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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Malcolm Co teacher: Date: week 1(03/05/07)

Class Name: 6th grade Room: Expected no. of students: 40

Context: Where are you from?

Teaching aids: worksheet, flag flashcards, cards for partner activities, CD

Learner objectives:
Students will be able to explain where they are from as Personal Aims:
well as ask the question where are you from Improve relationship with the children try to learn at least
5 names. Set new guidelines for discipline
Also use of where’s your classroom

Anticipated problems for teacher: Lack of knowledge of

Anticipated problems for students:
names and possible control problems with it being
Forgetting books, etc so have some photocopied spare.
Unsure what to do in the final exercise. the first class
Solutions: Make sure name tags are worn and visible..
Have some photocopied spare. be sure to demonstrate
the final exercise well. Explain 3 warnings and out! Then stick to it

Timing (40
Procedure Phase Interaction

Start lesson with Hello I’m Mr Harrison, Whats your Engage 5 mins T-S
name(hands up let the students show off). How are
you today? Students can show off.

CD Introducing the characters. Ask questions i.e.

what’s his name Study 5mins T-S
Listen to Dialogues and repeat practice with partners
then call on partners to check,

Practice dialogue with co-teacher. 3 times and have

students practice in pairs then call some to Study 5 mins S-S
demonstrate. Go through flashcards of countries to
ensure base knowledge.

Go through floors on a building, and listening

worksheet Study 10 mins T-S

Students practice the two questions they have learned Activate 10mins S-S
by finding their partners in the classroom ie same
floor same country

Procedure Phase Interaction
(40min )

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