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Elves Vedic Indian Culture blended with traditional European Woodland Spirits.

Dwarves Scottish Highland Lore Sprinkled with Viking Like Customs. Halflings Traditional peace loving Celts of Ireland and Brittany. Archons Advanced culture based from stars. Modeled on Ancient Greek Society. Caucasians White Humans living in a place comparabled to Feudal France. Nagas Half-Serpent Half Humanoid Intelligent Beings of the Sea. Japanese Culture. Frostlings Small, piercing beings living Eskimo style with rich folklore and advanced socie ty. Azracs Desert Dwelling Orange Skinned Lithes. Persians Re Modelled. Felines Cat Like Mysterious Creatures. Berber Nomadic Culture. Semites Humans of the Desert. Jewish and Arabs combined. Negroes Black Skinned Humans. Zulu and Nubians crossed with Cannibalistic Canoe Riders. Orientals Eastern Humans living in Han CHinese like Society. Dark Elves Roman Based Elves with darker intent and soul. Goblins Small, sly and crafty beings. Underground Livers. Maori Based. Orcs. Fearsome Riders, these beings are entirely an other race. Mongol Army types. Aliens Insect like Black Beasts, these are modelled on Bee Society with intelligence. Infernals. Beings of Hell, they are modeled on a tyrant society anywhere on earth. Reptilians Evil otherworldy beings modeled on Mayans. Extras Undead Creatures Beastmen (Native American Culture)

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