternal perspective, keeping your eyes on the true prize- the one that unlocks the gate to the kingdom of God. God is not always easy to find in the circumstances of life, but that doesn't mean that He is not there. So how do we find DVD Him during difficult times? Where is He when a loved one dies, when you lose your job, or when you discover you have a life-threatening illness? In this four-part series we hear from people who found God in the midst of their Where's God? moments. Did you ever run away from home? Maybe you got to the end of the block before turning around and going back. It all DVD seems silly in retrospect, but at the time you had plans. You'd show 'em what was what. But your plans always fell apart, didn't they? You were so focused on what you were running from not what you were running to, that you found yourself faced with the question, "Now what?" You had to raise the white flag and give up. In this series, Andy Stanley walks us through the story of one of the world's most famous runners - Jonah. From trying to outrun God to wrestling with grace and discipline, we'll explore the lessons we can all learn when it comes to surrendering.

John Ortberg

Where's God, There's God

Andy Stanley

White Flag

Andy Stanley

Title Why Worry

Description Worry. It's universal. It is as much a part of life as breathing. Yet Jesus said, "Don t!" "Don't worry!" Easier said than done. In Why Worry, Andy Stanley explores what Jesus had to say about this important topic. In this 3-part series, you will discover where worry comes from, why it is so difficult to overcome, and what you can do to conquer worry in your life. In the final segment, Andy guides us through an Old Testament story in which the main character is challenged with a single question that brings a new and needed perspective to his worries. This question may be the key to overcoming worry in your life as well! Throughout our lives we are confronted with decisions we never anticipated having to make. - Relationship decisions - Career decisions - Financial decisions - Parenting decisions The list goes on and on. To complicate matter further, the timeframe for making a decision is often short and our options limited. But regardless, a decision must be made. So, what do you do when it's your move and you aren't sure what to do? In this 4-part series, Andy Stanley offers four powerful questions that will help you determine your best move. Fashion, home dcor, accents and attitudes - different ways to expressing ourselves. We call it style, and we all have one. We even have a style in the way we draw near to God. Our expressions of worship can be as varied as we are, but which is the right way? This four-part series explores the various styles of drawing near to God.

Type DVD

Presenter Andy Stanley

Your Move


Andy Stanley

You've got Style


Andy Stanley

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