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twice in the difference chance at aquarama 2011 singapore,kuo yun kuan,fish magazine edit from khaosiung,taiwan,and indonesian decorate

fish practician,ignatius mulyadi,show to trubus the new fish that ready to launch.the famous candidate is candidia barbatus from taiwan. The fish profile which almost similar with milkfish is prepared by fish and sea department taiwan as aquarium decorate is not beautifull diskus or hickey,but this fish is rare category,said kuan.rare?yes,gold fish relative which have gray back with dark stripe in the center body only found in the river and lake in west taiwan. Decorate fish which endemic and rare become target by the world decorate fish fans.candidian can be famost,because it only found in the taiwan,said ignatius mulyadi.the same casc happen to decorate fish which very popular like variety siklid tropheus which habitat in the lake tanganyika,central africa,or sweep decorate fish from river amazon brazil. Like aquarama exhibition before,singapore paviliun always show new decorate fish or trendy fish to the world who come to the aquarama exhibition.after finish aquarama there must be order decorate fish which are displayed in our paviliun,said him Never theless not many new decorate fish which are displayed in singapore paviliun.the amount is not more then ten variety.some variety like ballon neon mikrogeophagus ramirezi from river orinocowhich across venezuela and colombia in south american and hifin red white mickey mouse platy xiphophorus maculates which sold U$ 2,5,to Rp 25.000/one (kurs U$1=Rp 10.000) all ready famoust since aquarama 2007.platy mickey mouse one of our superior decorate fish at present,said Stephanie

from tung hu aquarama in lim chu kang, aquarama 2011 exhibition only Singapore and Taiwan which exhibite new decorate fish from breeding result and exploration in many place in the world both are important because Singapore want to become the biggest decorate fish exportir, in the world, while Taiwan is ready to become want of the world decorate fish trading center trough the making ofcenter for research and export of aquaculture which will operate at February 2012.this is candidate the famous decorate fish from aquarama 2011.

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