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Forensic Medicine

Chronic mercury poisoning: Features

Mercury in any form is toxic. Mercury also known as quicksilver is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.

Lead poisoning: Clinical features

" AB CD EF "

A- anemia B- basophilic stippling, burtonian line (on gums) C- colic & constipation (most common feature- occurs in 85% of cases) D- dry belly ache (ie., diarrhoea is rare), drops (foot drop & wrist drop), dyspepsia E- encephalopathy (more common in children) F- facial pallor (earliest sign)

Types of fingerprints

Composite Loop Arch Whorl

Gustafsons formula
Submitted by neema_neetha on Tue, 28/10/2008 - 22:49 in

Forensic Medicine

'Always Purchase Second Class Railway Ticket'

Attrition Periodontosis Secondary dentine Cementum apposition Root resorption Root transparency

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