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Program: %generator: disp('generator'); Mg=input('Enter the value of generator MVA:'); Kg=input('Enter the value of generator KV:'); Xg=input('Enter the

value of generator X:'); disp(''); %transformer1: disp('transformer1'); MT1=input('Enter the value of transformer1 MVA:'); KT1p=input('Enter the value of transformer1 primary KV:'); KT1s=input('Enter the value of transformer1 secondary KV:'); XT1=input('Enter the value of transformer1 X:'); disp(''); %transformer2: disp('transformer2'); MT2=input('Enter the value of transformer2 MVA:'); KT2p=input('Enter the value of transformer2 primary KV:'); KT2s=input('Enter the value of transformer2 secondary KV:'); XT2=input('Enter the value of transformer2 X:'); disp(''); %transmission line: disp('transmission line'); RTr=input('Enter the value of transmission line reactance per Km:'); LTr=input('Enter the value of transmission line length:'); disp(''); %motor: disp('motor'); Mm=input('Enter the value of motor MVA:'); Km=input('Enter the value of motor KV:'); Xm=input('Enter the value of motor X:'); disp(''); %base value: disp('base value'); Mb=input('Enter the value of base MVA:'); Kb=input('Enter the value of base KV:'); disp(''); %calculation: Xgnew=Xg*(((Kg/Kb)^2)*(Mb/Mg)); XT1new=XT1*(((KT1p/Kb)^2)*(Mb/MT1)); TRTR=RTr*LTr; Kbnew1=Kb*(KT1s/KT1p); Zb=(Kbnew1^2)/Mb; XTrnew=TRTR/Zb; Kbnew2=Kbnew1*(KT2s/KT2p); XT2new=XT2*(((1.732*KT2p)/Kbnew1)^2)*(Mb/(3*MT2)); Xmnew=Xm*(((Km/Kbnew2)^2)*(Mb/Mm)); Xgnew XT1new XTrnew XT2new Xmnew

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