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LOAN NO. = 727175-2 D. MCFELIA RECORDED MAIL TO: \) HOME SAVINGS oF AMERICA P.O] BOX 7078—\ PA ENA CALIFORNIA 91109-7075 ‘This Mortgage, made thie 4th ayot the Mongegor JOHN H. CANOOD AND TEMPLE W. CAMOOD, HIS HIFE herein cated Borrower whose address la 12638 BRONCO DRIVE TARPA, Fle 33625 ‘and tho Mortgagoo, HOME SAVINGS oF AMERICA F-A. a corporation horelncallad LENDER, whose address le P.O, 80x7076, Pasadena, Catfornla 91108-7078. \WMEREA®, Borrowerte Indebted to Loader la tho prtacpal eum of 160,000.00 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/1O0 onary ‘which Indebtadnogsis evidenced by Borrower Note of von dato hare {nerein"Nots),provdingtorpaymentofprincipalandinteroet, NOW THEREFORE, Borrower doce heroby mortgage, grant and convey to Lendar the fotlowing described property located in tho County ot HILLSBOROUGH lathe State of Flotde: LOT 113, BLOCK "D", THIN BRANCH ACRES, UNIT FIVEy ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ‘AB RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 65, ON PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ‘Togotherwih all interestwhich Borrower now has or mayhareattor eoqulIn or sald property, andinandtor (0) alloasomente andrighte ‘otway appurtenant thereof, and(b) allbulldinge, structures, improverena fixtures and eppurtenances now or hereafter placed inareon, lluding but not ined. appareus and euipman, whether o nat ptyaealy alice oe land or any bulding used te pro oF ‘supply ali-coaling, alr-conditioning, heat, gaa, water, ight, power, refrigeration, ventilation, laundry, dry ing, garbage dtppen|or oer condcos andal miso vent aatoms, antenats pool oaupmien window coverings drapox.and drapery rods espana floor pfanpes ovens, water hasire and allaoped cablfte, boing ifended and ‘agraed iat auch toma be crctshoty dooneatobeatiad snatobopar of tharou propery that scomeyastorely. and(o alwaterancwatersasretsrorer ‘Srnot appurtenant and aharesofstgokpersiningto auch watererwaforigha, ownorahi cl which lfeca ald popory Borrowaragroos {Goxecuto angeles trom tne tote, euch futher Intumenfe ee may be requested by Lander to confi then of hia Mc ‘any euch properties. The properties morigeged, granted, and conveyed to Lender hereunder are hereinafter referred to €8 Jorrower absolutely and irrevocably grants transfers and essigns to Lender the rents, Income, issues, and profs of all property covared by this M Sorowereavonais hut Govoweratviulysiedotinetataeren conveyed and to mortgage, grantondconvoy oven opera eho Tponarcunpered an ht Sorror wan and don gone orafy tno eaienprovery opaet ah Salma ahd de ool to any docarallona, easoriente or resclone listod In a schedule of exceptions to coverepe inary tila insurance potoy insuing Condere (alereat In euch propor. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: (1) Paymentofthosum of8 160,000.00 with interest thoreon, according tothetermsola promissory note of even dato horewith and having a final maturtly date of | MARCH 10, 2027 mado by Borrower, eyabie to Lender or order, and all modifications, extensions or renewals theroot. (2) Payment of such sddlonal sums with Interest ‘hereon: (a) as may be hereafter borrowed from Londarby tho thon rocord owner of such property and evidonced by a promiseory note oF ‘tee recling It or thay are 80 secured and aii modifications extonslons or ronowalo thoroof, 0° (t) 28.may be Incurred, pald Out oF asranced by Lender or may ofharaa be due to Lendr, under any rovion of he Narigego and all medications, oxtosions or ich agreement of Borrower contained herein or Incorporated herelo by reference oF contained othe loan escured hereby.) Pariorrance. fhe loan securedharebyor any pat thee! stor on sueh property of each provslonwegreementof Borewar conan in any constuction er {9 sueh property. The prtomance and Kegping by raining to such property, and upon wilttan request of Lander, tha enforcement by Borrower of any covenant topay maintenance or tina charges ha pire vo atbuen ld ortata aut tens ekon ocsoreesasrbeonontwvins seat cave sr ecee nity, aquest Is made. (7) At Lenders option, of with int Sotrower(o of any auccessorin nfarest of Borraer to auch propery duo to Londor, whothor created rectly or aequlred by absolut ‘contingent assignment, wnether di ‘existing at the tim of the execution of this ‘Mortgage oraulaing thereafter, the exercisoof such option tobe evidenced by a notice Inwrlling to Borrower orany succossorin Intorestot Borrower () Performance ofa ageomente of Barowerio pay eosand chaigesiothoLenderwhotho ornot rain aatorn (0) Payment of chargea a8 alowed by law when auch charges are made, fr eny stalement regarding the obligation secured hereby. (86408044 ve 0-108): Par 17, rota i ‘we marnoventonerageo ox Hf eSz6S0l8 "NS GW Ol SM oH HESOBL fe 778 ‘To pnorecr THe secunTy OF THI MORTGAGE. BORROWER AGREES. Uy Sanartonsr tnposomate cout anoda arate mtnar en bling oinsoenor tp tng ‘thereto which ‘or contampiated by ‘whan du "and (abet Inoutred therefor, dnd not jmachenico Seine nich against aby loan pocogds Borrower ‘also agres e notithatandl meee work sad fo completo the proposed {mprovern ly (| to compete samen lang tions 28 a (6) alow Lendor to Ingpect euch et alltimed dutlog constr f foneatipfactoryto Londo, within fifteen (16) days. ‘aftr writton notice trom Londer of auch faok which notice may be givan to Gorrowor by certiied or registered mad sent to his aat known {caren orbygaraona dotvarotha nme ond(}topatom allot oblgtone ofBorewor unorany bung an enromenteatng fo uch. ~ ~ aa rei ra re ok earn ten id matortal Ff o 0 mit asta thereon: not to commit, eutfor or po To.provide and maintatn in force at al timos fro and othsr types of insurance with rospectto such ‘proprty a8 may bo roqulred by Lender. Each policy ot such ‘bein amount for atormand inform and content and by such ‘Gompantea aemay be sallstactoryto Lender, with ova payabloto onder, and challbo deliveredta, and remain in possession ol, Lender aa further security forthe falth’ol porformance of thio Mortgage. Borrower shal a!zofuriah Lendor with wrlttn evidence showing psymantot premiums thorofor Atleast thirty (20) days prior to tho oxoLration of any iegurance polly, a potcy renowing of extending such axplring {neurance shall be delivered to Lendar wilh written evidence showing payeont of the premium therefor, and. In tho event any euch Ingurance policy and evidence of paymont ofthe premium are not so dalivered to Lender, Borrower by executing thie Mortgage spootfically ‘requests Lenderto obtain euch Insurance. Lender, but without obgation go 1 do, without notice to or demand upon Borrower andwithout ‘releasing Borrower tom any obligation horeol, may obtain auch insurance through or from any Ingurance agency or company aocoptable folk and pay the premtum therator. Lender shall not be chargoablo wth obtaining of maintaining such insurance orfor the coiection of any Inaurance monloe 0” for any Insolvency of any insuror or Insurance undercter. Lender, from timo to tIme, may furnieh to any ineuranco ‘agency or company, or any othor pereon, any Information contained in or oxtracted from any Insurance policy teretofore dellvored to {Bnder pursuant hocoto, and any taformetion concerning the loan secured horaby. Borrower hereby assigns to Lander all unoarnod ‘promiume on any euch policy endegrees that any andall unexpired Ineurance shall Inute tatho bonefitot and pass to, the purchasor ofthe ‘roporty convoyed at any judiclal sale held hereunder. 16) Life, Health or Accident insurance. I Borrowor shall maintain{fa, accident or heath Insuranca and ender ahallbo tha owner or tholderof any polley of uch ineurance ae further security hereunder, Londor may oloct to pay any premiums thereon aato which Borrower ‘hall ba in datautt and any amount so pald may be secured hereby. (6) exes and Other Sume Due. To pay, satiety and dlechargo: (a) at east ten (10) dsye botore delinquoncy. all gonersl and epacial city and county texoo, and all aesasemante on wator atock, affecting such property () when due, all special aesassmonts for pubic {mprovementa without permitting any improvamentbondto aeuotor any special assessment, and(c} on demandof Lender butin ao event tater than the date euch amountebooome due: (1) all encumbrancos charges andliona, with Interest on such property, or any parttheroot, ‘whlgh are, or appearto Lender to be prorta or supottarhoretc, 2 al costs faes and expensos ofthis Morigage whothor or not described Hetein (3 fees or chargos for any statomont regarding the obligalion secured horeby n any amourt demanded by Lender nat to excead the ‘maximum amount alowed by awtherefor at tho tmo when auch request Ie made;(4) such other charges asthe Lender may deom reason ‘ble for earvioes rondered by Lendarandfurnishog at io roquast of Borrower or any successor Ininterest toBorrower(6) euch property Inciudee a leasehold estat, ell paymonta and obligations roquired of the Borrower or his succostor in Intorost under the terme of tho Instrument orinetrurente creating such lessohold: and) all paymonts and monatary obligations required of the owner of auch property ‘under any declaration of covonante or conditions or resticlone pertaining to such property orany modification thereat Should Borrower {fallto make eny euch payment, Lander, without contosting the validity or amount may elect to make or advance such paymont. together ‘with any costs expanses, foas or charges relating thereto. Borrower agroas to notify Lender immodiatoly upon rece'pt by Borrower of ‘notice of any increase In the assessed valve of auch proporty and agrees tht Lendoy,n the name of Borrower, may contest by appropriate [proceeding such increase Inagseeement. Borrower agreoa onotlly Londor and appropstatataxing authoritigs immediately upon tho appaning of any erent which does or ay aot to value ofeuch property, the amount of bas of asosemont of ouch propery. 1 ‘svalabity of any exemption to which Borrower is or may be entitled. ‘@) Impounds. To pay fo Lender, if Lender ehell 20 requect, un‘oss walved in writing by Lender In adltion to any other paymonts requtrod hereunder, monthly advance insta“monta, as ostimated by Lender for taxes, agsossmonte,Ineurance premiums. ground.ente or ‘thar obdgatione secured by this Mortgaga herelntor In this paragragh relorrad to aa euch forthe purpose of establishing ‘fund to insure payment when due, or boforo dolinquoncy, of any or ail of euch obigations required to be paid as to auch property. fhe ‘muna pad t@ Lendar under the provisions of th paragraph aro inoutcient 1 iscarge te obligation of Borower pay euch Deulsrat aes acteeas tee numa areutets sa duersatieatomsrm rete Sess eect en eta rte sta rancor eaptmong arsatsfvavenuietletceosars ane Cetera tla aio th ‘nd ‘become duo and payable. n tho event ofa dotault in the payment of eny monies dua on he Indebtedness sacured heraby. default of any ‘ablation eecurad hereby, oF default in the performance of any of the covenants and obligations of this Mortgage, then any balance emalning rom montes paid Londor under the provietone of this paragraph may, at the option of Lender, be appliodto tho payment of prlnolpal interact or other obigatione secured hereby In liu of belng apped to any of he purposes for which the Impound account 16 ‘established Lender wil make uch reports of Impounds ee are required by fav. '@) Condemnation and injury o Property. Al eumedvo, put or payable to Borrower or any euccessor'n Interest to Borrower of ouch property, wether by wey of ludgment, eetlement or otherwise: () for Injury or damage to auch property, ot (On connection with any Sondemnation for publicuss of or injury tosuch property, ‘horoby aselgnadand she! be pald to Londer. Alicauses of ‘ton oforbelonginato Borrower whethoracervedbotere orator th te of this Mortgage, fo amagocrnjun tosuch property or any ‘bart thereot, orin connoctlon with the transaction financad in who!e of In part by the nds loaned to Borrowor by Londor.orin connection ‘with or affecting eald property or any part thereat, Including causes of acticn arising In tot or contract and causes of action forfraud or ‘oncealmento! material fect, are hereby assigned to Lender, and tho procoods thereof shall be peidto Lender who, after deducting {oratrom alts xperass nding renconebosiomoys foes ayeppy such roceadsto hoauna soured by ho Morgado 10 8Y ‘Geficlency under this Morigage or may ra:eaea any mores 90 ‘ocalved by tor any part thereat, 88 Lender may olect. Londor may at ita ‘option appsar in and prosecute in ta Ova name any action or pracoeding to enforce any euch cause of wctlon and may meke any com promise or eettlement therool. Borrower agraos to axacuto any furtnar esslgnmonte and other Instruments ee from tire totime may bo eceseary to effectuate tha foregoing provislone and 26 Lendor shall roquoat. 1G) Disposition of the Proceeds of any Insurance Polloy, Condemnation or other Recovery. The amount recolvad by Lender ‘pursuant o this Mortgage underany fire or other ;inconneotion with any condemnation tor public use of or injury to such broperty, for Inury or damage to such property or In connection with the traneaction tinancod bythe oan secured hereby, at the option of Tender may oe applied by Lender to any Indebtedness ecureghoraby andin euch order as Lender may determine or, without reducing tho Indeblednese escuredhareby, maybe used toreplace restore, orraconstructeuch propertytoa condition extlefactoryto Lender or may bo released to Borrower, of any euch amount may be apportionod and allocated In any mannorto any ong or more of such uses. No such {pploaton uso or eleeo chall cre or wate toy delet or ooo of daft hereunder or iva any act done puuan! to ue (0) Litigation, Borrower shal defend this Mortgage In any action or proceeding purporting to affect such property whethor or not It ‘sffecte thelien hereot, or purporting to atfect the lon hereof or purporting to affect the ghts or powers of Lender, ang shale and pro” ‘ecute all nocaseary clalme and actions to prevent or rocover for any damage to oF destruction of auch property: and Lender fs horoby ‘uthorized, withou\ @bipation eo to do, to prosecute or defend any auch action, wetnor brought by or against Borrower or Lender, or with ‘or without ut, to exercise or extoree any other rght, remedy, or powor avalable or conferred herounder, whather or not judgment ‘onleredinany action or proceading, and Lender may appoar ortntarvone inany ecion or proceading, and retain counsel therein, and taka ‘uch ection therein as either maybe doomed nocaseary or advable, and may atta, comprorrisa or pay he sama oranyotherciaimeend, Ineodo'ng, mayexseadand advance such sums of money ee offhormay deem necessary. Whether or aol Borrower 80 ppesreordatonds, Borrower on demand shall pay al coote and of foreclose this Mora (10) Loan on Leasehold Estate. 1! euch property Includes 0 ‘conditions, and provielons of theinstrument orinatrumente creating Iuslesgalg intrest ote terme on whiehne has puch esaghantres ot 400 Gh) FropaymantCharg. shutd any nce o obitgaion secured narby provide any (en fo prepayment ofany of he ndebedease agourgceray. tops si fag neutilaning Braye’ shal have delautin any obtaation soured hereby and Londo by eaeon . ‘hall have deciaced all aume secured hereby inmodiately due and payable. (12) Fallure of Borroworto Comply with Mortgage. Should Borrower flo make any payment or fal todo any act equtcod by this ‘Mortgags. or alto pertorm any obiigation soccred by this Mortgage, or do any act Borrower agrond not todo, Borrower shallbo in default ‘under this Mortgage. Lender, but without obligation eo to do and without notice to or demand upon Borrowar and without releasing {Borrower trom any obligation hereot, and without contesting the validly or amount of he same, may: (e) pay ordotha sameinguch manner ‘andto euch extent alt may deem necessary to protect ihe secutlly hareol, Lender belng authorized to entor upon each property for such ‘purposes: (6) staat anon ts mbranco, charge or len, which Inf nt is oF appears to be prior oF Superior nora ut racannay oxpntes iited ig ossoneleornays foot Sarower reget tape (19) ume vate fou very yimmggatl upon dandndaey suns advanced or ald vy orp ou anyaten ures ovepaa hal op eocureGorobyandoea iarest ton iho twa aves sient fad fom tize fo less sucrindoblodnesa and such Bum and se Intra hoross shat ee scores by ihe har (14) Application of Funds. Lender sha't havo 'bo appiied upon. (18) Obit the Joint ar (16) NoWal cot any right grant iakng ony htto require promnt payment Seale ‘other sume go sacured orto roquvo prompt perforesanco of al other acte required hereunder, or to dociare © del0ul Tor {allera 80 'o pay such othor sums ot to parform such other acta. (17) Teanster of the Property; Assumption, Accetoration Clause: Rightof Lender to Declare All Sums Duoon any Transtar, Etc. Londar shall have the right, at ts option, to deciare eny indebtednoss and obiigations secured neraby, Iraspactiva of the matory dato ‘Spectled in any note or agreement evidencing the eame, due and payab‘a within 20 days after such declaration i: (a) Borrowor or any ‘suoceaeor in interest to Borrower of auch property sel enters info a contract of sale, convoys or a‘enatos such property or any part {thereot, orsuffers his tite or ary intorost horoin fo bo dlvostod whether voluntarly oF involuntary, or leages euch propery, or any part ‘hereof fora term of more than yoara, or changes or permits tobe changed the charactor or uso of such property, or drills or extracte or ‘enforsintoa eave forth di'ng for or extracting of ol gag or otherhydrocerbon substance or ary minoral of any kind or charactor on such ‘roperty or (tj Borrowers apartnereh‘p and tholnterest ofa gonaral partner la asalgned or wans'arred,or(@) Bortowa‘leaorporationand ‘more than26% af the corporation stock thereofis sod transferred or assigned during a 12 monthparlod; or (d)Borroworlaatrust and there ga change of beneficial interest! respect to more than 26% of auch aroperty.or(e) Borrower has mada any material misrepresantation Orfaled to aiscoso eny material fact in those certain financial and other wrilten ropregontatione and dlec‘osuraa made by Borrower In jor to Induce Lender to entar Into the transaction evidenced by Ihe prosissory note oF Noles or agreements whch this Mortgago cures, (18) Acceleration; Remedies. Excopt as provided In paragraph 17 horeot, upon Borrower broach of any covenant or agroomant of orrower inthis Mortgage. ine‘uding the covenantato pay when due any suma ocurod by this Mortgage, Lender priorto acceleration hall ‘mallnotie to Borrower as provided paragraph26 hereof specilying a) the breach; (t) the action required tocura such breach (a date, ‘ottoss than 30 days from the date the notice le malled to Borrower, by which acch breach muatbe cured: and() that allure to cure euch ‘reach on orbotora tha date spociiadinine noticomay rogultin accolortion of hosums secured by his Mortgage, foreclosure by udicll ‘rogeeding andesate of na property. the breach's not curedon or befor the date spectied in the notice, Lender at Lenders option may ‘eclere all of the eum gecured by this Mortgage to bo Immediately due and payable without further demand and may foreclose ths 30 by judicial proceoding. Londer shail be entilied to collect In such procoeding all expenses of foreclosure, Including, but not asonable attorneys fous, and coale of documentary evidence, abstracta and ttle reports. (8) Modification In Writing. Thre Mortgage cannot bo changad or modifiad excant aa otherwise provided In this Mortgage or by ‘n'geman in wing alznod by Barower oF any succosar in inforet to Borowar, and Landor (20) Rightto Collectand Recelve Rents and Profits. Upon any defeult by Borrower, In payment of any Indobtednoss secured horeby Corinth performance ofany epreoment narounder or upon abandonment of auch properly, Lender may at any tina without notice, othorin Barto by agen, or by recarer tobe appolnted by th cour, and without regard tthe adouuacy of any gocuity for teindebredroae haroby secured, ontor upon end take possession of euch property, or any part thereot; mak, cancel, enforce or modlty leases; obtain and ‘feet tenants ect or modity rent; Inits own name auo or or thorwisa collec the rents, income, sauos and profits thareo,Inciudng those past duo and unpaid, and apply the same to payment of costs and expenses of operation and collection, including but not limited to ecaivare fees, remiums on rocolvers bonds and roasonabia attorney feos, and thon to paymont of any indobtodeass aocurod horoby ‘Ron-collaction of any rants Income, lesuee and rotte,northe alluroto assert or enforce any of hoforogoing righta. Tha entaring upon and ‘aking possession of such property the collection of auch rents,incoma, ssues or profits the doing of cinaracisherein authorized, andthe patton tnereol as afordhc hal ot cur or wal any taut or nao of dau heroundar or ivaidate any oct done purevent to net (21) Remedies. Noramody herein provided shall bo excise of any oles remady haven ornaw orhoroaer xing by aw, but aha ‘becumulatve. very power or remady horeby given to Londaror towhich It may bo otharwisa entitled reaybe oxareisodirom time totim ‘and aa often aa may be deemed expedient by it. and tt may pureua inconetatent remodies.f Lender holds any additonal socurty for any blpation curd hereby ftmay enorca tne ealo thereof atts option athor before, conté=poraneously wih oraeranyLendaraeala 8 hereunder, ang on any default of Borrower, Lender msy, et Its option, oftsat egainet any indebtedness owing by ito Borrower, the ‘thot or any pat of the indebtedness secured hereby, andthe Longoria hereby auinovzad ang empowered at ke opt'on without ary ‘bigatlonsoto do, and without etfocting tho ot nereot, to apply toward ie payment of any indebtedness gecuredhareby, any and alleums or monoy, oreredits of or belonging to ‘andwhich tno Lendor may have in te poasossion or undorite control, inctuding, ‘among ather things, any Lmpounds held by Lender undor paragraph (8) heroot. ‘in ordor to assure tho dotintonase and cevtalny of tho rights and obtigations hereln provided, Borrower walves any and al rights of ‘flat whch Borrower now or hareaftar may have against Lander, of lainaand no ofeet mado by Lender aval rll Sorrower fom nt of any indebtedness secured Paying installments on the obligations secured hereby as they become dua. 2} Powar of Lender. Wihoutatfeciag the lily of any person. Including Borrower orth pay hereby, orthe in ofthis mortgage upon any remainder of euch property forthe full amount of any indebtedness thenorthereaiter secured hereby, or the rights or poware of Lender with respect to the remeinder of euch property othr than ary poreon or property apectically ratsased by Londen, Lender from time to ima, without Hablity therefor, and without notice to Bouower, may do any one or more of tho {otowing a elaang any addional sou fr hoindgbtodnoes gcired hero, (b)extond the lin cr atharwitaatr tho tame ot auohindebtedoes(6 eocepradatianal gecury:(deubetoaoralaaeanyproseriveecurageuchindabradnesse) concent {Bhromain golany man oat thereat (h ln in ranting any easamont haroo;o( olin any extontonapreament voor ainting or rw nF 2) Walverof BtetuteotLinitelons Tinols of t)9es80n00 astosl ol Borowors obipetons hereunder end otnoextent pemites 3, Borrower walves all prosent or future statutes of tiation with respect to any debt, demand or oblgation securedhereby In any {831on or procooding torino purpose of anforcng tie Morigago or ary fights Or romadioe norounder (24) inapeotion end Business Records. Londer at any itma during the continuation ofthis Mortgage may enter and inspect such bropenyatany ressonabietine Sonowaragroosthatintno vant nat eue sich proporiylenoworhorosfarusadforcommarcelorrsidentil Inegme purposes tat wing requested by Lender, Borrower wil pronpty devo’ to Lander auch carfiled nancial lateranis and ptt ‘angloos statements of uch types and at guch inervals es maybe required by Lender, lly acceptad accounting principles and practices, which stator ‘shlch vl be inform and content preparod acco ‘shall cover the financial oparations relating ropery, ang Borowar fuer egress when requesiad by Lander to promply deter, inwrng, sueh fries easton! information ae ulved by Lendar rolatieg to any such financial etatezront, 6) Governing Law: Severs The loan secur by the Mortgapota mede pwauant to, and she bo constved and govained bx. tnalawaof tho Untlod Statoeand nd eguitlons promigared thoraundat nctuding he fodoa laws rules and oguatons for federal ssvings and loan associations. any paragraoh, clauso or provision ofthis Mortgage or the note or any other notes or obligat jecurodby tte Mortgago la detorminodby a cout of eompotent|urtediction tobe vold invalid or unontorceablo, such dacision a ‘ni those paragraphs, clauses or provie'one do determined and shall net affect the remaining paragraphs, classea.and provisions ofthis 9 Or ine note or other notes secured by hs Mortgage. (24) ‘itasts, No ndobiodnoes secured by Wve Morgage shal be offeat or compensated o: sha be deemed tohave boon alist or ‘compensated by al or part of any claim, causo of action, couatorcaim of pat of any clalm, cause of acon, counterclaim or eroasclalm, ‘hath liquidated or unliquidated, which Borrower now or hereafter may have or may claim to have aga!nat Lendor, end, inreapectta tho Indebtedness now or hereaftor secured heraby, Borrower walves to the fulest extant permitted by law. any and all igh of offeal which Soravar row o hereto‘ may hava ar aim ohavoinsoepect toa or profi lndobednas ecured hereby, and futhe waves ho enafitsorany epplicat ti raubstential ash where tha rane demande for mondy _la7h Mlerepresentation or Nondlaniosure. Borrower hes made corn writen representations and deioeuros In order to induce 9 make the loan Je sacurox. arin tha evant hat Borowor has nado any my sole

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