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changing the face MAY 2005
of the earth

Interpersonal Relationship
Ten Suggestions for Good Relations

1. Talk to people: Be the first to acknowledge others. You never know when your kind word or cheerful
greeting makes the difference in someone’s day!

2. Smile at people: Experts suggest that you smile even if it masks less-than-wonderful feelings.
Usually a smile helps your day take a positive turn. Besides, it takes only 14 facial muscles to smile
and 72 to frown!

3. Call people by name: Others are genuinely flattered and listen better when addressed personally.

4. Become a friend: Be tolerant and helpful. Remember the saying, “If you want a friend, be a

5. Be cordial and tactful: Good manners are always in style. Treat others, as you would like to be

6. Show genuine interest: We can learn from everyone. We all have talents, skills, and shortcomings.

7. Show your generosity: Be especially generous with praise, thanks and appreciation.

8. Give consideration to others: Become aware of feelings, experiences, religious and cultural
influences and personal circumstances. There is always another perspective.

9. Be more aware: Notice the things which surround you. What can you do that could really make a
difference in someone’s day?

10. Have a sense of humour: The ability to find the lighter side of a situation could save emotional
energy, hurt feelings and added stress.

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