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Retain current graph in figure - MATLAB

Retain current graph in figure

hl o od n hl of od f hl al od l hl od hl( e_ade.. oda shnl,.)

The h l function determines whether new graphics objects are added to the graph or replace objects in the graph. h l toggles the N t l tproperty between the od od e Po a dand r p a estates. d elc

h l o retains the current plot and certain axes properties so that subsequent graphing commands add to the existing graph. If no current axes exist before you call od n h l o , MATLAB creates new axes and retains the default properties. However, some axes properties change to accommodate additional graphics objects. For od n example, the axes' limits increase when the data requires them to do so. h l o sets the N t l tproperty of the current figure and axes to a d od n e Po d. h l o fresets axes properties to their defaults before drawing new plots. h l o fis the default. h l o fsets the N t l tproperty of the current axes to od f od f od f e Po rpae elc. h l a lholds the plot and the current line color and line style so that subsequent plotting commands do not reset the C l r r e and L n S l O d rproperty od l ooOdr iet ere
values to the beginning of the list. Plotting commands continue cycling through the predefined colors and linestyles from where the last plot stopped in the list.

h l toggles the hold state between adding to the graph and replacing the graph. od h l ( e _ a d e . . applies the hold to the axes identified by the handle a e _ a d e The h l function sets the N t l tproperty of the current figure and oda shnl,.) shnl. od e Po the current axes. If several axes objects exist in a figure window, each axes has its own hold state. h l also creates an axes if one does not exist. od
Test the hold state using the i h l function. sod

See Also
a i | c a| i h l | n p o s l sod e lt

How To
N tlt e Po

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