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Prospect goes through Five Stages i.

e Attention, Interest, Desire, Action and Satisfaction Sales Presentation must be structured in a manner that that leads the prospect in the right sequence Securing Attention: Receptive State of mind Sales Person to have a reason to conduct the interview Conversation openers Remarks about the Prospect

Gaining Interest: Intensify the prospect's attention Searching the most effective selling appeal Questions to clarify attitudes and feelings towards the product Kindling Desire: Kindle the prospect's desire to Ready-to-buy point Conversation running along the main line towards the sale Taking care of External interruptions and Objection handling

Inducing Actions: Closing the sales buy judging the prospects reaction Straightforwardly asking for the order vis--vis dropping the hints Building Satisfactions: Reassuring that the decision was right Customer to have an impression that salesperson merely helped in deciding

Everything was right for the sale Situation Response Theory Particular circumstance in a selling situation cause the prospect to respond in a particular way Salesperson needs to present PROPER STIMULI or APPEALS so that desired response is resulted Seller oriented Theory External Factors vis--vis Internal Factors Focus on the external factors at the expense of Internal Factors

Emphasizes the Buyers side of the Buyer Seller Dyad Buyers needs or problems receive the major attention and the salespersons role is to find solution Buying formula is a schematic representation of a group of responses arranged in a psychological sequence Emphasizes the Prospects responses

Simplest Model: Need (Problem) Solution Purchase Outcome of a purchase affects the chance that a continuing relationship will develop between buyer and seller Need (Problem) Solution Purchase- Satisfaction

Need is always satisfied by a solution in terms of product or services accompanied by respective Trade or Brand Name Need (Problem) Solution Product or Service/ Trade or Brand Name - Purchase- Satisfaction To ensure purchase, the product or service & the Trade Name must be considered adequate and the buyer must experience feeling of anticipated satisfaction

(Adequacy/Pleasant) Need (Problem) Solution Product or Service/ Trade or Brand Name - Purchase- Satisfaction (Adequacy/Pleasant)

Emphasis should be placed depending upon kind of circumstance Need or Problem should be emphasized if Prospect does not feel a need Association between need and Product must be emphasized if Prospect does not connect it Association between Brand and Product to be emphasized if Prospect fails to connect it In case of competition, emphasis should be on developing the adequacy of the brand name and pleasant feelings around it.

Buying Behavior in terms of the purchasing process viewed as phases of learning process Four Essential Elements: Drives:Strong Internal Stimuli that impel the buyers action Innate Drives Learned Drives Cues:Stimuli that will determine when buyer will respond Triggering Cues Non Triggering Cues

Response: What buyer does Reinforcement: Event that strengthens the buyers tendency to make a particular response Behavioral Equation: B = P*D*K*V B Response or purchase of brand P Predisposition D Present drive level K- Incentive Potential V Intensity of all cues

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