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First Certificate in English (FCE), is an exam for

people who need to prove they can use everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate level for work or study purposes.

Ready for success in the real world

The Cambridge English: First exam uses real-life situations that are especially designed to help you communicate more effectively and learn the language skills you need to take

A Cambridge English qualification

Once you have earned a Cambridge English certificate, you hold one of the most valuable English qualifications in the world.

First Certificate in English (FCE)

Este examen se corresponde con el Nivel B2 del Marco de Referencia Europeo.
En este nivel los candidatos debern ser capaces de: 1. Captar el mensaje esencial de textos con temas de carcter concreto y abstracto y participar activamente en una conversacin tcnica dentro de su campo de especializacin. 2. Comunicarse con suficiente espontaneidad y fluidez con hablantes nativos sin que la conversacin involucre un esfuerzo especial por parte de ninguno de los interlocutores. 3. Expresarse de manera clara y matizada sobre temas diversos. 4. Ser capaz de comentar noticias de actualidad y de examinar las ventajas y desventajas de situaciones concretas.

Reading - Comprensin lectora

A Special Christmas Present
David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David's father gives him $5.00 a week pocket money and David puts $2.00 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes $20.00 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to himself, "My mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only $17.00." He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother's face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees a spider.

Now answer this questions

1. What does David want to buy his Mother? a) a special birthday present b) a Christmas present c) a spider ring Who does David get his money from? a) his pet b) his mother c) his father How much money does David take to the mall? a) $20.00 b) $5.00 c) $17.00 What does David buy his mother? a) a ring b) a brooch c) a spider

2. Luego de leer el texto y responder a las preguntas puedes encontrar las claves dando click aqu: Reading Keys


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Ver ms ejercicios

En el presente material encontrar valiosa informacin que lo ayudar a prepararse para rendir el FCE, este folleto interactivo contiene ejercicios de las cinco reas que aborda el examen: 1. Comprensin lectora 2. Expresin escrita 3. Comprensin auditiva 4. Uso de la lengua 5. Expresin oral

Writing Expresin escrita

Read the text, then put in order the ideas
I live in a house in Izmit. It isn't old or modern. It's a normal Turkish house. We can say it is near the sea. It takes about 10 minutes to go to the sea side on foot. We have one bedroom, one living room. We also have two other rooms, too. We use them as a dining room. Naturally, we have a kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet. I live with my parents. And our house has a little garden; my parents spend their time there to grow vegetables and fruit.
Para mejorar en tus writings, puedes visitar los siguientes sites: 9 Ways to make your writing more compelling Writing exercises

Respuesta: Writing keys

Listening Comprensin de auditiva

Watch this video and try to do activity below: VER VIDEO Try to answer the questions about the video: 1. What is a "duvet"? 2. Where would you find a duvet in a house? 3. Why is Mark so upset? 4. What do Mark and Joan usually forget to do? 5. What will happen if they leave Luna out on the balcony? 6. What does Joan finally suggest?

Use of English Uso de la lengua

Para ver las respuestas correctas da click en el siguiente enlace:

Use of English Keys

Speaking Expresin oral

Con la finalidad de mejorar tu expresin oral, te invitamos a revisar el video de pronunciacin. Este material te dar las pautas necesarias para mejorar tu habilidad de comunicacin.

VIDEO - Pronunciacin
En la pgina de la BBC encontrars ms recursos que te ayudarn a prepararte para rendir el FCE:

BBC Learning English

Como lo mencionamos anteriormente, el First Certificate Exam (FCE) se distribuye en cinco partes. Cada una de ellas tiene diferente duracin y se distribuye de manera diferente. Veamos las siguientes grficas:

PARTES Reading Writing Use of English Listening Speaking

DURACIN (1 hora) (1 hora 20 minutos) (45 minutos) (40 minutos) (14 minutos por cada par de candidatos)

Duracin del FCE

Reading Writing Use of English Listening Speaking



Writing Use of English Listening Speaking

3 partes/ 30 preguntas
2 partes 4 partes/ 42 preguntas 4 partes/ 30 preguntas 4 partes

Distribucin del contenido del FCE

Reading Writring Use of English Listening Speaking


Cules son los beneficios del FCE?

Hay muchos otros beneficios de tomar FCE. FCE est en nivel B2 del Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER), esta es la norma reconocida internacionalmente para la medicin de la capacidad lingstica de acuerdo con la Unin Europea. Los estudiantes que completen con xito este curso examen puede comprender los temas principales de textos complejos, hablar y escribir sobre una amplia gama de temas, dar opiniones y dar las ventajas y desventajas de un argumento. Estos son los tipos de habilidades que le beneficiarn tanto en actividades acadmicas y en el lugar de trabajo. Adems los certificados FCE son vlidos para toda la vida y no necesitan volver a ser tomadas. FCE ofrece un camino claro a calificaciones superiores tales como el Certificado de Ingls Avanzado (CAE) y Certificado de Competencia en Ingls (CPE).

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