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The Importance oI Iootwork Part 2

Following on Irom part 1, we are going to continue looking at other variations on the short Iootwork

1. Short Iootwork

I think oI short Iootwork as small movements that move us around the Iighting area smoothly and without any
real risk oI being oII balance iI done correctly. A solid and stable stance is required throughout, whether
orthodox or southpaw.

Regular Iighting stance - Think oI a clock on the Iloor

Orthodox LeIt Ioot at somewhere between 10 and 10.30 (small hand) and right Ioot somewhere between 4 and
4.30 (big hand)
Southpaw Right Ioot at somewhere between 1.30 and 2 (small hand) and leIt Ioot somewhere between 7.30
and 8 (big hand)

From this point, I am going to talk with regards to an orthodox stance

Moving leIt and right

Boxers, Kickboxers and Thai boxers reIer to this movement diIIerently but the essence is still the same.

When moving to the leIt, make sure you push oII your right Ioot and let your leIt Ioot move Iirst. Your right Ioot
should then step/slide/drag Iollowing to regain your stance (so that iI your leIt Ioot moves three inches, so then
does your right Ioot to keep stance integrity).

When moving to the right, make sure you push oII your leIt Ioot and let your right Ioot move Iirst. Your leIt Ioot
should then step/slide/drag Iollowing to regain your stance (so that iI your right Ioot moves three inches, so then
does your leIt Ioot to keep stance integrity).

Side stepping

This piece oI Iootwork is common to all the Iighting arts but is one that takes a bit more practise to really own
and utilise in sparring. It is primarily used as way to create angles and open up an opponent, especially as a
deIensive movement when Iacing an aggressive striker who primarily attacks in a straight line

The best way to practise this, is to imagine your lead Ioot is nailed to the Iloor. To side step to your leIt, simply
put your weight on your Iront Ioot and then pivot allowing your rear leg to move behind you until you end up
doing a 90 degree turn Iacing what was your right side, maintaining your stance throughout

To side step to your right, simply put your weight on your Iront Ioot and then pivot allowing your rear leg to
move to your right until you end up doing a 90 degree turn Iacing what was your leIt side, maintaining your
stance throughout.

Lesson plan

(1) Isolate these movements on their own Ior 10-15 repetitions (switch stances iI you wish to address both sides)

(2) PerIorm the box movement drill to reinIorce how to move maintaining your stance. Simply move Iorward
one step, move to the right one step, move backward one step and then Iinish with a move to the leIt one step.
You should start and Iinish in exactly the same place having moved as the name suggests in what would
resembles a box iI done correctly. 10-15 repetitions (both stances)

(3) Link the two pieces oI Iootwork together utilising the Iollowing combinations oI movement. 10-15
repetitions (both stances)

Step Iorward, side step to your leIt
Step backward, side step to your right
Step Iorward, step backward, step to your right, side step to your leIt

Maintain stance integrity to keep balance and ensure good Iorm. Use above examples but there are many
combinations oI movement you can use in this drill

(4) Partner work Mirror Drill

II you have a partner (or you have a number oI students), a great tool to help you (or them) own the Iootwork is
to Iace oII in Iront oI each other a couple oI Ieet apart and perIorm the mirror drill. Take it in turns to perIorm
in isolation any one oI the pieces oI Iootwork described and practised thus Iar (I usually recommend each person
leads Ior a 1 min round). When you lead, your partner simply has to act as your mirror and stay in their stance
maintaining the same distance in Iront oI you. For example, iI you step Iorward one step, your partner should
step back one step. II you step to your leIt twice, your partner should step to their right twice. Do this Ior a Iew
rounds and iI you are training in a bigger group, it helps to switch partners a Iew times. You can make this drill
as hard or as easy as you want by dictating the pace/complexity oI the movements and imposing penalties Ior
obvious mistakes (ie 5 press ups etc)

(5) As in lesson 1, it is a good idea to now utilise striking with the new Iootwork. 10-15 repetitions (both

Step leIt, jab. Step right, jab
Step Iorward, jab. Side step leIt, l hook
Step backward, jab. Side step right, cross

Maintain stance integrity to keep balance and ensure techniques are thrown with good Iorm. Use above
examples but there are many techniques you can use in this drill

(6) Put together simple combinations to be thrown upon completion oI the Iootwork Ior 10-15 repetitions (both

Step Iorward, jab/cross. Side step leIt, l hook/cross
Step right, cross/l hook. Step backward, jab/r hook
Step backward l Iront kick(teep)/cross. Step right, r low round kick

Maintain stance integrity to keep balance and ensure techniques are thrown with good Iorm. Use above
examples but there are many combinations you can use in this drill

(7) Shadow box Ior 1 x 2 min round utilising this Iootwork and moving throwing your combinations and
techniques. II you are teaching, talk to them about visualising the movement as being just as important as the
actual striking, iI not more so. Good, light Iootwork drilled Irom the beginning will ensure good habits are
Iormed and sparring will be much easier to build upon at a later time.

(6) Spend the rest oI the session drilling home the above on ideally Iocus pads/thai pads/kick shield with a
partner rather than on a bag. Focusing on using the Iootwork to ensure they move into the right distance to
execute the technique/combination correctly.

Mat Chat

This type lesson plan is suitable Ior junior or adult students. You simply need to simpliIy or explain more Iully
dependent on your particular audience. When ending the session, be sure to discuss the aims and objectives oI
the session, 'The importance oI balance and Iootwork Ior being eIIective in utilising your techniques correctly.
Have them visualise and practise the Iootwork at home and leave them with the quote

~Whosoever controls the distance, controls the fight

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