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REM:********************************************************************** ************************ REM: Script : Last SQL running on Database REM: Author: Kumar Menon REM: Date Submitted:

16-July-2009 REM:FileName: LastSQL.sql REM: REM: NOTE: PLEASE TEST THIS SCRIPT BEFORE USE. REM: Author will not be responsible for any damage that may be cause by this script. *************************************************************************** ************************* spool D:\last'&filename' set verify off lines 132 head on col UNAM format a20 word heading 'User' col STMT format a56 word heading 'Statement' col RUNT format a08 word heading 'Run Time' col ltim format a20 word heading 'Logon Time' col etim format a20 word heading 'Connect Time' col PROG format a30 word heading 'Program|Client Terminal Details' col SID format a10 word heading 'SID/|Serial#' col DR format 999999999 heading 'Disk Reads' col BG format 999999999 heading 'Buffer Gets' col thread format 99999 heading 'ThreadID col sqltext format A64 wrap heading 'Last SQL' break on unam on sid on status select S.USERNAME||'('||s.sid||')-'||s.osuser UNAM -,s.program||'-'||s.terminal||'('||s.machine||')' PROG ,s.sid||'/'||s.serial# sid ,s.status "Status",p.spid ,sql_text sqltext from v$sqltext_with_newlines t,V$SESSION s , v$process p where t.address =s.sql_address and p.addr=s.paddr(+) and t.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value order by s.sid,t.piece / spool off

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